how old to carry gun...???? | FerrariChat

how old to carry gun...????

Discussion in 'Other Off Topic Forum' started by Mr. Natividad, Feb 28, 2004.

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  1. Mr. Natividad

    Mr. Natividad Rookie

    Feb 2, 2004
    I was wondering how old you have to be to carry a gun. I am only 18 and know I cant own one, but I was wondering how old you have to be to carry one with a permit. I am asking because earlier like 4-5 boys in some mini van were following me and my GF for 20 minutes. I know they were following me because they went up and down every aisle I did and I even drove in circles around parked cars and they followed right behind. So I drove like 80 on the main highway(45 mph speed limit) trying to attract a cop or something because my cell phone doesn't work. They eventually left, but I would have felt more secure with a firearm of some sort.
  2. 134282

    134282 Four Time F1 World Champ

    Aug 3, 2002
    Full Name:
    Carbon McCoy
    If and when you apply for a gun, DO NOT put down "protection" or "self defense" or anything like that on your application, for the reason you're applying for a permit... They'll reject it faster than you can load a clip into a 9... Just say it's for hunting/game/sport... With that said, i don't know what the legal age for gun ownership is but i'm sure it varies from state to state... 21 sounds about right...

    Finally, a gun can be "had" on the street for a reasonable sum; a gun without any bodies on it is obviously going to be a little more expensive, but that's the way the ball bounces... The general concensus here will probably advise against purchasing a firearm in the street...

    Good luck and remember the old saying: "Don't pull that thing out unless you're going to use it."
  3. bostonmini

    bostonmini Formula 3

    Nov 8, 2003
    pretty sure it varies, it used to be 18 to have a rifle (maybe even 16 for a FID) but in MASS now its 21 all around, and carry permits are tough to get now, it all really boils down to how lucky you get with the police in your town. If its small town affair-type stuff, then you should be able to get a license to carry, just say that its for work, large amounts of cash on you for deposit etc.
  4. f355spider

    f355spider F1 World Champ
    Owner Rossa Subscribed

    May 29, 2001
    Assuming you can get a "concealed pistol permit" where you live, you must be 21 years old. It would be highly recommended to get some basic training in both the use of a handgun, and also the laws surrounding the use of deadly force. Many shooting schools are available, and while you may not purchase or carry concealed, you may (in most jurisdictions) possess a handgun for the purpose of taking a class or shooting on a range.

    Having a handgun does not make you safer. Having the skills and knowledge of how to get out of situations that would require the use of the handgun, along WITH how to employ the use of deadly force with a handgun, can make you both FEEL safer, and BE safer. Learning unarmed skills would be beneficial as well. If the only skill you have is the use of a handgun, then the only "tool" you can grab from your "tool box" is the gun! Not all situations require deadly unarmed skills, use of aerosol restraints (pepper spray) can all be useful and viable alternatives.

    With parental permission, we teach students under the age of 21 in the defensive use of a handgun; but you might want to start with some of the "unarmed" skills first.

    It's like learning to drive fast; learning from professionals is the only way to go.

    Check around at the local gun shops, shooting ranges and the like. Most of those people can connect you with a quality training outfit.

    I work part-time for this group:
  5. Mr. Natividad

    Mr. Natividad Rookie

    Feb 2, 2004
    Thanks for the replies. It seems I'll have to wait another 3 years :( . I can fight unarmed, but 4-5 guys on one is not an easy fight by no means.
  6. 134282

    134282 Four Time F1 World Champ

    Aug 3, 2002
    Full Name:
    Carbon McCoy
    You don't need to wait to carry a knife... Or get a toy gun that LOOKS like a real gun... Maybe that'll scare 'em off... Or, invest in some Wing Chung classes... Death in 3 moves or less...
  7. darth550

    darth550 Six Time F1 World Champ
    Lifetime Rossa

    Jul 14, 2003
    In front of you
    Full Name:
    Then EVERYBODY will have fun tonight!

