1957 410 Ferrari-Scaglietti-Boano SuperAmerica # S/n 0671 SA | FerrariChat

1957 410 Ferrari-Scaglietti-Boano SuperAmerica # S/n 0671 SA

Discussion in 'Vintage (thru 365 GTC4)' started by Quelqu_un_, Oct 30, 2013.

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  1. Quelqu_un_

    Quelqu_un_ Rookie

    May 7, 2010
    Full Name:
    1957 410 Ferrari-Scaglietti-Boano SuperAmerica...
    # S/n 0671 SA (la brune) et # S/n 0579 GT (la rouge) = c'est la même Ferrari, deux fois authentifiée, la fausse (la rouge) est vraie mais volée puis camouflée en fausse 330GT..., la vraie (la brune) est "officielle" mais fausse et a été construite de toutes pièces au départ de presque rien !!!

    La Ferrari # S/n 0671 SA (la brune) est une fausse authentique, labelisée par Ferrari, c'est une arnaque de haut niveau..., une Ferrari de ce tonneau, le monde n'en est heureusement pas autant truffé qu'un champ Afghan de mines anti-personnel...

    D'autant qu'elle bénéficie en outre, comme toutes, de l'apport indéniable d'une histoire proprement innommable, où un ingénieur épileptique cède la place à un designer hystérique dans divers écarts mélodramatiques, avant qu'un mafieux la vole, la mette en pièce et qu'elle est soi-disant retrouvée..., pour être construite (et non reconstruite et encore moins restaurée), par l'usine Ferrari..., dès-lors complice de cette fraude !

    Tout ça, alors que la vraie (la rouge), qui a été volée en 1970 aux USA, est vendue peu après à Turin, puis maquillée en 330GT "Boano" pour être revendue en toute normalité en France avec les applaudissements de journaleux complices !

    C'est trop compliqué ? Vous attrapez mal à la tête ? Vous doutez ? Vous avez envie d'une barre de chocolat ?
    Je résume : La Ferrari # S/n 0579 GT (la rouge) est la vraie # S/n 0671 SA mais camouflée en fausse 330GT "Boano"..., les deux existent au grand jour.

    C'est la vraie qui a de la valeur, mais elle se vend en cachette comme toutes les voitures volées, parce que c'est une voiture volée greffée du numéro de châssis d'une épave de 330GT..., tandis que c'est la fausse reconstruite au départ de rien et affublée du numéro de châssis de la voiture volée qui a été vendue près de deux millions de dollars parce qu'elle a été "officialisée" par Enzo Ferrari à la demande d'un présentateur vedette et multi-millionnaire de la TV américaine, du niveau et du style d'un Drucker !

    Vous commencez à comprendre ? Le déclic s'est fait dans votre tête ? Oui ? Alors continuez à lire, vous sortirez écoeuré de cette histoire de putes et d'escrocs qui ne méritent aucunement d'être adulés..., l'univers Ferrari c'est de la merde et il est grand temps de réagir !

    Côté look, avec cette 1957 410 Ferrari-Scaglietti-Boano SuperAmerica, comparativement à la version 1956 réalisée par Ghia, présentée dans l'article précédent (1956 410 Ferrari-Ghia SuperAmerica Wilke...), le style aurait plutôt tendance à donner dans une ronflante sobriété, de temps à autre bousculée par de légers faux raccords hasardeux, tels les ailerons inspirés des Cadillac's des mêmes années (sic !), jusqu'à ce que la relation sensuelle au volant de la voiture se fasse plus poussée.

    Pas de doute (quoique !), c'est une Ferrari (si, si !) avec une parenté américano-mexicaine, dont l'évidence se fait jour dans les invraisemblables points culminants de son design (au bout d'une heure, si vous voulez tout voir, vous n'en serez pas au bout), qui permettent à tous les gens éduqués (sic !) de laisser éclater leur joie au gré d'un superbe éclat de rire non-forcé.

    Enzo Ferrari n’était pas homme à négliger les dollars américains..., dès les années 1950..., "Il Commandatore"... met sur pied une division dédiée aux commandes spéciales pour les États-Unis, avec des coupés lourds et grincants, disposant de caractéristiques techniques spécifiques...

    Les carrosseries sont dessinées par Pininfarina, Ghia, Scaglietti et Boano (et autres), de manière à attirer des montagnes de dollars..., les Ferrari America et SuperAmerica sont nées... et, en 1951, la première Ferrari issue de ce nouveau département est la 340 America.

    En 1956, la 410 SuperAmerica prend la succession de la 375 America, c'est la Ferrari la plus chère du marché, mais aussi la plus laide..., l'Amérique est en pamoison devant cet engin qui semble avoir été imaginé par un cow-boy Texan ayant œuvré pour la création des diligences de la WheelsFargo Cy..., mais, boosté par la crapulerie libidineuse ambiante, Enzo imagine trois déclinaisons principales pour assouvir les souhaits de la riche clientèle américaine.

    Au salon de Paris en octobre 1955, Ferrari présente le châssis dénudé de la future belle, mais c’est finalement Bruxelles en janvier 1956 qui accueille la présentation "aboutie" de la 410 SuperAmerica...

    Jacques Swaters, le con-cessionnaire Belge (une fois) de la marque, y exulte en propos abscons que les journaleux recopient avec servilité : "Chaque modèle est personnalisé et unique, la production se fait au compte-gouttes, un exemplaire est assemblé par mois, la première série de la GT sera produite à 10 exemplaires seulement, Pininfarina dessinera les lignes de presque toutes ces super-sportives, Ghia se chargera seulement de trois des exemplaires"... et blablabla... et blablabla...

    En 1956 Pininfarina présente la Ferrari 410 Superfast construite à un seul exemplaire sur la base de la 410 SuperAmerica, elle est la première à porter l'appellation Superfast (ça nous fait une belle jambe)...et un an plus tard (en 1957 pour ceux d'entre-vous qui éprouvent des difficultés avec les additions en cause d'addictions non avouables), une nouvelle salve de coupés franchit l’océan Atlantique : la deuxième série de la 410 SuperAmerica !

    Ces engins disposent d'un empattement raccourci et de quelques chevaux de plus sous le capot (ça vous fait une seconde belle jambe)..., l’italo-américaine terminant sa déclinaison en 1957 avec un bloc moteur développant 400 chevaux (là votre pénis, érigé comme la Tour de Pise, resplendit !)...

    Ce modèle étourdissant de mauvais goût mis en vedette dans cet article qui le concerne (gag !), est une version customisée de la Ferrari 410 SuperAmerica série II..., elle a été commandée par le Dottore Enrico Wax, un client fidèle Ferrari (un client fidèle est un riche idiot capable d'acheter sans compter), affichant une passion quasi malsaine à Scaglietti...

    Selon divers témoignages dignes de foi (si, si !), Enzo Ferrari lui avait suggéré que, plutôt que d'avoir une conception Pininfarina de la 410 Superamerica, Sergio Scaglietti serait à la fois le concepteur et le constructeur d'un exemplaire tout à fait unique.

    Curieusement, Dottore Enrico Wax n'est pas Texan, mais Gênois (un habitant de Gênes, on dit Genovese en italien), un riche mécène local (un homme qui pour diminuer ses bénéfices imposables, donne son argent à des œuvres qui lui en restituent une grande part en noir et en gardent une grosse partie du reste pour payer leurs dirigeants), dont l'entreprise Wax & Vitale SNC, vend très cher des sortes de charcuteries fines à destination des faux et vrais riches mélés..., des produits de luxe comme le Whisky Johnny Walker (c'est hyper gag !)..., mais, il commercialise aussi en exclusivité pour l'Italie : le cuir Connolly !

    Pour ce touche-à-tout devenu très fortuné, Sergio Scaglietti réalise sur base du châssis # S/n 0671 SA, une voiture de route hyper chère... et, pour le justifier, son œuvre s'affiche avec une saveur distincte de la concurrence : un toit fastback dramatique..., une paire de palmes anti-chocs de premier plan..., des prises d'air latérales en forme de haut-parleurs..., des ailerons de requin grotesques... et des bas de caisse hardiment ventilés (ahahahahahah !), le tout en acier inoxydable...

    Le reste de la voiture est réalisé en aluminium (très très) léger... et à l'intérieur des instruments Smith (fabriqués en Colombie britannique) sont utilisés à la place des compteurs Veglia habituels des Ferrari..., tandis que la voiture est équipée de réservoirs jumeaux de 50 litres chacun..., c'est une 410 pas comme les autres à laquelle ne manque que des flammes peintes sur les flancs !

    Fait intéressant, le Dr Enrico Wax qui se sentait ridicule à son volant (ahahahahahah !) et n'en pouvait plus de subir quotidiennement des quolibets moqueurs (hehehehehehe !)..., n'a gardé cette 410 Scaglietti que moins d'un an avant de la vendre en janvier 1958 au comte Enrico di Portanuova RPA...

    Celui-ci l'a directement expédiée à la Carrozzeria Boano pour mieux la re-personnaliser grâce à : un reprofilage des ailes arrière et leur re-peinture en rouge foncé pour correspondre à la carrosserie..., en ce compris un agrandissement des ailes avant avec phares partiellement re-couverts..., l'ajout d'une écope de capot..., et la refonte du tableau de bord pour placer le compteur de vitesse et le compte-tours en face du conducteur...

    Poursuivi par la police (pas pour oser circuler avec cette voiture abominable mais pour des faits de mœurs qui inspireront bien plus tard Sergio Berlusconi), il se réfugie en Suisse et, en 1961, avant de disparaître dans la nature, il vend sa chère 410 Ferrari-Scaglietti-Boano à un ami qui vit au Texas.

    Ce bonhomme s'y pavane à son bord quelques années... puis la vend à Gary Wales en Californie, qui la vend à Stan Sokol en Floride, avant qu'un inconnu (peut-être étaient-ils plusieurs) la vole en 1974..., pour la mettre en pièces, châssis, moteur, boîte, carrosserie (du moins est-ce ce qu'on fait croire..., mais qui ?)...

    Traquée durant les années 1980 (six ans plus tard si je compte bien) par Greg Garrison, un américain pur-teint qui a fait fortune grâce à ses prestations de producteur pour la télévision, celui-ci piste chaque élément et parvient à retrouver en 1986 la plupart (selon-lui) des pièces en Italie, à Maranelo, chez Ferrari (gag !)..., où leur identité est confirmée par nul autre que Enzo Ferrari lui-même...

    Le scandale est potentiellement énorme, à l'époque Enzo est considéré comme un Saint-Homme, l'affaire risque de mettre au grand jour des pratiques ignobles (même Jacques Swaters ne sera pas épargné par la suite, de même que quelques grands noms de concessionnaires Ferrari partout dans le monde, avec d'autres Ferrari reconstruites et parfois volées...)...

    Dans ce cas, un "arrangement" est trouvé : Greg Garrison "hérite" des pièces..., l'affaire reste "dans la famille"... et dans ce deal c'est l'usine qui reconstruira la voiture aux spécifications d'époque, via Sergio Scaglietti et Gaetano Florini à la Carrozzeria Sport Auto Bachelli & Villa, située à Bastiglia, Modèna.

    Ferrari s'engage, en sus, de fournir tous les certificats et documents assurant son authenticité, ence compris une immatriculation d'époque (un duplicata)..., Gianni Deana et Aldo Silingardi de Sport Auto Modena sont de leur coté, chargés d'effectuer tout le travail mécanique, y compris les refrappes et plaquettes..., un peu plus de deux ans de temps sera nécessaire pour la faire renaître de ses cendres, c'est-à-dire : pour construire à neuf en 1986 une copie parfaite de la 410 Scaglietti de 1957 !

