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Archive through August 25, 2003Jeffrey Wolfe75 8-25-03  8:33 pm
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Joe (Jts)
Junior Member
Username: Jts

Post Number: 55
Registered: 8-2003
Posted on Wednesday, September 03, 2003 - 6:17 pm:   


While some here( nitwits) may call me a racist

Jeffrey - is this statement in the context of this particular thread or are you implying that you are, in general, not a racist? Because you couldn't do the latter and keep a straight face could you?
Jon P. Kofod (95f355c)
Username: 95f355c

Post Number: 952
Registered: 8-2001
Posted on Tuesday, September 02, 2003 - 9:31 am:   


Yeah, those things are very twitchy but a blast to drive. Best bang for the buck though the wife is getting suspicious that I might be grooming Sebastian Ayrton (now 3 months old) for one of these toys.

The place I have been driving karts uses a Belgium made JB Kart powered by a four stroke Honda engine . Don't know much about them but they are fun.

Looks like Arnie might do a debate soon. Not good in my opinion as he isn't a great public speaker and I still harbor suspicions that he isn't too well versed in economic and political matters.

I guess we will have to wait and see the outcome.


arthur chambers (Art355)
Advanced Member
Username: Art355

Post Number: 2539
Registered: 6-2001
Posted on Tuesday, September 02, 2003 - 9:12 am:   


Those shifters make you realize just how quickly the little toy will spin. You learn to be very careful about how you drive it.When you're out next summer, keep a day free.

ray (Co11ins)
New member
Username: Co11ins

Post Number: 6
Registered: 8-2003
Posted on Tuesday, September 02, 2003 - 7:41 am:   

OKOK I've been indulging in the columbian black liquid again and suffering from motofinger. Read the thread and here's my 2 pesos. The Europeans have it good with their light work week but suffer from their native films. Anybody see "Brotherhood of the Wolf"? Godforsaken ass chapping torture. Seriously, they have their leisure time due to a 35 hour or so work week but their total economic output suffers thus the currency is weaker. Everything is more expensive in Europe. The tax structure hinders seperating yourself from the pack and surging ahead for yourself and your family and leaves you with the psychological ball and chain of "just doing what you have to do" to exist. I work my tail off for employee incentives, profit sharing and overtime. Without that I tend to perform on a basis of what I earn. My wife, seated next to me, a European by birth notes that Americans work extra hard to get extra possessions that mean little. Keeping up with the Jones mentality does in fact put us all into heart attack country.
ray (Co11ins)
New member
Username: Co11ins

Post Number: 5
Registered: 8-2003
Posted on Tuesday, September 02, 2003 - 7:27 am:   

Question to all:

Where were you in '42?
James Lee (Aventino)
Junior Member
Username: Aventino

Post Number: 77
Registered: 6-2003
Posted on Wednesday, August 27, 2003 - 7:21 pm:   

Jon P. Hopefully by going into Serbia the US showed the rest of the world that it was trying to take a balanced view everywhere and I agree that the reluctance of Europe to get involved on their own doorstep was pathetic. Dunno what the answer to the UN/Nato stand is, we sort of need something but what?

As in my original thread, the sooner the US gets the UN and neighbouring countries soldiers in on the ground in Iraq, shores up Iraq's borders so the f**kwits stirring up the pot there don't have US soldiers to shoot at, the happier I will be.

Jon P. Kofod (95f355c)
Username: 95f355c

Post Number: 945
Registered: 8-2001
Posted on Wednesday, August 27, 2003 - 5:59 pm:   


I think from reading your posts you and I have similar opinions on foreign policy. I do not agree with the constant meddling by our government around the world. I did not support the Iraq war, I don't think we should have gone to Serbia, or many of the other places we have sent our troops.

Thanks for the info on the Indochina war. I don't know much about it other than simple facts.

As a Libertarian I think we should be out of NATO, ignore the UN, and get our troops out of South Korea, Japan, Germany (at least half of them) and many other places around the world, including the abolotion of financial support for Isreal beyond what we normally give to our trading partners. But this is not mainstream Democratic or Republican thinking.


