Me Voy a Cancun y Tulum | FerrariChat

Me Voy a Cancun y Tulum

Discussion in 'Latin America' started by jlonmark, Mar 19, 2015.

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  1. jlonmark

    jlonmark F1 Rookie

    Mar 29, 2005
    Beverly Hills, CA
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    Any ideas, suggestions, etc would be amazing!
  2. dwhite

    dwhite F1 Rookie

    I was in Cancun for 10 days in 1986, staying at Club Med, and I did a day trip to Chichen Itza, it was spectacular. Went back to Cancun for 8 days in 1988 and stayed at a brand new hotel. Things were just starting to be really be developed, the room was dirt cheap and had a full marble bathroom as I recall. We did 2 day trips out of Cancun, the first trip to Telum, which is along the beach and then off to Coba, a newer Mayan discovery inland. The the second day trip, we drove to Playa Del Carmen - which was a hippy outpost back then- we took a ferry across to the El Presidente hotel in Cosumel, they allowed visitors to use their facilities and we did some snorkeling, as Cosumel is considered one of the bst dive destinations in the world. We had all brought our gear down with us.

    Anyway the east cost of the Yucatan penninsula is fantastic, the water is beautiful and the sand was like talc in Cancun. The whitest, finest grain of sand I have ever seen. Enjoy, things have changed a lot since I was there, some good, some bad.
  3. mvaldezf60

    mvaldezf60 Karting

    Feb 16, 2009
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    I went to Cancun back in 2002, stayed at the Palace Resorts all inclusive hotels. Great deal for the money and who wouldn't like endless mixed drinks and food at the beach as they had bars at all of them. They also have water sports equipment to rent at all locations such as jet skis, water bikes, canoes and I think they had paddle boards. The great thing about these hotels is that they have plenty of info so that you can book local tours throughout Cancun, such as visiting Isla de Mujeres, Chichin Itza and some local bars. Also went on a great fishing trip off the coast booked through the hotel. If you have any questions shoot me a PM. Have a great trip!

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