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Henry D. Chin (Hanknum)
New member
Username: Hanknum

Post Number: 2
Registered: 2-2002
Posted on Monday, March 04, 2002 - 1:45 am:   

Hey Steve,

I've been on the list for a few years now and I think you've done a terrific job.

I think the atmosphere on the list has changed over the years though. Unfortunately, there is a lot of non Ferrari stuff. The list also seems to be forming into pro-clyde and anti-clyde factions. Some of the attacks on the list are totally uncalled for and offensive at times.

I may lurk some in the future, but I've seemed to have lost some of my enthusiasm for the list. I know you have put a great amount of time and energy into the list, and I thank you for it. Unfortunately, some of the things that I don't like about the list, you don't have control over.

Thanks again

david w (Djw)
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Username: Djw

Post Number: 7
Registered: 10-2001
Posted on Tuesday, February 26, 2002 - 1:35 pm:   

Great job Steve, I can't even imagine how much work you have put into the "List".

David Weiniger (very minor lister)
Andrew (Enzo250gto)
New member
Username: Enzo250gto

Post Number: 1
Registered: 2-2002
Posted on Tuesday, February 26, 2002 - 12:09 pm:   

Wow this is a very nice community. I wish I had discovered it before I started my own. However, with that said a wonderful forum much like this one can be found at I started the website a month ago but the forum is up and I'm in the process of updating constantly.
Eric Eiland (Eric308gtsiqv)
Junior Member
Username: Eric308gtsiqv

Post Number: 167
Registered: 11-2001
Posted on Tuesday, February 26, 2002 - 12:00 pm:   

Thanks Steve,

Just logged in and posted another pic of the 308, and it appears that everything went through (received the moderated delay message) -- I'll check back later today. By the way, I'm still on the "List" and don't plan on leaving .
Steve Cook (Flistmeister)
New member
Username: Flistmeister

Post Number: 3
Registered: 2-2002
Posted on Tuesday, February 26, 2002 - 11:39 am:   

Thanks for the welcome Rob! I plan to look around here more often!

Eric: Unfortunately, one of the things the list doesn't allow is posting pictures. The two main reasons are the bandwidth/server strain (each mail is sent to 800 people), and subscribers with slow/remote access. You can post pictures on the site though! ;) People wise, just jump right in. Seriously, we're really all friends, and we don't exclude new people. Send a "I'm new" message, and I'll bet you get tons of welcome notes!

89TCab: I adjusted the fonts on the archive/recent post view page, and you're definitly right - it looks a lot better. Thanks!

Eric Eiland (Eric308gtsiqv)
Junior Member
Username: Eric308gtsiqv

Post Number: 166
Registered: 11-2001
Posted on Tuesday, February 26, 2002 - 9:26 am:   

Been signed up with the "List" for a couple of months now, and have benefited from some of the useful information regarding the technical aspects of Ferrari ownership. End up deleting 90% of the posts, but it's not much of a problem.

Personally, I enjoy / prefer FerrariChat for many reasons, some of which are: easy format, friendly atmosphere, great content, just to name a few. Additionally, I've been fortunate to get to know many of the owners / enthusiasts here from the outset, even though I've never met them in person. Unfortunately, this was not the case with the List -- felt like I was out in the cold trying to get in. For example, right off the bat I tried to post a pic of my 308 in the showroom, but after several attempts I gave up (have had the same problem with the site as well). FerrariChat simply provides a much warmer and enjoyable format to interact with enthusiasts, in my opinion -- thank you Rob.

For what it's worth, I also subscribe to the LamborghiniList and the LotusList simply because I enjoy those cars as well, and the information supplied there is sometimes worth reading even though I don't currently own a Lambo or Lotus -- but, hopefully, someday I will (in addition to the Ferrari of course!)

Rob Lay (Rob328gts)
Board Administrator
Username: Rob328gts

Post Number: 1147
Registered: 12-2000
Posted on Monday, February 25, 2002 - 7:49 pm:   

Steve, welcome to I like everything you've done with the redesign of your site. As I mentioned before, I posted my car on FerrariList in the showroom and tend to browse around at least once a week. I've never been on the e-mail list though.

I'm not sure how many people read my post on the other FerrariList thread, but if there are 100,000+ Ferrari owners in the world and 10 times that many enthusiasts, then I'm not sure one online community could handle it. I'm the admin and I don't even have time to read every post on here and there's only a 1,000 users. The online community really does become a group of friends and contacts. is here forever, but I bet I'll see at least 1,000 Ferrari sites in my life. Some will be around for awhile and others may not. The more there are, the more they can learn from each other and all the users benefit. That's the most important thing.