You seem to have a heck of a lot more faith in Arnie than I do. You must know something I don't as most Democrats hate him. While I like the fact that he has many conservative leanings I don't think he is what California needs right now. And I also don't think Warren Buffet has a clue about economic issues. He may be the worlds best stock picker but he knows little of economics.

New shifter kart eh.... might need to talk to you about getting one. I recently started doing some indoor karting at a local place nearby (not shifter karts but still fun). Trying to convince the wife of getting one so I can hand it down to the kids when they are older.

Won't be out until Summer of next year. By then the little one will be a year old and it will be easier to travel. Hopefully your friend Arnie will have things straightened out by then.


arthur chambers (Art355)
Intermediate Member
Username: Art355

Post Number: 2461
Registered: 6-2001
Posted on Tuesday, August 26, 2003 - 8:42 pm:   


I'm thinking about voting for Arnold. I've met him a couple of times, and he'd really a good guy. Having said that, I'm waiting to see what he intends to do, if elected. He'a terribly smart, and he represents the left end of the repubs. If I thought he had the intregrity of McCain, I'd vote for him in an instant, but time will tell.


PS: when are you coming to California? I'm getting a new shifter kart. Let me know.

James Lee (Aventino)
Junior Member
Username: Aventino

Post Number: 71
Registered: 6-2003
Posted on Tuesday, August 26, 2003 - 7:33 pm:   

Folks, it's just a thread, I haven't called anyone a racist and I take the view that the french aren't quite as bad as some would make out. And I was amused how quickly my address put me under attack. Don't bother, there's enough in what I have written. This is a medium of free speech.

Thanks Dave, and Jon for that long reply (I mean that without any sarcasm), you have raised a lot of good points but my desire to reply to everything is balanced by my need to get back to work.

You can rubbish socialism but I see a lot more beggars on the street and a lot more in poverty in the US than I do in France. Per capita income may be higher in the US but there are fewer rich people in France so there are fewer poorer too. You aren't as wealthy so others aren't as poor, in theory.

Dien Ben Phu, the French had admitted that their days of colonialism were over. They humbly wanted out and needed the US airpower to give them a blanket of protection to get out. They were also concerned that if they go hammered here it would mean their departure from Algeria would get messy too. The Vietcong would rather the French got hammered to show the Americans that it was better for them not to get involved. The Americans failed to see how guerilla tactics could pose such a threat, they left the French to get hammered before stepping in themselves and the rest is history. You are stretching the truth a little to say the American marines have never lost (therefore they won in Vietnam) but with (from memory) about 60000 dead and out of respect I won't labor the point.

The US has ended up Sherriff of the free world, whether you like it or not. If you are going to wade in and sort out a tyrant like Hussein then please don't play lip service to Mugabe in Zim.

And can we not go back too far in history, the English may have had no right to be in the US back then but the Hawaiians didn't actually ask for occupation either. And yes the Japanese would have taken them instead but that's not my point.

And lets not forget Chile, the democratically elected government wanted nothing to do with the US. They weren't building the bomb, or mobilising troops, they just didn't like the US and it's influence in South America. So the CIA knocked them over and put in a repressive military dictatorship with Pinochet that was horrific. Nice one.

Nigeria, have a look how many US Petroleum companies have JVs there. Another military dictatorship with an appalling human rights record. Having said that, I've got great performing shares in them, Im not tied up in a small room with my nuts wired up, so I'm alright, Jack.

David R. (Rodsky)
Junior Member
Username: Rodsky

Post Number: 210
Registered: 3-2003
Posted on Tuesday, August 26, 2003 - 5:40 pm:   

Jeffie - I will have to turn down your gracious offer at this time. But thanks anyway. I don't happen to like or agree with French politics either - that was not the point. But why does that not surprise me that it went flying over your little head. After all the drugs you have taken, I am sure there is not a whole lot left up there (as evidenced by your mostly offensive posts). BTW, were you referring to Donald Regan in your last post?

