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William H (Countachxx)
Posted on Monday, January 21, 2002 - 8:34 pm:   

I fart in your general direction, silly english Kahniggit :) I wave my private parts at your Auntie, now go away or I shall taunt you once again LOL
Ken (Allyn)
Posted on Monday, January 21, 2002 - 10:01 am:   

I liked that movie too - did anyone notice all the scenes shamelessy stolen from "Monty Python And The Holy Grail"???
William H (Countachxx)
Posted on Saturday, January 19, 2002 - 8:26 pm:   

just saw LORD OF THE RINGS, good movie, I am a Sorcerer, not quite as powerful as Gandolf though :)
Mark (Study)
Posted on Friday, January 18, 2002 - 1:52 pm:   

I like some of the stuff you guys have been coming up with. Some of it is quite good!
(some of it is just bloody trash :) ...sorry just joking!)

I should be more accurate with my postings.
What I meant to say is that "Gee I never
thought that way before"! is my moto! and I crave new ideas on a constant basis.
Ken (Allyn)
Posted on Friday, January 18, 2002 - 12:55 pm:   

Mark; I'm surprised nothing William or I have said has yet made you go "Gee I never thought that way before"! I know I learned a few things...

I know nothing about women at all having been married for 18 for breasts, they only come in 3 sizes: too small, plenty, and too much. I hope Nika isn't lurking and is offended....
Mark (Study)
Posted on Friday, January 18, 2002 - 12:43 pm:   

Okay so the topic has changed to women?

Are you a Breast man? Butt man? or Leg guy?

Just kidding. I will keep talking about Deep thoughts and hoping that someone says something that makes me say "Gee I never thought of it that way before???"

Or we could mix it up and talk about women and Deep thoughts :)
Ken (Allyn)
Posted on Friday, January 18, 2002 - 12:29 pm:   

Thanks Renier, finally an expert! He's correct on all points of course. Like I said, the expansion is space itself, not an explosion from a central point.

Also as I pointed out, the extra dimensions are at or below 1 plank unit, too small to explore experimentally with current technology; it's all just mathematical theory here.

Inflation theory hasn't been touched on in this thread but it's one that has a lot of attention from those who know. As I understand it, it's like bubbles forming in a beer glass and there could indeed be other universes in this theory.

Personally I don't buy that but I'm no PhD.....and yes, Ferraris and Chicks are a good subject too! With this room allowing individual topic threads, I don't feel bad having this conversation here. The car/chick conversations are on the other threads and those who are bored can just skip this one.
Ken (Allyn)
Posted on Friday, January 18, 2002 - 12:20 pm:   

Mark: Interesting idea but gravity can't be used as walls like a Star Trek tractor beam. Gravity is the warpage of spacetime from the presence of mass. Your 'walls' actually sound like the event horizen of a black hole - sort of. But even then, black holes by their nature shrink and eventually evaporate. Hawkins was up for a Nobel for discovering the black body (heat) radiation of black holes. But anyway, a static finite univese isn't our universe at all so I can't really say...
Reiner Kaiser (Reinerkaiser)
Posted on Friday, January 18, 2002 - 12:18 pm:   

Guys! Please! I happen to have a PhD in Theoretical Physics, and wrote my thesis on string theory...

1) the universe does not expand "into" space.
The underlying spacetime expands with the universe, very similar to a balloon being inflated, with stars on it being represented by painted dots.

2) String theory extra dimensions are a artifact introduced for "anomaly cancellation" purposes. These anomalies are common in quantum field theories and only go away for certain dimensions. Many different theories exist, so these extra dimensions vary widely. In most cases they are compactified with a radius on the order of the planck scale (reeally small).

3) Inflation theory which tries to explain expansion of the cosmos, allows for topologies that could have multiple disconnected universes... but all this stuff is speculative.

4) now back to ferraris and chicks!!!
Ken (Allyn)
Posted on Friday, January 18, 2002 - 12:09 pm:   

Buddhists would like my theory then that the universe was created to be one giant program to see if reality is a viable form of existance. I wonder how it will all work out? All that negative gravity (i.e. vacuum energy) makes some people think the universe will expand forever, but I don't believe that myself. I have no theory to back up this belief at this point in time however.
William H (Countachxx)
Posted on Friday, January 18, 2002 - 12:01 pm:   

Ken, 1 major difference between the Semitic faiths, Judaism, Christianity, & Islam, & the Eastern faiths like Buddhism & Hinduism is there views on God

For Semites God is apart from them, God is Other, whereas in Buddhism the Universe IS a living being, to be exact the Universe IS the Buddha Vairocana's physical body & we r all intimately linked to this Buddha, We ARE the Buddha, we just dont realize it :) All beings & all the fabric of the universe is merely an endlessly fluctuating soup of quantum particles directed by Mind & desire, Thus the Universe IS alive from the Buddhist perspective at least :)
William H (Countachxx)
Posted on Friday, January 18, 2002 - 11:54 am:   

thing about the Universe, ultimate reality, quantum interconnectedness etc is that they r all far too complex to be understood by our relatively feeble human minds, even for geniuses like Einstein or Hawkings. Now through meditation 1 can Directly Experience what these states r like. Its the difference between telling an Australian Aborigine what a snow storm is like Vs flying him to ALaska so he can experience it first hand :)
Mark (Study)
Posted on Friday, January 18, 2002 - 11:53 am:   

What if the opposite.. the Universe has a certain size.

So if I think about the universe like a 100 gallon fish tank with glass walls holding in the water. What would those walls be made of in space?

I could never answer that question in logical way.
But something just came to me. What about walls made of Gravity. What if our univers does bounce at one point or settles into a boundry.

What would a wall of Gravity look like?
I could never imagine a building material that would work. But a force like gravity would make sence. Wouldn't it?
Ken (Allyn)
Posted on Friday, January 18, 2002 - 11:53 am:   

If I lay a white sheet on the floor and then pour black paint on it and watch it flow outward.. then I pour red paint on the expanding black paint and watch the red expand out-ward also, but it never catches up to the black that I am still pouring.

I see; you're just theorizing that there was empty space for the big bang to explode in to. This is contrary to all current theory. The Big Bang created space itself.

What if ?? The Empty Black space that our Universe is spreding out into, at one point spread out first?

No; see above.

Then what if the clear space under the black space ?

I am in a sence asking the Who made God question?
Then who made God's god?

Exactly! God is an Atheist. Why? you may ask. Well, ask God who created him. "No one" he replies. "I am God: everlasting and always existed" "How do you know?" you ask. "How do you know you weren't created by a 'Super God'. "I know because I know. If there was a creator for me, I would know" "True" you reply, "Believing in a Super God couldn't be proven, it would BE A MATTER OF FAITH, which you have none."

So, God is an Atheist.

Actually, this is the logic for the non-exisitance of God in our universe. Any God would have come from outside and created our univese out of that "somewhere else" which we are currently calling the "big Bang'. Biblical scholars love how it resembles Genisis.

Our universe is based on God's laws since he created it; our universal laws are unique to this universe. Unfortunately (or fortunately depending on your point of view) He cannot exist in our universe himself; it would violate His own laws. That's why you need faith to believe in God. We see his hand in our physical laws, but He's not here and by definition cannot be here. Perhaps when you die your soul leaves this universe and you do indeed meet the Creator?

So...who have I pissed off?
Mark (Study)
Posted on Friday, January 18, 2002 - 11:34 am:   

Ken I am just asking a layer question.

If I lay a white sheet on the floor and then pour black paint on it and watch it flow outward.. then I pour red paint on the expanding black paint and watch the red expand out-ward also, but it never catches up to the black that I am still pouring.

What if ?? The Empty Black space that our Universe is spreding out into, at one point spread out first?

Then what if the clear space under the black space ?

I am in a sence asking the Who made God question?
Then who made God's god?

The 100 billion was just a number I picked to show a gap.

What ever we understand.. I like to pry one layer further into that which we can't understand.
Just trying to wrestl a simple question into simple words. So we can then think about it.
Ken (Allyn)
Posted on Friday, January 18, 2002 - 11:23 am:   

Space is NOT EMPTY! The old 'either theory' from the 19th century may actually not be that far off. Virtual particles are always appearing out of 'nothing' and then disappering back in to 'nothing'. The "vacuum enerygy" of space is a real phenomenon.