    C'est une entourloupe de premier plan, une escroqueie, un pied de nez à l'histoire et une attitude méprisable eu égard aux idiots qui dans le futur achèteront très cher cette voiture comme une authentique 410 de 1957..., passez muscade, une vraie fausse vieille nouvelle Ferrari avec un nouveau châssis # S/n 0671 SA..., va (re)voir le jour !

    Greg Garrison a été un pionnier de la télévision aux USA comme producteur et réalisateur, il a dirigé près de 4.000 spectacles dans sa carrière et a reçu plus d'une douzaine d'Emmy Award..., il est né à Harvin Ginsburg et a commencé sa carrière à la télévision par accident à l'âge de 22 ans...

    Après ses premières productions, The Kate Smith Show et Your Show of Shows (CBS 1950), il a continué à produire et réaliser de nombreuses émissions spéciales de télévision avec Gene Kelly, Fred Astaire, Donald O'Connor et bien d'autres, mais s'il est connu aux USA, c'est pour avoir produit et dirigé le The Dean Martin Show et des comédies d'une heure avec Dom DeLuise ainsi que des spectacles avec Dan Rowan et Dick Martin, Jonathan Winters, Les Golddiggers et Marty Feldman.., il a également dirigé en 1960 un célèbre débat présidentiel en télévision entre John F.Kennedy et Richard Nixon.

    Dans ses dernières années Greg Garrison a supervisé pour Guthy-Renker la remastérisation numérique de tous les shows produits jusqu'alors pour sortir en DVD..., la commercialisation comprenait une "informercial" divertissante avec des clips et des interviews de Garrison par l'animateur Regis Philbin sur ses souvenirs de production...

    Greg Garrison est décédé d'un cancer du cerveau le 25 Mars 2005 à Thousand Oak en Californie, il possédait une cinquantaine de Ferrari extrèmement rares stockées dans son second Ranch situé dans le Montana..., toute sa collection a été vendue par Gooding & co...

    Revenons à 1986..., le châssis # S/n 0671 SA est reconstruit comme si c'était celui d'origine..., la carrosserie est également reconstruite à neuf (gag !) tandis que les accessoires en aluminium sont re-fabriqués en acier inoxydable... avant d'être ensuite polis...

    Un ancien nouveau moteur V12 4.963 cm3 Lampredi issu des vieux stocks intouchés de la division F1 du constructeur se voit refrapper son numéro identique au moteur qui équipait en 1957 le châssis # S/n 0671 SA et installé en position centrale avant..., tout est d'importance puisque cette 410 est la seule qui a été carrossée par Scaglietti ET Boano..., en finale, cette escroquerie doit (et va) rapporter un max à tous les intervenants...

    Quelques temps plus tard, les caméras tournent autour d'eux avec frénésie, Enzo Ferrari n'a plus que deux ans à vivre, Greg Garrison plus que 9 ans..., mais ils sont, en cette année 1986, toujours bien vivant et salivent de leur escroquerie comme s'ils avaient "sauvé" une des merveilles du monde à destination des plus riches specimen du Genre Humain...

    On les perd parfois dans des dédales très glauques, pour mieux les récupérer dans une ronde hypnotique ou la "découverte" d'un joyau qu'on croyait disparu (il l'était à jamais), devient alors prétexte à d'assez touchantes déclarations d'amour..., où chaque Ferrariste en dominant un autre, fait semblant de laisser tomber sa carapace d'escroc et se transforme spasmodiquement en parangon de tendresse grâce à cette passion pour la marque au cheval cabré, enfin partagée par la masse des imbéciles...

    Même quand le drame reprend ses droits, c'est dans un double climax pas vraiment saisissant expédié d'une façon pour le moins déconcertante, lors d'un coktail entre putes et mafieux gangsta... levant leurs verres à la gloire de l'indispensable père Enzo...

    Une image (maintenant orpheline) d'une personnalité adorablement contradictoire, capable de se conduire en pétulant macho... puis en parfait salaud débitant des conneries emplies de mots à la naïveté désarmante : "Regardez comme elle est belle ! Le soleil, la mer, le vent, les oiseaux et Ferrari…, respirez la vie !"..., un débordement sirupeux venant d'un énorme besoin de reconnaissance magnifié pour les tiffosi : la quête d'une vie de vanité emplie d'inutilités en faire-valoir…

    Connaissez-vous la satisfaction que l'on peut éprouver à voir un premier de la classe, accessoirement tête à claques et insupportable, ou bien un séducteur arrogant et couvert de femmes, se ramasser une déconvenue aussi humiliante que publique ?

    C'est à peu près ce que j'éprouve quand je croise un propriétaire de Ferrari le jour où sa "belle" est tombée en panne..., ou qu'il découvre qu'on lui a fourgué une voiture volée et maquillée..., ou qu'un expert lui annonce que sa vieille millésimée a en réalité été (re) construite au départ de rien que du neuf vieilli... et ou je peux sourire à la vue de sa figure marquée par la vacuité péremptoire de sa pensée pleine de grands sentiments, de sexe, de sueur et de soleil baignant des paysages exotiques peuplés de brouzoufs à la pelle et de filles à poil(s).

    Depuis presque toujours, Ferrari est soutenu par des campagnes de presse mastoc (des publi-reportages signés par des journaleux plus ou moins inconnus), dans le genre épique, amenant des émotions beauffissimes jamais vues depuis "la croisière jaune"...

    C'est un genre "conceptuel et intello-prétentieux" qu'affectionnent quelques abominables ex-coureurs (de filles, de cachets et de coupes en fer-blanc), que les "merdias" nous offrent trop souvent, mais avec un budget aussi pharaonique qu'inutile et des prestations spectaculaires...

    Il serait judicieux qu'un plus grand nombre d'amateurs d'imbécilités sympathiques prennent le temps de bien décortiquer ce mythe phénoménal, tant il est pétri de débilités : Enzo Ferrari, homme-mécanique fier et farouche, viril et sexy malgré le poids des ans, le nouveau Dieu et son regard qui pense...

    Pourtant, dès 1986, année de l'escroquerie narrée dans l'article que vous lisez maintanant, il végètait quelque peu dans le souvenir de sa gloire passée, entouré de filles plus ou moins légères, d'une ancienne amante devenue sa confidente et d'hommes de mains (gag !) un peu parasites sur les bords, trompant son ennui en faisant des balades, posant sur la vaine agitation de ses concurrents un regard lourd de sens..., alors que la révolte grondait dans le monde, que le drame couvait et que le ridicule rôdait...

    Il faut en premier lieu, rendre justice aux employés qui oeuvraient dans ce souk parce que c'était mieux payé que chez Fiat... et dont les prestations contribuaient pourtant amplement au désastre d'une marque boursouflée à l'extrême..., qui a finalement, exangue, été rachetée par Giovani Agnelli et englobée dans le groupe Fiat...

    Mais, à tout seigneur tout honneur, je cite tout d'abord l'employé en chef actuel qui remplace Enzo : Luca di Montezemolo... qui s'emmerde là dedans à un degré abyssal... et pour lequel on pourrait craindre l'assaut final d'une formidable dépression nerveuse, si ce pôôôv'hère ne percevait un bon million d'euros de salaire mensuel, preuve que chacun a ses limites !

    Comme le serait tout loustic gagnant un bon million d'euros chaque mois, il peut se permettre d'être égal à lui-même, ahurissant de morgue et de suffisance, effectuant le panégyrique de ses exceptionnelles facultés de non-créateur : s'il peut se montrer assez convaincant dans certains rôles pouvant convenir à sa personnalité, telles les présentations dans divers shows automobiles (il y est en réalité utilisé par Fiat comme si son charisme naturel devait suffire à illuminer le monde, vociférant chacune de ses affirmations sur la suprématie de "sa" marque)..., il faut le confesser, son apparition constitue le degré ultime de la nullité artistique !

    Pompeux, empesé, alourdi de fumeuses méditations politico-culturelles (il ne peut s'empêcher de servir bien chaud, ses opinions sur la vie, l'amour, la mort, le monde moderne, le prix du kilo de fèves...), il sombre pavillon bas tant sur le fond que sur la forme.

    Si l'on peut se repaître d'effets ratés, la rigolade découle avant tout d'une exceptionnelle prétention..., car se dégage de chaque présentation, une ambiance très particulière où, à chaque instant, les spectateurs accablés se demandent ce qu'il a bien voulu raconter ou signifier : ce qui amène un résultat du type double effet Kiss-Cool, permettant de rire deux fois : à la vision puis au décryptage.

    Une absence totale de rythme et de sens, achèvent de massacrer toutes les prétentions au souffle consumériste poussé à l'extrème (n'oubliez pas de passer à la boutique Ferrari pour vos cadeaux lorsque vous aurez terminé cet article, quoiqu'en fait vous aurez plutôt envie d'y f... le feu)..., d'une marque dont les membres sont transi d'admiration pour leur talent supposé : manifestement incapables du moindre recul sur l'œuvre d'Enzo dans sa généralité...

    Celle-ci est totalement ridiculisée par les clients lambda, oscillant entre l'inexistence et le cliché total people, époustouflants d'arrogance, de laideur d'âme et de niaiserie, qui tiennent aisément et sans pâlir leur rang de crétins de compétition aux côtés de catcheurs, de footbaleurs, de chanteurs ou d'escrocs de haut-vol, seuls capables de s'offrir des Ferrari au delà d'un certain seuil..., le fisc ne s'y trompe d'ailleurs pas, s'acharnant sur ce petit monde de people faisandé, avec une délectation rare (la liberté de la presse ne peut être utilisée sans cesse pour lobotomiser les masses en leur faisant croire que Ferrari est au dessus des lois, elle s'applique aussi à la critique).

    Il ne fait aucun doute qu'au rang des pires caprices d'enfant gâté aboutissant aux résultats les plus grotesques, cette 410 Ferrari-Ghia-Boano-SuperAmerica # S/n 0671 SA, figure aisément dans le peloton de tête...

    Enzo Ferrari un mois avant son décès en août 1988, a reconnu piteusement son échec intellectuel avec la série des 410, décrivant même quelques géniales escroqueries à base de Ferrari en doublettes et triplettes (comme il n'y a pas de petits profits, il avait même écrit un livre pour exorciser certains de ses bobos à l'âme)...

    Jusqu'à sa mort, il s'acharna pathétiquement, pendant des semaines, à défendre son œuvre, allant jusqu'à écrire qu'il avait réalisé : "Des voitures, qui lui ressemblent"..., que voulez-vous que j'ajoute à cela alors que la # S/n 0671 SA était devenue, deux ans auparavant (en 1986), totalement fausse... et qu'il le savait !

    Quand les auto-louanges deviennent aussi grotesques, on n'est décidément pas loin du livre des records à destination des branleurs notoires, des ados attardés adeptes de la bataille de pouces, des fumeurs invétérés de pétards (substance qu’ils dénomment tendrement Shibby), des rejetons détraqués et non désirés d'un rêve illusoire, en un mot, des cons...

    À tel un point qu’ils en deviendraient presque attachants avec leur esprit dévarié qui pose tout de même des questions sur la possible existence d'un disrupteur dimensionnel : Graal venu tout droit de la science-fiction des années '50..., produit bâtard d’une logique Ferrarresque suffisamment perturbée dans ses objectifs marketing, qu’elle en est venue à pérenniser ce qui est devenu au fil du temps un genre en soi : fabriquer le moins cher possible des bagnoles stupides, perles rares de pure puissance psychotronique proposées à de riches glandeurs vaniteux, à des prix stupéfiants (la cocaïne y est parfois pour beaucoup) !

