Cool license plate | FerrariChat

Cool license plate

Discussion in 'Chicago' started by Gilles27, Nov 2, 2003.

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  1. Gilles27

    Gilles27 F1 World Champ

    Mar 16, 2002
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    I walked by European Auto last night (where Andreas and I get our FCars fixed in the big city) and there was a red 348 parked inside. I looked at the plate, and it read "Ferrari". Now, the demand for that plate probably isn't as high as in, say Florida or California, but I thought it was cool just the same. Anyone know whose car that is?
  2. FerrariFrank1

    FerrariFrank1 F1 Rookie

    Aug 15, 2003
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    You know what,Jack. When I first got my Ferrari almost 3 years ago. I was going to try to get that plate. I called the Drivers License facility in Lombard,and they said that it was available. For one reason or the other,I didn't do it right away. And,I snoozed,I lost. Oh well. There are alot of great plate ideas left. I like mine,because it means several things to me.(N LUVN IT) A few years ago,before my Ferrari. I had 2 Corvettes. My best "Bud" from since High School also had a '95 'Vette coupe. He died in 1997,and his parents GAVE me the car. Because they knew that he would have wanted it that way. Then I had 3 Corvettes. So,I got a plate for it that said,"MS MY BUD" Meaning,"Miss my Buddy",now that he was gone. I always had people ask me if I quit drinking,(Budweiser) or,quit smoking,(Bud,Mon :D !)I had that plate on there,until the car got hit and totalled by a little old lady in a Mercury Grand Marquis! Bummer!!! And,on the '91 'Vette that I have right now,I have,"VIVA NO 3" in honor of the great Dale Earnhardt.
  3. Gilles27

    Gilles27 F1 World Champ

    Mar 16, 2002
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    Very very cool. I think you'll always take more meaning out of it that way. Besides, isn't "Ferrari" on a Ferrari a bit, shall we say, redundant?!
  4. FerrariFrank1

    FerrariFrank1 F1 Rookie

    Aug 15, 2003
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    I thought the same thing! It's kind of,I don't know,weird,really. It says Ferrari on the back,already.And,most people already know that it's a Ferrari. So,why bother,really!? Now,if you put something like," FEROARI",or "FOUR R E",or something like that,it's more humorous,I think.
  5. Jerry Fisher

    Jerry Fisher Karting

    Nov 1, 2003
    How about FURARI..that's mine...
  6. darth550

    darth550 Six Time F1 World Champ
    Lifetime Rossa

    Jul 14, 2003
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    That's the second time I have seen that plate this week!!!!

    Classic :)

  7. FerrariFrank1

    FerrariFrank1 F1 Rookie

    Aug 15, 2003
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    Hey Darth,where else did you see it? There are a few reasons why I have that plate. One is that I do some "impressions",along with my attempts at comedy. And,for many,many years,I've been doing different "Maxwell Smart",and "Tennesse Tuxedo",a.k.a. Don Adams impersonations. Including,whenever the Chief would tell Max that the mission that he was about to partake could cause him great danger. And,Max would reply..."And...Loving it!" So,I would always say that. And when I got my Ferrari 3 years ago,thought it appropriate,as,I AM lovin' it when I am out driving my Ferrari! BTW...The Corporate World HQ for McDonalds is less than a mile from my house. Their property butts up to the Oakbrook Polo grounds,where for the past 2 years,there was an Italian Car Concours,in which I had my car there.(with my N LUVN IT plate) Between being at that show,and driving around the area. Now,all of a sudden,McDonalds new campaign slogan is: "I'm Lovin' it!". And,in their initial ad campaign,there was a red,Ferrari looking Sportscar being towed towards the end. What are the odds of that being a "coincidence?" "I'm Lovin' it".."N LUVN IT" ,me being less than a mile from McD's HQ. A Red sportscar. Methinks that some clown from McDonalds,(and it wasn't Ronald) was out driving around the area and saw my car and plate,or attended that car show. And,suddenly got a "Brainstorm" for a new ad campaign, And,a promotion,and a big raise,and a nice pat on the back,and...HEY!!! I'm calling the National Enquirer!!
  8. darth550

    darth550 Six Time F1 World Champ
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    Jul 14, 2003
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    I responded to you as another AVID Maxwell Smart fan, with another one of his classic lines.

    Say it like Max with me.......:)

    "The OL drive around the neighborhood looking for an inspiration for the next burger ad campaign slogan on a license plate trick!"

    "Thats the second time I fell for it this week!"

