4 New 612 pics! | FerrariChat

4 New 612 pics!

Discussion in '612/599' started by F1racer, Nov 1, 2003.

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  1. F1racer

    F1racer F1 Rookie

    Oct 5, 2003
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    Here's 4 new pics of the 612 found by one of my friends at *************. So what do you guys think of the car?

    Tyson likes this.
  2. cavallino

    cavallino Formula Junior

    Aug 21, 2003
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    So beautiful, you don't have any bigger pics ...
  3. bobafett

    bobafett F1 Veteran

    Sep 28, 2002
    Will reserve judgement until I see it in the flesh, but if pictures are any indication - another non-seller.

  4. paulyb

    paulyb Karting

    Nov 1, 2003
    Full Name:
    paul bellis
    Just looks a little bland to me.

    Ferraris should be exciting and make you draw breath / go wow when you see them - this one just looks like a well used bar of soap
  5. Napolis

    Napolis Three Time F1 World Champ
    Honorary Owner

    Oct 23, 2002
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    Jim Glickenhaus
    You understated it.
  6. bobafett

    bobafett F1 Veteran

    Sep 28, 2002
    Jim: posting a 5am? I hope you're just getting in? :D


    PS: look to pick one of these up in 2007 for $50k
  7. Napolis

    Napolis Three Time F1 World Champ
    Honorary Owner

    Oct 23, 2002
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    Jim Glickenhaus
    This is the time to roll out the heavy equip. There's nothing quite driving a LeMans car into the sunrise. 50 K wouldn't surprize me.
  8. PSk

    PSk F1 World Champ

    Nov 20, 2002
    Tauranga, NZ
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    Unbelievably bland :(

    Improving the driveability and usability of the product does not mean that the styling has to be bland also.

    Yep in a few years time, even I will be able to afford one ... if they are even worth picking up.

    Lamborgini must be laughing all the way to the bank :eek:

    Actually would have looked better if they had stuck to the original sketch and kept the sides heavily scolloped.

  9. labcars

    labcars Formula 3
    Rossa Subscribed

    Jan 22, 2003
    Phila. + Scottsdale
    Just think, a 612 and a Maser Spyder in the garage for less than $100k total!! Who'd a thunk it?!?! Another non-seller? That's being kind!
  10. wazza

    wazza Formula Junior

    Oct 9, 2003
    I also think it looks bland..

    Sorry, I want to like it but it just looks to much like a 450,550, 575, Aston,

    When they bought out the 360 or Enzo the initial reaction was completely

    Most of us thought "WOW" supercar .

    Whether you liked them or not they caused a huge reaction due to the
    redical designs.

    To me this new one just does not look radical at all just samey, dissapointing.


    perhapse it will grow on me.

  11. wax

    wax Five Time F1 World Champ
    Lifetime Rossa

    Jul 20, 2003
    Full Name:
    Dirty Harry
    What 4-seater Ferrari appeals to those who do not like the 612?
  12. Doody

    Doody F1 Veteran

    Nov 16, 2001
    MA USA
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    Mr. Doody
    i think wax is asking the right question here.

    is it "bland"? well, maybe it is. although i assume that if you're in the driver's seat it's anything but.

    i'd opine that none of the people who have posted in this thread are in the market for a 4-seat supercar. the number of 456 owners on this site is rather small.

    furthermore, they apparently don't sell many four-seaters here in the US as compared to other markets.

    the market for quarter-mil, four-seat supercars is not us wackos here. and i would assert that those buyers appreciate the understated design. they don't want an F40 - they want a four-seat car that hauls the mail and then some.

    i think it's an elegant design. i like the front end. i like the back end. i like the profile. i will NOT be buying one, probably ever, regardless of its pricing today or it spricing in the future. i'm not the market.

    now if they do such an understated design on the maranello replacement i'll be an unhappy camper. i think the 2-seat 12 could use a bit more oomph. not testarossa levels, but a bit of a "bite" --- not per se for me personally - i love the maranello styling - but for the market as a whole.