Also, you may not quite understand the expansion. It is space itself that is expanding, everywhere in the universe; not just matter and light racing away from a central point as in an explosion. This is an important concept to understand. For example, the space between the Sun and Earth is expanding; gravity is what keeps the appearant distance between the two the same.

I don't understand the 100 billion light year gap between the outer edge of the Big Bang and space 'beyond' it; there is no space or reality beyond the matter/light expansion fronteir of the Big Bang.
Mark (Study)
Posted on Friday, January 18, 2002 - 11:13 am:   

For some reason I've always thought of the Universe as all the empty space that "our" Universe has not yet expanded into. I am dislexic I guess.

But its Friday.. So I say.. lets try a new idea? Lets call it the ferrarichat "layer" theory. If you take the current Big Bang theory and expand to the next level of "how?"

What if layer 1 (empty black space) is ever expanding.

Now layer 2 (universal matter from the big bang) happens 100 billion light years later. So Our universal expansion is chasing the "empty space" expansion but there will always be a 100 billion light year gap between the two. This leaves us with two layers both racing towards emptyness... but there is a fixed gap between the two.

Now I don't think expansion ever hits a wall (what kind of wall would it be? cool). But what will eventual limit the size of the universe is the volume of matter (weather we are measuring light, solids, or empty space). It would more likely run out of momentum in the sence that the expansion material becomes so sparce and so thin.. that it woud no longer have any measurable volume.

Thus space is bigger then the particlas expanding into it. (Keep in mind i use the word particles as another word for measurable unit...even if the thing we are trying to measure has no measurable properties.)

We could call this the Double Big Bang Theory.

No bounce. No Recycling (some one mentioned this once and it is a cool idea but limits the amount I can let my creative mind travel and wonder about umlimited possibilites. So for that reason I don't like it).

Now I have to get back to work.... (or day-dream some more about breast) whoops.. did I say that out loud? LOL scientist need more jokes in there work, to keep people awake :)
Ken (Allyn)
Posted on Friday, January 18, 2002 - 11:09 am:   

9 is a common number too. The other two may be a matter of which of the five string theories you like, or more recently the amalgamation of them all. There's negative garvity which only in the past few months has been taken seriously, and I forget the other one that is questionable....maybe it was gravity itself as some people don't count it as particle based as gravitons have yet to be isolated. Or maybe it IS 10; too many exhaust fumes occasionaly cloud my memory.
arthur chambers (Art355)
Posted on Friday, January 18, 2002 - 10:43 am:   


Are you sure that there are 11 dimensions? Some versions of Superstring theory think only 9.
William H (Countachxx)
Posted on Friday, January 18, 2002 - 7:31 am:   

I'll let a few more people answer before I do :)
Ken (Allyn)
Posted on Friday, January 18, 2002 - 7:23 am:   

What is the Universe ?
Fundementally, the Universe is the intersection of the 11 physical dimensions. The four we perceive and the other 7 that are smaller than 1 Plank unit that we don't perceive.

r we inside a giant atom?
Of course not. To put it simply: physical laws for the macro world break down in the micro world, so absolute size matters.

is this the only Universe
This is the only univese the laws of physics allows. Other universes are mathematiclly possible to express on paper but they all have internal consistancies or paradoxes that don't allow them to exist in nature.

or r Universes infinite ?
No. Infinity doesn't exist. There is nothing REAL that is infinite. The only things that can be expressed as infinite are mathematical equasions or unreal things like thoughts or ideas.

Is the Universe alive ?
No, of course not. Let's not go there again, I'm getting a headache.
William H (Countachxx)
Posted on Friday, January 18, 2002 - 7:12 am:   

OK, here r some new deep thoughts :) What is the Universe ? r we inside a giant atom? is this the only Universe or r Universes infinite ? Is the Universe alive ?
Ken (Allyn)
Posted on Thursday, January 17, 2002 - 8:56 pm:   

Ha! Japan is truly a more spiritual country than the US, but we have good stuff too.

Great sex is easiest with a mind clear of distractions. I myself aspire to put all my problems in little drawers to access at apropriate times and not let them overwhelm me all at once.

Alone in the quiet is wonderful; I do it on my train ride to and from work, and in my garden, and while driving my Lotus. You all have Ferraris but that's the same thing. So state of the art technology is also very spiritual to me and most (all?) of us here. I like that!!!
William H (Countachxx)
Posted on Thursday, January 17, 2002 - 6:39 pm:   

David, that would b the Tantra class :)
David Albright (Dalbright)
Posted on Thursday, January 17, 2002 - 5:51 pm:   

And in a few years William's Buddhist retreat will be featured on HBO's Real Sex part 100. I can see it now....."Buddhist Group Sex - It's all in the Mind"!!
William H (Countachxx)
Posted on Thursday, January 17, 2002 - 5:16 pm:   

The Dalai Lama himself said that there are a tremendous amount of distractions to the spiritual life these days. If you r really serious about it its best to get away somewhere with no phone, tv, radio & just be alone in the quiet. I may be starting a small Buddhist retreat center on some forestland I have in NW CT this summer. Its a great place, peaceful surrounded by nature, quiet.

BTW meditation can improve your driving skills by helping you focus your concentration better
Michael (Mtabije)
Posted on Thursday, January 17, 2002 - 3:23 pm:   


I see your point, what I mean is industrialization in gerneral? I know there are a few societies that fall through the gaps, take for example, Japan- deep traditional values, ancestor worship and the Shinto or Buddhism Philosophy, yet highly industrialized. Industrialization has created all this technology, such as entertainment. The value of being entertained seems a priority than actual thought, meditaion, or learning. How many times have you heard young people saying learning is boring and then, so, the solution becomes, "Let's make learning fun! or entertaining?" And, in the process, it then becomes devoid of actual content and focuses on just the surface of the issue- a sort of "get by" or "passable" knowledge.
Ken (Allyn)
Posted on Thursday, January 17, 2002 - 2:39 pm:   

I agree that much of what we've discussed in this thread is stuff most people don't think about; at least in the US. I do think industrealization is a cause, but not an excuse. I work as hard as anyone but I find this stuff interesting enough to take time to think about. Being a TV society, we've not become a 'philosopher country.'
William H (Countachxx)
Posted on Thursday, January 17, 2002 - 2:12 pm:   

Michael, I really think its cus people get so wrapped up in their jobs, keeping up with the Jone's, + the huge amount of entertainment available theses days to rot your mind with & they have forgotten whats truly important.
Spending quality time with people u love, giving of oneself, & slowing things down cus only when u slow down from the rat race can u get in touch with the spiritual side of life.
Kicking back with some beers to watch the TV is very easy, meditating every day so u can delve deeper into spiritual matters takes quite a bit more drive & discipline
Michael (Mtabije)
Posted on Thursday, January 17, 2002 - 1:52 pm:   

William, do you suppose that the West disputes most spirituality because of industrialization?

Ken, check out their website: I think you may like some of their articles. There is also an archive of past articles as well. William, I think you may enjoy some of the articles as well.
William H (Countachxx)
Posted on Thursday, January 17, 2002 - 7:30 am:   

Ken I read several serious books on quantum physics by David Bohm, Wolf, & several other quantum scientists. While I admit the math is way beyond me the concepts r well within my level of understanding
William H (Countachxx)
Posted on Thursday, January 17, 2002 - 6:46 am:   

Just dreams LOL u do realize that our modern western nihilist/materialist/realist culture is the first 1 in history to so strongly refute anything spiritual. A lot of cultures believe that dreams r even more important & more real than physical reality. Just cus something isnt physical doenst mean its not real :)
Ken (Allyn)
Posted on Thursday, January 17, 2002 - 5:45 am:   

No, I do not read Skeptic. Never heard of it.
Michael (Mtabije)
Posted on Thursday, January 17, 2002 - 2:09 am:   

Ken, do you read Skeptic magazine? I do. Just curious.
Dave Trbizan (Davidt)
Posted on Wednesday, January 16, 2002 - 10:23 pm:   

I don't know much about quantum physics. I really haven't had many spiritual experiences in my life. A couple things that I do know for sure is....everyone wants to go to heaven, but nobody wants to die. Live life well. You're going to be dead for alot longer than you were alive.
Ken (Allyn)
Posted on Wednesday, January 16, 2002 - 9:47 pm:   

William, I dream of dead loved ones a lot too but it's just dreams. I'm better off for them because I miss them and feel better that they are still part of my life in my imagination...but this is all matters of belief and faith, not the nature of the universe.