Trust me, you do not bother me. To bother me, you would actually have to make sense and be somewhat smart. On the contrary, you are quite amusing - quite a study (continually flailing away, being offensive). I did want to point out to those not from this country, that your narrow minded points of view - are quite simply that - your narrow minded points of view. I would hope they are not reflective of what normal people think - those that do not despise people that aren't like them or not from the country that they are from.
Ermin Trevisan (Trevi)
Junior Member
Username: Trevi

Post Number: 111
Registered: 5-2003
Posted on Tuesday, August 26, 2003 - 5:22 pm:   

brilliant post! well, i did not miss any of these concise posts bringing all the problems of this world to a simple point. and i found another simple point.
you and osama bin laden have one thing in common: you are both fundamentalists, just to be euphemistic.
but there are two differences:
- the minor: he is muslim, you are christian, finally no difference,
- the major: perceptiveness and intelligence. this makes osama a very dangerous and abhorrent terrorist, while you, when provided with a weapon, would only give a dumb amok runner, acting on the level of a sandflee.

i thank you for your endless graciousness to let me off. i will do it.

trevi the nitwit
Jeffrey Wolfe (86mondial32)
Username: 86mondial32

Post Number: 473
Registered: 5-2003
Posted on Tuesday, August 26, 2003 - 4:38 pm:   

JOn... brilliant post! While some here( nitwits) may call me a racist they must have missed all of the anti French posts along with the thread on Muslims and the Koran. Your notes are concise and to the point and , while we agree about Mr. Regan and disagree about the Bush family,they point out much of what I said. The french are basically useless as allies. And David.... it seems that many here are anti french... try to read the posts. If you have problems with any of my beliefs, and I am sure I know which bother you, then please accept my offer to F**k off.
Jon P. Kofod (95f355c)
Username: 95f355c

Post Number: 943
Registered: 8-2001
Posted on Tuesday, August 26, 2003 - 9:34 am:   


I would call the War of 1812 a tie! See below:

The war lasted for over two years, and while it ended much like it started; in stalemate; it was in fact a war that once and for all confirmed American Independence. The offensive actions of the United States failed in every attempt to capture Canada. On the other hand, the British army was successfully stopped when it attempted to capture Baltimore and New Orleans. There were a number of American naval victories in which American vessels proved themselves superior to similarly sized British vessels. These victories coming after victories in the Quasi War (an even more forgotten war) launched American naval traditions.

Looks like we may not have gotten Canada but we sure sent the British a strong message about taking back our country.



PS: Which idiot is going to win the recall election, Arnie the steriod freak or Gary (I can't name the Vice President) Coleman. Or maybe that Porn star has a chance. Quite sad!
arthur chambers (Art355)
Intermediate Member
Username: Art355

Post Number: 2452
Registered: 6-2001
Posted on Tuesday, August 26, 2003 - 9:26 am:   


I think you may be wrong about us losing a war to the Brits: War of 1812? Didn't the Brits win that one, occuppied Washington, burned it down? I'm unusre but I think that's what happened there.


Dave (Maranelloman)
Advanced Member
Username: Maranelloman

Post Number: 2758
Registered: 1-2002
Posted on Tuesday, August 26, 2003 - 9:23 am:   

Jon Kofod, EXCELLENT post!!

