Looking for short "bullit" style mufflers? | FerrariChat

Looking for short "bullit" style mufflers?

Discussion in 'Technical Q&A' started by carguy, Nov 5, 2003.

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  1. carguy

    carguy F1 Rookie

    Oct 30, 2002
    Alabama (was Mich.)
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    I am looking for stainless glasspack style mufflers that must be very short, no longer than about 12 or 13 inches. I've searched the net and found mostly the ricer-brand of mufflers, but I need ones that I can weld a flange onto and mount to my TR's headers. I then want to run stainless pipes from those out the back. Anyone have any sources for such a muffer? The overall outer diameter cannot be more than about 3 inches or so. Any guidance is appreciated. Thank You.
  2. 92_348ts

    92_348ts Formula Junior

    Jun 6, 2002
    Boise, Idaho
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    Try www.magnaflow.com. Their mufflers sound similar to Borla or Dynomax and they carry hundreds of styles of universal fit systems. They just came out with a glass-pack style muffler they call "Magnapack" that is stainless steel and comes in several different sizes.
  3. carguy

    carguy F1 Rookie

    Oct 30, 2002
    Alabama (was Mich.)
    Full Name:
    Thanks....I looked on their website and couldn't find it...must be too new yet. I will try and call them about it.
  4. resnow

    resnow Formula Junior

    May 21, 2001
    North Carolina
    Full Name:
    Bob Snow
  5. cavallo_nero

    cavallo_nero Formula 3

    Nov 3, 2003
    Full Name:
    Giovanni Pasquale
    #5 cavallo_nero, Nov 6, 2003
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 7, 2017
  6. ferraridriver

    ferraridriver F1 Rookie

    Aug 8, 2002
    Bay Area Calif.
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    I have one , a Borla "Triflow" at the shop. I believe its 12 inches long. All stainless. I will measure it later and get back to you. I will sell it cheap. PM me if interested.
  7. ferraridriver

    ferraridriver F1 Rookie

    Aug 8, 2002
    Bay Area Calif.
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  8. 92_348ts

    92_348ts Formula Junior

    Jun 6, 2002
    Boise, Idaho
    Full Name:
    It is pretty well hidden on the site. Go back to www.magnaflow.com, then PRODUCTS->UNIVERSAL FIT->STAINLESS STEEL->MAGNAPACK.
  9. randall

    randall Formula 3

    Nov 2, 2003
    Portsmouth, VA
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    Those seem like they'd be loud as hell. What has been your experience with them? Would it be too much for frequent driving?

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