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Discussion in 'Ferrari Discussion (not model specific)' started by rob lay, Jun 6, 2018.

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  1. rob lay

    rob lay Administrator
    Staff Member Admin Miami 2018 Owner

    Dec 1, 2000
    Southlake, TX
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    Rob Lay
    The menu we implemented is the current trend whether we like or not in the short term.
  2. dinonz308

    dinonz308 Formula Junior
    Rossa Subscribed

    Nov 26, 2017
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    Your choice. I certainly don't follow that trend in the websites my company produces. I do in our mobile apps, but not on any websites.
  3. dwhite

    dwhite F1 Rookie

    I always clear cookies. No real change, but regarding the search function I was trying the look up icon on top and realized that search is in the menu. So my bad, but not really sure what the magnifying glass icon does.

    Still not a huge fan of the newest version of Fchat :-( But I generally like some of the members ;-)
  4. Kirillos

    Kirillos Administrator

    Nov 8, 2017
    Russia, Rostov-on-Don
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    Kirill Noga
    I have the same sometimes, that is one script from another site. And sometimes he have very slowly return him.
    I'll figure out what it's for, and I'll eliminate that.
  5. rob lay

    rob lay Administrator
    Staff Member Admin Miami 2018 Owner

    Dec 1, 2000
    Southlake, TX
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    Rob Lay
    I think it is still a little forward, not even all the MotorSport websites have it yet.
  6. QSA

    QSA Formula Junior
    Silver Subscribed

    Jun 3, 2011
    Kingwood, TX
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    Can we get the old search function back that allows narrowing search to specific forums? You have to do a worthless search now before it allows you to go back and do that.

    Also, clicking on “alerts” icon actually taking you to alerts would be preferred.

    All comments above regarding mobile version.

    Thanks for soliciting feedback!
  7. rob lay

    rob lay Administrator
    Staff Member Admin Miami 2018 Owner

    Dec 1, 2000
    Southlake, TX
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    Rob Lay
    it is still there, unless for some reason it dropped off the mobile version. we still have outstanding work on search just to make more accessible and they should catch it to if really not appearing on mobile. I just tested on my iPhone and Advanced Search still there.
  8. rob lay

    rob lay Administrator
    Staff Member Admin Miami 2018 Owner

    Dec 1, 2000
    Southlake, TX
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    Rob Lay
    Can those that don't like the menu look at Motor1's. They actually did merge the pop up with a menu bar. What do you think about that? I thought you could only do one or the other and maybe they do plan to update theirs to be more like ours as we're the most recent design. Thanks.
  9. QSA

    QSA Formula Junior
    Silver Subscribed

    Jun 3, 2011
    Kingwood, TX
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    When I type something in the search bar it gives me no options. When I use the search bar from the drop down menu it also gives me no options. Using either searches the whole site, then I have to do a second search by clicking “search again,” and only then does it give me options such as searching titles only and specific forums, which account for 99% of my searches.
  10. Tinbender

    Tinbender Formula Junior
    Owner Rossa Subscribed

    Mar 13, 2004
    Raleigh,Lake Lure,NC
    Full Name:
    Terry W. Phillips
    It is very slow loading pages and going from forum to forum but it was doing this for the past month or more.
  11. dinonz308

    dinonz308 Formula Junior
    Rossa Subscribed

    Nov 26, 2017
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    Just out of interest, why do 2 (in my estimation) seldom used items "Moderator List" and "Watch this Forum" have pride of place on the page, but the "Mark Forum Read" has to be buried in the menu? Why aren't the all buried in the menu? I have never clicked either of the 2 afore-mentioned links - not even once. But I used "Mark Forum Read" every time I looked in a forum and found nothing of interest to read.
  12. dinonz308

    dinonz308 Formula Junior
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    Nov 26, 2017
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    I looked at it - makes more sense with a news site because you don't "mark as read". They still have hotlinks at the top of the page to link to sub-categories if you're browsing through the news, and they have a link to "share" on your favorite media site as that's something people often do.

