Ferrari's in Thailand??? | FerrariChat

Ferrari's in Thailand???

Discussion in 'Asia' started by alx355gt, Mar 10, 2004.

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  1. alx355gt

    alx355gt F1 Veteran

    Feb 3, 2004
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    I will be going to Bangkok for work in May, and I just wondered how many Ferrari's are registrated in Thailand? All I know is, there's a Thai Ferrari Owners Club and I guess most Ferrari's will be in the neigbourhood of Bangkok?
    Are there enough good roads to enjoy this kind of car and is there a official dealership in this country? If yes, is it worth a visit for some pics?

    Also, have you got some other non-Ferrari-related places/tips I should visit? I've never been in Asia before.

    Thanks :)

    Greets, Alex.
  2. Pong

    Pong Formula Junior

    Nov 5, 2003
    Full Name:
    Alex, there is official dealer in Bangkok, called Ferma...They locate near the Airport. I don't know how many Ferrari are in Thailand...I have heard a little over 200 are here, but you never know...

    All I know is that there is 288, a few F40, 2 F50s, and 1 Enzo coming. There was Daytona and Dino...512 BBi...and a few others.. I hear no more than 12 328s in Thailand, even fewer 308s... Most of the F-cars are F355s and F360s.

    Well, F-car scene is not very active here, or we just don't hear about them. Many owners prefer to be, their trips together tend to be quiet...

    I don't think you will find much about F-car here, even in the dealer...I just went there this morning to see our Koenig 328...I saw 360, 348, 355 in service. There were my brother's 360 for sale there along with Testarossa, another 360...and that's it.

    As for the road to enjoy the car....there are a few...but let me warn you that the surface can be very bad in some place. But for Bangkokians, to enjoy their F-car, they would pay the toll and drive around Bangkok on the express way early Sunday morning...You can make a big loop around down town in 30 minutes. Expressway shooting up north of Bangkok will let you do some high speed run...I heard modified Supra got to near 320 km/h there.

    Another expressway to the South East (the double deck) also let you loose on speed. It heads toward my town...I got my GTR to about 275 easily up there. But beware of teh cross wind because it's very close to the sea. The surface is a bit bumpy will need firm hands.

    If you want some twisty road...then go up northern part of Thailand (you can truck your car up there and enjoy)...several perfect roads in the mountain, but be careful of the local...they don't watch the road. Down south in Phuket, there are also a few good twisty roads... But these road are too far away from Bangkok (8 hours drives).. I usualy find my own road around my town. I live about 1 hours sout east of Bangkok toward Pattaya... I know a few local roads that I can enjoy a blast...

    Hopefully this infor will help you...If you have any other question regarding Thailand, feel free to ask....I will try to answer the best I can.
  3. alx355gt

    alx355gt F1 Veteran

    Feb 3, 2004
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    Hi Pong,

    Many thanks for the info! I will certainly go take a look at the dealer when I'm there.

    Do you know some other places I could visit? (sightseeing, restaurants, bars,...?) I will be in the Bangkok area most of the time, but I will also stay in "Ban Amphoe?" for a few days. I don't know what's to see there? The company arranged most things.

    Greets, Alex.
  4. Pong

    Pong Formula Junior

    Nov 5, 2003
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    alx.....There are tons of places to visit in Bangkok. But mostly tourists go to the palace. The royal temple there is very nice. A bit further north of Bangkok, you can find floating market (there are a few floating markets, I am not sure which is the can ask the hotel)...but it's getting into Summer, so if you arrive late in the morning, it will be very hot.

    25 minutes south of Bangkok, there is a Crocodile Farm and a place called "Maung Jamlong". It's a big park that has all the important places in Thailand copied in a smaller scale for visitor to also has a nice old-style market where you can get food, snack, etc...

    If you want to do some shopping, there are plenty of shopping center ranging from typical to luxury within about 5 train station apart in the heart of Bangkok (sky train is very convenience to use).

    I know a very good Italian resturant name L'opera (I guess I spell it wrong) is located on Sukumvit Rd soi 39 (go into the "soi" about 1km and it's on your left...very good food). For the night life, I can't help you..ha ha because I never go out...but I doubt you will have problem looking for a good can always check out with the hotel...

    I wonder where you are staying... if you can provide me with the address of the hotel, I might be able to give you more information....anyway, enjoy your visit...
  5. alx355gt

    alx355gt F1 Veteran

    Feb 3, 2004
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    Pong, thanks again for the infos. :)
    I don't know exactly the names and adresses of the hotels I will stay in, at the moment. Really looking forward to visit your country.

