D.H. 98 Mosquito to fly in New Zealand! | FerrariChat

D.H. 98 Mosquito to fly in New Zealand!

Discussion in 'Aviation Chat' started by Gatorrari, Sep 24, 2012.

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  1. Gatorrari

    Gatorrari F1 World Champ
    Silver Subscribed

    Feb 27, 2004
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    Jim Pernikoff
    #1 Gatorrari, Sep 24, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 7, 2017
    I decided that the imminent flight of this beauty was too important to leave on the "Airplane Photo Thread", so I started a new thread so that we can be kept up to date on this important event.

    Here's the first photo that I16 posted back on 14 September:
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  2. Gatorrari

    Gatorrari F1 World Champ
    Silver Subscribed

    Feb 27, 2004
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    Jim Pernikoff
    #2 Gatorrari, Sep 24, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 7, 2017
  3. Gatorrari

    Gatorrari F1 World Champ
    Silver Subscribed

    Feb 27, 2004
    Full Name:
    Jim Pernikoff
  4. Wade

    Wade Three Time F1 World Champ

    Mar 31, 2006
    East Central, FL
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    Wade O.
  5. Nurburgringer

    Nurburgringer F1 World Champ

    Jan 3, 2009
    Interesting, I would have thought it'd have counter-rotating props.

    Gorgeous plane, looking forward to seeing her take to the skies!
  6. I16

    I16 Formula 3

    Sep 15, 2008
    She is in the air - what a site! Plenty of photos on facebook
  7. Gatorrari

    Gatorrari F1 World Champ
    Silver Subscribed

    Feb 27, 2004
    Full Name:
    Jim Pernikoff
    Congrats! I can't wait to see the videos.
  8. Gatorrari

    Gatorrari F1 World Champ
    Silver Subscribed

    Feb 27, 2004
    Full Name:
    Jim Pernikoff
    #8 Gatorrari, Sep 27, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 7, 2017
  9. TRScotty

    TRScotty F1 Rookie

    Oct 12, 2006
    Tyler, Texas
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  10. Nurburgringer

    Nurburgringer F1 World Champ

    Jan 3, 2009
    Kind of a clunky looking plane, but has some undeniable British charm and pluckiness to it....
    Great to see one airborne that's for sure!

    Tally ho!
  11. Bob Parks

    Bob Parks F1 Veteran

    Nov 29, 2003
    Full Name:
    Robert Parks
    That is an interesting comment. I saw a Mosquito fly in 1945 and it is one of the most beautiful airplanes ever. Smooth, graceful, and damn fast. It out-did the P-38 and floored everyone with its performance. I knew a Mossy pilot who shot down 13 airplanes while flying a Mosquito Night Fighter and he loved it.
  12. Nurburgringer

    Nurburgringer F1 World Champ

    Jan 3, 2009
    #12 Nurburgringer, Sep 27, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 7, 2017
    I'm talking purely about looks, but yeah it's strange I feel like I should like it more than I do, but from some angles it just doesn't look right to me. I'm not talking P-47-like dumpiness or A1 Skyraider level weirdness, there's just something funky about it.

    Maybe it's the wings and canopy being so far forward, or the slightly chubby (with pinched ends) center fuse, the proportions just seem a bit off. The engines are nice and slim (with badass exhaust pipes) and head on, like in the second pic in the thread, it looks great, but from above like the pic below it just doesn't do it for me, like the P-38 does from any angle.

    Of course I'm going by photos and videos, seeing one in real life might just change my opinion :)

    When you say "out did the P-38", how so? It's lighter so should be more maneuverable, but didn't have nearly the range of the Lightning correct?
    edit: did some reading, and the P-38 was actually lighter (I assumed with wood construction with Mossie was light, but forgot it was more of a light-bomber than a fighter-interceptor).

    Did you ever get to fly a P-38? I know it's not an aerial hot-rod like a Spitfire or Mustang, but it's shape has always been my favorite.