And I agree with you 100% on the Saudis being guilty as hell, and Bush being afraid to let too much of it out before the election. All I can hope is that it comes out after the election, and we can finally bitchslap the Saudis as they deserve...and maybe grab their oil wells as compensation for what their agents did to us on 9/11/01.
James Lee (Aventino)
Junior Member
Username: Aventino

Post Number: 70
Registered: 6-2003
Posted on Tuesday, August 26, 2003 - 8:55 am:   

Art, saw one in Europe, a 58P running derated Garretts that was some mod that Rheims did. Turbines on inspection, a decent ceiling and Beechcraft handling, couldn't think of a more perfect light twin.
arthur chambers (Art355)
Intermediate Member
Username: Art355

Post Number: 2449
Registered: 6-2001
Posted on Tuesday, August 26, 2003 - 8:40 am:   


A model 58 Baron, with Garmins/King for radios. I've taken it as far east as Amsterdam, as far North as Anchorage, as far west as Homer, Akaska, and as far South as Puerta Vallarta, as far south east as the Bahamas. Great plane, I've had it for 14 years, put about 2000 hours on it.

Jon P. Kofod (95f355c)
Username: 95f355c

Post Number: 941
Registered: 8-2001
Posted on Tuesday, August 26, 2003 - 8:36 am:   

Well I am about to add to all this stupidity depending on your point of view. And I think the idea of a "US Off topic" section is equally stupid.

Anyway here goes:

Washington Post: City officials vowed to bury them, whether families claimed them or not. "Maybe they don't have relatives - a great-nephew or otherwise - who is interested in a burial,"

See that would never happen here in the US. Why ?? Well because in the US the most that the federal government can take in estate taxes is 55% of the estate (much less if under $3 million). So of course you are going to have all sorts of people popping up at the burial, brothers, sisters, uncles, aunt, cousins, friends, lovers, people who don�t even know the deceased etc� Went to my late uncle�s funeral years ago. He was a famous heart surgeon in Flint Michigan who was very well off. I saw people (relatives) at that funeral I had never met before. Hell, I had two people claim to be his long lost brother and so on and so on (he did have two brothers but both died in WWII). All greedy folks who hadn�t seen my uncle since WWII. It was hilarious. They all stayed in town for the reading of the will�how they tracked down the attorney is beyond me but they did. Guess what???? He left the city of Flint $10 million, another $1 million divided up between 6 other charities and left me $10,000 for college tuition along with $10,000 to another nephew. Serves all those greedy money grubbing relatives right.

Now in France, a socialist country, we need not worry about these types of money grubbing folks because a) everyone is poor under a socialists system (wouldn�t want anyone to succeed in becoming wealthy) AND b) the French government collects so much in taxes over your life you ain�t got nothing left to give the relatives even if you wanted to. So hence no one even bothers to show up.

But French people aren't equal to American people.

Damn right. We never ever lost a war to the British!!! Last I checked the French Legion has on many occasions surrendered in time of war in fact it happened in the Indochina war you cite. Our Marines have never ever surrendered. And look at the Fortune�s list of the most wealthy and successful people in the world. Not any French people at the top. How bout� Noble Peace prizewinners�nope we got France beat on that one. Well they could claim that Jimmy Carters award nullifies any relevance to the prize since Yassar Arafat also got one but that is another matter.

And Jon P. before you give the French too much grief about Iraq I suggest you read Bernard B. Fall's "Streets Without Joy" or "Hell In A Very Small Place" The US stood by in Indochina when they were asked to help and the French paid a heavy price.

I know little of his work other than some articles he has written in the Washington Post. And I have to claim ignorance of the Indochina war. Other than knowing that the French were trying to re-impose their sovereignty over the country after WWII I am a bit in the dark on this issue and why it relates to this thread.
Last I checked we aren�t yet trying to add Iraq as the 51st state of the US are we? We didn�t help the French try to continue taking over the world�so what. Even if you think we (the US) are in Iraq for the oil, the rebuilding contracts, to make Bush Sr. happy, to impose our values and political system on them (all good points and some true) we aren�t trying to colonize half the world or add middle eastern countries to our map.
If you read this thread it becomes apparent why the French seem to win so little in the past half of the century. After the French started to lose the big battle at Dien Bien Phu did the French military commander join his troops in the heat of battle gallantly fighting to the death with his men like REAL MARINES DO??? Read below:

CNN: The French artillery commander, distraught at his inability to bring counterfire on the well-defended and well-camouflaged Viet Minh batteries, went into his dugout and killed himself.

