Hey guys, Can I get your Input on this website? | FerrariChat

Hey guys, Can I get your Input on this website?

Discussion in 'Other Off Topic Forum' started by Sensational1, Dec 18, 2003.

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  1. Sensational1

    Sensational1 Rookie

    Nov 1, 2003
    Rancho Palos Verdes
    Full Name:
    Michael Basic

    This is a preliminary version of a website for a business my mom and I are doing. I would like to hear your input on what you think is good, bad, easy to use, informative, nice color scheme, etc. Just what your overall impression of the website is and if there are any suggestions you could make, I would LOVE to hear them.

    Thanks so much guys!
  2. Hubert888

    Hubert888 F1 Veteran

    May 14, 2003
    Manhattan & LA
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    The main complaint I have about the website is that I think that painting/sketching of that lady looks very depressing and scary. You might want to change the picture to something more uplifting and happy.

    But otherwise, the site looks very easy to use and aethetically pleasing. I think it would be very informative if you could put html links in the "Services" section to websites about Infertility, Obstretrics, etc.... just in case women want to know more about those services.

    Website looks professionally done :)
  3. racedecknc

    racedecknc Karting

    Nov 24, 2003
    Winston Salem
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    I agree, change the artwork

  4. Schatten

    Schatten F1 World Champ

    Apr 3, 2001
    Austin, TX
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    it is clean.

    main page - I know you have a link for 'home' but it's off to the right. might make an area of the top image to go back to home. one that encloses an area around 'complete women care' to return to the home page.

    home page doesn't streach out to the right like the rest of the site does.

    I'm anal, and looking at the office #'s at the bottom left, I'd prefer to have them lined up. should be an easy task by breaking them up and using formatting lines to align it all.

    remove the painting picture. looks disturbing and doesn't fit with the rest of the stock photography you are using.

    patient area - that photo on that page doesn't look right either. perhaps a personal picture or another piece of stock will work best.

    blue text - it works, but might as well stick to the dark-purple/violet theme and go with that color of text. the blue can throw a user off since it is, by default, setup as black text and blue links.

    our offices - a button/image or soemthing else depicting 'click here for a map/directions' would work better. otherwise, visually it looks like a lot of information for an address.

    our doctors - clean up those pictures somehow. in PS, copy the image to a new layer and blurr it a bit and then use the opacity to fill it. might help, also despeckle filter as well.

    looks good. I do like the clean layout and the purple theme works well for this site and theme.
  5. stokpro

    stokpro F1 Rookie
    Lifetime Rossa Owner

    Jun 25, 2003
    running a resolution of 1152 x 864 at maximized viewing on IE 5.5 the text over extends the page on "about us" and "our offices". otherwise, it looks pretty good. clean and simple.
  6. Gilles27

    Gilles27 F1 World Champ

    Mar 16, 2002
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    I agree about the drawing, but it may make more sense to ask some women what they think. Otherwise, it seems like a decently laid-out site.
  7. 1992F40

    1992F40 Formula Junior

    Apr 11, 2002
    change the picture...but it seems very user friendly, good color, attracts attention but not too flashy or over powering.

    best regards,
  8. JOEV

    JOEV F1 Rookie
    Silver Subscribed

    Aug 6, 2003
    Ontario, Canada
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    On the whole, it's very nicely done. Congrats.

    But since you asked, a few points to make:

    - Like others said, the home page art has got to go - weird and creepy. I also had to look twice to see the vertical "Complete Women Care" within the artwork itself. Not needed?

    - The "pot light" effect on the LHS nav bar is a cool idea, but I don't like how the third one gets cut off (or is that due to my screen settings?)

    - The pictures of the doctors are very grainy (low-res?) - need to be crystal clear

    - The font (arial?) on the home page is different from the rest. I'm biased, as I like to see verdana 2 (10 point) everywhere, but keep it consistent.

    - I don't like the "vibe" that deep maroon gives off (dried blood). I really enjoy websites with lots of blues, greens, bright cheerful colours - even a white background is preferable to a weird-colour background (like violet).

    - One last thing: the "Contact Us" "bannerlet" is quite distracting. I actually thought it was an ad for some other company!

    These are just nit-picky though - you're doing a really good job. Feel free to ignore and don't be offended by any comments.

    However, this is a business we're talking about, so it has to be top notch. Please let me/us know when you update the pages. Would love to see them.

  9. Hubert888

    Hubert888 F1 Veteran

    May 14, 2003
    Manhattan & LA
    Full Name:

    I agree. You need to fix this. Im using a 21.3" TFT flat panel monitor on 1600 x 1200 resolution. The text extends onto the dark purple column thing on the right of the screen basically making it unreadable.
  10. Slim

    Slim Formula 3

    Oct 11, 2001
    Pacifica, CA, USA
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    I don't think we are the targe audience for the website and so I think you need to get together some women and have them try to use the site and also comment on the color scheme. That's the sort of thing we professional web designers and developers do for our clients (to the extent the client "gets it" and can afford it).

    But I must say the site is a lot better than what one normally sees from businesses that do their own websites. If you do nothing but fix the problems others have posted about (low res images, text problems, etc.) you will be way ahead of the game.

    FWIW, my firm's site is http://www.3jar.com
  11. PeterS

    PeterS Four Time F1 World Champ
    Silver Subscribed

    Jan 24, 2003
    Goodyear, AZ
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    I would NOT touch the picture of the lady! Being in pastel, it's a warm and soothing image. Its great! The rest of the site is very well done. Go with it!
  12. ty (360mode)

    ty (360mode) Formula Junior

    Sep 25, 2002
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    YIKES! that pic reminds me of a colorized version of Edward Munch's "The Scream" (or was it van Gogh???)

    otherwise looks nice! keep the main page clean and easy to navigate!

    good luck.
  13. teak360

    teak360 F1 World Champ

    Nov 3, 2003
    Boulder, CO
    Full Name:
    Very good overall. Biggest downside is:
    Sketch of woman is downright creepy, and it dominates the homepage.

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