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1500 Rivets

Discussion in 'Ferrari Discussion (not model specific)' started by Napolis, Oct 31, 2003.

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  1. Napolis

    Napolis Three Time F1 World Champ
    Honorary Owner

    Oct 23, 2002
    Full Name:
    Jim Glickenhaus
    Almost done riviting...
    Which if I could get photo's to attach you could see...
  2. andrewg

    andrewg F1 Rookie

    Sep 10, 2002
    Chester, England
    Full Name:

    click on go advanced then manage attachments, in the new box browse for the file followed by add this file followed by all done!

    And then you get a weenie thumbnail! (give me 2 mins to work it out!)
    Ok seems like Rob wants it this way for the moment (but how does markpdx do it html?)
  3. Artherd

    Artherd F1 Veteran

    Jun 19, 2002
    Bay Area, CA
    Full Name:
    Ben Cannon
    That thumbnail licks balls compared to the real thing!

    I want the awesome P4 in all it's glory!

  4. andrewg

    andrewg F1 Rookie

    Sep 10, 2002
    Chester, England
    Full Name:
    Ok mark does the photo thing by hosting his pics on his (or DrS's) server then putting in some simple HTML tags
    So james if you want em up e-mail them to someone with a web server, if you get stuck I've got one here!
  5. cohiba_man

    cohiba_man Formula Junior

    Jan 23, 2003
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  6. Teenferrarifan

    Teenferrarifan F1 Rookie

    Feb 21, 2003
    Media, PA
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    Awesome Mr. G. I can't wait to see pics.
  7. bobafett

    bobafett F1 Veteran

    Sep 28, 2002
    John: Dr. Stangelove is running an image hostng service gratis, from what I undrestand. very kind of him.

    Jim: the pictures will come out as thumbnails.
  8. PSk

    PSk F1 World Champ

    Nov 20, 2002
    Tauranga, NZ
    Full Name:
    Testing posting of pictures:

  9. PSk

    PSk F1 World Champ

    Nov 20, 2002
    Tauranga, NZ
    Full Name:
    Test 2:

    Okay how do we post pictures ... the attach files does not work :(

  10. andrewg

    andrewg F1 Rookie

    Sep 10, 2002
    Chester, England
    Full Name:

    host the image file on a web server somewhere (Drs has one Ive got one and their are lots of free ones like yahoo etc.) then in the reply box click on the yellow icon with a mountain in it a little box will then pop up just put in the URL of the pic IE.


    Click ok then the image should appear in your message like this!


    or you can type in the following tag, [​IMG]
  11. Stickanddice

    Stickanddice Formula 3

    Nov 2, 2002
    Trying to figure out how to work this board effectively...

    James, I'm on board with everyone else. Would absolutely LOVE to see your pics.

    Testing pic...

  12. Stickanddice

    Stickanddice Formula 3

    Nov 2, 2002

    Hmmm...Well...That didn't work...
  13. Napolis

    Napolis Three Time F1 World Champ
    Honorary Owner

    Oct 23, 2002
    Full Name:
    Jim Glickenhaus
    Thinking about it I liked the other system much better. This is a lot more work It's slower, takes much more time and requires off site if you don't wan't thumbnails. Unless it's changed back posting pic's ain't worth it to me. I may switch to another site that uses the old system to post pics.
  14. mk e

    mk e F1 World Champ

    Oct 31, 2003
    The twilight zone
    Full Name:
    The Butcher
    I wish you could get the pic to attach too, I'd love to see it. Any time estimate on completion??? Is it up at WWoC? I was there today to get a belt, but looking out in the service bay I didn't see it, just an enzo.
  15. Stickanddice

    Stickanddice Formula 3

    Nov 2, 2002
    Hahahaha!! Awesome. Only when talking about Jim's car could someone genuinely say "just an enzo"!

    When I make my Ferrari pilgrimage it will not be to Maranello, but wherever Jim's car is at the time. Provided it's owners generosity to share at the time of course.

    Don't you just hate it when hobbies turn into work and everything becomes austere and serious?

    I'm here in Houston currently pursuing a hobby and even though I put up with heat and humidity it puts a big smile on my face. Trying to figure out how to post a picture is entirely something else.

    Have pity on a young enthusiast and don't post them in thumbnails please. I'll go blind trying to look at the detail in those tiny pics! Strangely, I do feel its worth it though... :)

  16. PSk

    PSk F1 World Champ

    Nov 20, 2002
    Tauranga, NZ
    Full Name:

    If you are still hanging in here on this site ... but intend to go elsewhere could you please send me an email where you intend to post pictures of the completion stages of your P4. Actually I'll email you as well ... just incase you have already left.

    I actually cannot understand why Rob has done this. He let stupid byte wasting threads like the 'Ferrari bikini' thread comsume his disk and now he has forced everybody to host the picture somewhere else (?) .... maybe the stupid bikini thread caused that (?).

    Anyway, like other forums, Rob will loose many posters because of this, as it is just too much hard work for a pop in and have a chat concept ... which a forum is supposed to be (like was said above, it is not supposed to be hard work).

    Come on Rob, lets keep this site relaxed and fun :)

    ps: Nothing lasts forever I guess :(
  17. MarkCollins

    MarkCollins F1 Rookie

    Jul 2, 2002
    South England
    Full Name:
    Mark Collins

    I'm happy to host your pics and can e-mail the links back to you to post on this board
  18. Stickanddice

    Stickanddice Formula 3

    Nov 2, 2002

    I think has become apparent that the problems were deeper rooted than initially thought. This "new software", oft touted as the panacea of all FChat shortcomings has proven to do more harm than good. The Gary Greens and the Tony Panteras be it the same person or otherwise, were never the problem.

    My personal opinion on the matter is that even if the picture functionality is fixed this community will never be the same. The fervor is all but gone.

    Oh by the way, Alfa Romeos ceased to be good cars with the demise of the Tubolare Zagatos and Tipo 33 Stradales! Hehehe...how's that for some fervor! Your thoughts? (disclaimer: lame attempt at humor, in case you took it as a jab at you with bad intentions...you had previously mentioned you had an Alfa right?)

  19. PSk

    PSk F1 World Champ

    Nov 20, 2002
    Tauranga, NZ
    Full Name:
    Actually the new software I think is doing okay other than the pictures. But I do agree that the Gary Green issue was blown out of proportion ... but what really caused the problem was the stupidly imature fight over whether he really owned a Ferrari or not ... who fncken cares.

    Change always causes problems ... but if you stick with it for a little while it gets better. I even today have found it better after a couple of hours perusing (sp?).

    Now lets talk Alfa Romeos :)

    While I can see what you are saying, I think that as long as the heart of an Alfa Romeo still has the same incredients then I'll still be a follower. Now there have been periods where they strayed a little too far, but currently their models are okay, but it is a pity they are FWD.

    Even Ferrari has had bad models ... and so have Alfa, but most Alfas I have driven are atleast fun to drive, and you find yourself blipping on the down shifts ...

    I have heard very strong rumours that Alfa Romeo are going to use a platform GM v6 engine soon ... and I think that is going to far.

    Hang in here and you will find that this forum is just the same as the old, just different, because it is the people that make the forum not how we have to post, etc.

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