    Le ressort drôlatique de cette 410 Ferrari-Scaglietti-Boano de 1957 châssis # S/n 0671 SA repose sur la confrontation entre plusieurs cultures différentes..., traité avec respect et intelligence ce genre de concept peut aboutir à un résultat stupéfiant (la cocaïne, toujours !), mais tel qu'utilisé avec irrespect et perversité, il est réellement drôle, un truc d'une subtilité rare...

    C'est amusant, j'ai beau être conscient que cet article va perturber une kyrielle d'escrocs et sagouins qui vont trembler de peur et de rage à l'idée que cela pourrait leur attirer des soucis..., une petite voix intérieure persiste néanmoins à me dire : "Ils ont été capables de le faire exprès... Oh oui, ils en ont été capables"...

    Mais pour peu que l'on soit plus américain que les américains... et que l'on ait un budget assez conséquent, on peut quand même se servir de ce genre de concept "comique" pour démouler un gros cake n'ayant pour vague prétexte qu'une accumulation de gimmicks particulièrement ringards (mais probablement extrêmement pertinents, vus du pays de l'Oncle Sam), essentiellement causés par une méconnaissance des us et coutumes dans lesquels aucun stéréotype ni aucun cliché ne sont oubliés !

    Voilà, le prétexte étant posé, il faut garder en mémoire que viscéralement consumériste et absolument pas artiste désinteressé, il ne restait plus en 1957 à Scaglietti (et Boano fera de même un an plus tard), qu'à consulter son dictionnaire des clichés éculés pour élaborer une 410 peu ordinaire...

    Cela, afin d'aboutir à un résultat absolument abracadabrantesque s'adressant essentiellement à un public de Ferraristes riches (extrèmement) mais puceaux... à qui cette Ferrari se devait de de fournir la quantité de folie raisonnablement exigée par leurs problèmes hormonaux, en contrepartie d'un paquet d'argent...

    Je sais, c'est navrant, mais toutefois je mets au défi quiconque regarde cette voiture de ne pas partir dans un fou rire nerveux se transformant bientôt en hurlement psychotique afin d'évacuer la consternation naturelle provoquée par cette bétise que même Lada n'a jamais osé faire : In Nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti, Habemus Ferraruaram...

    Cette 410 est une expérience unique et fascinante, tout à fait le genre d'automobile qui amène à l'esprit des dizaines de questions existentielles dont la plus persistante reste quand même : "Dois-je diffuser cette histoire sur GatsbyOnline et Facebook, au risque que les lecteurs face à ces réalités qu'ils ne soupçonnaient pas, vont plutôt se décider à aller se pendre après avoir brûlé leurs mag's : Echappement, Sport-Auto, Auto-Moto et autres revues aux textes orientés, non objectifs et totalement dépourvus d'humour, à l'inverse de Top-Gear, une émission de la BBC régulièrement diffusée sur Disvovery-Channel ?"..., ceci écrit, si vous lisez ces lignes, ne vous illusionnez pas trop, sur votre capacité au suicide, apprenez à faire un noeud coulant correct...

    Gregg Garrison ne va pas l'emporter au paradis, il décède en mars 2005 d'un cancer du cerveau et la voiture est vendue en 2007 par Gooding & Company pour 1,320,000 US$, de même que la cinquantaine de ses Ferrari de collection, l'ensemble rapportant plus de 40 millions de dollars à ses héritiers !

    Moins de 5 ans plus tard, le 20 janvier 2012, au Biltmore Resort de Phoenix, lors de son "Auction Arizona Sale", au milieu de 140 voitures présentées dont 126 ont été vendues pour un total de 25.6 million de dollars, cette voiture est adjugée par RM-Auction pour 1,815,000 US$..., preuve que le crime paye !

    L'histoire de cette Ferrari n'est pas terminée..., ayant été moi-même victime du vol d'une rarissime (5 exemplaires fabriqués) LéaFrancis lors d'un show FunCars en Belgique d'il y a 4 ans, j'ai rapidement compris, durant l'enquète, que pour se faire 200.000 euros (en ce cas), les voleurs sont souvent des faux-culs d'amis qui n'attendent que le bon moment pour vous plumer en riant, quitte à masquer leur forfait en tentant de vous en rendre responsable...

    J'ai donc pensé un peu plus loin que les Commissaires-priseurs (auctionners) américains de Gooding & cy et de RM-Auction, ainsi que des prétendus expert "vendus" à Ferrari, ayant donné une version Walt-Disney de l'histoire fantaisiste de cette Ferrari Scaglietti-Boano Super America de 1957 !

    La carrosserie de la Ferrari # S/n 0671 SA volée aux USA et mise en pièces, n'a pas fini sa vie dans un lac..., que nenni..., elle a ramenée en Italie et a été utilisée sur le châssis # S/n 0579 GT d'une prétendue 250GT "Boano" !!!

    Cette carrosserie a transité des USA vers l'Italie sous le faux nom d'un certain Mr "Bertone" de Turin (plus le gag est gros, plus ça passe) qui l'a vendue en l'état au Garage Auto Classic (également de Turin), qui a ensuite inventé que la carrosserie avait été commandée par un certain Mr "Colombo" (le gag est énorme !) pour recarrosser une Ferrari 250 GT "Boano" gravement accidentée aux Etats-Unis en 1981 (à mourir de rire, mais que fait la police ?)..., cette carrosserie étant déclarée comme ayant été fabriquée entre 1987 et 1988 par d'anciens artisans carrossiers à la retraite (lesquels ? qui ? des noms ! des noms !)..., mais sans plus d'informations (quel gag !)...

    En apercevant cette carrosserie "One-Off", Mr R.B. un Français démeurant à Saint-Raphael sur la Cote-d'Azur, propriétaire actuel, (faut l'arrêter quand même, c'est la honte que de refaire l'histoire au départ d'une voiture volée), aurait par hasard remarqué qu'elle ressemblait très fortement (quel gag, puisque c'est celle-là !), à une Ferrari à carrosserie unique bien connue ayant appartenue à feu Greg Garrisson : la Ferrari 410 Superamerica # S/n 0671 SA carrossée spécialement par Sergio Scaglietti en 1957 pour le Dr Wax...

    En véritable Sherlock Holmes (quel pitre !), le voilà-t'y pas qu'il enquète..., et toutes ses recherches le conduisent à la fameuse 410 volée puis soi-disant retrouvée en 1985 en pièces dans une ferme de l'Oregon où elle était utilisée comme tracteur... puis prétendument restaurée chez et par l'usine Ferrari selon les plans originaux de Sergio Scaglietti...

    Mais lui, rien, nada, il se déclare blanc comme neige et soutient que la carrosserie assemblée sur le même châssis et disposant du même moteur, sont des reconstructions en doublettes effectuées entre 1987 et 1988 par les mêmes artisans ayant fabriqué la carrosserie originale (qui en réalité est justement elle)...

    Tout ça pour masquer que c'est en réalité l'authentique 410 qui avait été volée !
    Quel souk ! Quelle bande de crétins ! Et tout ça se trouve sur le web !
    Comment blanchir une voiture volée ? c'est la question à presque 2 millions de dollars !

    L'imagination n'a aucune limite en ces circonstances de la vie !

    Mr R.B. (faut vraiment l'arrêter) s'accroche à son histoire imaginée, une histoire débile que je retranscrit : "Il semblerait qu'à l'époque, entre 1987 et 1988, deux carrosseries "Speciale" auraient été construites, l'une selon les plans originaux de 1957 qui est maintenant officiellement la Ferrari 410 Superamerica de Greg Garrisson, qui présente des phares "droits" ainsi que des ailes arrières "saillantes"..., la deuxième, "moins officielle" avec des phares carénés et des ailes arrières "arrondies" que l'on a retrouvé en 2005 sur le chassis de la 250 GT "Boano". De nombreux "historiens" et "spécialistes" de "Ferrari" se sont penchés sur la question (c'est trop ! quand ? qui ? des noms ?), les "anciens carrossiers" sortis de leur retraite en 1988 ayant disparu (bien évidemment, là, c'est simple et même comique !), il a été très difficile, 25 ans plus tard, de retracer l'histoire de cette carrosserie (c'est trop bon !), mais tout porte à croire que cette carrosserie "Speciale" a bel et bien été fabriquée en même temps que celle de la 410 # S/n 0671 SA ..., des photos prises en 1988 par Keith Bluemel, parues dans le Cavallino Magazine N°49 Février/Mars 1989 en attestent l'existence..., a-t-elle servit de brouillon ?" (là c'est trop fort, trop gros, trop pitre, Mr R.B. prend vraiment le reste du monde pour des imbéciles !), toute l'historique de la Ferrari 250 GT Boano 1956 #S/n0579GT est ICI et là : (250 GT Boano s/n 0579GT) et ne correspond strictement pas aux divagations de Mr R.B.)...
    On en cause également ICI et là : (http://www.ferrarichat.com/forum/vintage-thru-365-gtc4-sponsored-redline-restorations/262765-330-gt-s-n-6029-scaglietti.html)...

    Nous avons donc une carrosserie assez "extraordinaire" pour ne pas dire unique, fabriquée "en double" par des artisans authentiques d'époque mais disparus corps et biens (ahahahahah !), déposée en 2005 de son chassis "Boano"..., il restait à lui trouver un autre châssis ainsi qu'une mécanique convenable (un culot monstre !)... et c'est ce qu'a fait le propriétaire actuel, Mr R.B...., je tente de résumer :

    Une Ferrari 330 GT est trouvée à l'abandon par Mr R.B... réservée dans un garage depuis plus de 20 ans (l'imagination d'un receleur est sans limite !), l'embrayage était hors service, le moteur tournait, le numéro de châssis et de moteur étaient (trop) clairement identifiables (Matching Numbers, waouffff !), seule la carrosserie était dans un état de corrosion avancée (hehehehehehe !), le changement de carrosserie devenait envisageable pour restaurer la modeste 330 GT (le mot "modeste" est on ne peut plus risible vu l'histoire générale), en tout cas, son propriétaire ne pouvait se résoudre à ce qu'elle finisse en poulailler ou en réplique de GTO, le châssis fut légèrement raccourci pour le porter à 2,6 mètres, le moteur abaissé de 6 cm, car finalement, cette Ferrari a changé de carrosserie, comme tant d'autres Ferrari au cours de leurs histoires, mais ce n'est en aucun cas une quelconque copie (ahahahahah ! c'est trop fort, c'est pire, une copie authentique d'une voiture volée qui est vraisemblablement la Ferrari 410 Scaglietti-Ghia SuperAmerica # S/n 0671 SA...

    En 2008, un innocent, jouant à l'idiot de sévices plus vrai que nature : Mr Bruno Dugauquier (ça doit donc être facile de retrouver tout ce beau monde), a aidé son ami Mr R.B. à réécrire l'histoire et à légaliser un vol et une fraude, tout en ayant l'audace (ou la connerie) ultime de citer des noms...

    Il a eu l'occasion de faire quelques photos de la voiture qui sortait à peine de restauration, la sellerie avait été complètement refaite ainsi que la mécanique, l'historique de la voiture n'était pas encore bien élucidé (gag !) et la réalisation devait encore rester secrète (ahahahahah !)..., voyez l'inscription mal faite "en français" apposée avec des vis disparates (sur la rouge) et comparez l'inscription conforme à la version originale en italien (sur la brune)...