Your papers on quantum physics were perhaps a superficial treatment of that subject while being more focused on spirituality; I wouldn't question that you are far better versed in Buddhisim than I am since I'm just an amature philosopher (even though I treat it very seriously).

But I'm not throwing stones. I accept others take personal spiritual experiences as a basis for scientific fact. It's the history of man to do that. The reason for it is actually quite interesting but a little long winded. In a nutshell, it stems from our ability to think in symbolic thought but not being able to reconcile it to our emotional needs. We all try to bridge this gap in different ways. Freud focused on sex; various religious leaders in violence and opression; artists in music and books etc. and you in your enlightenment through meditation. None are right or wrong; my point is still that I find it bad science to mix personal journeys with scientific fact, and bad religion to seek scientific basis for matters of faith.
Edward Gault (Irfgt)
Posted on Wednesday, January 16, 2002 - 9:07 pm:   

Bill, You smokin' Hemp?
William H (Countachxx)
Posted on Wednesday, January 16, 2002 - 7:14 pm:   

Mark, well waking consciousness, the dream state & the realm of ghosts & the realm of death all flow 1 into the other, they r similair to a spectrum.

I've been into different forms of meditation for over 10 years & I have contacted dead friends in meditation & in dreams. When u meet some1 who has passed away in your dreams it is in your interest not to blow off that dream lightly. Ive also been through a lot of Out of body experiences, soul journeys, & Ive even had spirits & ghosts come looking for me. Believe whatever you want. I have enough firsthand evidence that its impossible for me to ignore it all.

BTW some of these experiences were far too personal to get into detail on the net
William H (Countachxx)
Posted on Wednesday, January 16, 2002 - 7:08 pm:   

Ken, we Buddhists dont worry about death we meditate on it so as to appreciate this short life we have to its fullest.

I have an MA in Buddhism & I spent a lot of that time doing papers comparing quantum physics with Buddhism & the topics where they intersected. Sometimes the intersections overlap nearly perfectly :)
Mark (Study)
Posted on Wednesday, January 16, 2002 - 7:03 pm:   

Finally have some time to play all those video games :)

Tell us some of your stories William
William H (Countachxx)
Posted on Wednesday, January 16, 2002 - 7:00 pm:   

Mark, I am 100% sure, Ive been through a lot of "spooky" things in my life that have removed any doubt about whether we can exist without our bodies, ghosts, & lots of other stuff.

If u experienced some of the things I have I dont think u would have any doubts either. :)

Besides WTH do u plan on doing for 700,000 years ? I think the boredom would drive u crazy
Ken (Allyn)
Posted on Wednesday, January 16, 2002 - 6:14 pm:   

Obviously we are more than a series of chemical reactions; I don't fall in to the 'only chemical' group. But I don't see the need or desire to ascribe that to any deiety invented by man. It's just how we are in nature.

Unlike most religious people, I don't spend a lot of time worrying about life after death. To me that seems a waste of a life. I am much more interested in the investigation of the nature of reality in both a scientific sense and a spiritual one. I see these two investigations as completely seperate. That attitude seems to have little attraction to both the more religious amongst us. I don't trust any organized religion to be able to address the right questions of spirituallity because they all seem (to me) to be too steeped in superstition. The Eastern philosophies are closest to HOW I like to investigate spirituality, as well as the Sioux Indian's outlook on life, but I find both tend to draw too many conclusions that are just plain goofy to me. Less conclusions and more investigation would improve these and all religions.
Mark (Study)
Posted on Wednesday, January 16, 2002 - 5:25 pm:   

the short version of what I just said below.

If religion didn't exist.. I wouldn't be depressed. I'd be in a hurry.
Mark (Study)
Posted on Wednesday, January 16, 2002 - 5:15 pm:   

Okay folks�. so we are looking at two forms of religion (Eastern and Western)

If they exist and you can count on existence after death� that's great!
But if your not 100% sure, and none of us can be� then there is at least a possibility that
these religious ideas don't exist. According to William (and I agree) one would tend to suffer anxiety and depression, since being dead and gone for the rest of eternity is not something our brain seems to want to face.

So here is an idea. Why not build a fail-safe to hold us over until advancements in technology over the next 700,000 years can prove one-way or the other that something happens when we die.

Okay guys I need some help. � Since we are taking charge of our own destiny.
Any ideas??

Best I can come up with is �. Why not program a computer with our every thought and experience? Then give the computer Artificial intelligence and fill in all the traits of our personality and emotions. Now when the human body dies I would have a new home for my soul if I could figure out how to transfer it into my new computer home.

I need help defining the soul, building an electronic or magnetic devices to help transfer the soul from the organic body to the computer box when I die.

Then I will wait to find out if heaven or reincarnation really exist before taking the chance of pulling the plug, and letting my soul go. Or if we eventually find out that religion was just a old fairy tale by our back-ward ancestors� I will keep my soul alive and maybe slip it into a robotic body.

This is what are minds would work on if we did not have the religious stories that currently add enough "maybe we'll be okay" power to keep us from working our asses off to do something about death.

We would have a lot more people going into engineering and a lot more people working on technology with a do-or-die attitude...knowing that we have to make it work... then we do now with guys playing golf and hoping that the stories everyone believes because everyone always has... is good enough.

Just a thought.

Who wants to get to work?

P.S. I use the word "soul" just becuase I wanted a short way to say... what is it that makes us who we are. I did not mean to be religious. We could make a biological clone(don't know how I'd program it with my life experiances) or a computer robot copy ... but even with the programing it is still not us. The magic spark, the transfer of our individual "consciousness" that makes are copy really us. I don't know what it is, so for now I use the short word "soul" since it is easy way to write it.

Some people like to take charge and try new things. Un-afraid of failuar and what people will think of us. I wonder if Mr Ferrari was that kind of individual?
William H (Countachxx)
Posted on Wednesday, January 16, 2002 - 4:42 pm:   

Mark the opposite of believing in God or some deities is nihilism which means to deny the spirit. Most nihilists tend to suffer mental diseases, anxiety, depression I think cus they cut themselves off from something very nourishing.

Modern western society is in large part a mix of nihilism, materialism, & realism. I found it all to be pretty depressing & trivial so I went looking for something a lot bigger & deeper & I found it :)
William H (Countachxx)
Posted on Wednesday, January 16, 2002 - 4:38 pm:   

Mark, the Buddhist belief of 1 single universal mind is a powerful system that grants high self esteem, self confidence, & intimate interconnectedness with all Beings on Earth & other planets, even other galaxies.

To state that the mind is just a series of chemical reactions that goes on in your skull is a very depressing, nihilist, isolationist view that seperates one from all beings etc
Ken (Allyn)
Posted on Wednesday, January 16, 2002 - 3:44 pm:   

I should have said "probably drove a Porsche"...I was just kidding since he was German.
Willis Huang (Willis360)
Posted on Wednesday, January 16, 2002 - 2:44 pm:   

Einstein drove a Porsche? I never knew that. What kind?

The late Carl Sagan drove a Porsche too. What's the deal with scientists driving Porsches, anyway?
Ken (Allyn)
Posted on Wednesday, January 16, 2002 - 2:31 pm:   

Einstein drove a Porsche; what did he know!
Frederick Thomas (Fred)
Posted on Wednesday, January 16, 2002 - 2:20 pm:   

I think he actually said "Religion without science is lame dude"
William H (Countachxx)
Posted on Wednesday, January 16, 2002 - 1:22 pm:   

Einstein had a quote that went something like this "Religion without Science is lame, Science without religion is amoral"
I'm sure its not an exact quote but I think its close enough.

Mark let me think about your request before I answer :)
Ken (Allyn)
Posted on Wednesday, January 16, 2002 - 12:05 pm:   

Mark thinks like I do. Blending pure science with religion is never a good idea. You get bad science and bad religion. I do actually embrace Eastern philosophy a lot more than it may seem from my posts. I like finding answers to life through meditation and observation of nature with an open mind. But pure science like faster than light travel I wouldn't suppose to find through meditation.
Mark (Study)
Posted on Wednesday, January 16, 2002 - 11:42 am:   

creative thought begins when we come up with some new questions about the concept.