Steve, we probably go through many of the same things with these communities. I haven't heard too many arguments about Ferrari, but whenever the topic gets off Ferrari I know there will be trouble. We all have at least one thing in common.
89TCab (Jmg)
Junior Member
Username: Jmg

Post Number: 156
Registered: 9-2001
Posted on Monday, February 25, 2002 - 5:40 pm:   

Hi Steve,

I was signed on for a bit but I spend too much time reading via phone/pda to really make use of a filter so I simply sign on and search for stuff later. Works great that way for me. (My days of 300+ emails are behind me along with working long hours...)

By way of suggestion, the font for looking at the text of the "recent posts" is always a small courier on my 1024 screen. Makes it hard to read and I have not had much luck changing it.

wm hart (Whart)
Junior Member
Username: Whart

Post Number: 73
Registered: 12-2001
Posted on Monday, February 25, 2002 - 4:47 pm:   

Steve- you are a gentleman.
Robert W Charles (Bcharles)
New member
Username: Bcharles

Post Number: 3
Registered: 2-2002
Posted on Monday, February 25, 2002 - 3:26 pm:   

Mr Cook,
I have been lurking for about 3 months now and find the conversation both intersting at times and boring at times, but I always know that I have the option of the delete button.

Steve Cook (Flistmeister)
New member
Username: Flistmeister

Post Number: 2
Registered: 2-2002
Posted on Monday, February 25, 2002 - 3:04 pm:   

First, I'm trying to figure out why I'm posting this here, instead of the list... I dunno. Maybe people will read it and not delete it. :-) I have to admit that I, even as list meister, read about 5% to 10% of the posts.

A little history of the list: I started it in 1995 while looking to buy a 308. I was on the Porsche list at the time (the original list, about a year before the "bust out"), and couldn't find any Ferrari related resources at all. So, BAM, a majordomo list was started. I basically copied the bylaws/readme from the porsche list, and let it go from there. It's gone from about 50 listers to just under 800, and from 15 posts a day to usually more than 100.

As you'd expect with >100 messages a day, there's a lot of noise. But in that noise is some interesting info to some people (NOT everybody). From looking at this site for a couple days, it looks like this site gets even more posts, it's just a lot easier to skim through, and it's not delivered to your inbox, so it's not quite so "intrusive". Being on the list practically requires a quick delete finger or having the ability to setup filters. In the past, I've created Tech lists, NFC lists, and the like, but they never got traffic, and the posts it did get were CC:'d to the list, so subscribers got twice the posts...

Yup, "email lists" were started in the 80's, and it seems like an outdated form of communication now that Forums and Message boards are available. BUT, I happen to find email lists a lot easier to handle than message lists.. (mostly just because I'd forget to check it if I din't have it sent to me ;).

P-Cars/Other cars Suck:
Though there are quite a few listers that hate pretty much all non-ferraris, there is definitely not a list conspiracy against them. In fact, I personally drive and race a Porsche 944 (that I bought with the proceeds from the sale of my 308). There are rules in the FAQ about posting "SUCKS" messages, but very few people ever read the FAQ... ;)

Personal Attacks:
A couple years ago, there was a big blow-out with verbal assaults on the list. I ended up booting about 7 people off the list, and asked them to never come back. Personal Attacks on the list are strictly forbidden, and people are booted immeadiately, IF it comes to my attention. (IF is the big thing, since, as I said, I only read a few of the messages each day). The other thing that happens, is that replies with personal flames are sent directly to people, and not through the list. How do I handle it if I don't even know about it?
If you're actually hurt by the opinion of an "anonymous" lister 1000 miles away, you've got a pretty thin skin. First, ignore their statements, and then forward it to me. I'll deal with them.

Over the years I've tried to improve the basic concept of the list. I should have gotten a clue from the old porsche list I based it on.. It died when it was getting about 600 messages a day, with about 1% P-car content. When I finally go the searchable archive up, the membership dropped about 15% - People were very happy that they could just search them when they had a question, and not get 100+ messages.
In all honesty, I get very few specific suggestions for improvement. If people have any, feel free to send them to me. Nobody's asked that question, but I think I'll add that to the FAQ... ;)

Personal Thoughts on FerrariChat:
I've never really surfed through here until a couple days ago. (mostly because I didn't have a Ferrari). But from what I've seen, it looks great. Easier to sort through and a lot of topics.

List vs. Chat
It's different than the list, but in my _personal_ opinion, I like the list more - (hmm, I might have a biased opinion ;) but mostly it's the people on the list. I'm proud to call many of them my friends. I don't even think there is a "Vs." for the two. They're just different. Since it's not a "either/or" decision: I say try 'em both, if you like them both, use them both. They are tools for the better enjoyment of Ferraris and life in general.

So, those are some of my thoughts. Let me know what yours are, and I'll try to address/answer them if I can.

Thanks and Forza!
Il Segretario della ListaFerrari

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