Pharmaceutical Sales Question | FerrariChat

Pharmaceutical Sales Question

Discussion in 'Other Off Topic Forum' started by KevinW, Mar 27, 2004.

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  1. KevinW

    KevinW Karting

    Nov 4, 2003
    Phoenix, AZ
    Full Name:
    I've been wanting to get into pharmaceutical sales for quite some time now and I'm about to give it a shot. I have a few good friends who are sales for various drug companies.

    The one I have my eye on is one friend works for them and loves his job and the company. They are the company I want to work for.

    I may be crazy for doing this (or maybe not...) but I am flying out to Los Angeles for a "Pfizer Night" at the Four Seasons Hotel to meet the Los Angeles District Managers and sales people from the company. I'm doing this because my wife and I want to eventually move into the area (I worked out there for a 7 1/2 month assignment last year so we are very familiar with the area -- unfortunately, my company doesn't have anything to offer me out there).

    I am trying to make contacts with the company out there and hopefully I can possibly land myself an interview. My friend said he would give me a recommendation (which seems to help in this industry -- this is how he got the job directly out of college) but he doesn't live out there...he lives here in my area (Allentown, Pennsylvania).

    Is anyone here involved in this industry? Am I wasting my time going to this event in Los Angeles?

    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
  2. Pacman

    Pacman Rookie

    Nov 23, 2003
    I work for Eli Lilly as a pharma rep. Love the job, love the industry.

    Besides your friend working there, why do you want to be at Pfizer???
    THey don't have much happening for a drug pipeline, and most of their products are either co-promoted or they have bought other small companies.
    Many clinics in my area have banned Pfizer reps, as there are too many of them calling on docs, talking about the same products.
    I'm not saying they are bad to work for, but there are many other companies out there that will offer exactly what Pfizer can offer, if not more.

    Having said that, take a job with any drug company if you can get it hard for 2 years, and you can move to another company if you wish.

    Have you contacted any recruiters in your area?? Most pharma companies will use headhunters to get qualified candidates.
  3. Doug

    Doug Formula 3

    Nov 13, 2003
    Louisville KY
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    Make sure they have something in their pipeline of drugs. That is the key to making money in pharm sales. I had 2 friends working for Perdue-Frederic? during the Oxy-Contin boom. They worked 3 days a week and their sales were huge. Then there were many problems with illegal use and the drug soured. Doctors are scared to prescribe. They had nothiing else in the pipeline so both reps left. Do some serious research on what is coming in.
  4. Artherd

    Artherd F1 Veteran

    Jun 19, 2002
    Bay Area, CA
    Full Name:
    Ben Cannon
    I have thought about getting involved with Prescription Drug importation (especially if Canada's path gets more open).

    Do you want to be involved with the buisiness aspect, or the sales end?
  5. Andy 98RT10

    Andy 98RT10 Rookie

    Jan 7, 2004
    Full Name:
    Andy S
    I'm not surprised that none of the people who are interested in becoming a pharmaceutical rep (Legally pushing drugs on people) own exotics.
  6. ryalex

    ryalex Two Time F1 World Champ
    Consultant Owner

    Aug 6, 2003
    Las Vegas, NV
    Full Name:
    Ryan Alexander
    What kind of comment is that?

    You could say that most people wanting into pharmaceutical sales are younger men and women (<30) just starting careers, or trying to trade up. Obviously if they say they want into pharm sales they're not pulling $100k+ and own an exotic car yet.

    If they already had an exotic from the job they had, I doubt being a pharmaceutical rep would be high on the list. But your comment just sounds snooty as hell. "Oh, I'm not surprised none of those kids interested in college have exotics yet..."

    Are you an anti-pharmaceutical chiropractor or something?? Or is that a mean way of saying you can't make exotic-car-buying money being a rep?
  7. PeterS

    PeterS Four Time F1 World Champ
    Silver Subscribed

    Jan 24, 2003
    Goodyear, AZ
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    Correct me if I am wrong, but I think that pharmaceutical sales would be a real b!tch. You have to get in front of doctors that don't have enough time to see their own clients! Please explain.
  8. Pacman

    Pacman Rookie

    Nov 23, 2003
    It's just like any other sales job. You have to get in front of your customers, and it's not always easy. Once you have established a relationship, and have shown that you can provide "value" to the doctor, they will spend all the time in the world with you.
  9. KevinW

    KevinW Karting

    Nov 4, 2003
    Phoenix, AZ
    Full Name:
    This is what makes me want to become a part of this industry -- it's not easy. I'm looking for a real challenge. I also want to work for an industry that constantly trains its employees and helps me become a better sales person. From my research, pharmaceutical sales is right down this alley.

    Artherd: I want to become a part of the sales end of it.

    Pacman: No, I haven't contacted any recruiters. I'm going to see how the contacts I already have in the industry work out and if that doesn't work, I may look to contact a recruiter.

    Thank you for all your feedback!
  10. PeterS

    PeterS Four Time F1 World Champ
    Silver Subscribed

    Jan 24, 2003
    Goodyear, AZ
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    Well of course you have to get in front of the customer, I have been doing it in electronics for 24 years. I would think that the path of least resistance in drug sales can be had by booking an appointment with a doctor (cash visit). Once in front of the doctor (being that this would be a doctor that you would have trouble getting an appointment with), one can pitch their products. $100 per visit X's a base of 30 doctors, I would think that a good sales person could recoup their $3K in a year of new bussines. Is this a way that drug sales people use? I would.
  11. ryalex

    ryalex Two Time F1 World Champ
    Consultant Owner

    Aug 6, 2003
    Las Vegas, NV
    Full Name:
    Ryan Alexander
    I know a lady who's a rep who does very well - she does all kinds of crazy stuff, including walking into offices in costumes (ie. big bunny rabbit outfit) and other attention gag things. This along with from the usual lunches, gift baskets, etc.
  12. Jerrari

    Jerrari F1 Veteran

    Jul 24, 2001
    Full Name:
    Jerry Wiersma
    My wife has been a rep for UCB (United Chemicals of Belgium) for 2.5 yrs. and loves it. Once you get a repor w/ these doctors, it gets much easier. Plus, they get a company car, great pay, great benefits, and many of them are home by 4:00. I would highly recommend it to anyone interested in sales.
  13. bobafett

    bobafett F1 Veteran

    Sep 28, 2002
    How is this different from a pharmacologist in practice? Except that a pharmacologist is probably pulling in 400k/year... in theory it sounds fairly similar?


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