  8. Tyler

    Tyler F1 Rookie

    Dec 19, 2001
    dusty old farm town
    Full Name:

    EVERYBODY Wing Chung tonight!!. :) LOL
  9. Schatten

    Schatten F1 World Champ

    Apr 3, 2001
    Austin, TX
    Full Name:
    you say your cell phone didn't work? if it had a charge on it, it will work to call 911 no matter if you have service on it or not. old phones are given to battered women's shelters for this very reason. they don't have to be hooked up to a service, only charged and working to call 911.
  10. rico

    rico Formula Junior

    Nov 2, 2003
    Full Name:
    I'd re-read what you've written. If you're considering carrying a gun, what about the 4 or 5 guys that were chasing you. They're VERY LIKELY to be carrying guns. So you stop one of them... you've got 4 bullets in your chest before the gun's reloaded.

    Be a man.... run!
  11. thecarreaper

    thecarreaper F1 World Champ
    Silver Subscribed

    Sep 30, 2003
    MR. NATIVIDAD. a location / state in your profile would help us to help you with your question. federal law dictates you must be 21 to posses a handgun. some states have very very harsh rules for getting a concealed weapons permit. if you were in a ferrari , with a nice girl you are very lucky you noticed them and that you got away. they were casing you to get more than your money.gun or knife 4 on 1 if bad odds, they were most likely armed to the teeth as well. as others have stated , unless you are very well trained, that situation would have been a hard one to come out on top . i have a fereral firarm license as well as a concealed weapons permit, though the letter is fairly easy to get in GA. i pray to G-d that i will never ever need to use a weapon, but i would rather have it and not need it than NEED IT and NOT have it. the fac that you knew you were bieng watched saved you, get a damn phone that works!! your GF could have called to report the actions of the other party while you focused on driving. i have had to produce a weapon 2 times in my life to prevent a crime. i notified the police as to why i pulled a gun as soon as possible. both persons were soon arrested, one was wanted on felony warrants and was armed with a .357 mag and a switchblade. i am 32 and have had a weapon around since i was 15 or so. i am a "small" 130 lbs guy. i will shoot first and let the lawyers do the rest. you should be able to get a 12 gauge riot shotgun and keep it in your vehicle with no problems. a Mossberg 500 with a 18.5 inch barrel would be a good choice. just the sound of the action will stop most in thier tracks. if you are away from the car though it wont do you much good. gun sells for under $ 200.00 in most places. best defence is run and dont be there. but sometimes you cant run away. best wishes, michael
  12. DGS

    DGS Six Time F1 World Champ
    Rossa Subscribed

    May 27, 2003
    Full Name:
    And what good would a gun be, in that situation? You planning to open fire on them for following you?
    I've had kids in a minivan follow my Ferrari. They just wanted to ask "how fast does it go?".

    If you don't want to take a chance, that's still an easy situation to solve. No need for extreme speeds.

    Just drive to the nearest police station.

    If they'll follow you in there, they're probably not planning anything bad. If they run off, you can stroll inside and report the tag number.
  13. wazza

    wazza Formula Junior

    Oct 9, 2003
    Sorry Guys but I know i'm going to piss most of you off but........

    This thread is so AMERICAN.!!!


    I could go on but I wont.

    So enjoy killing each other

  14. 96impalaSS

    96impalaSS F1 Rookie

    Dec 8, 2003
    Full Name:
    here its 18 to have rifles and shotguns and to buy ammo for htem, and 21 for pistols or to buy there ammo.
  15. Gilles27

    Gilles27 F1 World Champ

    Mar 16, 2002
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    Warren, I wish you WOULD go on. Guns are so damn sacred in this country it's ridiculous. Mr. Natividad, want a gun? Just go into an alley in any major city and buy one. Forget legal procedures. That's for suckers. Oh, but it's a Constitutional right, so, never mind, everything's OK. There's no gun problem. Keep moving. Nothing to look at here.
  16. SrfCity

    SrfCity F1 World Champ

    My guess is that a gun would have only led to more trouble. Look at it, you got away unharmed. If you had of pulled a gun on those goons who knows what would have happened? How do you know that one didn't recognize you and would have hunted you down later? Get the 911 speed dial working and play it safe. If you call in the tags at least it's on record.
  17. Artherd

    Artherd F1 Veteran

    Jun 19, 2002
    Bay Area, CA
    Full Name:
    Ben Cannon
    First and foremost, I suggest you take a serious look at yourself in the mirror, and ask if you want to spend the rest of your life in Jail.