It's wierd that such a terrible "third world" country would have lower crime and longer lifespans than the US.

No it�s not! They sit around all day drinking wine and eating cheese and take a three-hour lunch break, they work a 35-hour workweek but get paid for 42 hours, they take an entire month (some a month and a half) of vacation. Gee wonder if that takes some stress out of daily life. And to boot half the country has lifetime employment courtesy of the French government. This is a country where a recent poll showed over half the countries graduating seniors wanted to work for the government. And most of us here in the US would be happy just with the average benefit package in France. Hell they get more in benefits than the average middle class working person makes in salary here in the US. But now the French are finding those benefits don�t really work too well do they?

Oh and � the country is either unemployed or underemployed and lives off government handouts. I guess I would live longer too if I didn�t have to work 80% of my life.

As for the lower crime rate��well they�re all little wimps with funny mustaches named Pierre. What the hell do you expect? Most of their guns are bought from the military who have little use for them and HALF the guns don�t work because of repeated dropping of them during surrenders. Then there is the matter of the French government taxing everyone to death so that no one has much in the way to steal. Who the hell is going to steal a Renault or a Citroen when you can go to Poland and steal a Merc, BMW, Porsche et..

It's like the old truism: be nice to your kids, they select your rest home. In instance, let's be nice to the French, they may save an American life.

Art, don�t hold your breath it been over 200 years since a Frenchman saved a US soldier. I agree we have screwed up but let�s not make the matter worse by bringing in a bunch of pacifists who can�t point a gun in the right direction.
At this stage we need more US troops in Iraq so we can somehow get the hell out of there. I don�t think we need to be trying to instill democracy in Iraq (a quite foreign concept to them). I think at this stage we instill some middle of the road dictator with a fully trained Iraqi military and get out. Then when all hell breaks loose we can say it�s wasn�t our fault we left!!! That may seem pretty stupid to many of you but let�s get real, democracy ain�t gonna happened in the next 10 years.

Thank God for Regan, And both the Bush's.

Please don�t mention the Bush�s in the same breath as my hero Ronald Reagan. Ronny, if he were still of decent mental capacity, would have flown to Washington and spanked the hell out either of the Bush idiots. Reagan would not have left Saddam in power. He would have told the UN to F*ck off and would have told Schwartzkopf to nuke Baghdad if that is what it took. Reagan wouldn�t have had to go to war with Iraq the second time around but even so, he would have let Saddam know that we had half dozen nuclear submarines in the Gulf and would have tested a few nukes underwater to make sure Saddam got the message.

Folks, your total belief in the US media and the "goodness" of US foreign policy is spooky.

James, I don�t believe much of anything the media says. In fact the government feeds the media what they want us to believe not what is actually true. Case in point is the claim that the Saudis and in particular that some very high up Royal family members gave direct assistance to two of the 9/11 highjackers. The media picked this up and then the Saudis refuted it and then the Bush administration claimed that there wasn�t enough evidence to support the claim. Total bullshit! My neighbor and good friend is a high level State Department official who sat in on two of the three cabinet meetings on the subject and had to file two briefs to the President. While he can�t tell me any specifics he did tell me that the original claim is completely valid and true and that it doesn�t begin to scratch the surface of the Saudis involvement in terrorism.

And then of course the Bush administration doesn�t want to reveal over 28 pages of info on the Saudis. Why? Well maybe our country would be so furious at the Saudis we would all tell the government we will not buy one drop of oil from SA, but that might raise the price of oil and cause a momentary oil shortage in the US and that would tank the economy and Bush�s re-elction hopes. So we kiss up to the Saudis for a while.

Same with France. While my friend did not have any direct involvement on this issue he has heard rumors that not only did the French get them passports but that French agents helped get them out of Syria into Greece. I don�t buy the story that the Saudi involvement in terrorism is overstated by the media nor do I believe the Bush administration is going to further pursue the matter of French passports when it wants the French to help out (a big mistake in my opinion).

