European product packaging requirements | FerrariChat

European product packaging requirements

Discussion in 'Other Off Topic Forum' started by PeterS, Dec 13, 2003.

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  1. PeterS

    PeterS Four Time F1 World Champ
    Silver Subscribed

    Jan 24, 2003
    Goodyear, AZ
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    I just wasted about eight hours in the last three days reading about 400 pages of crap relating to how products need to be packaged to meet European waste and recyclement standards. I had to do this because I am entering Europe with my company's products. Just seeing if anyone else has had this sort of problems in their business. What a JOKE!
  2. Slim

    Slim Formula 3

    Oct 11, 2001
    Pacifica, CA, USA
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    Was it time wasted, or time well spent to be able to enter a new market? (just searching for that "half-full" perspective!).

    It was nice of them to provide the documents in English, wasn't it? ha! Since English is a minority language in the EU. Maybe our DMV can take a hint from that and provide documents in minority langauges? What do you think Peter? ha!
  3. PeterS

    PeterS Four Time F1 World Champ
    Silver Subscribed

    Jan 24, 2003
    Goodyear, AZ
    Full Name:
    Slim: Both. It was time wasted to tell me that the packaging I started with was OK, but I had to read through reams of crap to tell me that!

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