Ontario Members?? | FerrariChat

Ontario Members??

Discussion in 'Canada' started by Titanboy_24, Dec 31, 2003.

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  1. Titanboy_24

    Titanboy_24 Formula 3

    Dec 28, 2003
    Ontario, Canada
    Full Name:
    Lucas Scarfone
    Hey guys,

    I was just wondering if there are any ferrari owners from ontario?? If you do live in ontario...where abouts do you live?? I've never seen a Ferrari on the road...but I plan on paying a little visit to Ferrari of Ontario on Friday...so you can expect some pics after that!! :):):)
  2. Jay GT4

    Jay GT4 F1 Rookie

    Oct 16, 2001
    La mamma dei fessi
    Full Name:
    e sempre incinta
    I'm here in Scarborough. If you want to see Ferraris go to Woodbridge, just north of Ferrari of Ontario. They say there are more Ferraris per capita in Woodbridge then anywhere else in the world. All you have to do is join the Ferrari Club of America (Toronto) to get invited to all of the special club events. The first show of the year will be the Briars, expect about 40 or so cars. Usually happens in May/June.
  3. Titanboy_24

    Titanboy_24 Formula 3

    Dec 28, 2003
    Ontario, Canada
    Full Name:
    Lucas Scarfone
    How do you join the ferrari club of America??
  4. Jay GT4

    Jay GT4 F1 Rookie

    Oct 16, 2001
    La mamma dei fessi
    Full Name:
    e sempre incinta

    It will give you the address to send your membership fees. It's good for 1 year and you get the club magazines and newsletters as well as invites to all the events. You don't have to have a Ferrari to join. On track days we go to Mosport (outside of Toronto) and you can join up during lunch for a ride in almost anyones Ferrari around the track. The Toronto chapter is very well supported and we always have lots of stuff on the go. I think we will also be at the Toronto auto show in January?

    I've got a friend that rents Ferrari 308's and 328's if you are interested, but you gotta be at least 25.
  5. ferrariartist

    ferrariartist F1 Rookie

    Feb 21, 2003
    East of Toronto
    Full Name:
    Grant Thomas
    Hi there... agree with all of the above... been to the Briars show once back in 2000. Great show of cars... lots of 3x8s... 355s ... 3 or 4 TRs remember a boxer and one Daytona... nice day to say the least...

    Yorkville is a popular spot to Ferrari-gaze as well... not so much now and in the winter months obviously... but a trip in the summer usually nets 3 or 4 sightings... was down today a visited Rolls Royce's new dealer and saw the Ferrari/Maserati of Toronto well under construction... so that will probably increase your odds even more...


  6. JOEV

    JOEV F1 Rookie
    Silver Subscribed

    Aug 6, 2003
    Ontario, Canada
    Full Name:
    1) Welcome

    2) Please do take pics at FoO. I heard that there is an Enzo and/or an F40 "upstairs", so please take a few pics if permitted.

    3) There is a 1998 550 rosso corsa/nero in the showroom. Let me know what you think. Thanks.

  7. Titanboy_24

    Titanboy_24 Formula 3

    Dec 28, 2003
    Ontario, Canada
    Full Name:
    Lucas Scarfone
    Thanks alot for all the info!! I would join but i am only 14, and the membership fees are a little much for me :(! Where is this ferrari show you are talking about?? I have never been to the ferrari dealer before so it should be an awsome experince!! Ive heard people say that there is a Yellow Enzo there...as well as the new stradale!! I have also never been to Yorkville or Scarburoh..i should plan a trip in the summer...but its a little bit of a drive from Hamilton!! Ill make shure to take lots of pics on Friday, as i am also visiting the Lamborghini dealer!! Thanx alot for all yor info guys!!
  8. Jay GT4

    Jay GT4 F1 Rookie

    Oct 16, 2001
    La mamma dei fessi
    Full Name:
    e sempre incinta
    Titanboy, each year we have an annual drive through Hamilton to St. Catherines for a wine tasting tour. Keep watching for the date. The Briars is North of Newmarket on Lake Simcoe. See if your parents will take you to some of the events. If my car is ready (and it should be) I would be more than happy to take you for a spin in my car, and I'm sure others would let you ride with them also.

    Ferrariartist, JoeV where are you located? Have we met before?
  9. Titanboy_24

    Titanboy_24 Formula 3

    Dec 28, 2003
    Ontario, Canada
    Full Name:
    Lucas Scarfone
    That would be awsome!!:) I've been to a couple of the Viper Club of Ontario meets, and I actually got a ride in a couple of Vipers!! But i've never been in a Ferrari before!! Thanks so much for the offer!!:):):)
    Is there a place/website where I can follow the event dates? I would LOVE to attend them! Thank you again for all of the info, and all the best in 2004:):)!!
  10. Jay GT4

    Jay GT4 F1 Rookie

    Oct 16, 2001
    La mamma dei fessi
    Full Name:
    e sempre incinta
    There is a site for the Toronto chapter but it's not that great, I don't even remember the address! Best place is right here on F-chat. Usually it is posted in the General Discussion section.