I have never liked any religion because they strive to learn more about an existing concept. Studying existing concepts means we are studying history. Historically man was not too smart.

Only engineers and scientist dream of what is to come in the area of new discoveries. I could enjoy religion more if we sat down and tore it apart to then use all the pieces plus fresh new ideas (that are not from the dawn of candles and stained glass technology) to invent something new and better.

I would respect all forms of religion if it was a forward looking discipline.
And that's why I ask the questions I do.

Religion in its present form is memorization. Reminds me of the baseball fan that know who played third base in 1948 for the minor league teem in Toledo during game 3 of the semi finals.
Mark (Study)
Posted on Wednesday, January 16, 2002 - 10:48 am:   

Okay William I like this idea. Interesting thought. But I could understand it even better if you could explain... what if this idea is wrong?

Ideas are just ideas. They might be rignt and they might be wrong? That's not what's important... I think we can find higher understanding of any idea by stating the opposite. What if Buddhism is wrong and minds are individual minds rather that All BEINGS r merely "nodes" that share in the
"Universal Mind".

I am not doing this to be nasty.
I just want to see if we can pull this thing apart try it a few differnt ways and maybe find even deeper ideas in the process. Stating an idea is good but playing with it is even better to create more deep thoughts.

This is what I find disapointing about any religion. They are afraid to doubt or ask "what if we are wrong"

My theory- Belief blocks learning. You are not allowed to doubt if you beleve.
William H (Countachxx)
Posted on Wednesday, January 16, 2002 - 10:31 am:   

Ah Ken, here is where the East/West thought difference reaches critical mass :)
In the west we believe that thought comes from the grey matter in your skull, of course there is no scientific proof of this its purely an assumption. Sort of like assuming that TV programs r produced by little people inside the TV :) Not terribly sophisticated.
Eastern philosophers have been at this game several 1,000 years more than their western counterparts so they r a bit ahead in this.
In Buddhism for instance Everything in the physical Universe is brought forth by Mind & desire for physical experience. In Buddhism they believe that people do not have individual minds but rather that All BEINGS r merely "nodes" that share in the "Universal Mind". Thus there exists only 1 mind. Now when a being reaches a state of extreme mental discipline & spiritual purification & is able to not just understand but Experience & have an intimate knowledge of all creation at a Quantum level, then that Being becomes a Buddha. Buddhas r able to manipulate matter at a quantum level & r able to cross the entire Universe in the blink of an eye or appear in many different places simultaneously, How ? Magic? Gods ? No, this is the Ultimate Technology, the ability to manipulate matter at a quantum level. If u had this ability then u could master quantum non locality or quantum tunneling, you could create as many physical bodies for yourself as u wish, u could incarnate as a different species if u chose.
Any1 can access this awesome level of mental mastery but it takes an enormous amount of drive, dedication, study, & very good teachers :)

So in a short answer, Yes, it is possible for beings to master travel many times faster than light :)
Mark (Study)
Posted on Wednesday, January 16, 2002 - 9:38 am:   

Okay guys try this one...

I think we can get into some new material by taking the opposite position. ( strick religious people will never play this game with me) but it is a very good exercise for coming up with new ideas if you'll try it.

If you beleve in Life-after-death write a detailed response on the subject about what would happen if there is no life after death. Same with re-incarnation

or for the guys that don't belive in GOD write a bit of what it would be like if he did exist.

You get the idea...
Mark (Study)
Posted on Wednesday, January 16, 2002 - 9:29 am:   

Speaking of Demensions...

Did anyone ever see that cheesy movie by Jeff GoldBloom about a race car driver that drives his high speed car through a solid mountian (you know the space in atoms is mainly empty) and finds the 4th demension. Real gum-ball movie but I still enjoyed it. I think it was called Buck-a-rew Bonzia
Ken (Allyn)
Posted on Wednesday, January 16, 2002 - 9:14 am:   

William; you're right. Information from sub atomic particles do seem to travel instantaniously across the universe; this is because they do actually travel backwards in time. So do electrons around nuclei(Not really 'backwards in time' per se but it gets complicated here.) But this is impossible for larger objects like entire atoms, or people. Can't be done.
William H (Countachxx)
Posted on Wednesday, January 16, 2002 - 8:56 am:   

Ken, yes I mean that we humans r like the Earth's sperm cells :) that she sends out to reproduce herself, just like a Dandelion sends out its seeds. Once we start terraforming the Moon or Mars this century then the Earth will be using us, its children, to replicate itself. Who can say that the Earth did not spend billions of years trying to produce a species that woul enable her to reproduce ? We r that species

Regarding Faster than Light travel or FTL serious scientists r studying it right now & some claim to have even sent information FTL already. FTL happens in nature all the time, scientists call it quantum non locality. I believe it was Dr Bell at CERN who produced an experiment that proved that 2 physically seperate paricles were "communicating" FTL, the 2 particles were measured & it was found that they switched electrical charges INSTANTLY, far faster than speed of light would allow.

So its only a matter of time before some future Chuck Yeager breaks through our "unbreakable" light speed barrier :)
Ken (Allyn)
Posted on Wednesday, January 16, 2002 - 7:41 am:   

Brett: you have a scratched cornea. Will get better in a day but see a Dr. anyway. Been there, done that.

Life surely exists on other planets just by the law of probability. We now know that the odds of a star having a planetary system of some kind is much greater than not. Out of the billions and billions of stars, some must have planets with life. On Earth, it would be statistically prohibitive for life to NOT have evolved given the conditions. Ah...but intersteller travel on any scale that we can relate to is almost impossible.

First off, you can't go faster than light. Deal with it. Star Trek stuff like warping space has never been even theoretically demonstrated as a means of getting from here to there faster than it would take light, let alone being anything an engineer could build. Not that we know everything now of course, but even string theory doesn't lend any help here. Black holes do not create a worm holes that can be used as transport.

Any alien civilization that has figured out a way to visit Earth would not be anything anyone could keep secret. Could the Aztecs keep the European arrival secret? Plus, everyone today has a video camera compared to when all we had was those comical shaky 8 MM UFO films....where are the UFO tapes? All we have is the limited hoaxes.

So while you can't prove the negative, the sheer complexity of intersteller travel in any rational time frame (the life span of DNA based creatures which is most likely the basis for all complex life in the universe) is quite remote.

As for us populating nearby moons and planets, that's another intersting analogy in the Gaia theory. But I don't accept that as a rationalization for Earth reproducing. That's man terraforming....unless you mean that mankind as part of the Earth replicating more Earths...again an interesting spin. Not a lot to argue except it is more philosophy and religion than science.
William H (Countachxx)
Posted on Wednesday, January 16, 2002 - 7:23 am:   

I like to spin the UFO thing by asking people if they believe in spacecraft :) When they say No, I ask them if they just told me they dont believe in the Space Shuttle or the Apollo missions or artificial satellites LOL
William H (Countachxx)
Posted on Wednesday, January 16, 2002 - 7:22 am:   

Dr Jaque Valle, a NASA physicist wrote a book about UFOs titled RETURN TO MAGONIA. He compared modern UFO encounters with ancient tales of spirits, elves, & goblins & since the 2 encounters are extremely similair he concluded that UFOs r Not ETs but rather they r from Earth yet they r travellers from another dimension :)
Michael (Mtabije)
Posted on Wednesday, January 16, 2002 - 2:06 am:   

How would our thinking change if we were to think of everyting in relativity?
Michael (Mtabije)
Posted on Wednesday, January 16, 2002 - 1:26 am:   

How can one say life in other planets a possibility but say no for the possibility of UFO's? I mean, we, as humans have accomplished space travel. Could it be conceivable that other forms of life in this infinite (or finite- depending on whose current theory) universe has achieved space travel too? Perhaps we haven't been visited yet?
William H (Countachxx)
Posted on Wednesday, January 16, 2002 - 12:11 am:   

Big foot- dont know

Loch Ness Monster- dont know

UFO- definately, I saw a HUGE 1 in CT slowly following Rt 202 near Bantam.

