For Sale - 1917 Harley Davidson Model J | FerrariChat

For Sale 1917 Harley Davidson Model J

Discussion in 'Other Cars' started by davenichols, Jun 16, 2019.

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  1. davenichols

    davenichols Formula Junior

    Oct 8, 2013
    Toronto, Canada
    Very rare 1917 Harley model J with correct Sidecar. This is a very original motorcycle, with an older paint job (1960’s) being done.
    Ride this into your next Ferrari Club meet and I promise you will be the talk of the group! Asking a very fair $44,500.
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    EarlyCat and JCR like this.
  2. Alpintourer

    Alpintourer F1 Rookie
    Owner Silver Subscribed

    Jul 20, 2013
    The Low Country
    Full Name:
    Dave Steven
    Lovely combo. I have owned many a Harley Davidson and sidecar rig: '37 to '83. Had one in college ('65) that I used year round (in NY State). Dated my wife in one and even used to put my daughter's car seat in the hack with my wife behind me. Those were great days; but alas, my kicking foot is worn out.
  3. davenichols

    davenichols Formula Junior

    Oct 8, 2013
    Toronto, Canada
    Thank you for the comments. I could not imagine using one all year long, especially in NY State! Different times (better) for sure. Are you sure your kicking foot doesn't have a few kicks left?
    one4torque likes this.

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