A day to drive the Ferrari ! | FerrariChat

A day to drive the Ferrari !

Discussion in 'Chicago' started by Tod328gts, Nov 6, 2003.

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  1. Tod328gts

    Tod328gts Formula Junior

    Jul 23, 2003
    River Forest, IL
    Full Name:
    Tod Whitmore
    Well, it has been over a week since i started the engine and listened to the roar of my 328. The weather has been totally crappy, except for today!!! So, i spent about a half an hour this morning removing the cover, dusting it off and warming it up to drive it to work today.

    It purred the entire way to work with this cool crisp air.....

    I don't know what i am going to do over the heart of the winter when there is XX amount of snow and ice on the ground and especially the XX times 2 amount of SALT they love to dump.... :(

    Maybe this weekend will be sunny???? More driving!!! :)
  2. tifosi12

    tifosi12 Four Time F1 World Champ
    Lifetime Rossa Owner

    Oct 3, 2002
    @ the wheel
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    As long as the streets are dry I'll drive mine. Drove it every month last winter. They clean the streets here totally, so only the salt is an issue. And salt is only sticking to the car if the streets are wet. Besides: It is a lot better for the car to keep it running once in a while.
  3. ChicagoVV

    ChicagoVV Karting

    Oct 26, 2003
    Full Name:
    Dan Van Voorhis
  4. ChicagoVV

    ChicagoVV Karting

    Oct 26, 2003
    Full Name:
    Dan Van Voorhis
    You are preaching to the choir - today is perfect for a drive. In fact, I just took delivery on my 550 at 12:30 pm today and just got back to the office.
  5. tifosi12

    tifosi12 Four Time F1 World Champ
    Lifetime Rossa Owner

    Oct 3, 2002
    @ the wheel
    Full Name:
    550, welcome to the board!

    Is your office downtown?
  6. Norm512TR

    Norm512TR Formula Junior

    Nov 10, 2001
    Colorado Springs, Colorado
    Full Name:

    You've only had the car for 2 hours and 28 minutes, got off the board and on to the street for crying out loud.

    All the best
  7. ChicagoVV

    ChicagoVV Karting

    Oct 26, 2003
    Full Name:
    Dan Van Voorhis
    No. My office is in Oak Brook right next to the Mall on Spring just north of 22nd Street and I live in Wheaton.

    Would really like to meet some "F" car owners. I am a novice but now have a real good reason to learn.
  8. Tod328gts

    Tod328gts Formula Junior

    Jul 23, 2003
    River Forest, IL
    Full Name:
    Tod Whitmore
    Hey 550,

    Just watch this chat board, we ussually get together at times on the weekends and do a cruise. I'm in Wheaton a lot, my girl friend lives there, near Butterfield rd. and Naperville Rd. So, on nice days you may see a Black 328 driving in that area, it's me more than likely... :)

    Show us some pictures of your new car...
  9. Darolls

    Darolls F1 Veteran

    Jul 2, 2003
    Full Name:
    Went up to Madison today, where I store most of my cars.

    Drove a couple of them......life is good!!! :eek:
  10. screentime

    screentime Formula Junior

    Nov 1, 2003
    Malibu & Chicago
    Full Name:
    Sean McKee
    Skip, how come you didn't want to use pictures of your TR for the calendar? Did you take pictures while you were up there? Maybe Andreas could still substitute it in, so the calendar can have a bit more variety?
  11. tifosi12

    tifosi12 Four Time F1 World Champ
    Lifetime Rossa Owner

    Oct 3, 2002
    @ the wheel
    Full Name:
    I would love to have Skip's TR in there. I offered it once to Skip, but didn't get a reply.

    Anyway, I wouldn't mind bumping some folks out of the calendar. I'm so pissed off at some who never responded. I learned a few things along the way for the 2005 edition, watch me!
  12. FerrariFrank1

    FerrariFrank1 F1 Rookie

    Aug 15, 2003
    Full Name:
    Hello there,fivefiveo! Welcome to the board! I live in Oakbrook Terrace,just west of the tower. Hope that you'll join us for some of our drives. Andreas. THATS what I meant in the other post. When you said that you were making a calender of "OUR cars",I thought that you meant only us guys who have been hanging out and driving together. Not Chicagoland cars in general. Although,as I also said. It may have been "boring" to some (not us) because it would have been all 308's,328's and a 365. But,if it was just "us guys" then we probably each could've had a whole page/whole month. IMO,the "rarer" and seldom seen cars get enough accollades already,and this is just another "feather in the cap",so to speak...no big deal. Like that guy from Texas posted,when we were chatting about the local car shows. There ARE some F-car guys that just leave their car in the garage,covered. And,take it out once or twice a year,get a trophy,then stick it back in the garage until next year. But,I am thankful for your efforts,none the less,and, DO appreciate it!
  13. tifosi12

    tifosi12 Four Time F1 World Champ
    Lifetime Rossa Owner

    Oct 3, 2002
    @ the wheel
    Full Name:
    Frank, for one I just don't want to have a 308 calendar. There has to be variety. Second as much as I love FChat, I also think in FCA terms since we have such a lively section in Chicago. So I want to include those guys as well. Thirdly we do need a certain amount of calendars to make this economically viable, 50 to be precise. By combining FChatters and FCA we get the numbers to produce this.