Ghosts- definately, I communicate with them often :) really

life after death- yes , you are living 1 right now. Death after all is merely an end to the physical body, spirits r immortal

ESP- Yes

Govt conspiricies- a dime a dozen, even cheaper in Argentina :)
William H (Countachxx)
Posted on Wednesday, January 16, 2002 - 12:07 am:   

Mark now u r getting to the meat of the matter with your observation about human perception. EVERYTHING we think of as real is merely our perception of things, it is not how things REALLY are. A quantum scientist who worked with Dr David Bohm said that "the Universe is in reality an everfluxing quantum soup" So everything exists in a potential state, our Mind is the ultimate power here cus when we percieve anything our mind forces this everfluxing quantum soup to collapse into something our brains can understand, like a flower or a Ferrari. We r intimately connected with the whole Universe cus we humans r nothing more than a semi solid part of this quantum soup.
"Perception is Not reality"
William H (Countachxx)
Posted on Wednesday, January 16, 2002 - 12:02 am:   

Ken Earth is in the process of replicating itself right now. Humans r first of all Earth creatures, We have already visited another planet, the Moon (Yes our Moon is considered a planet cus its so huge compared to the Earth & to other satelites) & we have sent robot probes to all the planets in our solar system except Pluto & that will come in due course. Once humans set up permanent bases on the Moon or Mars which I definately see happening THIS century then the Earth will have really begun replicating itself, through us, its children. We r like the Earth's dandelion seeds and through us the Earth will replicate itself throughout this solar system & maybe in another 1,000 years Earth creatures will travel to other Stars & begin replicating our Mother their as well.
Mark (Study)
Posted on Tuesday, January 15, 2002 - 8:44 pm:   

Edward heard something interesting about that the other day.

Seems that 80% of people calling her service are female.

It seems that little boys are brought up to make their own choices and get beat-up when they make the wrong choices. (beat-up, knocked down, dirty and muddy) Where durring child deveolpment little girls are treated with kindness and protected a bit more. Later in life this differance in up-bringing leads to females being more incline to call a 900 hot line for answers about their future. Someone is keeping those people in business.
BretM (Bretm)
Posted on Tuesday, January 15, 2002 - 8:42 pm:   

I believe in ESPN.
Please exclude my delusionary mindset, but it appears that some of the 4 lbs of flakey paint found on the exhaust system seems to have made its way into my left eye, which despite numerous eye washes and soothing liquids, still feels like someone is driving a roofing nail into it.
Edward Gault (Irfgt)
Posted on Tuesday, January 15, 2002 - 8:39 pm:   

How do you explain Miss Cleo. She seems to know everything.
Ken (Allyn)
Posted on Tuesday, January 15, 2002 - 8:18 pm:   

True or Fantasy ?
Cool question!!!!

Big Foot - Nope. All evidence are hoaxes; so far.

Lock Ness Monster - No way; not enough food in Loch Ness.

UFO - No; never was, never will be, unfortunately!! This is pretty certain.

Life on other planets - Yes, of course.

Ghost - Nope, probably not, but see below.

ESP - A slight chance. Experiments have shown no energy for transmission but now we know there are extra physical dimensions (11 in all, the 4 we know and a bunch of others) so at least there is a SLIGHT chance there because these dimensions are too small to measure (under 1 Plank unit) but maybe something could travel through them....but I seriously doubt it.

Kung-fu Monks - Of course; that's public record.

Life after death - not as we think of it; no, but then again there are those 7 extra dimensions.

Government conspiracies - Iran Contra for one...but the gov't is real bad at secrets so nothing really big.

Monster Truck Shows - can't say!*S*

A scientist that could finally fix the clutch problem on the Lambo - Well...a GOOD scientist would figure it out. Maybe. Maybe not!
Mark (Study)
Posted on Tuesday, January 15, 2002 - 8:11 pm:   

Ken - I must say that is a very cool post.

Great thinking :)
Tim N (Timn88)
Posted on Tuesday, January 15, 2002 - 8:11 pm:   

ESP works so good in my audi, i press the button and i can see various entities on the road. And it seriously keeps me from crashing
Mark (Study)
Posted on Tuesday, January 15, 2002 - 8:08 pm:   

We could also make a list of things we don't need to argue about.

True or Fantasy ?

Big Foot
Lock Ness Monster
Life on other planets
Kung-fu Monks
Life after death
Government conspiracies
Monster Truck Shows
A scientist that could finally fix the clutch problem on the Lambo
Ken (Allyn)
Posted on Tuesday, January 15, 2002 - 8:03 pm:   

Mark, picking up your theme: if we could re-wire our brains so the optic receptors were connected to our ears and hearing centers to our eyes, we could see sounds and hear light. An interesting notion...bats and dolphins do that with their sonar; they 'see' with sound. Bees can distinguish polorized light so they can fly on a hazy day when the sun isn't bright. Perception is everything. Like Ferraris have sould and P cars don't!*S*
Mark (Study)
Posted on Tuesday, January 15, 2002 - 7:40 pm:   

If we are going to get technical, or mechanical for that matter, about how we perceive our surroundings�.. my favorite little mind-tease is the fact that we don't see with our eyes.

The eye simply sends an electrical impulse to our brains that than puts together an image based on electricity. We see just as well when we dream with our eyes closed tight.

So many things we think are real are only dreams.
Tim N (Timn88)
Posted on Tuesday, January 15, 2002 - 7:25 pm:   

William, i realize that. Arguing about this type of stuff is intersting. I would not say that stars or planets are "alive" They are inanimate objects.
When you said not being a solopist is a good thing, thats your opinion. I might agree with it if i knew what a solophist was.
Martin, in response to an earlier post, thinking is not a form of time travel. All it is (or currently thought) to be is a firing of nerves in the brain or something like that.
Mark (Study)
Posted on Tuesday, January 15, 2002 - 7:05 pm:   

A few more of the fundamental test for life include- looking for signs of respiration and the absorption of nutrients.
Ken (Allyn)
Posted on Tuesday, January 15, 2002 - 6:04 pm:   

I'll grant you how a complex environment like a planet with people on it (i.e. changing rapidly in a geological/evolutionary scale - mostly by pollution) seems to mimic homeostasis in a living organisim. The Earth's environment reacts to mitigate the changes, like how the polar caps attemt to mitigate global warming. This is not a requirement for life however.

One of the fundemental tests for life is replication. Planets don't replicate. Another test for life is intelligence of some kind. (Discounting viruses and bacteria here...another discussion) How does a planet act in a pro-active, intelligent way to stimuli? The changes on our Earth are strictly reactive and chemical in nature.

You would need to go to a Star Trek mentality perhaps and argure that Earth is a 'new form' of life or some such reach, that will conveniently eliminate the scientific objections. This almost touches on a matter of faith, and in that direction I don't care to argue. Faith is personal and can't be debated. But from a purely scientific viewpoint, the Earth is not alive.
William H (Countachxx)
Posted on Tuesday, January 15, 2002 - 5:05 pm:   

Ken, whats your source on that statement ? :)
Ken (Allyn)
Posted on Tuesday, January 15, 2002 - 3:12 pm:   

The Gaia theory has a lot of interesting paralells to "life" but it ultimatly falls apart as just bad science.
William H (Countachxx)
Posted on Tuesday, January 15, 2002 - 2:39 pm:   

i agree with you about morality.

Spirituality however was not invented, it was Discovered by humans as well as many other beings. We r OF spirit. Spirituality is different from organized religion cus no1 asks u for $, you can access whatever diety you wish by yourself, there need be no church involved, you dont even need scripture though it helps.

As for Stars, for all we know Stars could be sentient beings. The Gaia theory states that Earth is a living organism itself so why not a Star or an entire Universe that is alive & sentient ?
Ken (Allyn)
Posted on Tuesday, January 15, 2002 - 10:50 am:   

We disagree on one point: I say there is no morality in nature. Man has invented morality which you'll notice throughout the history of civilization, has ALWAYS been decided by the political system. (In Feudal Japan a samuari could kill a peasant for an insult; it wasn't immoral to them and they got along just fine).

Spirtuality is also invented by man, but it is not derived by the political system, but rather what the individual decides what's important in life.

While we are all made of star stuff, we are not stars. We are self aware. The 11 physical dimensions of our universe are not; their nature is still trying to be understood but that's all just math.