So the other countries get their soldiers
shot serving under America in an occupation they didn't want and their national interests don't get a dime out of it. Would you go?

No I wouldn�t go! Precisely the reason we should have stayed the hell out of Serbia and let the French and Germans clean up the mess in their own back yard. But of course we came to the rescue and flew 90% of the missions, provided at one point 50% of the personnel (probably closer to 75% when we subtract all the French military cooks who were sent over to peel potatoes and make croissants for our troops).

NATO, the UN and Europe want us to have our boys shot at when our boys don�t get a dime out of the national interests of Germany and France in regards to Serbia, Bosnia and other problems in Europe but don�t give a rats ass about our plight if it means they lose billions of dollars in business to a dictator who brutally murders his people. At least our companies don�t do business with evil dictators who massacre thousands (our government may do it but Mobil/Exxon and GM don�t). And please don�t bring up IBM again. It was a German subsidiary of IBM that had been selling IBM�s products under license to Hitler.

James, if you are new to the Off Topic section and haven�t seen any of my posts on the UN or NATO check the archives. The US should drop out of NATO (should have done so 10 years ago) and the UN is nothing more than a socialistic apparatus run by third world dictators from starving banana republics who seek to legitimize their respective governments. Can you explain to me why Libya and Serbia have any business heading up a human rights council?? Or why the UN has given over formal recognition to Yassar Arafat and allowed a terrorist to speak publicly in the UN?

And France has billions to loose from it's oil investments already in Iraq that the US is going to conveniently take over under the US terms of reconstruction. Some would call that theft, you call their objections hurting US interests.

Yeah�.well why the hell don�t the French have the balls to just say that???? Why all this crap about the inspections working and we need some more time and we need this and that ���
I would have respected the French a bit more had they at least had the decent honesty to say they were worried about their interests in Iraq not the ��.we are trying to save our friend and ally from making a huge mistake they will regret�� bullshit statement. They were concerned with what they were going to regret not us.

What the French should have said was more on the order of ��.we want to save our sometimes useful neighbors across the Atlantic (whom we need everytime the Germans start going real estate shopping) from making a mistake that will cost our oil companies nearly $25 billion in lost revenues, our government nearly $8 billion in lost debt repayments, AND at least $10 billion a year in food and medical sales��

That might have gone over better with me but the fact still remains that the French think it�s ok to do business with a brutal dictator who murders thousands. Kind of like us doing business with Castro, Stalin, or Pohl Plot.

France didn't lost its interest in Iraq. Guess what, they are a creditor, and have 1st rights on the money from the oil. What the US planned on was to take the proceeds, use them for "reconstruction" and attempt to by-pass the legal procedure. France, if they wanted, could attach those funds. Interesting aspect.

Art, under what jurisdiction could France get such a ruling after we invaded Iraq? The International Court of Settlements. No way, nothing but another toothless world bureaucracy like the UN, NATO, the World Bank and so on. We could easily try Saddam in court as a war criminal and then nullify any and all contracts France made with a convicted war criminal.
The bottom line is that the French are a bunch of �small penis� folks as Dave calls them, who can�t stand the fact that they have been eclipsed in the past 200 years as a world power and have little influence on world politics. Hell we were more concerned with what Turkey�s stance on the war was NOT France�s.

Must have been pretty embarrassing to consider Turkey more important than France even if it�s only based on geography.

The French lost their great colonies 50 years ago get over it!!!!! Britain did!


Wolfgang Eistert (53345)
Username: 53345

Post Number: 587
Registered: 3-2003
Posted on Tuesday, August 26, 2003 - 8:14 am:   

Davi & James,

thanks a lot and of course I know that Jeffrey is NOT repesent for America. I have been in your beautiful country more then 100 times doing buisness & Vacation. It was and still is always a pleasure form me. Its all over the world the some problem with some racists, usual I don`t care about. But I was so upset to read those stupid stuff in such a great community as is for me and thousand of other people all around the world.

