Maybach 62 luxo barge | FerrariChat

Maybach 62 luxo barge

Discussion in 'Other Off Topic Forum' started by Greg G, Feb 28, 2004.

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  1. Greg G

    Greg G F1 Rookie

    I was driving behind a new Maybach 62 on my way home from work tonight. This one was black with burgundy sides. Although is was unbelievely l-o-n-g, I was actually disappointed that its presence was rather normal among all the other cars in traffic. Up til now, I'd only seen it up on the show displays, but tonight it just blended in with everything else. The Phantom makes a much more dramatic impression IMHO. Funny thing was, there were 2 ppl in the car... looked like a hired driver, and a little silver-haired guy (imagine Enzo) and both were the front. I wldve been pimping that back recliner myself.

    Sorry, didnt have the camera with me today.
  2. robiferretti

    robiferretti F1 Rookie

    Oct 31, 2003
    NYC area
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    rob ferretti
    was it one with slide curtains in the windows? i saw the same one possibly about 2 weeks ago. Stood out to me
  3. Greg G

    Greg G F1 Rookie

    Hi Rob, its rear curtains were open, and it had Jersey plates with MB Greenwich frames. Back seats were empty.

    I was in bumper-to-bumper traffic on a 2 way street. I purposefully watched everyone around me. NOBODY (besides me) gave it a second glance. And it was nice and shiny too.
  4. robiferretti

    robiferretti F1 Rookie

    Oct 31, 2003
    NYC area
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    rob ferretti
    yeah its probably the same car, dont know how many champagne maybachs are in the area, when i saw it some black guy in a tee shirt and jean jacket was driving it, back seat and pass seat were empty
  5. Nibblesworth

    Nibblesworth Formula 3

    Nov 29, 2002
    Southern California
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    I saw one on the 210 near Pasadena about three weeks ago. It was black, I think. I was rather impressed with it. What surprised me, though, was the lack of any tinting on the rear windows. I know that curtains are installed in the car, but being a "limo" and all, I would have expected some dark tinting.

    The driver was a younger dude, mid thirties, and he did not look like a chauffer - looked more like a successful lawyer or whatnot.

    I dug the thing.

    WILLIAM H Three Time F1 World Champ

    Nov 1, 2003
    Victory Circle
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    Both the RR & th eMaybach are silly cars. I find a nice Prevost bus with a full bedroom, bathroom & living room to be the ultimate in road going luxury for a bit more than either of these 2 wankermobiles
  7. Evolved

    Evolved F1 Veteran

    Nov 5, 2003
    I fear Soccer moms are soon going to share your logic. Before long they'll be complaining why their buses will not it in the spaces at the target parknig lot.

    It's so big and safe and the kids all fit in the back. blah blah blah.

    It's not a question of if its when Porsche will start producing a quad turbo 1500hp 10 ton bus.

    Fuel ecomony standrads will be in gallons per mile, not miles per gallon.

    Then they'll tell the rest of us "Oh you're just jelous" when we lable them "tards"
  8. sherpa23

    sherpa23 F1 Veteran
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    May 28, 2003
    Rocky Mountains
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    I have been in both the Maybach and the new RR Phantom. If I felt that what I really needed was a $300k+ car that I would never drive then I would go with the Phantom every day of the week and twice on Sunday. It is much, much more impressive. Fantastic inside and reeking of oppulence in a way that no other car does.

    But I must agree with William: they're silly cars. I don't know why someone would want one.
  9. Varenne

    Varenne Formula Junior

    Nov 8, 2003
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    The same people who would want one of these are the same people who would pay $2.1 M for an the new M-B SLR...
  10. Ike

    Ike F1 Rookie

    Nov 4, 2003
    If I were to be driven around I think I would have to go with one of those excursions that they turn into a mobile office. I really do like the new RR though, I guess it could be my weekend car. lol
  11. Nibblesworth

    Nibblesworth Formula 3

    Nov 29, 2002
    Southern California
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    Yeah, I guess a $600,000 Enzo, a $300,000 F40, a $300,000 288 GTO, or even a $250,000 360 Spider *REEKS* of common sense, right?