Most animals as well have no morality (outside of maybe Whales, Dolphins and Great Apes).
William H (Countachxx)
Posted on Tuesday, January 15, 2002 - 10:37 am:   

Universe as an amoral entity is nihilistic, ie it denies existance of spirituality

I was also using the Universe literally cus like it or not we r all made of star stuff, the hydrogen & oxygen that make up the water which is 90%+ of your body is the same as the hydrogen & oxygen molecules found in stars, the iron that gives your blood its red color is the same iron that makes the sands of Mars red.
when u eat an apple u r interconnecting yourself with everything that allowed that apple to grow, the Sun, the tides caused by the Moon, the water in the Ocean, hundreds of millions of years of genetic history, the worms & bees that pollinate it & sustain the ground the apple tree lives on, not to mention the man who sells the seeds, the plantation owner, the apple pickers, boxers, supermarket owner & workers.
Without all those people, animals, oceans, & indeed without the solar system working in unison you could never enjoy an apple, Actually you wouldn't even exist without the Star, Moon, Earth, Oceans, Clouds, bees, worms, bacteria, etc all working in unison to allow for you to experience this single moment in your life :)
Ken (Allyn)
Posted on Tuesday, January 15, 2002 - 10:07 am:   

I use the word "universe" literally. All the fundemental laws that hold 'reality' together don't care about my personal journey. The universe is not a moral entity while we humans are (or try to be!).
William H (Countachxx)
Posted on Tuesday, January 15, 2002 - 9:29 am:   

Ken, yes and no :) its true u have your own personal journey but its also true that all 6 billion human indivuals r an integral part of the Universe, no one is APART from the Universe. Also all beings r intimately fundamentally interconnected to 1 another, to the planet & to the entire cosmos.

So your own personal journey becomes 1 inextricable path within the Universe
Ken (Allyn)
Posted on Tuesday, January 15, 2002 - 8:29 am:   

William, yes, exactly. The nature of the universe and our personal journeys are not very related.
Ken (Allyn)
Posted on Tuesday, January 15, 2002 - 8:07 am:   

I don't think the study of philosophy is to force people to believe in any particular thing, but rather giveone the tools to ask the right questions, and investigate more clearly what the questions are. Answers are less important.
William H (Countachxx)
Posted on Tuesday, January 15, 2002 - 8:07 am:   

Ken, personal reality & ultimate reality r 2 very different things :)
William H (Countachxx)
Posted on Tuesday, January 15, 2002 - 7:46 am:   

Tim u realize that the popular materialist/realist/nihilist thinking of today is also a philosophy.
Also modern scientific-nihilist thought is everybit as much a metaphysical philosophy as being a Shaman

Ken the fact that you acknowledge the existence of others & want to help them means you are Not a solopsist, which is a good thing :)
Tim N (Timn88)
Posted on Monday, January 14, 2002 - 8:56 pm:   

Whats the point of philosophies anyway? to tell people what they should believe? Everyone is a hypocrit, even myself. Oh man i am confusing myself so much right now, i should have thought a little more.
Ken (Allyn)
Posted on Monday, January 14, 2002 - 8:12 pm:   

William: It's only shallow if you are a shallow person. Some people think their personal reality is to be selfless and dedicate that reality to helping others in their realities. My personal reality would be awful if I didn't reach out to others.
Peter Boray (Gts308qv)
Posted on Monday, January 14, 2002 - 7:31 pm:   

"Beam me up , Scotty"
William H (Countachxx)
Posted on Monday, January 14, 2002 - 5:04 pm:   

since the 512TR is really cool, staring it could cause Global Cooling :) just what we need now, I better go start her up soon
Rob Lay (Rob328gts)
Posted on Monday, January 14, 2002 - 4:44 pm:   

If a butterfly that flaps it's wings in Africa causes a tornado in Oklahoma, then what in the heck does William starting his 512 cause?
William H (Countachxx)
Posted on Monday, January 14, 2002 - 4:31 pm:   

I think Mark was joking.

As for space travel I think its going to b the internet of the 21st C investment wise once it seriously gets going. There will be a Goldrush into space the likes of which Humanity has never seen before once the Millions start pouring forth from space mining operations & factories in space running on free solar energy
William H (Countachxx)
Posted on Monday, January 14, 2002 - 4:06 pm:   

Ken that is Solipsism, a rather narcisistic & rather shallow philosophy, related to nihilism.

If everyone started living 200 years then we'd better get space travel & colonization happening quickly so we can have a place to put all these retirement homes :)
Ken (Allyn)
Posted on Monday, January 14, 2002 - 3:26 pm:   

Mark is correct. The only reality there is consists of what we create for ourselves; for better or for worse.
Mark (Study)
Posted on Monday, January 14, 2002 - 3:14 pm:   

All the people on Earth, the sun and stars, and everything that makes up the known Universe�.. are all arranged for the convenience of my single perception of My daily reality :)
Ken (Allyn)
Posted on Monday, January 14, 2002 - 2:28 pm:   

"The entire population of the universe, with one trifling exception, is composed of others."

John (Andrew) Holmes
Willis Huang (Willis360)
Posted on Monday, January 14, 2002 - 2:21 pm:   

Think of the population problems and environmental effects if everyone could live that long. Aging and death is nature's way of keeping things in balance.
William H (Countachxx)
Posted on Monday, January 14, 2002 - 2:17 pm:   

Australian Aborigine wisdom " We are not physical beings having a spiritual experience, We are spiritual beings having a physical experience"
I love that 1 :)
William H (Countachxx)
Posted on Monday, January 14, 2002 - 2:12 pm:   

Would u Want to live 300 or 400 years ? I'm not so sure. Maybe if I could have the body of a 20 year old & the bank account of Bill Gates for the whole period, adjusted for inflation of course :)
arthur chambers (Art355)
Posted on Monday, January 14, 2002 - 12:48 pm:   


Did you know that that portion of the DNA which shrinks each time the cell divides and when it is gone the cell can no longer replace itself has been found and a bio-tech firm has figured out how to keep that from occuring. They have mice that live 300% - 400% longer than normal. Sound like fiction? The firm is in South San Francisco, and someone I know who works there is either onto something which will make a major difference in the world, or he is playing a great joke on me.
Ken (Allyn)
Posted on Monday, January 14, 2002 - 12:15 pm:   

Sometimes our imaginations get lucky.
Martin (Miami348ts)
Posted on Monday, January 14, 2002 - 12:02 pm:   

it has been proven as much as it has been disproven.
To me it is proven. It is kind of a prove aliens exist thing. Dreams can not explain dates and places you have never been in this life, nor can they explain matching stories from other peoples lifes to match yours.
Ken (Allyn)
Posted on Monday, January 14, 2002 - 11:45 am:   

Martin, the regression under hypnosis activates the brain's dream state (seritonin I believe) so the subject makes up all kinds of stuff that turns out to usually be not true. Criminal lawyers here should chime in about how that kind of thing is frequently inadmissible unless there is actual evidence. But it's very relaxing and when you wake up you feel great!
Martin (Miami348ts)
Posted on Monday, January 14, 2002 - 11:00 am:   

Timetravel is possible.
You all do it every day.
You think of yesterday and BANG here you are doing time travel. You can close your eyes and see people that are dead already and go back in time and see yourself.
You can time travel faster than light by visiulizing yourself to Mars or to further galaxies.

All that is time travel and tavelling faster than light. Travelling at the Speed of Thought!

The problem is that most people want to exellerate a body to those speeds.

Everything is in your mind or your soul if you want to use this expression. Let somebody qualified get you hypnotised and ask certain questions about your life present and past lifes. You will be amazed!
Ken (Allyn)
Posted on Monday, January 14, 2002 - 8:17 am:   

I've always taken great comfort with Eastern philosophies. I find all moral truths are found in nature and not on the printed page. I find the Bible is full of what men WANT the truth to be (both good and evil) as opposed to observations on how nature really is.
William H (Countachxx)
Posted on Monday, January 14, 2002 - 8:09 am:   

there r lots of radical differences bewteen Eastern & Western philosophies, such as time being linear in the west but cyclical in the East
Ken (Allyn)
Posted on Monday, January 14, 2002 - 7:30 am:   

Peter: time is indeed a made up concept; it doesn't exist. It just is a concept we use to help our minds use symbolic thought to make sense of the events we see. Also, the math tells us "time" is quantum, not continuous.
William H (Countachxx)
Posted on Monday, January 14, 2002 - 2:13 am:   

Reincarnation from the Buddhist perspective:

My cousin who is a Cardiologist thought he had me pinned down on reincarnation, he asked me howcome their were so many more souls now than when humans first arrived on Earth 100,000 years ago or so. It was a good question but fundamentally flawed from my perspective cus he only tool into account humans.
In Buddhism all consciousness flows from 1 being to another through reincarnation. Beings typically evolve upwards towards higher life forms but if u r naughty karma can zap u back into a dung beetle in a big hurry. Also consciousness is not bound by gravity or the speed of light, ETs can become humans & vice versa :)
William H (Countachxx)
Posted on Monday, January 14, 2002 - 1:58 am:   

Many indigenous cultures like the American Indians, Australian Aboriginies, South American Indians, African Shamans, & Tibetan Buddhists consider dreams to be extremely important, some say they r more important than waking consciousness.

