Remembering a strange Ferrari in Rochester, NY | FerrariChat

Remembering a strange Ferrari in Rochester, NY

Discussion in 'Vintage (thru 365 GTC4)' started by Bob Zambelli, Nov 3, 2003.

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  1. Bob Zambelli

    Bob Zambelli F1 Rookie
    Rossa Subscribed Silver Subscribed

    Nov 3, 2003
    Manning, SC
    Full Name:
    Robert G. Zambelli
    Back in the 70's, there was supposedly a rather odd 2 + 2 in Rochester, NY, belonging to a professor at the Eastman School of Music. A distinctive feature of the car was some sort of wicker type inlay on the outside of the doors. It was even said to have been a show car.
    Around 1975, I got a tip that the car was sold to the owner of a local store but I could not ascertain the real fact.
    For what it's worth, there were around 30 12-cylinder cars in that area in the mid 70's but this particular one never showed.
    So, truth or urban legend??????????????????
    Bob Z.
  2. Ira Schwartz

    Ira Schwartz Formula 3
    Silver Subscribed

    May 20, 2003
    Brooklandville, MD
    Full Name:
    Ira Schwartz
    Bob: I went to UR from '70-'73 (took Senior year in absentia in '74 to start law school) and thought I knew every weird car in town back then, but this doesn't ring a bell. Most of the strange stuff in town in that era was British, like my Marcos 3L, Mrs. Wegman's Europa TC, that Boss 302 TVR Tuscan, etc, but maybe I missed something in all that snow.
  3. sagaponack

    sagaponack Formula Junior

    Nov 2, 2003
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    I never saw the car and I was at U of R from 85 to 88.
    Many alums here.
  4. Bob Zambelli

    Bob Zambelli F1 Rookie
    Rossa Subscribed Silver Subscribed

    Nov 3, 2003
    Manning, SC
    Full Name:
    Robert G. Zambelli
    Hi, Ira. I lived in Rochester from 1965 to 1989 and you would not believe all the unique cars I saw in the general area through the years. To name a few: A Lotus Europa driven by a stunning blond, around 5'10"! - there were actually quite a few Loti in the area. A red Maserati with a Ford V-8 in it. A prof (Wendell Castle) at my school, RIT drove around in a black MGTC. A 4-cam Carrera (stolen), and many 356 Porsches. A few Maserati Sebrings and Biturbos, many FIATs and ALFAs, too many Lamborghinis, a MATRA, a SIATA, a Turbocharged Studebaker GT, more 2-stroke SAABs than I could count, a Jensen and on and on!!!
    Regarding Ferraris, there were at least two 250 GT 2+2, a green, really beat 275 GTB short nose, a silver 275 GTS (Doc States) , two silver and one green 330 GT 2+2, two 365 GT 2+2, two 250 GTOs, a 312P, a bunch of 246 DINO GTB & GTS, many 308 & 328, the 412 MI, the original DINO 206 GT (longintudinal engine), many Testarossas, two 365 GTB/4, one GTS/4, one 400A, one of the prototype Daytonas with the 275 4-cam engine, an aluminum body 275 GTB, the gold California Spyder (originally owned by Bob Publiker), the (mystery?) 2+2, two 330 GTCs, a 365 GTS, and I'm sure many cars that I did not see!
    Bob Zambelli
  5. Ira Schwartz

    Ira Schwartz Formula 3
    Silver Subscribed

    May 20, 2003
    Brooklandville, MD
    Full Name:
    Ira Schwartz
    Frankly, Bob, all I remember from my brief 3-year tenure in Rochester was a lot of wind and snow! I distinctly recall my Marcos being completely buried more than once, although admittedly that was a pretty low car. I fled at my first opportunity and came back home (Baltimore) for law school. Maybe I spent too much time below ground in all those tunnels beneath the UR River campus!

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