    That is a realistic outcome should you decide to use a firearm.


    Third, get training. Take a class.

    THEN, if you still want the grave responsability that goes with it, and only then, get a gun.


    Federally you must be 18 to posess a firearm. Your state may have furthur restrictions.

    Infact, you could have anything from totally un-regulated Concealed Carry (EG. VT and AK). to CCW being outright illegal. ()to firearms at all being outlawed, DC.)

    In California, we have 'may-issue' CCW. At least in theroey. They don't issue very often, however it now depends on county. In LA county, you can almost forget it, whereas in Mendocino County, you take a 16 hour class taught by the SD, and you're good to go.
  18. Evolved

    Evolved F1 Veteran

    Nov 5, 2003
    If I recall it is 18 here in PA for a concealed carry permit. Very easy to get.

    For your particular situation a gun would not help. Drive to the nearest polive station. It's not dramatic like in the movies. Hitting anything with a 45 from a moving car is damn near impossible.

    I had a similar problem one time with a guy who was just having a bad day and I think I cut him off and he fallowed me for about 10 miles to a Barnes and Noble parking lot.

    Lucky for the miracle of cell phones there were already two police cars there waiting for me. I parked the car told them the situation. The idiot was still behind me and they pulled him over etc... etc.. Since he really didn't do anything wrong he was latter released but I am sure it gave him a good scare. He got a ticket for tailgateing I think.

    Using my guns for personal defense is the last line, not the first.
    Not that I don't have a well oiled .45 at the ready just in case.

    The only place it's a legal shoot anyway is going to be protecting your home. For that nothing beats a a short barrled 12 gauge.
  19. wazza

    wazza Formula Junior

    Oct 9, 2003

    Now this really makes me laugh.

    So I have to wait till i'm 21 to kill someone with a pistol
    but it's OK at 18 with a rifle.

    I guess it's to protect kids under 21 from getting to near to all that blood and **** and upsetting them !

  20. thecarreaper

    thecarreaper F1 World Champ
    Silver Subscribed

    Sep 30, 2003
    FEDERAL LAW STATES YOU MUST BE 21 TO BUY , CARRY, OR OWN A HANDGUN. YOU MUST BE 21 TO PURCHASE " HANDGUN" AMMUNITION . there a more rifles now chambered in " handgun" or smaller calibers so this is a gray area. no state will allow anyone to legally so much as touch a handgun unless you are 21 and pass the background check. THIS IS THE LAW!!!
  21. Evolved

    Evolved F1 Veteran

    Nov 5, 2003
    No, If you kill someone at any age you are just a hop skip and a jump away from being strapped to a gurney with a needle in your arm.

    The law really doesn't care what you used to get the job done either. Only noisy politicians care. The judge will not show you mercy if you kill someone with a fork instead of a gun.
  22. wazza

    wazza Formula Junior

    Oct 9, 2003
    Oh well that's all right then.
    I was getting worried for a minute.
    but thanks for straightening that out for me.


  23. rob

    rob F1 Rookie

    May 22, 2002
    Forget the gun. Learn how to fight/defend yourself with your body these are weapons that are always on you and never concealed.
  24. Tyler

    Tyler F1 Rookie

    Dec 19, 2001
    dusty old farm town
    Full Name:

    Also, protecting your business and if you have a CCW you can defend yourself anywhere. In addition if you have a CCW and see someone start shooting people you can put them down.

    If it's legal in your state I think CCW is great. Should you decide to become a gun owner of any kind the best thing you can do is educate yourself on the weapon and take as many classes as you can. Practice makes perfect and if you expect to have any accuracy at all in a combat situation you need to practice very regularly.

    Best of luck.
  25. 96impalaSS

    96impalaSS F1 Rookie

    Dec 8, 2003
    Full Name:
    Yes it is one of the most ludacris laws ever. Ive never quite understood it.

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