Sold My 355.... | FerrariChat

Sold My 355....

Discussion in '348/355' started by scott63, Nov 7, 2003.

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  1. scott63

    scott63 Formula Junior

    Nov 1, 2003
    In only two weeks I was able to sell my 1995 355B on Ferrari Ads. I placed my ad and then went on vacation for 2 weeks. When I returned, I had over 20 email responses on the car! This is compared to FML where I had only 3 responses. I just want to thank everyone who was interested in my car for responding. I am sorry that a lot of you couldn't actually get a chance to see and drive the car, it was spectacular. I also want to thank Wade Nunez of Fortune Motors and Gianni Mercuri at Ferrari of Long Island for putting the deal together. I can highly recommend both! The car was a result of over 4 months of research and viewing over 15 different 355's (most of which were garbage!). I am now on to a 360. Ferrari Ads really works!!

  2. TTG

    TTG Formula 3

    Jun 11, 2002
    East Hanover, NJ
    Full Name:
    Todd Gieger
    Congrats again Scott. I wish I could say the same as far as my experience dealing with bozo dealerships in my search for a 355 Spider...don't they get it?...It's pretty simple...just be fair, cordial and have some integrity and they too could receive high accolades on FerrariChat like Sean Harris, Gianni, etc...Guys like this get referral on top of referral.

    Let me know how the 360 was that you looked at today.

    Btw, thanks for letting me take the 355 out before you sold it...and uh, sorry for the scare on JFK : )

  3. andrew911

    andrew911 F1 Rookie
    Silver Subscribed

    Sep 8, 2003
    Northern NJ
    Now Todd, don't you think your asking a lot of Ferrari dealers to be cordial and nice? Haha!

    By the way, I don't want to ask what happened to excite Scott on JFK- he seems to be a pretty low key guy that wouldn't be too easily excitable.....

    I've got my eyes peeled for a 355 Spider lead for you Todd, but you're probably seeing everything I do...
  4. scott63

    scott63 Formula Junior

    Nov 1, 2003
    Thet were sealing the parking lot today at FOLI so I couldn't get inside to see the car. Probably will go next Saturday.. Do you want to go?
  5. TTG

    TTG Formula 3

    Jun 11, 2002
    East Hanover, NJ
    Full Name:
    Todd Gieger
    Hey there Andrew, I am very very close to closing the deal on one...sent a deposit last week...should know for sure Tuesday but give me a call on 884-9161 I am home tonight and tomorrow.

    Scott next Saturday works...I will have TommyLou though...but I am game.

  6. andrew911

    andrew911 F1 Rookie
    Silver Subscribed

    Sep 8, 2003
    Northern NJ
    Todd- I'll give a ring to catch up with you tomorrow (Sunday) Hope all is well!

    I'm getting yelled at by Melissa to get off the computer & go watch a movie....hey I stopped by Wide World of Cars again today...

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