What's the real definition of "esquire"? | FerrariChat

What's the real definition of "esquire"?

Discussion in 'Other Off Topic Forum' started by jonesn, Mar 4, 2004.

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  1. jonesn

    jonesn Formula Junior

    Nov 2, 2003
    Full Name:
    Evan "Trouble" Jones
    I'm sure people have different ideas of what it means to them, but where did the word come from? How is it bestowed upon one?
  2. darth550

    darth550 Six Time F1 World Champ
    Lifetime Rossa

    Jul 14, 2003
    In front of you
    Full Name:
    Definitions of Esquire

    What is Esquire? Is it a academic degree like a doctorate of law? Is it a rank like a General in the Army? Is it gender determinator like Ms. or Mr.? Then what is it? Then lets see what it means academically, historically and socially:..........



  3. sjmst

    sjmst F1 Veteran
    Lifetime Rossa

    Jul 31, 2003
    Long Island, NY
    Full Name:
    \Es*quire"\, n. [OF. escuyer, escuier, properly, a
    shield-bearer, F. ['e]cuyer shield-bearer, armor-bearer,
    squire of a knight, esquire, equerry, rider, horseman, LL.
    scutarius shield-bearer, fr. L. scutum shield, akin to Gr. ?
    skin, hide, from a root meaning to cover; prob. akin to E.
    hide to cover. See {Hide} to cover, and cf. {Equerry},
    Originally, a shield-bearer or armor-bearer, an attendant on
    a knight; in modern times, a title of dignity next in degree
    below knight and above gentleman; also, a title of office and
    courtesy; -- often shortened to squire.

    Note: In England, the title of esquire belongs by right of
    birth to the eldest sons of knights and their eldest
    sons in perpetual succession; to the eldest sons of
    younger sons of peers and their eldest sons in
    perpetual succession. It is also given to sheriffs, to
    justices of the peace while in commission, to those who
    bear special office in the royal household, to
    counselors at law, bachelors of divinity, law, or
    physic, and to others. In the United States the title
    is commonly given in courtesy to lawyers and justices
    of the peace, and is often used in the superscription
    of letters instead of Mr.

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