So, once again just my 5 cent on it and I�m leaving this thread (only this thread and not my beloved

James (Admiral_thrawn)
Junior Member
Username: Admiral_thrawn

Post Number: 52
Registered: 7-2003
Posted on Tuesday, August 26, 2003 - 7:59 am:   

US only off-topic? What sort of bullsh*t idea is that? That would be assuming all the rest of the world's countries are hostile, and are undeserving, which is why citizens of them "shouldn't be allowed in..."

Sounds like lunacy to me.

Don't forget than it wasn't actually a "unilateral effort", the latest Iraq War...

USA + England + Australia + etc etc etc

So even the most self-centered racist Americans really have nothing to fully justify thinking the US is absolutely alone in and against the rest of the world.
David R. (Rodsky)
Junior Member
Username: Rodsky

Post Number: 205
Registered: 3-2003
Posted on Tuesday, August 26, 2003 - 7:44 am:   

Wolfgang - Jeffie does not represent America IMHO. He is a racist, he only likes people that look like him and share his beliefs. He is a narrow minded &%^&*. Comments like "Since the majority here are American and our views count much more than say, French or German ones." show you the mind of this person. Every few weeks when his meds wear off he gets feisty. Read all of his posts and you will see what I mean. There is no need to have a US only off-topic. When the new SW arrives, you can ignore him. I plan to. It will make F-Chat a far better environment.

Wolfgang Eistert (53345)
Username: 53345

Post Number: 586
Registered: 3-2003
Posted on Tuesday, August 26, 2003 - 7:06 am:   


wow, sorry I forgot that YOU and your president are the rescuer of the world. (He realy said this in an interview about his alcoholic problems) Thanks and please forgive me for my forgetfulness
and ungratefullness - I`m shamed;-)

Jeffrey Wolfe (86mondial32)
Username: 86mondial32

Post Number: 472
Registered: 5-2003
Posted on Tuesday, August 26, 2003 - 6:54 am:   

Wolfgang... My parents were English/Scottish. I was the first born in this wonderful country. I love my heritage but know America to be my HOME. Funny that you think it's fine for a Frenchman or an Englishman or any European person to defend the greatness of their homeland but let and American do it and we are ignorant egotists. How soon Europe forgets that America has saved the WORLD many times over.
As a German was quoted once after the second world war.. " The British walk the earth as if they owned it.. The Americans walk the earth as if they don't give a DAMN who owns it"
Ermin Trevisan (Trevi)
Junior Member
Username: Trevi

Post Number: 110
Registered: 5-2003
Posted on Tuesday, August 26, 2003 - 6:47 am:   


that's ok....stay cool.
of course also americans are welcome in the new section. i do not care about nations, i only care about people. therefore we should neutrally call it "off topic for non-fundamentalists"

Wolfgang Eistert (53345)
Username: 53345

Post Number: 585
Registered: 3-2003
Posted on Tuesday, August 26, 2003 - 6:39 am:   

thats also fine to me!

"....and our views count much more than say, French or German ones."
-Strange Self-Confidence!-

"...Even Ferrari knows that America is the most important market"
-Thats why the $$ drops down and down-

"...we start a NON American off topic"
-Where does you/your grandparents comes from? The only real Americans I know are Indians! The rest are imigrants from Italy, Ireland a.s.o-

Once again just my 5 Cents

Ermin Trevisan (Trevi)
Junior Member
Username: Trevi

Post Number: 109
Registered: 5-2003
Posted on Tuesday, August 26, 2003 - 6:13 am:   

that's fine for me.