    Of course you could go to your local Wolf Camera shop and have it done there as well, but it would cost you twice as much. That's why I'm willing to organize it on a bigger scale.

    So going forward (read 2005 calendar) I will continue to make sure we buddies here are covered as well as the FCA folks with interesting cars are covered. However if somebody shows up with a cool car, but has no interest whatsoever in the calendar itself, well too bad. I'll take a pass.

    However I still believe we'll be able to make the next one even better. On a related note: If you're interested in the 2005 calendar, let me know now and I'll make sure I'll get some good pics of your car during next year.
  14. FerrariFrank1

    FerrariFrank1 F1 Rookie

    Aug 15, 2003
    Full Name:
    Yes,Andreas,I totally agree with you. But,the point that I was trying to make is that,so far,It's looking like we're the guys who have responded,(judging by what I've seen in the posts that have replied for calenders),thats all. But,I'm not aware of who had or hasn't replied to you.(E-mail ?) I'm only going by what I've seen here. And,yes,an all 308/328/365 calender would be pretty boring to some. But,by all means,I wasn't complaining. To me,it just looked like we're the guys who have been responding.Thats all. One of my friends,who knows that I'm into Ferrari's,already gave me a nice 2004 Ferrari calender,with several different models showed. This past year,I've been using the "Classic Ferrari" calender from Hemmings Motor News. I ordered 3 last year. 1 to use. 1 to "save". And,1 as a gift. I'm planning on ordering a couple from them again,this year,too,just to "save".. So,I'm going to put "our" calender up in my "regular" spot. Then,I'm keeping a couple of each for "collecting". And,a couple for my brothers. So,it's working out great.
  15. tifosi12

    tifosi12 Four Time F1 World Champ
    Lifetime Rossa Owner

    Oct 3, 2002
    @ the wheel
    Full Name:
    Frank, I don't want to expose the stragglers. They are folks some of us know, but don't try to figure it out based on the responses here or you'll be 'accusing' the wrong folks.

    One could say some has to do with the switch of the forum, granted. However why somebody doesn't even to bother to respond to a personal email is beyond me.
  16. FerrariFrank1

    FerrariFrank1 F1 Rookie

    Aug 15, 2003
    Full Name:
    No,I'm not "accussing" anyone. I just feel bad that,once again,you've put in alot of time and effort into something. And,someone doesn't appreciate it. Like the F1 Dinners thing. MOST of us had alot of fun with that and really did appreciate all of the work and EFFORT that you put into it,for the sake of others! I mean,you planned this for the whole F1 season. Made the effort to find a different restaraunt for each race. Take the photo's. Put it all together on the FChat. AND give away a really,really nice shirt! You didn't HAVE to do any of that. But,I'm sure that you got pleasure in doing it,and MOST of us REALLY appreciated it! Then,there were a couple of assh*les that had some smartass comments about it. If they didn't like it,then they didn't have to look at it. Same with this calender. Once again,you are putting in alot of EFFORT,and some just don't appreciate it. I'm sorry,but,I was raised to appreciate people who do nice things,and put alot of effort into things.Thats just the way I am. So,no,I'm not trying to accuse anyone of anything. I just feel bad that your efforts are going unappreciated by some. Thats all. :) You try to do something nice,and what do you get.
  17. tifosi12

    tifosi12 Four Time F1 World Champ
    Lifetime Rossa Owner

    Oct 3, 2002
    @ the wheel
    Full Name:
    Frank, HUG!

    Thanks man.