    Greets, Alex.
  6. Pong

    Pong Formula Junior

    Nov 5, 2003
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    I hope you will like our country....

    You will be in Thailand during our will be hot, humid, and sometime rainny...ha ha...hope you like this kinda-tropical weather.

    If you have time, and if you do scuba, then the South of Thailand is your destination... It's still too hot to go up north to enjoy cool night, so it would be best to head south.

    By the way, prepare to eat some real Thai food....ha ha...don't be afraid, be a bit adventurous and you will have the best time eating in Bangkok....(well, depending on your stomach too...). Don't think it's all spicy, you can always pick and choose.
  7. pwongd

    pwongd Karting

    Nov 5, 2003
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    Not only Italian food can be found in Bangkok, rather most kind of food can be found here also. There are quite a few Western food restaurants, Indian food is also good here, some good Chinese, a few Mexicans, and of course a lot of great Thai food. If you can let us know what hotel you are staying at, we will be able to give you some names.

    As for the cars, you might be disappointed with the Ferma dealer here. Two weeks ago, a 612 was on display. It looked great. But now, there is nothing exciting for you to see. My 360 is still there. We'll probably pick up our 328 Koenig sometime early next week.

    Have fun in Thailand.
  8. alx355gt

    alx355gt F1 Veteran

    Feb 3, 2004
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    Sa-wàt dee Pong, Pwongd,

    As soon as I know the correct names/adresses of the hotels I will be staying in, I post them here.
    About the temperature, I think I'll like the heat after the cold and rainy winter here in Belgium :) And about the food, I also really like spicy food, I've been a few times to a Thai restaurant here in Belgium and it was really good! Looking forward to eat and discover some even more spicy and other food in your country :) Sure, I'll also go to western restaurants a few times when I'm there.

    Of course, it's stil about 2months before I take the plane to Bangkok, but I'll think I will really like it there. Although it's more "work" then holiday, and I will stay there only 9days.

    Enjoy your cars :)

    Greets, Alex.
  9. Garretto

    Garretto F1 Rookie

    Sep 3, 2003
    Bilbao, Spain
    Full Name:
    Rodolfo Di Pietro
    I saw a white (!) F355 in Bangkok during my visit there in 1997. Well it was hidden under a cover in the parking area of one of those jewelries in Bangkok where most tourists are taken. I guess it was owned by the owner of the jewelry shop.

    It was funny, the 355 was completely covered but obviously I guessed the unmistakable shape... my family were amazed I could recognize it even being covered. Of course I lift the cover and showed them a Ferrari wheel and an unexpected white body!
  10. Pong

    Pong Formula Junior

    Nov 5, 2003
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    That white F355 is the only one in Thailand with that color. It recently changed hand to the new owner. I just saw it 2 weeks ago in Bangkok... a very odd combination, but doesn't look bad at all.

    There are quite a few F355 on Thailand's on red, our old Yellow on black, another yellow on cream, red on black...and a few others... F355 is probably the most common F-car here, so there are some in very good condition..just have to look for one.

    alx...if you like Thaifood, you will definitely love Bangkok..ha ha. The weather is quite extreme, with today reaching about 36 degree around my place (not yet taking account for the humidity, you will feel more like 40 degree). Anyway, that's just a part of Thailand, hot weather.

    9 days will not be enough to see all the things you would like to see in Thailand, but I think you will get a pretty good idea of what Thailand is.
  11. alx355gt

    alx355gt F1 Veteran

    Feb 3, 2004
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    Hehe, almost can't wait to go there :)
    But I don't expect to see that many Ferrari's when I'm there.

    Greets, Alex.
  12. Garretto

    Garretto F1 Rookie

    Sep 3, 2003
    Bilbao, Spain
    Full Name:
    Rodolfo Di Pietro
    Pong, which is the interior colour of the white 355? I couldn't manage to see the interior of that car!

    Nice to be talking about the same car, 7 years later and thousands of kilometres away!!! :)

    When I was in Bangkok, one evening I had dinner in a very fine Thai restaurant. It was the ultimate thai experience!!! absolutely great! I can't remember the name of the restaurant but I guess it was one of Bangkok bests, as we were taken there by an expert in "deluxe" thai food.
  13. Pong

    Pong Formula Junior

    Nov 5, 2003
    Full Name:
    alx... don't hold your breath looking for will surely die before you see one...ha ha. Well, the dealer is just 5 minutes from the airport, you might get a glimpse of it before you go up the express's right after Porsche/Jaguar dealer...