For a peek at what lies beyond u may wish to check out the Tibetan Book of the Dead, which was written by generations of Tibetan Lamas who cruised between worlds :)

Out of Body experiences & Near Death Experiences r 1 & the same thing in that our consciousness exists independently of our bodies for a certain period. NDE is a deeper form of OBE. Death itself may b a dream state that we never awake from, back into our present bodies at least

Which again leads to the topic of reincarnation :)
'75 308 GT4 (Peter)
Posted on Monday, January 14, 2002 - 1:35 am:   

If this is the afterlife, then it was one hell-of-a previouslife.

I often think about things like this, but keep it to myself. Quiet contemplation. Very relaxing.

NsxNick made a comment very early on in this thread that time is a man-made concept. No, the units of time are, but time is a continuous elapsing period and area where events occur. That's beyond us.
Michael (Mtabije)
Posted on Monday, January 14, 2002 - 1:33 am:   

Would our consciousness, reason, logic, and perception that we know now be able to fathom what lies beyond this mortal coil?

Perhaps not, that is why, whatever lies beyond the tangible world we know now is held in such high regard, mystical, transcendence, beyond logical explanation....beyond words.

That is, perhaps, if it does exist.

Notice, my fence sitter approach to the this thread.
david schirmer (David)
Posted on Monday, January 14, 2002 - 12:00 am:   

What if this life is the afterlife?
William H (Countachxx)
Posted on Sunday, January 13, 2002 - 9:37 pm:   

Spoken by a Tibetan Buddhist Lama "Your awareness of reality is neither very aware nor very real"
Ken (Allyn)
Posted on Sunday, January 13, 2002 - 7:35 pm:   

I can't respond to all the correct and incorrect info here. First don't confuse your question with God. You can study any one of a million religions, but I think you want the cutting edge science. First, read "A Brief History Of Time" by Hawkins. Then you need to read Biran Green's book on string theory. Then email me off line and I'll answer any questions you may have. You'll find the nature of reality much more interesting than most people suspect.
Mark (Study)
Posted on Sunday, January 13, 2002 - 7:33 pm:   

Deep thoughts?

If the after-life is for eternity? Why was the first "real" life only for a millionth of a second.

that's what a 100 years is on the Geological scale.

Why so short?
Mark (Study)
Posted on Sunday, January 13, 2002 - 7:25 pm:   

Life is a wonderful gift. Rich men and poor men are given the same great gift.
Nothing is better then 100 years of life.

So once its done...Why do people think there must be a second gift? What about people that didn't get any? Now don't you feel selfish for wanting another?

Its because people "think". That is our problem.
Could you see a population of thinking creatures that would not think up a PRIZE for when they die? The one last moment that any thinking creature would fear.

Sometimes I think it might be easier to live as an animal. They have no debates about weather an invisible magical resort happens when they die?
They don't have enough brain power to realize they are only short termers on this chunck of rock.

Is it our own ability to dream, think, wish, that makes us wonder about these things? I might as well join the crowd? I am going to Disney World when I die.

Have any of you ever thought about what money would be like in Heavan? Or is it a free resort, unlike Earth.

a good exercies might be to build our own dream of what the after life would be like. Do we have bodies, pockets, jobs, a use or purpose. Maybe we all work the chain gang to continue building the ever expanding universe? Or is it just a huge vaction of no purpose but pleasure?
Tim N (Timn88)
Posted on Sunday, January 13, 2002 - 6:53 pm:   

William, if you put a cat in a box and you cant see it, is it still alive? According to Shroedinger, theoretically it isnt.
William H (Countachxx)
Posted on Sunday, January 13, 2002 - 5:43 pm:   

Nirvana is way cooler than heaven :) LOL
Heaven promises immortality, Nirvana promises eternal bliss & omniscience
Edward Gault (Irfgt)
Posted on Sunday, January 13, 2002 - 5:33 pm:   

I read in the newspaper this morning about a little girl that was handed some money from her Mother to put in the Sunday School collection plate. That afternoon her Mother noticed that she still had the money. Why didn't you give the money to God today? She asked. "Because he wasn't there" she said.
Mark (Study)
Posted on Sunday, January 13, 2002 - 5:24 pm:   

I think I am going to become worm food.

I think scientist would work harder to extend life spans and some creative people might even work on more ways to freeze people... but religion gives so many people a warm fuzzy feeling that there might be a resort waiting for us when we die.

That people are not putting 1000% of their energy into trying to stay alive!

I do have a neat thought. Can you imagine being in Heaven and trying to figure out what to do with 999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999 years and figure out that you are no where near the end of time. My point is that Heaven promises imortality but doesn't realy think about what kind of number that would be.
William H (Countachxx)
Posted on Sunday, January 13, 2002 - 5:15 pm:   

Death, eternity, soul etc have always fascinated me. 1 reason Ive gone deep into Buddhism & meditation, its awesome stuff. Do you believe in reincarnation, Heaven, or do u plan on becoming mere worm food ?
William H (Countachxx)
Posted on Sunday, January 13, 2002 - 5:13 pm:   

Anybody reaqd the book "HOLOGRAPHIC UNIVERSE" by James Talbot ? Wall to wall deep thoughts, great book, a really astounding & worthwhile read.
William H (Countachxx)
Posted on Sunday, January 13, 2002 - 4:58 pm:   

Politicians allow scientists to exist cus scientists build weapons & computers the politicians can use to control & threaten people with. Also it helps bring jobs to their states, gets them re-elected & they get kickbacks. thats not so deep :)
William H (Countachxx)
Posted on Sunday, January 13, 2002 - 4:53 pm:   

Jim, when I do light speed in my 512TR & I turn on the headlights, they DO work, I just cant see them :)
Also when a tree falls in the forest & no 1 is around to hear it , it does NOT make a noise, it merely creates a lot of sound vibration
J. Grande (Jay)
Posted on Sunday, January 13, 2002 - 4:38 pm:   

I don't believe polliticians are god-fearing they are public-fearing. They will sway which ever way the wind is blowing. Right now it is the so called "christian" right that is blowing strongest. Can you blame them (politicians), they get millions of dollars from fund raisers, they don't want to hurt their chances of re-election.

BTW I heard that Pininfarina designed an electric car that did 200mph (for about 2 seconds). Anyone else heard of this? or was it Bertone?
Mark (Study)
Posted on Sunday, January 13, 2002 - 3:40 pm:   

Does anyone know more about the Hydrogen Engine?
I saw a bit about it at the Detroit Auto show.. at GM's display.

Seems like one machine that could solve all are short-term problems (enviromental, middle east) is this idea that a chemical reaction makes electrity and produces a waste product of water which can be made into more hydrogen fuel.

Any one know cost? (how much more does price need to drop?) Or what kind of HP they have gotten out of this type of engine? How much better is it then the other posibility (solar power)?

GM's display was typical fluff. Told me nothing I could really use.
Michael (Mtabije)
Posted on Sunday, January 13, 2002 - 3:31 pm:   

As you all may know, I'm a reading NUT case, I buy lots of mags and books...everything from Forza to the U.S. Army Special Forces Medical Handbook ST31-91B to Isaac Assimov. One of the best magazines I've been reading for the past 5-6 years is Skeptic. It's the best mag for those of you asking the "how" or "why". It can get long winded and sometimes very technical but it is not just food for thought, but a freaking Las Vegas 24hr buffett for your brain!!! I suggest you guys check it out.
Mark (Study)
Posted on Sunday, January 13, 2002 - 3:25 pm:   

I think those God Fearing politicians are hedging their bet. LOL
Michael (Mtabije)
Posted on Sunday, January 13, 2002 - 3:20 pm:   

Mark, man, you know why the government lets us do serve their own interests.
Mark (Study)
Posted on Sunday, January 13, 2002 - 3:19 pm:   

I come from a science background, so my deep question is ... How?