    I know what it's like, being Italian I've loved Ferraris since I was really young. I always said I would get one someday and I finally did (My wife is very understanding, instead of a limo we rented a convertible Ferrari Mondial). Mind you, I still haven't driven my car, but I've driven a few of my friends cars. I've spent the last 3 years restoring mine, but this year it will all be together! There should be a convoy of us heading to the Montreal GP this year. See the pics from last year in the racing section under Montreal or Canadian GP. To see my car look in the "Showroom section" 1975 Ferrari Dino 308 GT4 #10636

    See ya around!
  11. tdibenedetto

    tdibenedetto Guest

    Nov 30, 2003
    Where did that stat come from - more Ferrari's in Woodbridge ??
  12. Jay GT4

    Jay GT4 F1 Rookie

    Oct 16, 2001
    La mamma dei fessi
    Full Name:
    e sempre incinta
    Not sure, I don't remember. But on any given day of the week you can see 355's and 360's picking up some groceries at Fortino's on Hwy 7. Mostly newer cars.
  13. ferrariartist

    ferrariartist F1 Rookie

    Feb 21, 2003
    East of Toronto
    Full Name:
    Grant Thomas
    i have just visited Ferrari of Ontario a couple times over the holidays... definitly worth the visits... 2 360 spiders.. a 575 and a few others... upstairs: the yellow Enzo! as well as a 365 GTC a 550 Barchetta (these were behind the ropes but still... ) however out in the open a red-with-racing-stripe 360 Challenge Stradale!! and they started it up for someone!!! Awesome...

    As an aside... i couldnt help but notice that the stripe was a decal!! As noted here on Fchat before the stripe is painted... i inquired and sure enough Fchat was right... the customer had changed his mind on delivery and opted for a decal.

    sadly my digital camera was unco-operative... maybe next time...

    I lived in Scarborough for about 10 years.. after i married i moved north of Markham... then last summer we moved east of Toronto.... hope to meet people someday...

  14. Titanboy_24

    Titanboy_24 Formula 3

    Dec 28, 2003
    Ontario, Canada
    Full Name:
    Lucas Scarfone
    now I cant wait to go!! I saw a red Enzo at the Canadain International Auto show last year...but it should be even more amazing this time!! Ill take a bunch of pics for you guys:)! I actually just spoke to my dad regarding the brier show, he said that we could go camping there, then pay a little visit to the show!!!:):):) CANT WAIT TILL TOMORROW!!!

  15. Jay GT4

    Jay GT4 F1 Rookie

    Oct 16, 2001
    La mamma dei fessi
    Full Name:
    e sempre incinta
    It's too bad that Larry is no longer at FOO. He was great. Before I could even think of owning a Ferrari he would let me sit in the cars. He left a few months ago and I feel it is FOO loss. Since he's left, I really haven't gone back.
  16. JOEV

    JOEV F1 Rookie
    Silver Subscribed

    Aug 6, 2003
    Ontario, Canada
    Full Name:
    J., I'm down in London. 400 000 people and very few Ferraris :(

    I definitely want to come up to FoO to look around. Sounds like the GTA FCar fans have a good time together.
  17. F1racer

    F1racer F1 Rookie

    Oct 5, 2003
    Full Name:
    Maybe I will register ...it sure sounds good!
    But I live in Montreal and I know I will have to travel a lot to see you guys with your Ferrari. I'v heard you will be going at the Canadian GP but what about the Ferrari Festival at the Circuit Mont-Tremblant?

    Let me know what events you will be going in Montreal this year.

    I'v always dreamed of having a ride in a Ferrari. FoQ won't give me one..(I know its not their fault) Plus there's no Ferrari owners from Quebec who comes here to chat. ( maybe one day)
  18. JOEV

    JOEV F1 Rookie
    Silver Subscribed

    Aug 6, 2003
    Ontario, Canada
    Full Name:
    John - do you have details on this? Sounds like a great time.

  19. F1racer

    F1racer F1 Rookie

    Oct 5, 2003
    Full Name:
    Take a look at this website http://www.lecircuit.com/events.htm

    There's pics , you have infos on the race track (just beautiful), hotels etc..

    I went in 2002 and in 2003..
    2002 was the best ....they had the Ferrari Challenge with the 360's and the Ferrari historic race. There was lots of Ferrari owners and in the Mont-Tremblant village they had an F50 in display.
    As for last year...no Ferrari challenge race and no Ferrari on display in the village.

    I hope this year will be better!
  20. Jay GT4

    Jay GT4 F1 Rookie

    Oct 16, 2001
    La mamma dei fessi
    Full Name:
    e sempre incinta
    Hey John, there is a Montreal chapter of the club also. Quite active. I'll be there for F1 but Hotel prices are crazy!
  21. JOEV

    JOEV F1 Rookie
    Silver Subscribed

    Aug 6, 2003
    Ontario, Canada
    Full Name:
    Thanks John.

    J. - which tickets/which grandstand did you get for the GP?
  22. Jay GT4

    Jay GT4 F1 Rookie

    Oct 16, 2001
    La mamma dei fessi
    Full Name:
    e sempre incinta
    Last year I had silvers Senna turn 1. The year before I had Bronze turn 11,12.

    This year I have a friend who got Gold tickets for me very cheap. I don't know which grandstand yet, I hope it is infront of the Ferrari garage! They will let me know in a week or so.
  23. tbakowsky

    tbakowsky F1 World Champ
    Consultant Professional Ferrari Technician

    Sep 18, 2002
    The Cold North
    Full Name:
    Well if anybody cares I live in the Oakville aera.
  24. Jay GT4

    Jay GT4 F1 Rookie

    Oct 16, 2001
    La mamma dei fessi
    Full Name:
    e sempre incinta
    I care, I guess.
  25. jack1999

    jack1999 Formula Junior

    Nov 28, 2003
    hi, i live in toronto but i dont own a ferrari, since i am just a teenager

    in earlier post someone say to join ferrari club of america
    i wnat to join but i am a little confused about the cost

    can someone please tell me how much it really is? i am reallly confused
    is it $100 to join or is it $15

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