  13. andrewg

    andrewg F1 Rookie

    Sep 10, 2002
    Chester, England
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    Looking at those pics it looks like an Xk8 rear and Fiat Barchetta front!, think I'll wait until some clearer pics come out
  14. PSk

    PSk F1 World Champ

    Nov 20, 2002
    Tauranga, NZ
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    Doody and Wax,

    The 456 Ferrari is stunningly elegant. Best looking modern Ferrari, and definately not bland. I can see what you are saying but I personally do not see any reason why 2 extra seats makes your mind automatically go bland.

    Mine doesn't ... I can think of many great 4 door cars, i.e. BMW M3 can be bought with 4 doors, and the Maserati Quatroporte (last model anyway :) ). A few Jaguar models, etc.

    Infact I even think the 365GT/4 2+2 is better looking.

    This new car does not flow ... it has different design ideas all over it, and it does not gel.

    Bummer ... spells the end for front engined Ferraris IMO.
  15. wax

    wax Five Time F1 World Champ
    Lifetime Rossa

    Jul 20, 2003
    Full Name:
    Dirty Harry


    I like the 456 too - a lot. One reason is that I remember that it's got 4 seats. Beneath that calm exterior and that interior lies a beast within.
    Same will likely be said by myself for the 612 once it's beheld. I'm on the positive side of the fence, because as you likely have - to the extent that you have a greater understanding - I've looked at every 4-seater Ferrari, and just as is the case in the rest of life's little perceptions - come away with a different perspective of the design aspect and something old/new evolution for a Gentleman's Rocket. Twice removed from a Playboy's Rocket, no doubt. As is often the case, it'd be interesting to sit and talk with the designers who presented sketches on one hand, and sheet metal on another. I think the sketches presented too rosy a picture, and would like to see the 612 presented in dark metallics, silvers and other more subtle shades which are best suited to Pininfarina's sultry bodywork - as opposed to the more aggressive, sporty models.

    "Buckle up, kids."
    ' 'k '
    180/ <<<<(Speedo)
    ' Are we there yet? '

    WILLIAM H Three Time F1 World Champ

    Nov 1, 2003
    Victory Circle
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    456 was much better looking. Doesnt say Ferrari, doesnt say much of anything
  17. aawil

    aawil Formula 3

    Aug 10, 2002
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    I agree there. From the front the smiley face grill is appauling. THe car just doesn't flow well at all. I'm starting to think they should leave the 360 alone before they ruin it too.
  18. donv

    donv Two Time F1 World Champ
    Owner Rossa Subscribed

    Jan 5, 2002
    Portland, Oregon
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    I like it, although I have to admit that I don't like it as much as the 456. And, I will probably end up owning one (I already own a 456 and a 365 2+2). In fact, I'd like to buy one new, but at the moment I couldn't quite handle the depreciation. I happen to like 4-seat Ferraris, if you haven't guessed...

    Opinions on styling are too funny-- I've heard opinions on the 456 ranging from "it's too bland" to "it's too much-- it screams Ferrari!" Personally, I happen to think the 456 is one of the most beautiful recent Ferraris.

    As for pricing, if it tracks the 456 it will be about 2012 before you'll be able to buy one for $50k. 95 456s today are worth about 1/3 of their original purchase price, which seems about right. In the end, all the 4-seat cars (with very few exceptions, such as the 365 California) depreciate. Of course, so do most of the production 2-seat cars.
  19. Sharris

    Sharris Karting

    Mar 19, 2002
    Salt Lake City, Utah
    Full Name:
    Sean Harris
    Sorry, but if current orders are an indication, we won't even fill the waiting list by 2007.

    All I can say is wait till you see the car in person, I agree the photos are not the most flattering, but it is much different in person.
  20. Mark(study)

    Mark(study) F1 Veteran

    Oct 13, 2001
    Clearwater, FL
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    I looked up "Bland" in the Dictionary- Webster says- "the opposite of Ferrari".