    Some of the stupid things people say here crack me up.

    WILLIAM H Three Time F1 World Champ

    Nov 1, 2003
    Victory Circle
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    Sports cars are meant to be driven but a luxury living room on wheels ? I could definatley see the Queen riding around in the back of the RR, That thing is HUGE, its almost as big as a Suburban!!!!!

    I cant understand why any1 apart from a chauffeur would actually want to drive that big ugly tank
  13. Ira Schwartz

    Ira Schwartz Formula 3
    Silver Subscribed

    May 20, 2003
    Brooklandville, MD
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    Ira Schwartz
    I'm with William on this- these ARE silly cars. At least the expensive cars we drive do what cars are supposed to do. A Maybach, on the other hand, does nothing (automotive) particularly well, and is only intended to impress onlookers with how much money the owner has. I saw 2 of them parallel parked one in front of the other in front of Cafe L'Europe in Palm Beach recently, and was amazed at how bloated and boring they looked . . . What's the point of tanks like these?
  14. Juice It

    Juice It F1 Rookie

    Sep 22, 2002
    Maryland (DC Suburb)
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    You could say the same thing about anyone that has a Ferrari that doesn't do anything better than a 50k vette. Do people only spend that extra money to be seen and to show they have more money? Also, I think the new giant Rolls would probably take my 355 to 60 while he is watching Dateline on his in-dash tv!
  15. darth550

    darth550 Six Time F1 World Champ
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    Jul 14, 2003
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    Well, as long as YOU are amused I suppose this community has indeed performed its' lowly task?

  16. Ira Schwartz

    Ira Schwartz Formula 3
    Silver Subscribed

    May 20, 2003
    Brooklandville, MD
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    Ira Schwartz
    Jeff- Okay, I've owned Ferraris for years so I'm hardly objective, but I'd take issue with the assertion that any Corvette is in the same league as a Ferrari. Now I haven't owned one since I was a kid, but I don't recall seeing any 'Vette that was built any better than your typical American car, which is not a compliment. We're paying for a whole lot more than raw numbers, be they acceleration, lateral gs, whatever.
    As for the acceleration of a Roller, assuming arguendo that you're right (and I'm not at all sure of that), what happens when he gets to a turn? Sorry, but for automotive integrity I don't hold Rollers in very high regard either- never owned one, but I've driven a number of them and came away underwhelmed- they're just not very good cars, and I have no resaon to suspect that the new ones will dramatically reverse that trend.
    Bottom line- you can probably justify in various ways owning a Ferrari, but I'm at a loss to figure out a good reason to own a tank, be it a Rolls, Maybach, whatever- they're not cars, but rather mobile offices/living rooms, and that just doesn't do it for me. Cars are for drivers . . .
  17. Juice It

    Juice It F1 Rookie

    Sep 22, 2002
    Maryland (DC Suburb)
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    Obviously the Rolls won't handle like a Ferrari, but the new vette will do anything the Ferrari can do and for a whole lot less. I see where you are coming from but I have a Bentley Arnage and a 355 spider and I enjoy driving both. I feel both are way overpriced for what you get but if I had to chose one, the 355 would go. The Bentley although large is a drivers car and has plenty of power and is fun to drive and can be used everyday. The Ferrari is fun as well but cannot haul around kids/people/or anything else for that matter.
  18. Ira Schwartz

    Ira Schwartz Formula 3
    Silver Subscribed

    May 20, 2003
    Brooklandville, MD
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    Ira Schwartz
    Jeff- Valid point about the 355 having little utility, but I guess that's why (at least here in the US) so few people have a Ferrari as their only car. Frankly, I can't think of any of my Ferrari friends who doesn't have at least one more practical car.

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