    20% of the folks won't make me feel that bad. 80% of the folks care about the calendar, that's what counts.
  18. FerrariFrank1

    FerrariFrank1 F1 Rookie

    Aug 15, 2003
    Full Name:
    Hug! back. I'm glad that you feel that way. I don't feel as bad,if you don't. But...it just frosts my ass .....:)
  19. FerrariFrank1

    FerrariFrank1 F1 Rookie

    Aug 15, 2003
    Full Name:
    You didn't get yor posts back,yet? Probably should today or tomorrow. I just noticed that I got mine back,today. I submitted many days ago. Didn't see anything. So,I re-submitted again,either yesterday,or the day before, (been busy...fogot) and,here they are.
  20. ChicagoVV

    ChicagoVV Karting

    Oct 26, 2003
    Full Name:
    Dan Van Voorhis
    I am trying to attach my photos, but am still having trouble. Getting help now from my "MIS" folks at the office and hope to have them in early next week.
  21. FerrariFrank1

    FerrariFrank1 F1 Rookie

    Aug 15, 2003
    Full Name:
    FiveFiveO-What year,and color is your 550? Tod,I cruise through that way all the time. I'll keep an eyeball open for you!
  22. Tod328gts

    Tod328gts Formula Junior

    Jul 23, 2003
    River Forest, IL
    Full Name:
    Tod Whitmore
    Have the 328 out again today, i find myself in the mornings, before i leave for work, i turn on the weather channle to get the days weather.. Is it a Ferrari day or not? I hope this weekend is nice, unfortunately, when it is nice out, i don't get anything done around the house, i want to be out driving around in the Ferrari... :)

    Remember Andreas, the 2005 calendar, i am going to try and get a picture of my 328 next to an F-16 fighter. This will happen in July i hope, we'll see.... Another shot i'm going to try and get is a picture of my car driving up the ramp of a C-130 military transport too :)

    550, it's easy to attach pictures, while replying here, scan down to a line item labeled as 'Attach files' Click on upload image and then brouse and select your picture. The picture has to be 640 x 480 or smaller for this chat board... Hope this helps, we are all looking forward to your pictures here....
  23. tifosi12

    tifosi12 Four Time F1 World Champ
    Lifetime Rossa Owner

    Oct 3, 2002
    @ the wheel
    Full Name:
    Tod, that F-16 picture would rock! Same goes for the ramp. Let me know once you get closer to that date, maybe they'd allow me in as well?

    When I was in Huntsville I was also at "Aviation Challenge" where they have a bunch of used fighters like F-16, F-15 etc. Even one that was in Top Gun, the movie. If you're friends with the folks running the shop you could just drive right up and park your Ferrari next to it, quite awesome.

    I do think that there is some chemistry between planes and Ferraris. Maybe has to do something with where the prancing horse came from...Ferraris always look great next to planes. We should focus on this more. A friend of mine lives in some "fly in" estates out West. Has a hangar with two planes, maybe we ought to do a drive there and park underneath the wings.
  24. Tod328gts

    Tod328gts Formula Junior

    Jul 23, 2003
    River Forest, IL
    Full Name:
    Tod Whitmore
    I would even be happy with a A-10 too, they show up at that base alot too. Lets just hope are security level stays low, if it goes up or there is an incident, it will be imposible then to get my car on the ramp at that air force base. It may even be difficult anyways, i never had to ask... We'll see.....

    Also, thinking........ I know someone that knows the owner of the restraunt '94th Aerosquadron' at Palwaukee airport in Wheeling, that owner owns a B-17 and another WWII bomber. He ussually brings them up three for about a week before the Oshgosh show in July. That would be another awesome shot too !!!! Hmmmmm??????? Let me work on that, maybe get a bunch of us to do a drive up there at that time and get them to let us park around those aircrafts and get some pictures??? Then we can get a bite to eat.... hmmmmmm???????? I need to ask around now.... :)

    Well, time to leave work and go drive the prancing horse... :)
  25. FerrariFrank1

    FerrariFrank1 F1 Rookie

    Aug 15, 2003
    Full Name:
    When I was in my 20's (1980's) I drove a truck for awhile. I delivered GSA (General Services Admin.) "Government" supplies to various Governmental Agencys. Mostly Downtown,but,occassionally,to the old Fort Sheridan,and to the old Glenview Naval Air Station in Glenview. Both,now gone. But,at the Glenview N.A.S.,they ALWAYS had some cool fighter jets on site. Sometimes I had to drive my truck directly to a Hangar/Warehouse. While they had the "grunts" unload my truck,I got to check out the Aircraft. The first time that I asked to do so,I asked an officer,(can't tell you what rank,as,the only "service" that I was ever in was the Boy Scouts of America!:) ) Anyway,I asked if I could check out the planes. He said," Well,son,are you working?" I said,"Yes sir". He said,"Do they take taxes out of your check?" I said,"Yes sir". then he said,"Well,go ahead then. These planes belong to the taxpayers of America. And,if you are one,then these are YOUR planes too!" I couldn't believe it! MY planes,TOO! It was VERY cool. I am forever grateful to that guy for telling me that, He really installed a little more civil pride in me after that... MY planes,TOO!

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