    Tout ce "bouzouk" est manifestement l'oeuvre d'une bande d'idiots qui prennent les autres pour des plus idiots encore, l'inscription en français "Carrosserie Speciale" étant l'imbécilité ultime, une sorte de signature gribouillée par un affairiste à la petite semaine ayant l'allure d'un marchand d'occazes en chambre...
    "Mais elle avait fière allure"..., écrit-il en finale..., car lui qui se prétend passionné de carrosseries "Speciale", a pu l'admirer sous toutes ses coutures et en faire des photos pour la postérité (Mr R.B. doit maintenant fulminer, il enterre sa Ferrari dans un endroit secret puis part en voyage en Amérique du sud chez Florent Pagny…

    Depuis, cette fausse 330 GT a participé à quelques concours d'élégance (si la voiture a obtenu des prix et des coupes en fer-blanc, c'est à désespérer pour l'avenir de l'humanité)... et est actuellement proposée à la vente quelque part (ce serait trop facile de savoir ou !) en France (que fait la police ?), son historique est de surcroit déclaré clair et limpide, la voiture étant livrée avec un dossier "le plus complet possible" (c'est à mourir d'apoplexie !)...

    Le monde des Ferrari est un panier de crabes, il faudrait y f... le feu et tout voir disparaître..., au plus j'avance dans le temps au plus tout cela me dégoute...

    Ah !, oui, au fait..., pour tout compliquer..., le nouveau et dernier propriétaire de la fausse vraie (la brune), l'a fait repeindre en rouge le mois dernier, la photo est ci-dessous..., salutations distinguées, bien à vous, bonjour chez vous et sincères condoléances..., à la prochaine et @+ !

    Attached Files:

  2. wbaeumer

    wbaeumer F1 Veteran

    Mar 4, 2005
    Help!!! - The French/ Belgium...they takin`over....!!!!
  3. YenkoKurt

    YenkoKurt Rookie

    May 19, 2012
    Topanga CA
    Full Name:
    Kurt Anderson
    Oui. I think.
  4. stevenwk

    stevenwk F1 Veteran

    Apr 12, 2007
    Metro Detroit
    Full Name:
    I think he's trying to say: "Dr. Wax" !!
  5. 275GTBSaran

    275GTBSaran Formula Junior

    Mar 5, 2012
    Zurich, Switzerland
    Full Name:
    Le Monde Edmond
    Bien sur et bien venue! ;)
  6. Tom Roland

    Tom Roland Formula Junior

    Feb 14, 2006
    Definitely does not worth any translation.
  7. Quelqu_un_

    Quelqu_un_ Rookie

    May 7, 2010
    Full Name:
    Cliquez sur traduction avec Google ou Bing... ou lisez l'article original quoique FerrariChat m'interdit que je place un lien pour vous permettre de lire et voir toutes les photos...
  8. wbaeumer

    wbaeumer F1 Veteran

    Mar 4, 2005
    আপনার মত ইডিয়টের এই একটি ইংরেজি ভাষা ফোরাম বুঝতে কি না.
  9. Timmmmmmmmmmy

    Timmmmmmmmmmy F1 Rookie

    Apr 5, 2010
    Full Name:
    Timothy Russell
    Oh, now you are just being ridiculous LOL
  10. 246tasman

    246tasman Formula 3

    Jun 21, 2007
    Full Name:
    Will Tomkins
    Does any one else here know anything about the 2 cars reffered to? Seems pretty bizarre....

    'Interesting' writing style from M. Quelq'un reminds me of posts from one or two other slightly controversial French/Belgian contributors to Fchat. But heck, vive la differance!
  11. Quelqu_un_

    Quelqu_un_ Rookie

    May 7, 2010
    Full Name:
    Je viens amicalement vous informer et détailler avec patience dans un texte forcément assez long, que la fameuse et mythique 1957 Ferrari-Scaglietti-Boano SuperAmerica qui avait été volée aux USA et soi-disant retrouvée en pièces par le célèbre Greg Garrisson pour être ensuite restaurés chez Ferrari par le biais de Scaglietti, en réalité se trouve dans le sud de la France, à St-Raphael et que son "propriétaire" actuel a imaginé une histoire cousue de fils-blancs pour lui redonner une autre vie ! Mais, il s'avère donc que la 410 Scaglietti restaurée et vendue 1.850.000 dollars est en réalité fausse de A à Z et n'est qu'une construction de 1986 au départ de rien d'autre qu'une escroquerie...
    Et c'est donc assez minable que certains d'entre vous viennent détruire mes recherches et mon article en se moquant de moi parce que je publie cela en français !
    Le fait également de reprendre l'entièreté de mon texte sans raison autre que se moquer du monde est une incivilité et un mépris pour mon travail de recherche qui ICI dans un Chat de Ferraristes devrait recevoir un autre type de discussion...
    En plus, je suis géné d'avoir vu certains de mes textes effacés sous prétexte que j'ai placé un lien menant aux textes originaux illustrés, avec menace de m'évincer définitivement, sauf si je paie !
    Mon site est 100% gratuit, je me flatte qu'en France, en Belgique mais aussi en Italie dont vous appréciez les créations, nous n'en sommes pas encore à ce point obsédé par l'argent..., en tant qu'américains, soyez vigilants à vos propres dérives et conscients qu'à la longue, vous soyez mal considérés, malpolis et dérangeants avec vos manières de cow-boy !

    (Google translation)
    I just kindly inform you and detail with patience in a necessarily lengthy text, the famous and legendary 1957 Ferrari-Scaglietti-Boano SuperAmerica which had been stolen in the USA and supposedly found in parts by the famous Greg garrison to be then restored with Ferrari through Scaglietti, actually lies in the South of France, at St-Raphaël and that its current "owner" has imagined a story sewn white son to give it another life! But it turns so that the 410 Scaglietti restored and sold 1.850.000 $ is actually wrong from A to Z and is only a construction 1986 initially nothing more than a scam...And so it's pretty crummy that some of you are coming to destroy my research and my article mocking me because I publish this in French!Also take over the entirety of my text without reason other that make fun of the world is an incivility and contempt for my research work which should receive another type of discussion here in a Ferraristes cat...In addition, I'm gene to have seen some of my texts deleted under the pretext that I placed a link to the original texts illustrated with threat of definitely ousting me unless I pay!My site is 100% free, I flatters me that in France, in Belgium but also in Italy which you enjoy the creations, we have yet so obsessed with money..., as Americans, be vigilant to your own derivatives and aware that in the long run, you're poorly considered, rude and disruptive with your cowboy ways!
  12. Wheels1

    Wheels1 F1 Rookie
    Silver Subscribed

    Oct 23, 2007
    Full Name:
    I think the comments where made as this site mainly uses English, so for some of us, that cannot speak very much French it is hard or impossible to understand, any of the text.
    All i can say is, the photos are very interesting, and i would love to read the text sometime.
  13. wbaeumer

    wbaeumer F1 Veteran

    Mar 4, 2005
    #13 wbaeumer, Oct 31, 2013
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2013
    This is an English speaking Forum. Period

    So if you want to post anything --- do it in English! Thanks! Merci!, Danke!, спасибо! Grazie!, धन्यवाद! . Its as simple as that.

    I am German but do not post any comments in my home-language. Vielen Dank!
    365GTC/4 likes this.
  14. ArtS

    ArtS F1 Veteran
    Owner Silver Subscribed

    Nov 11, 2003
    Central NJ
    #14 ArtS, Oct 31, 2013
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2013
    Sir, you did not get a warm response because you came here shouting that the sky is falling in French describing cars that are known: SN 6029 Detail and stories around the Garrison 410.

    It is informally, but generally, agreed that discussions regarding vintage Ferraris on this site are in English, so as you had not taken the energy to translate and a respected member (also from Europe) here said not to bother, we didn't.


    Art S.
  15. furoni

    furoni F1 World Champ

    Jun 6, 2011
    Vila Verde
    Full Name:
    Pedro Braga Soares
  16. Timmmmmmmmmmy

    Timmmmmmmmmmy F1 Rookie

    Apr 5, 2010
    Full Name:
    Timothy Russell
    Love these stories, the usual narrative has just enough story or evidence to make one actually question that it might actually be true that #0671 is the car in France. Like so many stories that have lit up Fchat, 0384AM comes to mind. Will be interesting to see what comes. Bring on the popcorn.
  17. DWR46

    DWR46 Formula 3

    Jun 19, 2012
    While I personally did not view the car, a number of my knowledgable friends saw and photographed the car at Greg's house when he unloaded it from the trailer bringing it from Oregon. I am sure I have copies of these photos. Greg and I spoke often as he was kind enough to involve me in the restoration of the car. He was a outspoken man, and a REAL enthusiast, who did not make friends easily (probably due to the "Hollywood" atmosphere he lived in), but for some unknown reason, he liked me and respected my knowledge. It was really fun to get constant phone calls from Dean Martin's and Sammy Davis Jr.'s producer to just visit and talk Ferraris. 0671 is the REAL DEAL, no stories or questions.
  18. The Red Baron

    The Red Baron Formula 3

    Jan 3, 2005
    Full Name:
    Another translation of the lot.

    1957 410 Scaglietti, Ferrari Super America-Boano ... # S / n 0671 SA (brown) and # S / n 0579 GT (red) = this is the same Ferrari twice authenticated, false (red) is true, but stolen and hidden in false 330GT ... the real (brown) is "official" but false and was entirely built from almost nothing! Ferrari # S / n 0671 SA (the brown) is a true false Labelled by Ferrari, it's a scam high level ... a Ferrari that barrel, the world is happily not as a field riddled Afghan anti-personnel mines.

    Especially it has also, like all of the undeniable contribution of a truly unspeakable history, where an epileptic engineer gives way to a hysterical designer in various melodramatic differences before a mafia steals , put in the room and it is supposedly found ... to be built (not yet rebuilt and restored less) by the Ferrari factory ... thenceforth complicit in this fraud! whole thing while the real (red), which was stolen in 1970 in the U.S., is sold shortly after Turin and disguised as 330GT "Boano" to be sold in any normalcy France with applause journo accomplices C ' is too complicated?

    You catch a headache? You doubt it? You want a chocolate bar? I summarize: The Ferrari # S / n 0579 GT (red) is the real # S / n 0671 SA but disguised as false 330GT "Boano" ... both exist big day. This is the real that has value, but it sells in secret like all stolen cars, because it's a stolen car grafted chassis number of a wreck ... 330GT, while that is false rebuilt from nothing and decked the chassis number of the stolen car that was sold price two million dollars because it was "officially" by Enzo Ferrari at the request of a presenter star and multi-millionaire American TV, the level and style of Drucker!

    You begin to understand? The light bulb went on in your head? Yes? So keep reading, you leave sick of this story whores and crooks who deserve to be adored ... no, the Ferrari world is **** and it's time to react! Side look, with the 1957 410 Scaglietti, Ferrari Super America-Boano, compared to the 1956 version by Ghia, presented in Article precedent (1956 Ferrari 410 Super America Ghia-Wilke ...), the style would tend to give a Roaring sobriety, occasionally shaken by false light fittings risky, such as fins inspired by Cadillac's the same years (sic) until the sensual relationship driving the car make further. no doubt (though!) is a Ferrari (yes, really!) with a Mexican-American parentage, whose evidence is emerging in the incredible highlights of his design (after one hour, if you want any see, you will not be at the end), which allow all educated people (sic) to let their joy at the whim of a great laugh non-forced. Enzo Ferrari was not a man to neglect American dollars ... in the 1950s ...