Jeffrey Wolfe (86mondial32)
Username: 86mondial32

Post Number: 470
Registered: 5-2003
Posted on Tuesday, August 26, 2003 - 5:53 am:   

Ermine..... how about we start a NON American off topic? Since the majority here are American and our views count much more than say, French or German ones. Even Ferrari knows that America is the most important market to please....
Ermin Trevisan (Trevi)
Junior Member
Username: Trevi

Post Number: 108
Registered: 5-2003
Posted on Tuesday, August 26, 2003 - 5:29 am:   

i strongly support the idea of establishing an "Off Topic for Americans Only" section on ferrarichat.
i can't stand this superstitious, narrow minded, selfconfident, fundamentalistic, respectless and ignorant redneck-style cracker-barrel philosophy anymore, which is extensively propagated by some of the members around in different posts. i really feel offended. that's not debating, it's vomiting the same statements again and again.

nobody of the non-americans and the so-defamed american "liberals" in this forum did ever start a political/social discussion, nor did ever one of them say anything against america or americans. so there is no cause or reason to start this kind of fundamentalistic propagations except of offending and defaming people who do not share the same thoughts.
i regret that some people here are disqualifying themselves, reading posts of these people in the ontopic-sections leaves some kind of a bitter taste.
i know that they give a sh.. about my opinion, the difference is that i keep my opinions for myself...and on this level of debating "culture" i rather shut up and stay quiet.

sometimes i ask myself how somebody with such a mindset can share the same passion for ferraris as i do, and i would prefer not to know about his mental attitude.

i would really like to have in addition an offtopic-section for non-americans and "liberals". everybody may think whatever he wants, but sometimes it's offensive to others, when it's propagated.

just my 0.00000000002 cents


p.s. i respect the freedom of speach, but i also strongly support the permissiveness of thinking. i also know that i'm not forced to read all these rants, but i'm a valid member of the ferrarichat community and i would like to be part of it in future without getting offended because i'm not a fundamentalistic american.
Wolfgang Eistert (53345)
Username: 53345

Post Number: 582
Registered: 3-2003
Posted on Tuesday, August 26, 2003 - 4:07 am:   

Sorry gents, I can`t and won`t believe what I`m reading here in the last few days.
Typed by stupid -ups, sorry I`m mean studied (that�s my second language and it sounds so simular and�) intelligent human beings?!?!

@James Lee: �Therefore one couild say 10000 French are only worth the equivalent of 357 Americans.�
@James Lee:� If this thread is an American issue then maybe it should be changed to the "Offtopic Americans Only And Don't Argue With Us We Know All" forum.�

Its present in the WWW.COM !!! And please never forget: We are all foreigner in 99,9% in the world if you travell around the world or just have a look over your plate.
I�m 7-8 times a year in the USA and love to watch the evening News on TV.
For example in Dallas/TX (saw the same in Chicago, Los Angeles, New York a,s,o,):
45 minutes News splitted in:
30 minutes Dallas
10 minutes Texas
5 minutes beyond Texas � what means just the rest of the USA.
What do you realy know about Europe/French with so less infos on TV?
Have you ever been there?
Please do not sentence a whole country with all the peoples for their (yes, wrong)
political ministers!!!
We also never say USA sucks `cause Gerog W. Bush�..whatever he is doing!

Just my 5 Cent

James Lee (Aventino)
Junior Member
Username: Aventino

Post Number: 66
Registered: 6-2003
Posted on Monday, August 25, 2003 - 10:19 pm:   

Hey Art, is that a baron in you photo.
arthur chambers (Art355)
Intermediate Member
Username: Art355

Post Number: 2448
Registered: 6-2001
Posted on Monday, August 25, 2003 - 9:00 pm:   


France didn't lost its interest in Iraq. Guess what, they are a creditor, and have 1st rights on the money from the oil. What the US planned on was to take the proceeds, use them for "reconstruction" and attempt to by-pass the legal procedure. France, if they wanted, could attach those funds. Interesting aspect.

It's a meaningless argument. One of the 1st items on the resistance agenda was to deprive us of oil revenues. It appears to me that they've been successful. I'd take a look at the article I posted from todays Chronicle, the opinion piece about Bush, I think it says it all. The author beleives that our pride will cause many more deaths. From one who has about 10 - 20 friends on the wall in Washington.


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