    I'm not knocking the hamburger menu - I believe the concept is fine - they're a great way of removing clutter and offering access to everything. But that should be for major navigation items, and not for contest specific actions on a page - especially not regularly used ones like the "share" on Motor1, or in my opinion the "mark as read" in a forum. Not attacking your design - just feel the placement of context sensitive items is a bit off and cumbersome to use.
  13. rob lay

    rob lay Administrator
    Staff Member Admin Miami 2018 Owner

    Dec 1, 2000
    Southlake, TX
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    Rob Lay
    So I think most users will welcome this as good news. We finally got design approval to put some horizontal menu options back for Home, Forum (with the 4 subfunctions), Upgrades, and Sponsors. Search will also have easier access to the Advanced functionality like search this forum. Left pop up menu will be same and mobile will also have the right pop up same as it is for desktop now.
  14. Lotaz

    Lotaz Formula 3

    Nov 18, 2016
    Las Vegas
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    I have an issue when I go to the home page I am stuck there. I can't click on anything or do any navigating what so ever. I put my link to the forum page to avoid this issue. The problem is I saw an article on the home page but can access it. I mean I really can't click on anything even ads etc. Maybe its my browser? Anyone else having this issue? For me once I am not on the home page everything works fine with the left hand side drop down menu, searches etc.
  15. rob lay

    rob lay Administrator
    Staff Member Admin Miami 2018 Owner

    Dec 1, 2000
    Southlake, TX
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    Rob Lay
    Which browser, device, and FerrariChat theme are you using? Might also help if you take a screen shot. Thanks.
  16. Lotaz

    Lotaz Formula 3

    Nov 18, 2016
    Las Vegas
    Full Name:
    It turned out to be a browser issue, I was running an old IE, switched to Chrome and all is well. Thanks!
    rob lay likes this.
  17. spirot

    spirot F1 World Champ

    Dec 12, 2005
    Full Name:
    Tom Spiro
    Anyone else notice that Ferrari Chat runs way slow on their computer since all the updates? my laptop is constantly running like crazy when on Fchat... never used to, and typing there is a huge lag, that I don't have on other sites?
  18. rob lay

    rob lay Administrator
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    Dec 1, 2000
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    Rob Lay
    I've heard a couple times, but works lightning fast for me and most users. What browser, device, and theme are you using? Thanks.
  19. spirot

    spirot F1 World Champ

    Dec 12, 2005
    Full Name:
    Tom Spiro
    I'm on google ... using my work HP Spectre... no idea what theme means... I'm not an IT guy...
  20. rob lay

    rob lay Administrator
    Staff Member Admin Miami 2018 Owner

    Dec 1, 2000
    Southlake, TX
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    Rob Lay
    are you on the new theme with new design red and blacks or did you select the classic old Ferrari view (blues)?
  21. bpu699

    bpu699 F1 World Champ
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    Dec 9, 2003
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    Where the heck is the "new posts" button? I swear I can't find it... Buried somewhere?
  22. fedcoin

    fedcoin Formula Junior

    Mar 11, 2017
    #122 fedcoin, Jun 26, 2018
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2018
    Scroll generously, it's beneath the upper echelon of content
    bpu699 likes this.
  23. spirot

    spirot F1 World Champ

    Dec 12, 2005
    Full Name:
    Tom Spiro
    red and black. new theme
  24. bisel

    bisel Formula 3

    Sep 12, 2012
    Scottsdale, Arizona
    Full Name:
    Steve Bisel
    This may have already been posted / answered, apologize if so ...

    On the red/black theme, is there a quick link to go to all subscribed threads / forums? I know that I can click on my user id in the upper right corner and then select "Personal Details" and then select, "Watched Threads", "Watched Forums", etc. But as I recall, there used to be a link that one could readily access on the home page to do this. Am I missing this?

    Thanks for any help.


  25. rob lay

    rob lay Administrator
    Staff Member Admin Miami 2018 Owner

    Dec 1, 2000
    Southlake, TX
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    Rob Lay
    Almost everything is in the top left pop up menu including this. We are doing another version now that will have that functionality and a couple others one click easier like before with horizontal menus.

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