Assembly sheets | FerrariChat

Assembly sheets

Discussion in 'Vintage (thru 365 GTC4)' started by Bob Zambelli, Nov 21, 2003.

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  1. Bob Zambelli

    Bob Zambelli F1 Rookie
    Rossa Subscribed Silver Subscribed

    Nov 3, 2003
    Manning, SC
    Full Name:
    Robert G. Zambelli
    Is it still possible to get copies of assembly sheets for the older cars? I've always been curious and this is the best source of info I've ever seen.
    Bob Zambelli
  2. Napolis

    Napolis Three Time F1 World Champ
    Honorary Owner

    Oct 23, 2002
    Full Name:
    Jim Glickenhaus
    Yes if you register on the Ferrari Owners site you can get them.
  3. Tspringer

    Tspringer F1 Veteran

    Apr 11, 2002
    I think the build sheets availabe online only go back to the eary 1970s at most. You can get a Heritage Certificate online showing original options and such, but this is not the same as the actual build sheets.

    I have the build sheets from my Daytona. Its 8 pages total, 4 in the original Italian and then 4 pages of translation. Shows the serial numbers of all parts and details on assembly.

    To my knowledge (clearly not as deep as many on this site) the factory stopped keeping individual build sheets like this sometime shortly after the FIAT takeover.

    You can see the english translation pages of the factory build sheets on my car on pages 150 and 151 of Gerald Roushs' book, The Ferrari 365 GTB/4 Daytona. In the book Gerald says the build sheets on my car are the highest serial number Daytona for which such build sheets exist in the factory binders. Then again that info is over 25 years old.

    Given that you own a 330GTC, the same type of detailed build sheets should be available. If they cannot be obtained online (I tried to find these online for the Daytona but they were not available) you should be able to get copies through the dealership from the factory.

    How else are you going to know that the compression rings on your pistons were # 33.1819.002.5408 ???? I mean really! Lets get our priorities straight here!
  4. jsa330

    jsa330 F1 Veteran
    Silver Subscribed

    Oct 31, 2003
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    I got both the Heritage Certificate and buildsheets for my 1964 330 thru the Ferrari Owner's site. You have to prove legal ownership first, then go thru their procedure, which involves proving to Ferrari that the car you own is the same car described in the buildsheets and that all major components are those originally installed. It has to be a "numbers matching" car. I'm sure that the buildsheets are available to the owner of any Ferrari for which they exist - I have no idea of the manufacture date or s/n after which they are not available, or if such a restriction exists.

    The Heritage Certificate is just a nice looking Certificate of Authenticity of sorts - Ferrari has a new certification program that requires much more extensive proof of authenticity and payment of around $500.00.
    I think the purpose is to raise the bar or provide a standard for competitive show events.
    On the positive side, I think they will issue the new certificate for cars that have non-original major components such as engine, trans, diff, etc., whereas the car must be numbers-matching for the buildsheet/Heritage Cert. program.

    My buildsheets are emailed facsimiles and are in pretty poor condition-about half of the printing is illegible. I don't know how common this is-
    I have seen others in better shape than mine.
  5. Ed_Long

    Ed_Long Formula Junior

    Nov 11, 2003
    Salem, Oregon USA
    Full Name:
    Ed Long
    I received the original build sheets for my 250 Boano s.n. 581 and 250 Pf coupe s. n. 1747 back in about 1980 by writing a letter to the factory and enclosing two $20 bills. They arrived a few weeks later by mail. Much to my surprise, they were the originals, not copies. So, if the factory has been purging its files of the original sheets and yours has been issued to a previous owner, I would assume they would no longer have the sheet.
  6. oldfart3

    oldfart3 Rookie

    Nov 1, 2003
    I tried to get the sheets for my Lusso via the Ferrari owner's site. The reply was that they were unavailable. Good luck to everybody else.
    John Tarr
  7. Tspringer

    Tspringer F1 Veteran

    Apr 11, 2002


    Try contacting your local dealer. The build sheets for your car may very well exists, but they are buried in some archive in Italy and have not been digitally scanned. If you get in touch with someone sympathetic at FNA you may have better luck.

  8. Dave

    Dave F1 Rookie

    Apr 15, 2001
    Little Rock
    Full Name:
    David Jones
    I tried to get build sheets for the Boxer and the 308...
    The reply was they are unavailable.
  9. dm_n_stuff

    dm_n_stuff Four Time F1 World Champ
    Lifetime Rossa Owner

    Algar in Rosemont PA still has a lot of this stuff in their upstairs storage as they were the importer for all East Coast designation cars until sometime in the 80's.

    My Dino is there now and they are rooting around for as much original documentation as they can find.

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