    "He Commandatore" ... sets up a dedicated special orders to the United States, with heavy cut and creaking, with specific technical characteristics division ... The bodies were designed by Pininfarina, Ghia, and Scaglietti Boano (and others), so attract mountains of dollars ... the Ferrari America and Super America were born ... and in 1951, the first Ferrari after the new department is the 340 America. In 1956, the 410 Super America is the successor of the 375 America, it is the most expensive Ferrari market, but also the ugliest .. ., America is swoon before this thing seems to have been invented by a Texan cowboy who worked for the establishment of procedures for Wheels Fargo Cy

    ... but, boosted by ambient libidinous villainy, Enzo imagine three versions main to satisfy the wishes of the rich American customers. At the Paris Motor Show in October 1955, Ferrari presented the bare chassis of the future mother, but finally Brussels in January 1956 that hosts the presentation "led" the 410 Super America ... Jacques Swaters, the concessionaire Belgian (once) brand, it rejoices in abstruse about the journo recopy with servility: "Each model is personalized and unique, the production is done in dribs and drabs, a copy is assembled per month, the first round of the GT will be produced only 10 copies, Pininfarina draw lines almost all these super-sports, Ghia only charge three copies "

    ... and blah blah blah ... and blah blah blah ... In 1956 Pininfarina presented Ferrari 410 Superfast built in a single copy on the basis of the 410 Super America, it is the first to bear the name Superfast (it makes us look good) ... and year later (in 1957 for those of you who are struggling with the additions due to non-mentionable addictions), another round of cut crosses the Atlantic Ocean: the second round of the 410 Super America! These machines have a shorter wheelbase and a few more horses under the hood (one second it makes you look good) ... the Italian-American end its declination in 1957 with an engine block producing 400 hp (where your penis erected as the Leaning Tower shines!)

    ... This stunning model tasteless featured in this article is concerned (gag!), is a customized version of the Ferrari 410 Super America Series II ... she was commissioned by Dottore Enrico Wax, a loyal customer Ferrari (a loyal customer is a rich idiot able to buy without counting), displaying an almost unhealthy passion Scaglietti ... According to various credible evidence (yes, really!) Enzo Ferrari had suggested that rather than having a Pininfarina design of the 410 Super America, Sergio Scaglietti is both the designer and builder of a copy quite unique. Curiously, Dottore Enrico Wax is not Texan, but Genovese (a resident of Genoa, the Genovese said in Italian), a wealthy local benefactor (a man to reduce its taxable profits, gives his money to works that render him largely in black and keep a of the remainder to pay their leaders), whose company SNC Wax & Vitale, sells very expensive kinds of delicatessen to false and true ... hard for rich, luxury goods such as Johnny Walker Whisky (c is hyper gag) ... but it also markets exclusively for Italy: leather Connolly!

    For hands-all become very wealthy, Sergio Scaglietti realized based on the chassis # S / n 0671 SA , a road car super expensive ... and to justify his work appears with a distinct flavor of the competition: a dramatic fastback roof ..., a pair of anti-shock front flippers ..., side air intakes in the form of speakers ... shark fin grotesque ... and rocker boldly broken (ahahahahahah!), all stainless steel ... The rest of the car is made of aluminum (very very) light ... and inside instruments Smith (made in British Columbia) are used instead of the usual counters Veglia Ferraris ... while the car is equipped with twin tanks of 50 liters each ... is a 410 like no other that is missing as flames painted on the sides! Interestingly, Dr. Enrico Wax who felt ridiculous at the wheel (ahahahahahah!) and could no longer suffer daily mocking jeers (hehehehehehe! ) ... has kept this 410 Scaglietti less than a year before selling it in January 1958 Count Enrico di Portanuova RPA

    ... It was shipped directly to the Carrozzeria Boano better re -customize with: a reshaping of the rear fenders and re-painting in dark red to match the body ..., including an enlargement of the front fenders with headlights partially re-covered ..., the addition of a hood scoop ... and the redesign of the dashboard to put the speedometer and tachometer in front of the driver ... Pursued by the police (not dare to drive with this car but abominable facts manners to inspire much later Sergio Berlusconi), he fled to Switzerland in 1961, before disappearing in the wild, he sold his beloved Ferrari-410-Scaglietti Boano a friend who lives in Texas.

    This guy s' struts are on board a few years ... then sold it to Gary Wales in California that sells Stan Sokol in Florida, before an unknown (perhaps they were many) steals in 1974 ... for the set pieces, chassis, engine, box body (at least this is what we do believe ... but who?) ... Hunted in the 1980s (six years later when I look) by Greg Garrison, an American Thoroughbred complexion who made his fortune through his performances producer for television, one track each item and manages to find the most in 1986 (according to him) parts in Italy, Maranello, at Ferrari (gag!) ... where their identity is confirmed by none other than Enzo Ferrari himself ...

    The scandal is potentially enormous at the time Enzo is considered a holy man, the case could bring to light the abhorrent practices ( Jacques Swaters same will not be spared thereafter, as well as some big names in Ferrari dealerships around the world, with other Ferrari rebuilt and sometimes stolen ...) ... In this case, an "arrangement" is Found: Greg Garrison "inherits" parts ... the case remains "in the family" ... and this deal is the factory rebuild the car to period specifications, via Sergio Scaglietti and Gaetano Florini the Carrozzeria Sport Auto Bachelli & Villa, located Bastiglia, Modena. Ferrari agrees, in addition, of provide all certificates and documents ensuring its authenticity ence including a registration period (a duplicate) ... Gianni Deana and Aldo Silingardi Sport Auto Modena are on their side, responsible for carrying out all mechanical work, including Minting and the plates ..., a little over two years’ time will be needed to make it rise from the ashes, that is to say, to build new in 1986 a perfect copy of the 410 Scaglietti 1957!

    This is a dirty trick leading a escroqueie a snub to history and a despicable attitude with regard to the idiots in the future will buy this very expensive car like a true 410 1957 ... go nutmeg a real old false new Ferrari with a new chassis # S / n 0671 SA ... is (re) born! Greg Garrison was a television pioneer in the USA as a producer and director, he led pr Bachelor of 4,000 shows in his career and has received more than a dozen Emmy Award ... he was born in Harvin Ginsburg and began his television career by accident at the age of 22 ... After his first productions, The Kate Smith Show and Your Show of Shows (CBS 1950), he continued to produce and direct numerous television specials with Gene Kelly, Fred Astaire, Donald O'Connor and many others, but if is known in the U.S., it is for having produced and directed the The Dean Martin Show and comedy than an hour with Dom DeLuise as well as shows with Dan Rowan and Dick Martin, Jonathan Winters, The Golddiggers and Marty Feldman

    .., he also led in 1960 a famous debate pr ésidentiel in television between John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon. During his last years Greg Garrison oversaw for Guthy-Renker digital remastering of all the shows produced for previously released on DVD. .., marketing included an "informercial" entertaining with clips and interviews with Garrison by host Regis Philbin on his memories production ... Greg Garrison died of brain cancer March 25, 2005 in Thousand Oak California, he had a fifty extremely rare Ferrari stored in the second Ranch located in Montana ... his entire collection was sold by Gooding & Co ... 1986 ...

    Returning to the chassis # S / n SA 0671 is reconstructed as if it were the original ... the body is rebuilt new (gag!) while aluminum accessories are re-manufactured stainless steel ... before then to be polite ... A former new V12 engine 4963 cm3 Lampredi untouched from the old division of the F1 constructor stocks seen retyped the same number to the engine that powered the 1957 chassis # S / n 0671 SA and installed Central position before ... everything is important because this is the only 410 was bodied by Scaglietti Boano AND ... in the final, this scam should (and will) bring a max all stakeholders .. .

    Sometime later, the cameras are rolling around them frantically, Enzo Ferrari has only two years to live, Greg Garrison more than 9 years ... but they are, in the year 1986, still alive salivate and their scam like they "saved" one of the wonders of the world to the richest specimen of the human race ... They are sometimes lost in very murky maze to better recover in a hypnotic round or "discovery" of a gem was believed extinct (it was not), becomes pr étexte enough to touching declarations of love ..., where each Ferrariste dominating another, pretending to leave dropped his shell crook and turns spasmodically as a paragon of tenderness with this passion for the Prancing Horse brand finally shared by the mass of idiots ...

    Even when the drama takes its course, it is in a double climax not really grasping shipped in a manner at least disconcerting, at a cocktail between mafia and gangsta *****es ... raising their glasses in honor of the essential father Enzo ... A picture (now orphaned) a delightfully contradictory personality, capable of driving petulant macho ... then perfect bastard spouting bull**** filled with words to the disarming simplicity: "Look how beautiful the sun, sea, wind, birds and Ferrari ... breathe life!" ... a syrupy overflow from a huge need for recognition magnified tiffosi: the quest for a life filled with useless vanity in stooges ...

    Do you know the satisfaction that one can experience seeing first class, incidentally head to slaps and unbearable, or an arrogant seducer and covered women, pick up a humiliating setback that service? It's pretty pr ès how I feel when I meet a Ferrari owner the day his "beautiful" broke down ... or he discovers that he has fourgué a stolen car ... and made up, or that an expert tells him that his old Millésimée was actually (re) constructed from nothing but new old ... and where I can smile at the sight of his face marked by the peremptory emptiness of his mind full of great feelings, sex, sweat and sun bathing exotic landscapes populated brouzoufs shovel and naked girls (s) . since almost always, Ferrari is supported by media campaigns mastoc (infomercials signed by journo more or less unknown) in the epic, bringing emotions beauffissimes not seen since "Yellow Cruise" ...

    C is a "conceptual and highbrow-kind pr étentieux "beloved by some nefarious ex-riders (girls, seals and cuts tin) that" merdias "offer us too often, but with a budget as Pharaonic useless and spectacular performances ... It would make sense that a large number of enthusiasts stupidities friendly take the time to dissect this phenomenal myth, as it is steeped in debilitated Enzo Ferrari man-mechanical proud and fierce, manly and sexy despite the weight of years, the new God and his eyes thinking ...

    However, in 1986, the year of the scam told in the article you read maintanant, he vegetated somewhat in Remember its former glory, surrounded by girls more or less light, a former lover became his confidante and henchmen (gag!) some noise on the edges, deceiving his boredom by walks, posing on vain agitation of its competitors a meaningful look ... while the revolt rumbled in the world, the drama brewing and ridiculous lurking ... should be first, do justice to the employees who worked in the souk because it paid better than Fiat ... and whose services contribute to disaster yet fully a brand bloated to the extreme ... that eventually, shambles, was bought by Giovanni Agnelli and encompassed within the Fiat group ...

    But give honor where honor, I quote the first employee who replaces current chief Enzo Luca di Montezemolo ... **** that in there to an abysmal level ... and for which one might fear the final assault of a great depression, if it was not receiving a good pôôôv'hère million monthly salary, proof that each has its limits! As the winner would be a good wag million euros each month, it can afford to be equal to itself, mind-boggling arrogance and sufficiency, doing the eulogy of his exceptional powers of non-creative: it can prove quite convincing in certain roles can suit his personality, such as pr ésentations in various car shows (there is actually used by Fiat as if his natural charisma was enough to illuminate the world, shouting each of its claims about the supremacy of "his" brand) .. ., we must confess, its appearance is the ultimate degree of artistic nullity!

    Pompous, stiff, heavy smokers of politico-cultural meditations (it cannot help serve hot, his views on life, love , death, the modern world, the price of a kilo of beans ...), he sinks down flag while the substance and form. If you can feast effects failures, the joke was primarily due to an exceptional pr ... étention as emerges from each presentation, a very special atmosphere, where every moment overwhelmed the audience wondering what he was willing to tell or mean: what causes a type result double acting Kiss-Cool to laugh twice's vision and decryption A total lack of rhythm and sense of complete kill all pretentions the consumerist breath pushed to extreme (do not forget to Ferrari to shop for your gifts when you have finished this article, although in fact you rather want to go f ... fire) ... a brand whose members are transient admiration for their supposed talent obviously incapable of any decline in the work of Enzo in its generality ...

