Which Cibie ? | FerrariChat

Which Cibie ?

Discussion in 'Technical Q&A' started by nevpugh68, Nov 13, 2003.

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  1. nevpugh68

    nevpugh68 Rookie

    Nov 2, 2003
    Ashby de la Zouch, UK
    Full Name:
    Neville Pugh
  2. Verell

    Verell F1 Veteran
    Consultant Owner

    May 5, 2001
    Groton, MA
    Full Name:
    Verell Boaen
    Must have been dealer add-ons, Ferrari never shipped w/them.

    Good luck in figuring what they are.
  3. nevpugh68

    nevpugh68 Rookie

    Nov 2, 2003
    Ashby de la Zouch, UK
    Full Name:
    Neville Pugh
    I've seen quite a few f-cars of that period with them on, exactly the same lights .... wonder if they were dealer options at the time ? (anyone ?)
  4. ferraridriver

    ferraridriver F1 Rookie

    Aug 8, 2002
    Bay Area Calif.
    Full Name:
    Chances are they are Cibie Airport. http://www.talbotco.com/cibie_aux_lighting.htm

    I sitll have some from the sixties that have ben transfered many times and are now on my Excursion.

    They are wonderfull aux. lights, and still available.
  5. nevpugh68

    nevpugh68 Rookie

    Nov 2, 2003
    Ashby de la Zouch, UK
    Full Name:
    Neville Pugh
    They're the ones, thanks ferraridriver !

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