Hi Joe, I saw that thread. Very strange. I've aready asked the question. WHY ??? (in a polite way of course) Did you see my tread about the sound check ? Wazza
Stig, Is that the little BLUE ones or the Big White ones???? Hey they all make me see funny shapes n stuff.. I take it all those who are attending and those wanting too attend know exactly where we will be on Sunday at approx 12.30ish....... anyone not sure of Venue pls PM me and I will send details... The Weather is going to be SUNNY so polish em up and bring a camera guys... Image Unavailable, Please Login
stig, that's nothing compared to the broken metatarsal that I sustained depressing the clutch in your 308
Yeah well, all you poofters with your lightweight clutches and paddle shift gearchanges. REAL men like heavy clutches, heavy steering, heavy brakes, and a heavy throttle (a result of all them carbs; none of your injection nonsense). It will look like I'm driving, but it's more like jogging!!!!
Looked at the weather this morning and thought ...Sh...t...but the weather forecast is good for tonight and tomo......so i will post in morning and pm to confirm .. Image Unavailable, Please Login
Joe, could you txt me t'row to confirm,pls. my modem 's on the blink so might not be able to get back online. cheers Tony
No prob Tony, I must say just had additional line in here BT, and my connection is always cutting off?? I wander if its a fault from BT,s end, until now i just dismissed it.... mmmmmm see you to mo Joe
Hi guys its 9.00am Sunday Morn.....Sunny as promised, can all that come on this morning poss confirm by pm or on Board... Cheers Joe...... Image Unavailable, Please Login
Me too - though where are we going - does anyone know? I know where we're meeting? Are we going to a pub or summat? Trying to work out if I can bring my 16 yo bro
Joe, I am looking after my little girl this morning (while mum goes Christmas shopping!) - I think I will bung the car seat in the 348! She always seems to enjoy it! What time are you leaving the start point? Paul (Paul - have you got a copy of the DVD you could bring with you? - Thanks)
I've just got back from Dartford Hilton - I thought something was up when I got there! Not a Ferrari in sight apart from mine! - Left at 12:30 Paul
So thanks to Joe for organising, a good turnout of 12 F Cars including Wazza's fantastic Stradale, Karl in an F40, 2 x 308's, 2 x 360 Spiders and 6 x F355's, would have been 7 but James brought his very nice RS6 along. I've posted up some pics at http://www.collinsclan.co.uk/Pages/Cars/virginia141203/index.html click on the thumbnails for a larger picture and also a short video of Wazza revving the Stradale at http://www.collinsclan.co.uk/Pages/Cars/vw2.mov (2.9Mb) right click and save and turn the sound up on your computer to understand just how loud this thing is!
Hi Guys, Nice to meet you all, hopefully there will be regular meets.. Thanks to who ever helped me out with some pound pieces for the car park. Best wishes Chris 308 gts
Mark, I got 2 short movie clips of Warren's Stradale and Carl's F40 'sedately' leaving - if you have webspace I can FTP the clips for everyone to enjoy? A great turn out - good work Joe. I will post a few choice pics later on - Warren, I have a feeling you'll want a few hi-res copies? Ben.