    This is totally ridiculed by lambda clients, ranging from non-existent and the total people shot, breathtaking arrogance, ugliness soul and silliness that take easily and without flinching their rank morons competing alongside wrestlers of footballers, singers or crooks high-flying, only able to offer Ferrari beyond to a certain threshold ... the IRS does not it also wrong, hounding this small world of people gamy, with rare delight (freedom of the press cannot be used constantly to brainwash the masses into believing that Ferrari is above the law, it also applies to the review). There is no doubt that among the harshest spoiled child leading to the most grotesque results, the Ferrari 410-Ghia -Boano-Super America # S / n 0671 SA, figure easily in the forefront ... Enzo Ferrari one month before his death in August 1988, acknowledged ruefully its intellectual failure with the 410 series, even describing some great scams based Ferrari doubles and triples (as there are no perks, he even wrote a book to exorcise some of his ailments to soul) ...

    Until his death, he baited pathetically for weeks to defend his work, write up he realized: "Cars, like himself" ... what do you want me to add to it as the # S / n 0671 SA became two years ago (in 1986), completely wrong ... and he knew it! When self-praise become as grotesque, it is definitely not far from the record books to wankers notorious teenagers retarded followers of the battle of inches, inveterate smokers firecrackers (substance they call tenderly Shibby), the deranged and unwanted offspring of a pipe dream, in a word, idiots ... So much so that they become almost endearing with their minds dévarié raises all the same questions about the possible existence of a dimensional disruptor: Grail straight from science fiction from the '50s ... bastard product of a logical Ferrarresque sufficiently disturbed in its marketing objectives, it has come to sustain what has become over time a genre in itself: making the cheapest possible cars stupid gems of pure power psychotronic proposed conceited rich idlers in drug prices (cocaine is sometimes a lot)

    The droll spring of this Ferrari 410 Scaglietti-Boano-1957 chassis # S / n 0671 SA based on the confrontation between different cultures ..., treated with respect and understanding this kind of concept can lead to amazing results (cocaine, forever), but as used with disrespect and evil, it is really funny, something of a rare subtlety ... It's fun, I'm aware that this article will affect a host of crooks and slobs who will tremble with fear and rage at the thought that it might get them into trouble ... a little voice still continues to say: "They were able to do it on purpose ... Oh yes, they were able to "...

    But as long as one is more American than the Americans ... and that we have a fairly substantial budget, you can still use this kind of concept "comedy" for turning out a big cake having no wave pretext an accumulation particularly cheesy gimmicks (but probably highly relevant , seen from the land of Uncle Sam), mainly caused by a lack of knowledge and customs in which no stereotype or no stereotype are forgotten! So, the pretext being said, we must remember that viscerally consumerist and absolutely no selfless artist, there remained in 1957 Scaglietti (Boano and will do the same a year later) to consult his dictionary of hackneyed clichés to develop an unusual 410 ...

    This, to achieve a result absolutely preposterous aimed primarily at an audience of wealthy Ferraristi (sky) but virgins ... to which this Ferrari had to provide the amount of madness reasonably required by their hormonal problems in exchange for a bundle of money ... I know, it's heartbreaking, however I challenge anyone watching this car not from a nervous giggle turning psychotic roar soon to evacuate the consternation caused by this natural stupidity even Lada has never dared to do: In Nomine Patris, Filii and and Sancti Spiritus, Habemus Ferraruaram. .. 410 This is a unique and fascinating experience, quite the kind of car that brings to mind dozens of existential questions, the more persistent still remains: "Should I run this story on Facebook and GatsbyOnline, the risk that readers respond to these realities they did not suspect, will instead decide to hang himself after burning their mag's:

    Exhaust, Sport-Auto, Automobile and other journals in the text oriented, and totally non-objective humorless, unlike Top Gear, a BBC regularly broadcast on Channel-Discovery? "... this writing, if you read this, do not delude yourself too, your ability to suicide, learn to make proper noose ... Gregg Garrison will not take it to heaven, he died in March 2005 of brain cancer and the car was sold in 2007 by Gooding & Company for U.S. $ 1,320,000, as well as fifty of his Ferrari collection, all earning more than $ 40 million to his heirs! Less than five years later, on 20 January 2012, at the Biltmore Resort in Phoenix, when his "Auction Sale Arizona "in the midst of 140 cars presented 126 of which were sold for a total of 25.6 million dollars, this car is auctioned by RM-Auction for U.S. $ 1,815,000 ... proof that crime pays! The history of this Ferrari is not over ...

    I have been a victim of theft of a rare (5 copies made) LéaFrancis Funcars at a show in Belgium there four years, I quickly realized, During the investigation, only to be 200,000 euros (in this case), thieves are often false bottoms of friends just waiting for the right time to pluck up laughing, even hide their package attempting to you blame it ... So I thought a little further than the Auctioneers (auction houses) American Gooding & cy and RM-Auction, as well as pr extensive expert "sold" to Ferrari, who gave a Walt Disney version of the story of this visionary-Boano Scaglietti Ferrari Super America 1957!

    The body of the Ferrari # S / n 0671 SA fly in the USA and in pieces, did not end his life in a lake. .., ... nay, she returned to Italy and was used on the chassis # S / n 0579 GT a pr extent 250GT "Boano"! This body has passed from the U.S. to Italy under the false name of a Mr "Bertone" in Turin (plus the gag is, the more it goes) that sold in the state to Classic Auto Garage (also from Turin), which was later coined as the body was commissioned by a Mr. "Colombo" (the gag is huge!) recarrosser for a Ferrari 250 GT "Boano" serious accident in the United States in 1981 (hilarious, but the police do?) ... This body is reported as having been made between 1987 and 1988 by former bodybuilders retired craftsmen (which? whom? names! names!) ... but without more information (what gag!). ..

    Seeing this body "one-off", Mr RB a French residing at Saint-Raphael on the Cote d'Azur, the current owner (must be stopped anyway, it is shame that again the history starting with a stolen car), would by chance noticed that she looked very much (what gag, because it is that one), a Ferrari single body that belonged to well-known fire Greg Garrison: the Ferrari 410 Super America # S / n 0671 SA bodied especially by Sergio Scaglietti in 1957 for Dr. Wax ... In true Sherlock Holmes (what fool!), here-you will not ... it is investigating, and all his research led him to the famous 410 stolen then supposedly found in 1985 pieces in a farm in Oregon where it was used as a tractor ... then pr étendument restored at the Ferrari factory and according to the original plans Sergio Scaglietti ... But he, nothing, nada, he said white as snow, and argues that the assembled body on the same chassis and with the same engine, reconstructions are performed in doubles between 1987 and 1988 by the same craftsmen who made the original body (which is really just her) ...

    All this to hide the fact that this is actually true that 410 had been stolen! What souk! What a bunch of morons! And all this is on the web! How to whiten a stolen car? This is the question almost two million dollars! Imagination has no limits in the circumstances of life!
  19. tx246

    tx246 F1 Veteran
    Owner Rossa Subscribed

    Nov 4, 2003
    Full Name:
    Wow! This seems crazy in many regards!
  20. Sempre_gilles

    Sempre_gilles Formula 3

    Jul 11, 2003
    Full Name:
    Way too much text and diversions, what I really need is a summary. Please stick to the key points in your story.....
  21. 635CSI

    635CSI F1 Rookie

    Jun 26, 2013
    London UK
    Full Name:
    yes , google translate clearly not up to it.

    Key points please.

    Sorry to be so Anglo Saxon.
  22. Quelqu_un_

    Quelqu_un_ Rookie

    May 7, 2010
    Full Name:
    #22 Quelqu_un_, Nov 1, 2013
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2013
    1957 410 Scaglietti , Ferrari - Boano SuperAmerica ...
    # S / n 0671 SA ( brown ) and # S / n 0579 GT ( red ) = this is the same Ferrari twice authenticated , false (red ) is true , but stolen and hidden in false 330GT .. . , real ( brown ) is "official" but false and was built from scratch from almost nothing!

    Ferrari # S / n 0671 SA ( brown ) is a true false Labelled by Ferrari , it's a scam high level ... a Ferrari that barrel , the world is happily not as rife that an Afghan field of anti -personnel mines ...

    Especially as it has also , like all of the undeniable contribution of a proper unspeakable history, where an epileptic engineer gives way to a hysterical designer in various melodramatic differences before a mafia steals the put in play and it is supposedly found ... to be built (not yet rebuilt and restored less ) by the Ferrari factory ... thenceforth complicit in this fraud !

    All this , while the real (red ), which was stolen in 1970 in the U.S., is sold shortly after Turin and disguised as 330GT " Boano " to be sold in any normalcy France journo with the applause of accomplices !

    It's too complicated ? You catch a headache ? You doubt it? You want a chocolate bar ?
    I summarize : The Ferrari # S / n 0579 GT ( red ) is the real # S / n 0671 SA but disguised as false 330GT " Boano " ... both exist in the open.

    It is true that the value , but it sells in secret like all stolen cars , because it's a stolen car grafted chassis number of a wreck ... 330GT , while c ' is false rebuilt from nothing and decked the chassis number of the stolen car that was sold almost two million because it was " officially " by Enzo Ferrari at the request of a featured presenter and multi - millionaire American TV, the level and style of Drucker !

    You begin to understand ? The light bulb went on in your head? Yes ? So keep reading , you leave sick of this story whores and crooks who deserve to be adored ... no , the Ferrari world is **** and it's time to react !

    Look side, with the 1957 410 Scaglietti , Ferrari SuperAmerica - Boano , compared to the 1956 version by Ghia , presented in the previous article (1956 Ferrari 410 SuperAmerica Ghia - Wilke ... ), the style would tend to give in a roaring sobriety, occasionally shaken by false light fittings risky , such as fins inspired by Cadillac 's the same years ( sic) until the sensual relationship driving the car to do further .

    No doubt (though ! ) Is a Ferrari ( yes, really! ) With a Mexican-American parentage, whose evidence is emerging in the incredible highlights of his design (after one hour if you want to see everything , you will not be at the end ), which allow all educated people ( sic) to let their joy at the whim of a great burst of non- forced laugh .

    Enzo Ferrari was not a man to neglect the U.S. dollar ... in the 1950s ... " He Commandatore " ... sets up a dedicated special orders to the United States , with heavy cut and creaking , with specific technical characteristics division ...

    The bodies were designed by Pininfarina , Ghia , and Scaglietti Boano ( and others) in order to attract mountains of dollars ... the Ferrari America and SuperAmerica were born ... and in 1951 , the first Ferrari after the new department is the 340 America .

    In 1956, the 410 SuperAmerica took over from the 375 America , it is the most expensive Ferrari market , but also the ugliest ... America is swoon before this thing seems to have been designed by a Texan cowboy who worked for the establishment of procedures for WheelsFargo Cy ... but , boosted by ambient libidinous villainy , Enzo imagine three main versions to satisfy the wishes of the rich American customers.

    At the Paris Motor Show in October 1955 , Ferrari introduced the bare chassis of the future mother , but finally Brussels in January 1956 which hosts the " accomplished " presentation of the 410 SuperAmerica ...