    Garretto... the white F355 has cream interior....quite nice, I must say. And yes, it's kinda strange to see the same car and be so far away from each other...I bet the new onwer is sneezing pretty badly...ha ha.
  14. alx355gt

    alx355gt F1 Veteran

    Feb 3, 2004
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    Haha, so if I see a white F355 with cream interior when I'm there, it's probably the one you guys are talking about :) That would be strange...

    I will have a look at the dealer then. Maybe I'll see a few Italian beauties there :)

    Greets, Alex.
  15. Pong

    Pong Formula Junior

    Nov 5, 2003
    Full Name:
    alx....there is one less F-car at the dealer today. My brother just sold his 360 this afternoon...ha ha.

    The new owner has quite a few cars in his collection and his 360 CS is on the way, but he can't wait... so, in the mean time, he just buy my bro's 360 F1 to amuse himself..

    What I saw in the showroom 2 days ago were new 575 in silver/black, another 360 F1 in red, the Maser, and the 512 TR in red. There was a big old Bentley in the showroom also...
  16. Onlinesys

    Onlinesys Formula Junior

    May 1, 2002
    Hong Kong
    Hi Pong,

    Do you guys had any Sunday morning drive in Bangkok? I am heading to Bangkok again on Apr. 9 and stay there for a few days. Any nice place to see some f-cars and get some related shopping?

  17. hk328

    hk328 Rookie

    Nov 14, 2003

    Just to clarify, I believe the Ferrari dealer is on the left hand side heading into the city from the airport, you can see the dealers sign from the tollway!
  18. Pong

    Pong Formula Junior

    Nov 5, 2003
    Full Name:
    Onlinesys: you are coming to Thailand very close to the Thai New Year (better known to traveller as "Song Gran" or water festival). This can be good or bad depending on how you view it.

    Song Gran is a traditional celebration, when you pour little amount of water gently onto the shoulder of the elderly relatives or respected ones for a good blessing. Friends and family also trow some water at each other just for fun. But these day, Song Gran has turned into a huge festival where major city and town would organize a day of water fight (the day is different, but usually within the 7-days gap). This practise can be fun and very dangerous. A lot of people gets injured or killed by road accidents, fights and other causes when things get out of hand.

    The usual festival goes like this... the road around town will be closed off making a big loop aroudn town. People will have water bucket and tank standing by on the sidewalk. Others will come out on their trucks and cars with water gun, water bucket, and tanks (some ice may be included!!)..When the time comes, they would drive the car around town and all hell breaks lose...The water fight would go on for hours....some view it as good fun, but some hates it.

    I would advise you guys to be careful with your personal belongings, just to be sure. And girls get touched a lot during the fight...which is bad, but I must say it's bound to happen when many of them wear rather skimpy, it's a sight to see or a felony waiting to happen, depending on your point of view.

    One good thing about Song gran is that Bangkok will be very quiet as many people head out of town to take their holiday or just go home. Traffic will be light, some places may be closed, but all in all, it's the most quiet time for Bangkok. Major city like Cheing Mai, Pattaya, Phuket, etc..will have big festival and will be packed. Road will be very dangerous as many are drunk and people throw water at cars and motorcycles that are passing by causing many accidents.

    I myself, prefer to stay home during that time of year...the day is April 13th, but the official holiday is 13-15th...and for this year, it will be a very long holiday as many will take the opportunity and string together a big holiday from 10-18. Home is the safest place to be..ha ha...

    AS for shopping...what do you plan to buy?..there is pretty much nothing related to Ferrari. But if you plan to buy some gift and don't mind the heat, I suggest Soun's a big weekend market in Bangkok where you can find almost anything at a lower price (tourists should be haggling for the price a bit though)...and there will be a lot of gifts to choose from. If you prefer department store, there are plenty in Bangkok, from typical department to high-end. And they are very close to each others. I would suggest you to use Sky Train as much as possible because it's very convenience (but the system is very short in length comparing to others). The new subway will be open during Song Gran also, I think.