    I sent them these photos of the 612, Webster wrote back and said they will change their definition for the next edition :(

    I just think Ferrair has left the Exotic market. 550 and 575 are in the line-up to fight directly against Lamborghini Murcielago's exotic styling, in the over $200k price-point.

    The 612 is just the 575 for those that need 4-seater. So now Ferrari has its 12's in the luxury class, and out of the Exotic class if you look at styling.
    Ferrari is luxury/retro. But 575/612 are not Exotic cars.

    The last time I was at my local Ferrari dealership. Their was a very nice 65 year old man... driving a 575 parked in the Handicaped parking place. He just wrote a blank check and said "what ever the next 465 looks like, I want one".

    Ferrari will sell these cars. Baby Boomers are getting older and greyer and don't care about "Boy Racer" looks anymore.
  21. Kds

    Kds F1 World Champ

    It looks like a Porsche 996 from the front pictures and like a 550/575 from the back and side. Pretty "uninspiring" if you ask me and not worthy of any further consideration if I was in the market. "Bland" comes to mind. The 456M was a much better design IMHO.
  22. PSk

    PSk F1 World Champ

    Nov 20, 2002
    Tauranga, NZ
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    I think you will find people will cancel orders!

    Plus the 456 (amazingly) was the 2nd worse selling car in the UK, and I believe I can still purchase one BRAND new over there if I want to. Thus if they cannot move one of the most beautiful Ferraris ever how the fnck are they going to move that Hyundai looking 612.

    Come on, just because they added 2 extra seats does not mean it has to NOT look like a Ferrari. There are family guys, like me, that would like to have a 4 seater Ferrari, but would also like to have a car that IS a Ferrari.

    If we wanted less exciting looks we would buy the Maserati.

    The 456 was fantastic, the 550 was a nice looking car, the 575 went one step UGLIER with those weird headlights and front treatment, and the 612 is just boring. God only knows what will be next a panel van!

    I would actually prefer them to move the engine forward (yep back over the front axle line, and yes I know that is not ideal for weight distribution) to get the looks and balance of the car right. It looks so long in the nose that it makes E-Type Jags bonnets look short. Come on family men know their pennis's work, we do not need that sort of felic symbol.

    Somebody needs a kick up the arse I say. Not only is the Italian motor industry falling on its sword at the economy car level, Ferrari is working flat out to ensure the industry fails from both ends of the spectrim.

    Have the Italians lost the passion? :eek: Is it time for another nation to rein supreme?

  23. Sharris

    Sharris Karting

    Mar 19, 2002
    Salt Lake City, Utah
    Full Name:
    Sean Harris
    The 575 is a completely different car than the Murcielago and is not there to compete for "exotic styling" or anything else. I have client's who own both for different reasons. It is usually not a one over the other decision at that point. What is wrong with four seats in the 612? There again many of my clients will own both the 575 and the 612 for different purposes. If it were ever a choice of can I have only one car out say 7+ that they own, the overwhelming choice is the Maranello for it's proven perfomance, driveability and all around style and elegance. Fortunately they don't have to make that choice and can choose from several they own depending on their mood of the moment.
  24. PSk

    PSk F1 World Champ

    Nov 20, 2002
    Tauranga, NZ
    Full Name:

    You are missing the point entirely. There is nothing wrong with having 4 seats, even 6 seats. But the number of seats has nothing to do with designing an uninspiring looking car. There are many great looking 2+2's, even 4 door cars ... the 612 is NOT one of them.

    Please don't reply simply saying that it is a 4 seater and thus implying that it has to look bland. NO it doesn't.

  25. Sharris

    Sharris Karting

    Mar 19, 2002
    Salt Lake City, Utah
    Full Name:
    Sean Harris
    These orders were after they saw the pictures and before they have seen it in person. It is really a different model for Ferrari and opens the marque up to people that would never consider buying one before. I think we will see some first time Ferrari buyer's buy this car that normally would buy a high end Bentley or Mercedes.

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