    Jacques Swaters , the concessionaire Belgian ( once ) brand , it rejoices in abstruse about the journo recopy with servility : " Each model is personalized and unique, the production is done in dribs and drabs , a copy is assembled by month , the first round of the GT will be produced only 10 copies , Pininfarina draw lines almost all these super- sports , Ghia only charge three copies " ... and blah blah blah ... and blah blah blah ...

    In 1956 Pininfarina Ferrari 410 Superfast has built a single copy on the basis of the 410 SuperAmerica , it is the first to bear the name Superfast ( it makes us look good ) ... and a year later ( in 1957 for those of you who are struggling with the additions due to non mentionable addictions ) , another round of cut crosses the Atlantic Ocean : the second round of the 410 SuperAmerica !

    These devices have a shorter wheelbase and a few more horses under the hood ( it makes you beautiful one second leg) ... , the Italian-American end its declination in 1957 with an engine developing 400 hp block ( where your penis erected as the Leaning Tower shines !) ...

    This stunning model tasteless featured in this article is concerned (gag ! ) , Is a customized version of the Ferrari 410 SuperAmerica Series II ... it was commissioned by Dottore Enrico Wax, a loyal customer Ferrari ( a loyal customer is a rich idiot able to buy without counting ) , displaying an almost unhealthy passion Scaglietti ...

    According to various credible evidence ( yes, really! ) , Enzo Ferrari had suggested that rather than having a Pininfarina design of the 410 Superamerica , Sergio Scaglietti is both the designer and manufacturer with a copy to all unique.

    Curiously, Dottore Enrico Wax is not Texan, but Genovese ( a resident of Genoa, Genovese told in Italian), a wealthy local benefactor ( a man to reduce its taxable profits , gives his money to works that render him largely in black and keep a large part of the remainder to pay their leaders ) , whose company SNC Wax & Vitale , sells very expensive kinds of delicatessen to false and true ... hard for rich , products luxury as Johnny Walker Whisky (ie hyper gag !) ... but it also markets exclusively for Italy : leather Connolly !

    For hands- all become very wealthy , Sergio Scaglietti carries on the basis of chassis # S / n 0671 SA , a road car super expensive ... and to justify his work appears with a distinct flavor of the competition : a dramatic fastback roof ... , a pair of anti- shock front flippers ... , side air intakes in the form of speakers ... shark fin grotesque ... and rocker boldly broken ( ahahahahahah ! ), all stainless steel ...

    The rest of the car is made of aluminum (very very) light ... and inside instruments Smith (made in British Columbia ) are used instead of the usual counters Veglia Ferraris ... while the car is equipped with twin tanks of 50 liters each ... is a 410 like no other that is missing as flames painted on the sides !

    Interestingly , Dr. Enrico Wax who felt ridiculous at the wheel ( ahahahahahah ! ) And could no longer suffer daily mocking jeers ( hehehehehehe ! ) ... Has kept this 410 Scaglietti less than one year before the sale in January 1958 Count Enrico di Portanuova RPA ...

    It was directly sent to the Carrozzeria Boano to better re -customize with : a reshaping of the rear fenders and re- painting in dark red to match the body ... , including an enlargement of the wings front with headlight partially re- covered ... adding a hood scoop ... and redesigning the dashboard to put the speedometer and tachometer in front of the driver ...

    Pursued by the police ( not dare to drive with this car but terrible for immoral acts that inspire much later Sergio Berlusconi ) , he fled to Switzerland in 1961 , before disappearing in the wild, he sells his beloved 410 Ferrari Scaglietti - Boano - a friend who lives in Texas .

    This guy will be strutting on board a few years ... then sold it to Gary Wales in California that sells Stan Sokol in Florida, before an unknown ( perhaps they were many) steals in 1974 ... for the set pieces , chassis, engine, box body (at least this is what we do believe ... but who?) ...

    Hunted during the 1980s ( six years later when I look ) by Greg Garrison, an American Thoroughbred complexion who made his fortune through his services as a producer for television, one track each item and managed to recover in 1986 most (according to him ) parts in Italy, Maranelo , at Ferrari (gag !) ... where their identity is confirmed by none other than Enzo Ferrari himself ...

    The scandal is potentially enormous at the time Enzo is considered a holy man , the case could bring to light the abhorrent practices (even Jacques Swaters will not be spared thereafter, as well as some big names Ferrari dealerships around the world , with other Ferrari rebuilt and sometimes stolen ... ) ...

    In this case, an "arrangement" is found: Greg Garrison " inherits " parts ... The case was still " in the family " ... and this deal is the factory rebuild the car to period specifications, via Sergio Scaglietti and Gaetano Florini the Carrozzeria Sport Auto Bachelli & Villa , located Bastiglia , Modena .

    Ferrari agrees , in addition , provide all certificates and documents ensuring its authenticity ence including a registration period ( a duplicate ) ... Gianni Deana and Aldo Silingardi Sport Auto Modena are on their side , tasked with performing any mechanical work , including platelets and Minting ... a little more than two years time will be needed to make reborn from its ashes , that is to say, to build a new 1986 perfect copy of the 410 Scaglietti 1957 !

    This is a dirty trick leading a escroqueie a snub to history and a despicable attitude with regard to the idiots in the future will buy this very expensive car like a true 410 1957 ... go nutmeg a real old false new Ferrari with a new chassis # S / n 0671 SA ... is (re) born!

    Greg Garrison was a television pioneer in the USA as a producer and director, he has directed nearly 4,000 shows in his career and has received more than a dozen Emmy Award ... he was born in Harvin Ginsburg and began his television career by accident at the age of 22 ...

    After his first productions , The Kate Smith Show and Your Show of Shows (CBS 1950) , he continued to produce and direct numerous television specials with Gene Kelly , Fred Astaire, Donald O'Connor and many others, but it is known in the U.S. , it is for having produced and directed the the Dean Martin Show and comedy than an hour with Dom DeLuise as well as shows with Dan Rowan and Dick Martin , Jonathan Winters, the Golddiggers and Marty Feldman .. , he also led in 1960 a famous presidential TV debate between John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon.

    In his later years Greg Garrison oversaw for Guthy - Renker digital remastering of all the shows for products previously released on DVD ... , marketing included an " informercial " entertaining with clips and interviews with Garrison by host Regis Philbin on his memories production ...

    Greg Garrison died of brain cancer March 25, 2005 in Thousand Oak , California , he had a fifty extremely rare Ferrari stored in the second Ranch located in Montana ... his entire collection was sold by Gooding & co ...

    Back to 1986 ... , chassis # S / n 0671 SA is reconstructed as if it were the original ... the body is rebuilt new (gag ! ) While aluminum accessories are re- made of stainless steel ... before then polished ...

    An old new V12 engine 4963 cm3 Lampredi untouched from the old division of the F1 constructor stocks seen retyped the same number to the engine that powered the 1957 chassis # S / n 0671 SA and installed in a central position before ... while is important because this is the only 410 was bodied by Scaglietti Boano aND ... in the final , this scam should (and will ) bring a max all stakeholders ...

    Some time later, the cameras are rolling around them frantically , Enzo Ferrari has only two years to live , Greg Garrison more than 9 years ... but they are , in the year 1986 and still alive salivating their scam as if they had "saved" one of the wonders of the world to the richest specimen of Mankind ...

    They are sometimes lost in very murky maze to get better in a hypnotic round or the "discovery" of a gem was believed extinct (it was not ) , becomes a pretext for quite touching statements love ... , where each Ferrariste dominating another , pretends to drop his shell crook and turns spasmodically as a paragon of tenderness with this passion for the Prancing Horse brand finally shared by the mass of fools ...

    Even when the drama takes its course , it is in a double climax not really grasping shipped in a manner at least disconcerting , at a cocktail between mafia and gangsta *****es ... raising their glasses in honor of the essential father Enzo ...

    An image (now orphaned ) a delightfully contradictory personality , capable of driving petulant macho ... then perfect bastard spouting bull**** filled with words to the disarming simplicity : "Look how beautiful the sun, sea , wind , birds and Ferrari ... breathe life ! " ... a syrupy overflow from a huge need for recognition magnified tiffosi : the quest for a life filled with useless vanity in stooges ...

    Do you know the satisfaction that one can experience seeing a first class , incidentally head slaps and unbearable , or an arrogant seducer and covered women, pick up a humiliating setback that service?

    That's pretty much what I feel when I meet a Ferrari owner the day his "beautiful" broke down ... or he discovers that he has a fourgué stolen car and makeup . .. or an expert tells him that his old Millésimée was actually (re) built from nothing but new old ... and where I can smile at the sight of his face marked by the peremptory emptiness of his mind full of great feelings, sex, sweat and sun bathing exotic landscapes populated brouzoufs shovel and naked girls (s) .

    Since almost always Ferrari is supported by media campaigns mastoc ( infomercials signed by journo more or less unknown ) in the epic , bringing emotions beauffissimes not seen since " Yellow Cruise " ...

    It is beloved by some nefarious ex- racers "conceptual and highbrow , pretentious " genre ( girls, seals and cuts tin ) that " merdias " offer us too often, but with a budget as Pharaonic useless and spectacular performances ...

    It would make sense that a large number of enthusiasts stupidities friendly take the time to dissect this phenomenal myth, as it is steeped in debilitated Enzo Ferrari , mechanical man proud and fierce , manly and sexy despite the weight of years , the new God and his eyes thinking ...

    However, from 1986, the scam told in the article you read maintanant , he vegetated somewhat in the memory of its past glory , surrounded by girls more or less light , a former lover became his confidante and ' henchmen (gag ! ) some noise on the edges , deceiving his boredom by walks , posing on the vain agitation of its competitors a meaningful look ... while the revolt rumbled in the world, drama brewing and ridiculous lurking ...

    It is first necessary to do justice to the employees who worked in the souk because it paid better than Fiat ... and whose services contribute to disaster yet fully a brand bloated to the extreme ... that eventually , shambles , was bought by Giovanni Agnelli and encompassed within the Fiat Group ...

    But honor where honor , I quote the first employee who replaces current chief Enzo Luca di Montezemolo ... **** that in there to an abysmal level ... and for which one might fear the final assault of a great depression , if it was not receiving a good pôôôv'hère million monthly salary , proof that each has its limits!

    As the winner would be a good wag million each month , it can afford to be equal to itself, mind-boggling arrogance and conceit , doing the eulogy of his exceptional powers of non -creator : if can show convincing enough in certain roles may suit his personality, such as presentations in various car shows (there is actually used by Fiat as if his natural charisma was enough to illuminate the world , shouting each of its claims about the supremacy "his" brand) ... must confess , its appearance is the ultimate degree of artistic nullity !

    Pompous, stiff , heavy smokers of politico -cultural meditations (it can not help serve hot , his views on life, love , death, the modern world, the price of a kilo of beans ... ) it dark low roof both substance and form .

    If we can feast effects failures, the joke was primarily due to an outstanding claim ... as emerges from each presentation, a very special atmosphere , where every moment overwhelmed the audience wonder what that it kindly tell or mean : it brings a result of double effect kind Kiss -Cool to laugh twice : the vision and decryption .

    A total lack of rhythm and sense of complete kill all claims in consumer breath pushed the extreme (do not forget to go to the Ferrari shop for your gifts when you have finished this article , though in fact you rather want to go f ... fire) ... a brand whose members are transient admiration for their supposed talent obviously incapable of any decline in the work of Enzo in its generality .. .

    This is totally ridiculed by lambda clients, ranging from non-existent and the total people shot , breathtaking arrogance, ugly soul and silliness that take easily and without flinching their rank idiots racing alongside wrestlers of footbaleurs , singers or crooks high-flying , only able to offer Ferrari beyond a certain threshold ... the IRS does not it also wrong , s' hounding this small world of people gamy , with rare delight ( freedom of the press can not be used constantly to brainwash the masses into believing that Ferrari is above the law , it also applies to the review) .