    Well...let's come back for a little Ferrari-related issue...ha ha.. Sadly to say, F-car is very expensive to buy due to tax (around 300%). But people who can afford it, still buy whatever F-car they want. I heard 2 612s are coming, and I saw a few 575s at the dealer. F-car owner club does organize some trips once in a while, but we are not member. A few petrol heads would do Sunday Drive (shall I say blast??) out of Bangkok or around Bangkok express way. However, they try to be as low profile as possible because many are influentials in society or big industrialists. So, you may be disappointed if you keep looking for F-car on the streets...
  19. F40Lover

    F40Lover Karting

    Mar 28, 2004
    Hello fellow Ferrari lovers. I am relocating to Thailand within the next few months. I would like to know the following: What is involved in importing a LHD car into Thailand? Will they allow it? If not, this means that my Ferrari will have to stay parked (1959 250 SWB). If so, that also means that I will have to buy a new one. Hard choice for me. I really like the F40 and at the same time adore the new 360 CS. My question is this, which car will be better suited to the road system there? Thanks.
  20. Jon@Tezta

    Jon@Tezta Formula Junior

    Dec 5, 2003
    Hong Kong / Jakarta
    Full Name:
    When i was in BKK a few months ago i didnt see any ferraris but i did notice the highways were quite smooth and plenty of room to really floor it. Although my taxi driver did nothing of the sort ;)
  21. Pong

    Pong Formula Junior

    Nov 5, 2003
    Full Name:
    F40Lover, I am sorry to disappoint you, but the government does not allow the importation of used car anymore. All imported car must be brand new. LHD or RHD is not a problem, but you must bring in brand new car only.

    But if it's your personal belonging, including automobile, I suggest you contact the Thai custom office first. They may have a solution for you. A 250 SWB is one of my favorite F-car... he he.

    Buying a Ferrari in Thailand is a very expensive thing to do. We have tax on imported car that runs around 300%. The brand new 360 will cost you around US$415,000.... the used F355 (usually '95 or '96) will cost around US$195,000. It can cost more than that for a very nice example. The 348 right now cost around US$120,000, but I have seen ones went for less.

    Our '87 328 GTB Koenig cost us US$96,000. It has less than 20,000 km on the clock though...and has no rust with major service done. So, Ferrari is expensive here, but if you don't have an issue with money, then it's all good.

    The road system is OK here. If you live in or around Bangkok, you will find good expressway system to run around down town late at night or early Sunday morning. The expressway leading to the east (Chonburi province) is good for high speed run (as well as the expressway heading north to Ayudhaya province). Police don't enforce speed limit much, but they do occasionally flag down cars to get money...bribery is a way of life here..shame, but it's the truth. So, there is nothing to worry about too much regarding police...they don't stop Ferrari that often anyway, they might run into a wrong guys. Surface streets are OK in Bangkok, not silky smooth, but Ferrari can take it without a problem. As long as you stay on the paved surface, you will be alright all over Thailand. Concrete roads are not very well surfaced, but if you don't go too fast, the car can take it.

    I don't recommend using Ferrari as an everyday car here. Just because the running cost is high and you gain so much attention. The traffic in Bangkok can also be very bad. Exotic cars are toys in Thailand, and you rarely run across one on the street.

    If you decide to buy a Ferrari, the best place to go to is the official dealer. They may not have many choices, but at least the car will be officially imported. There are several contemporary Ferraris that are personally imported, and I am not sure if the dealer will service the cars (old Ferrari is a different story).

    You can buy cars from other exotic car dealers in Bangkok, but you should find out if it's an official import or not. Usually, the dealer would tell you straight away. There are a few 512TRs on the market, and a few F355s. I also saw 456 for sale the other day. You can usually find the car you want without too much problem, but it will mostly be contemporary F-car (meaning 348 and newer).
  22. alx355gt

    alx355gt F1 Veteran

    Feb 3, 2004
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    Wow, serious prices if you see it like this...
    I can imagine how much the Enzo would be then.

    Greets, Alexander
  23. F40Lover

    F40Lover Karting

    Mar 28, 2004
    Pong -Thank you for the information on Ferrari in Thailand. In terms of running costs, can you give me an idea of what you mean by high cost. Labour or parts? I will not be living in Bangkok, this I know, exact location has yet to be determined. Is your 328 Koenig for sale? How much is a 360CS with full options? Taxes or import duty or both? How long has the official dealer been in business? Are the mechanics factory trained? Ferrari will reward you with many years of "fun" if you do proper work on them. There are only two throttle positions on red cars from Italy, idling and WOT!!!
    Oh ---- that Ferrari wail is music to my ears, especially with Tubi exhaust. Is that available in Bangkok dealer?
  24. SoftwareDrone

    SoftwareDrone F1 Veteran
    Sponsor Owner Rossa Subscribed

    Jan 19, 2004
    San Jose, California
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    I have a bunch of pictures I took while visiting Ferrari of Bangkok. Just e-mail me if you'd like to see them.

  25. alx355gt

    alx355gt F1 Veteran

    Feb 3, 2004
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    Yes, I would like to see them :)
    Can you post some of them here, so we all can enjoy them?

    Greets, Alexander

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