We leave the "why" up to the philosophy class people.

Science figures we will answer all the questions slowly as we increase our understanding and tools one step at a time.

politicians are God fearing and since Heaven will solve all their problems. I don't see why they let us do any science at all?
Michael (Mtabije)
Posted on Sunday, January 13, 2002 - 3:14 pm:   

Jay that was a good story and it proves the benefits of stem cell research....too bad a lot of people esp. politicians are God fearing and ignorant of the benefits and science in general. Most people have Hollywood images of white coat anonymous scientists creating Frankenstiens and then marketing them to infertile couples as the "super child" (the media taking it too far in their damn "expose's"....and then yadah yadah yadah....granted crap like this could happen, but do you seee how soon it gets out of hand?!!! The ignorance and lack of understanding ties in with the critical thinking part of the other thread on this board titled "Education" as well.
Simon Bertram (Lordvagabond)
Posted on Sunday, January 13, 2002 - 2:31 pm:   

I personally don't believe in god, so my deep question is...


(ps: philosophy class people will get this =) )
Jim E (Jimpo1)
Posted on Sunday, January 13, 2002 - 1:30 pm:   

If you're in your Ferrari and you're driving the speed of light and you turn on your headlights, do they work?
J. Grande (Jay)
Posted on Sunday, January 13, 2002 - 1:20 pm:   

I think I was watching 60 minutes about a kid who had a rare blood disorder. He went through hundreds of transfussions until they decided to try a new proceedure (or else he would die). They used chemo to kill his bone marrow and then injected stem cells into his bones. He recovered and the doctors found that his blood was completely free of the desease, but also his blood type had completely changed. He went from O positive to B negative or something like that. In otherwords his body began making a different type of blood! Amazing! Now that proceedure is banned. It's a shame because they can use stem cells from circumcized babies.
Mark (Study)
Posted on Sunday, January 13, 2002 - 1:11 pm:   


Yes, one of the most interesting things on today's science front is the clock in cells.

Are cloned sheep born older?

What and how does the clock in cells, that allows one cell to divide and fourm two new cells stop?
I think it could simply be allowed to divide as many times as it wants until DNA mutations eventualy screw it up. DNA is such a complex thing that every copy comes away with a few flaws. Eventualy it can't split into two cells any more?

I was sad to see our President put a road block up on stem cell research. Other wise we might know the answers to these questions by now.
J. Grande (Jay)
Posted on Sunday, January 13, 2002 - 12:56 pm:   

Understood! But the original question was "Who created the Universe and what is the meaning of life?" Kinda hard to not mention God when it comes to deep things wheather you believe or not.

Here's something deep...We all know that the human body is amazing at repairing and healing itself. Our cells replace each other and are different from day to day, so technically we are an entirely different person every few days. What makes these cells stop repairing themselves, causing us to grow old and die? Technically we should be able to live forever.
Mark (Study)
Posted on Sunday, January 13, 2002 - 12:46 pm:   


I am trying not to mix god up in this. If god exist or not, is not the point of this thread. If he does exist..Yes that tape-worm idea was great work. ( just making a joke)

Lets talk about complex and deep ideas. Some of us belevie in god and some don't.. or have diffent gods. Now if we can keep that out of the conversation it will free us to talk about all the cool things that DEEP THOUGHT can produce
J. Grande (Jay)
Posted on Sunday, January 13, 2002 - 12:34 pm:   

Believing in a God doesn't mean that the possibility of life on other planets doesn't exist. None of us know for sure if there is life on other planets. Why does believing in a creator sound so far fetched? The universe could be compared to a computer. It is organized, it has structures, rules, laws and concequences for breaking laws and we know that it had a much more so the universe. Think of the laws of gravity, of how light travels ect. That's to say nothing of our own bodies that are far superior to anything man made. It says one thing...designer.
Mark (Study)
Posted on Sunday, January 13, 2002 - 12:25 pm:   

"The universe is too structured and organized...that there must be a God"

As for the structure and organization... some of the dumber ideas are-
-Shower mold (thank God for coming up with that one for me)
-termites, and the bacteria that grows in their gut that allows them to digest cellulose so they don't starve.
-Life that lives around the hot-vents, miles below the surface of the ocean, where no sun light goes.
-life that lives in Hot Sulfur Springs and geysers. Or lives that lives in the ice in Antarctica

Do you have any doubt that life lives on millions of other planets. Or are we the only pebble in the stream?
Tim N (Timn88)
Posted on Sunday, January 13, 2002 - 12:18 pm:   

Where did all the stuff in the universe come from in the first place?

Who made god?
Tim N (Timn88)
Posted on Sunday, January 13, 2002 - 12:18 pm:   

Where did all the stuff in the universe come from i the first place?

Who made god?
Tim N (Timn88)
Posted on Sunday, January 13, 2002 - 12:16 pm:   

Mark, we cant use telescopes to look forwards or backwards in time. We only see things that happened a long time ago because that is when the lights reached us. I guess that means you could look backwards in time in a sense, but forwards? Those questions are never going to be answered but i have a good theory. I think the universe is one big harmonic occilator. I think that it started with a big bang, and keeps doing that every "lots of years". What im trying to say is that since everything in the universe exerts a gravitaional force on everything else, everything could get sucked into the came black hole in a long enough time, followed by another big bang. If that is the case, who knows what other great planets existed and what their accomplishment was and who knows how long this has been going on for. Thinking about it is almost scary.

Who has seen animal house? remeber the part where they smoke pot with thier english teacher and he explains that every atom in your fingernail couold be a little universe. thats wierd to think about too.
J. Grande (Jay)
Posted on Sunday, January 13, 2002 - 12:08 pm:   

That is why if you can travel faster than the speed of light and then turn around, you would actually see yourself coming towards yourself:)!?!?!

The Universe, Time, Space, life...if you seriously contemplate them you will realize that there must be a God. The universe is too structured and organized for all of this to just happen by chance.

William are you trying to outdo the "Where did you come from" thread?:)
Mark (Study)
Posted on Sunday, January 13, 2002 - 11:23 am:   

time is a man made concept that is so cool.

a tool like math or language. they are all man made concepts. what else could they be?

but time... thanks to carbon dating and the way that radioactivity half-lifes are predictable and constant.. make time a great tool.

Also time is the same as distance. In space distance is measured by time. The time it takes a constant like the speed of light to travel the vast distances. This is why we can use a telescope to look backward or foward into time. Seeing light that left a far away star 10,000 years ago, even though it has only reached our eyes today.

Seeing back to the origin of light (the big bang) and where it is coming from or moving towards. The telescope truly is a time machine... seeing forward in time to the outward expansion of your universes.

As I said. Pretty cool Dude.
nick l (Nsxnick)
Posted on Sunday, January 13, 2002 - 11:13 am:   

actually, time is a man made concept.
Mark (Study)
Posted on Sunday, January 13, 2002 - 11:08 am:   

William the two most important things that we dont understand - time and distance.

If the universe is 8 billion years old (give or take a few hunderd million years) and modern man as been here for the last 10,000 years. We are a blink of the eye, in the time frame of any god.

Not only has god not had time to influence our life ( sad but that must be why church buses are always going off cliffs, and tornados hit churches) but if you try to put these two numbers together in a way that your mind can understand it. Think of 1 second out of the past 10,000 years. thats how long humans have been a influnence on this crazy small pin prick of light in a universal sky.. that is billions of light years from one end to another.

Pretty cool.
Edward Salla (350hpmondial)
Posted on Sunday, January 13, 2002 - 10:53 am:   

Naaaaaawwwwwwww, God created Enzo, Enzo created life (ha ha)
Richelson, great testamony. Willis needs a little of that encouragement. (read the "Chicks Dig It" string) Chat Later brother,

Richelson (Richelson)
Posted on Sunday, January 13, 2002 - 10:07 am:   

God created the universe, lights, etc. I had a very enjoyable church service today. Help out your fellow man and be honest. Enjoy Life!!!!
William H (Countachxx)
Posted on Sunday, January 13, 2002 - 9:47 am:   

Any1 interested in getting into the deep end of stuff. Does the Universe end? does ET exist? Who created the Universe? What is the meaning of life, the Universe, & everything ?

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