    There is no doubt that among the harshest spoiled child leading to the most grotesque results, the Ferrari 410 -Ghia - Boano - SuperAmerica # S / n 0671 SA , figure easily in the forefront ...

    Enzo Ferrari one month before his death in August 1988 , acknowledged ruefully its intellectual failure with the 410 series , even describing some great scams based Ferrari doubles and triples ( as there is no small profit , he even wrote a book to exorcise some of his ailments to soul) ...

    Until his death, he baited pathetically , for weeks, to defend his work, write up he realized : " Cars that are like him " ... what do you think j ' add to this while # S / n 0671 SA became two years ago ( in 1986) , completely wrong ... and he knew it !

    When the self- praise become as grotesque , it is definitely not far from the record books to wankers notorious teenagers retarded followers of the battle of inches, inveterate smokers firecrackers ( substance they call tenderly Shibby ) , the deranged and unwanted offspring of a pipe dream , in a word, idiots ...

    At such a point that they become almost endearing with their minds dévarié which still poses questions about the possible existence of a dimensional disruptor : Grail straight from science fiction '50s ... product bastard logic Ferrarresque sufficiently disturbed in its marketing objectives , it has come to sustain what has become over time a genre in itself make the cheapest possible cars stupid gems of pure power psychotronic proposed to rich idlers vain to drug prices ( cocaine is sometimes a lot) !

    The droll spring this Ferrari 410 Scaglietti - Boano - 1957 chassis # S / n 0671 SA based on the confrontation between different cultures ... , treated with respect and understanding this kind of concept can lead to amazing results ( cocaine always! ), but as used with disrespect and evil , it is really funny, something of a rare subtlety ...

    It's fun, I 'm aware that this product will disrupt a host of crooks and slobs who will tremble with fear and rage at the thought that it might get them into trouble ... a little voice inside nevertheless continues to say: " they were able to do it on purpose ... Oh yes , they were able " ...

    But as soon as one is more American than the Americans ... and that we have a fairly substantial budget, you can still use this kind of concept " comedy " for turning out a big cake with only vague pretext for an accumulation of particularly cheesy gimmicks (but probably highly relevant , seen from the land of Uncle Sam ), mainly caused by a lack of knowledge and customs in which no stereotype or no stereotype are forgotten!

    Well, the pretext being said, we must remember that viscerally consumerist and absolutely selfless artist , there remained in 1957 Scaglietti ( Boano and will do the same a year later ) , to consult his dictionary of hackneyed clichés to develop an unusual 410 ...

    That, in order to achieve an absolutely preposterous result aimed primarily at an audience of wealthy Ferraristi (sky ) but virgins ... to which this Ferrari had to provide the amount of madness reasonably required by their hormonal problems in exchange for a bundle of money ...

    I know it is sad , however I challenge anyone watching this car not from a nervous giggle turning soon psychotic yelling to evacuate the consternation caused by this natural stupidity even Lada has never dared to do : In Nomine Patris , Filii and and Sancti Spiritus , Habemus Ferraruaram ...

    410 This is a unique and fascinating experience , quite the kind of car that brings to mind dozens of existential questions, the more persistent still remains : "Should I run this story on Facebook and GatsbyOnline at risk that readers respond to these realities they did not suspect , will instead decide to hang himself after burning their mag 's: Exhaust , Sport - Auto, Automobile and other journals in the text oriented , non-objective and totally devoid of humor , unlike Top Gear, a BBC regularly broadcast on Channel - Disvovery ? " ... this writing, if you read this , do not delude yourself too , your ability to suicide learn to make a proper noose ...

    Gregg Garrison will not take it to heaven , he died in March 2005 of brain cancer and the car was sold in 2007 by Gooding & Company for U.S. $ 1,320,000 , as well as fifty of his Ferrari collection, the all earning more than $ 40 million to his heirs !

    Less than five years later, on 20 January 2012 , at the Biltmore Resort in Phoenix, when his " Arizona Auction Sale" in the middle of 140 cars on display 126 which were sold for a total of 25.6 million dollars, the car is auctioned by RM -Auction for U.S. $ 1,815,000 ... proof that crime pays !

    The history of this Ferrari is not over ... I have been a victim of theft of a rare (5 copies made ) LéaFrancis Funcars at a show in Belgium there four years , I ' I quickly realized during the investigation, to get 200,000 euros ( in this case) , thieves are often false bottoms of friends just waiting for the right time to pluck up laughing , even hide their package by trying to blame it ...

    So I thought a little further than the Auctioneers ( auction houses ) American Gooding & cy and RM- Auction, as well as so-called expert " sold " to Ferrari , who gave a Walt Disney version of the story this visionary Ferrari Scaglietti - Boano Super America 1957 !

    The body of the Ferrari # S / n 0671 SA fly in the USA and in pieces , did not end his life in a lake ... nay ... she returned to Italy and was used on the chassis # S / n 0579 GT 250GT alleged " Boano " !

    This body has passed from the U.S. to Italy under the false name of a Mr " Bertone " in Turin (plus the gag is, the more it goes ) that sold in the state to Classic Auto Garage (also Turin ) , which was later coined as the body had been commissioned by a Mr. " Colombo " ( the gag is huge! ) recarrosser for a Ferrari 250 GT " Boano " serious accident in the United States in 1981 ( hilarious but the police did ? ) ... this body is reported as having been made ​​between 1987 and 1988 by former bodybuilders retired artisans (who ? names that ! names! ) ... but without more information (what gag !) ...

    Seeing the body " one-off " , Mr RB a French residing at Saint - Raphael on the Cote d'Azur , the current owner ( must be stopped anyway, this is the shame to repeat the story Start a stolen car ) , would by chance noticed that she looked very much (what gag , because it is that one) , a Ferrari single body that belonged to well-known fire Greg Garrison : Ferrari 410 Superamerica # S / n 0671 SA bodied especially by Sergio Scaglietti in 1957 for Dr. Wax ...

    In true Sherlock Holmes (what fool ! ) , Here - you will not ... it is investigating , and all his research led him to the famous 410 stolen then supposedly found in 1985 in a piece of farm Oregon where it was used as a tractor ... then allegedly restored at the Ferrari factory and according to the original plans Sergio Scaglietti ...

    But he, nothing , nada , he said white as snow , and argues that the assembled body on the same chassis and with the same engine , are reconstructions doubles between 1987 and 1988 made ​​by the same craftsmen who made ​​the original body (which in fact it is precisely ) ...

    All that to hide that this is actually an authentic 410 that had been stolen !
    What souk ! What a bunch of morons ! And all this is on the web!
    How to Whiten a stolen car ? this is the question almost two million dollars!

    Imagination has no limits in the circumstances of life!

    Mr RB ( really must stop ) clings to his imaginary story , a stupid story that I transcribed : "It seems that at the time , between 1987 and 1988, two bodies" Special " have been built , the one according to the original plans in 1957 which is now officially the Ferrari 410 Superamerica Greg Garrison , which has headlights "rights" as well as " less formal " rear wings " protruding " ... the second , with headlights and fairings the rear wings " round " that was found in 2005 on the chassis of the 250 GT " Boano ." many " historians " and " experts " from " Ferrari " focused on the issue (it is too ! when? whom? names? ) , the "old bodybuilders " out of retirement in 1988 had disappeared ( of course, there is simple and even funny! ) , it was very difficult , 25 years later, the trace the history of this body ( it's too good ! ) , but suggests that this " Special " body has indeed been made ​​at the same time as the 410 # S / n 0671 SA ... , photos taken in 1988 by Keith Bluemel , published in Cavallino Magazine N ° 49 February / March 1989 show the existence ... has she served as draft? " ( there it is too strong, too big, too clown , Mr RB really takes the rest of the world for fools ! ), any history of the Ferrari 250 GT Boano S/n0579GT # 1956 is HERE and there: (250 GT Boano s / ​​n 0579GT ) and does not strictly correspond to the ramblings of Mr RB ) ...
    We also causes ICI and there: ( [url ] http://www.ferrarichat.com/forum/vin...caglietti.html [/ url] ) ...

    We have a pretty " special " body if not unique, made ​​" double " by true craftsmen period but disappeared and body goods ( ahahahahah ! ) Filed its 2005 chassis " Boano " ... he had to find him another frame and a suitable mechanical ( a monster butt !) ... and this is what makes the current owner , Mr RB ... I try to summarize :

    A Ferrari 330 GT is found abandoned by Mr RB .. reserved in a garage for over 20 years ( the imagination of a fence is limitless ! ) , the clutch was out with the engine running , the number of chassis and engine were (too) clearly identifiable ( Matching Numbers , waouffff ! ), only the body was in an advanced state of ( hehehehehehe ! corrosion) , the change in body became possible to restore modest 330 GT (the word "modest" is could not be more ludicrous given the general history ) in any case , the owner could not bring himself to finish it in chicken or replica GTO , chassis was shortened slightly to bring it to 2.6 meters , the engine lowered 6 cm, because ultimately , this Ferrari changed body , like so many other Ferrari in their stories , but it is by no means any copy ( ahahahahah this is too strong , it's worse , an authentic copy of a car fly is probably the Ferrari 410 Scaglietti -Ghia SuperAmerica # S / n 0671 SA ...

    In 2008, an innocent , playing the idiot lifelike abuse : Mr Bruno Dugauquier (it should be easy to find all these people ) , helped his friend Mr RB to rewrite history and to legalize a theft and fraud, while having the audacity (or stupidity ) ultimate naming names ...

    He had the opportunity to take some pictures of the car that was barely restoration , upholstery was completely redone as well as mechanics, the history of the car was not yet well understood (gag ! ) And realization he is still secret ( ahahahahah ! ) ... see registration poorly done " in french " affixed with disparate screws ( on the red) and compare the registration in accordance with the original Italian version ( on brown ) ...

    All " bouzouk " is clearly the work of a bunch of idiots who take others for even more idiots, the French inscription " Special Body " is the ultimate stupidity , a kind of signature scrawled by a racketeer small time with the appearance of a merchant occazes room ...
    " But she looks great " ... he writes in the final ... because it claiming enthusiast bodies " Special " could admire in all its glory and take pictures for posterity ( Mr RB is now fuming , he buries his Ferrari in a secret place and on a trip to South America with Florent Pagny ...

    Since this false 330 GT participated in several concours d'elegance ( if the car has won awards and cups tin , there's no hope for the future of humanity) ... and is currently offered for sale somewhere ( it would be too easy to know where ! ) in France (which is the police? ) , history is further stated crystal clear , the car is delivered with a "most complete record can " (that is to die of apoplexy !) ...

    The world of Ferrari is a can of worms , it would be f ... fire and everything disappear ... the more I advance in time at all disgusts me more ...

    Ah , yes, by the way ... to complicate everything ... the new and last owner of the real fake ( brown ) did repaint red last month , the picture is below. .. , regards, good to you , good morning to you ... and sincere condolences to the next and @ + !
  23. tongascrew

    tongascrew F1 Rookie

    Jan 3, 2006
    Full Name:
    george burgess
    Hi I have sent you P M. tongascrew
  24. Enzo Anselmo Ferrari

    Enzo Anselmo Ferrari Formula Junior

    Apr 4, 2009
    As always with Patrice this is an unfounded article: he finds a "story" he can write with a dramatic scenario, and he takes advantages on it to insult people such as (here) Enzo Ferrari, Luca Di Montezemolo...

    This thread is not very interesting....

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