  9. FerrariFrank1

    FerrariFrank1 F1 Rookie

    Aug 15, 2003
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    LOL! You know,my wife and I tried to get AGENT 86 and AGENT 99 license plates,but someone beat us to it. THAT would have been cool! Yeah. We were all laughing when we saw that first McD's ad on TV. Sure,some Bozo,that works at McDonalds World HQ, went to the car show,that was ,literally,feet away from McD's WORLD HQ. Or saw us driving around the neighborhood. Went into work on Monday morning,told his Boss. "Boss,I think I have a GREAT Idea for a new slogan/campaign." Boss says "Johnson! You're a freakin' GENIUS! That's why we pay you $200K a year! But,for this,we're giving you a promotion,a big raise,and a bonus. And,why don't you take the Mrs. and your family out for a nice 2 week vacation...on us!" As my Ferrari with my "N LUVN IT" license plate sits quietly nestled in a garage not even a mile away from McD's WORLD Corporate HQ. :)
  10. FerrariFrank1

    FerrariFrank1 F1 Rookie

    Aug 15, 2003
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    #10 FerrariFrank1, Nov 28, 2003
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 7, 2017
  11. darth550

    darth550 Six Time F1 World Champ
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    Jul 14, 2003
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    For that, my friend, you will be rewarded. Don't be surprised if your Karma will have you scratching the winning (milion dollar) game piece off of a french fry container!! :) Just remember who told 'ya!! (elbow elbow)

    Furthermore, Only a guy named "Johnson" as in "Big Johnson" would take credit for the license plate of a Tifosi! I'm sure he will be fired in disgrace after being spotted overly enjoying his lunch at a Jack in the Box!

    Rock on!!

    DL aka Thaddeus
  12. FerrariFrank1

    FerrariFrank1 F1 Rookie

    Aug 15, 2003
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    #12 FerrariFrank1, Nov 28, 2003
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 7, 2017
  13. FerrariFrank1

    FerrariFrank1 F1 Rookie

    Aug 15, 2003
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    LOL! Thats why I picked,"Johnson". His wife was probably snuggling up to him,and saying: "Oh Stanley,You are SOOO Smart! And,now that you have been promoted to VP of Marketing,You are MUCH more Sexier,now!!! Now,take off that hairpeice and come to Big Mama!!!" Also,gotta Laugh about the Jack in the Box ref. We "lost" all "Jack in the Boxes" here in Chicago around 15 - 20 years ago. Every time I go out to Phoenix to visit relatives,which is a few times a year. I stop at a Jack in the Box,first thing. There's practically one on every corner out there! My brothers are like,"How can you like that crap!". And,I am like," Hey,they don't have them back home anymore!" Yet,my brothers always bug me to bring out a box of "Fresh" White Castles every time I go out there. Sure they can get the Frozen ones now,for the past couple years,but,not the Same! :( Plus,I have to bring back Jack in the Box antennae balls for my buds back here. .< :) P.S. I am a FIRM believer in Karma! But,usually don't eat at Mickey D's. But,suppose that I better,once in a while,if you are correct! (I'm NOT 'Lovin' it!)
  14. darth550

    darth550 Six Time F1 World Champ
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    Jul 14, 2003
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    My brother brings me Mo's BBQ from Houston and I bring him In-N-Out Burgers and Tommy's chili from here! Collectively, we have created many a craving airline passenger!

  15. FerrariFrank1

    FerrariFrank1 F1 Rookie

    Aug 15, 2003
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    That is Funny! I do the same. We also go out to Vegas at least once a year,(I got married to wife #2 there in 2000) And,one of my Bro's drives up there from Phoenix to meet up with us. One year,I brought a small Styrofoam cooler with some "Slyders" as they are also "affectionately" called. The Skycap who helped us out at McCarren was from New York. He caught a whiff,and,correctly asked, "Mr. Do you have White Castle's in that Cooler?" "Yes",I replied. "You couldn't happen to 'part' with one of them,could you? I'm from New York,and have been away for a while!" So,I happily obliged the young man and gave him a couple,with his "tip". Sometime,we have to go out to L.A. to visit. When I was a little kid,(EARLY 60's) We lived in Anaheim,Garden Grove,and Westminster,for a few years. (I don't have a clue as to what those Suburbs are like,now) My Mom got homesick and wanted to go back to Chicago. Unfortunately,Dad didn't. So,we moved back here,and Dad stayed there. I have two Half brother's out there,whom I have never even met. So,that would be cool. My kids want to see L.A.,and Hollywood too,now that they are a little bigger. Dad was living in Port Hueneme (?) By Oxnard, for a while,right on the ocean. But just recently moved away from there. But,he's lived in and around L.A. for most of his life. I never went back there after we moved back here. So,it would be cool to add to our "vacation list". Right now,we just go to Phoenix,mostly,because of all of my relatives who live there. And,Granny is getting pretty old. Or,we go to Vegas. I have a Cousin who is a Commander in the Coast Guard,who lives in San Diego,with his wife and 3 kids. They drive over to Phoenix alot,to visit my Uncle,and Granny. He always tells us to come out and visit him in SanDiego,too. Someday. But right now,I have a REALLY bad back,and can't fly as much,as I used to.

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