    Some nice period footage
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  13. Bob Parks

    Bob Parks F1 Veteran

    Nov 29, 2003
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    Robert Parks
    #13 Bob Parks, Sep 27, 2012
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2012
    I respect your assessment, being a younger person, but this airplane is a thing of beauty and does not match the configurations that the younger aviation perhaps sees after being exposed to the newer jets , etc. To me it looks so well balanced and clean that it speaks of excellence. I love the P-38 for its hound's tooth look but the Mossy took that essence and melded it with a bit of grace and a sweep that nothing else has ever matched. I have seen it fly as well as the P-38 and while both are great aircraft, I feel that the Mossy is a step above. The Germans tried to duplicate it but were unsuccessful due to a failed adhesive so in my mind the Mosquito reigns. Absolutely hair raising to see a Mossy roaring by at low altitude at full power and pull up into a climbing roll. Then, it was out-running German fighters as a photo recon unit and attacking ships and German prisons in the attack-bomber roll. Helluva airplane!
  14. Tcar

    Tcar F1 Rookie


    It's a beautiful little plane. Great proportions. A hot rod.
  15. kevfla

    kevfla Formula 3

    Nov 20, 2003
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    gone 4 good
    As a kid in the '60s, I remember a movie using Mosquitos being shown on one of the networks (remember, there were only three at the time, called 213 Squadron...Squadron 217...something like that.

    Anybody remember that movie and have more details?

  16. Gatorrari

    Gatorrari F1 World Champ
    Silver Subscribed

    Feb 27, 2004
    Full Name:
    Jim Pernikoff
    633 Squadron. There was a second movie made (not exactly a sequel) called Mosquito Squadron. They are both available on DVD in the U.S.
  17. davidgoerndt

    davidgoerndt Formula 3

    Oct 25, 2004
    Orlando, FL
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    David Goerndt
    There was an hour long documentary on the Mosquito from concept to combat. I believe it was on the History Channel. Apparently, the higher ups in the British military didn't think much of the plane until it flew. The craftsmanship that went into making the plane was remarkable. If you get a chance take a look at the documentary, well worth the time.
  18. James_Woods

    James_Woods F1 World Champ

    May 17, 2006
    Dallas, Tx.
    Full Name:
    James K. Woods
    I believe that the P-38 Lightning was the ONLY WW2 twin (for all sides) to have contra-props.

    I hate to disdain the Spitfire, but I really think this was the best-looking British plane of WW2.
  19. James_Woods

    James_Woods F1 World Champ

    May 17, 2006
    Dallas, Tx.
    Full Name:
    James K. Woods
    Yup. Cliff Robertson. Everybody got killed in the end.
  20. Tcar

    Tcar F1 Rookie

  21. I16

    I16 Formula 3

    Sep 15, 2008
    #21 I16, Sep 29, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 7, 2017
  22. I16

    I16 Formula 3

    Sep 15, 2008
  23. Gatorrari

    Gatorrari F1 World Champ
    Silver Subscribed

    Feb 27, 2004
    Full Name:
    Jim Pernikoff
    This photo reminds me of High Flight: "Oh, I have slipped the surly bonds of Earth....."
  24. Gatorrari

    Gatorrari F1 World Champ
    Silver Subscribed

    Feb 27, 2004
    Full Name:
    Jim Pernikoff
    Spectacular images! One of them is my new wallpaper. Getting the Mossie and the Vampire together makes a great "de Havilland heritage" shot. And the Anson looks pretty, too; reminds me of my old Airfix model. Thanks for posting!
  25. I16

    I16 Formula 3

    Sep 15, 2008
    #25 I16, Sep 29, 2012
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2012
    Very happy that you enjoyed the links. New Zealand time is now 22:57 Saturday night.
    Keep clicking on the links as I am sure more great photos will come up in a few hours!

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