Steve, it was a great turn out. Rich, we're in and around London.The venue was Virginia Waters, a couple of miles from Maranello. Tony
Yes tony i will turn up for one of your meetings next year now, wont come in my car its no motoway machine,will use sisters 98-RR ace for those motorway miles rubbish on the bends and if i bend it she will kill me,i only have to come down the A-491 and im on at j-4 M5, would love to meet you gents Dale.
OH NO,!!!!!! None of my photos from yesterday came out. The damn auto focus was on the wrong setting. Tony, Relying on you. Wazza
Wazza, that's such a shame I heard you describe the whole sequence of launch control for the stradale that sounded like a 10 step flow diagram but botched it up with your camera !!! Well I guess that shows your priorities .. now if tubi made a camera lenses ... that might have been a different story Or how about a Ferrari Camera ... Image Unavailable, Please Login
Can we arrange for the Video footage to be edited and placed here of wazza CS and Karls F40 that was awesome, especially as the turbos dropped in on the F40 "WHOOOSH" wheelspin and smoke off of those huge back tyres.... Now "thats" the Ferrari experience Image Unavailable, Please Login
Joe Many thanks for organising - great bunch of people - "true enthusiasts". Thanks to all for tolerating my non-Ferrari beast James
Thanks Mark, Joe I'll PM of both you with my email address. If you could coth send the pics and Zip the clips I would realy appreciate it. As for that little Ferrari camera i've already spoken to my old mates in Asia and put an order in for one. At this stage I don't know what the realistic chances are of getting any are, they are of very limited supply. I think about 10,000 are being made and have just started to go on sale in Tokyo, but to personal applicants only. I'm told there is about 100 around in HK and maybe the same in Singapore. I have know idea when they will start to appear in Europe. The indicated price I think is going to be around £600. If anybody has any interest let me know and i'll increase my order. Wazza
Some great pictures of the day! I was 10 mins too late at the start point (or 10min too early - Joe will understand!!!) The ironic thing is that I was belting it up the M25 from the A2 Junction at about 11.45 and probably went past everyone going the other way!!! - Never mind - always next time Looks like everyone caused a bit of interest with the locals!! Paul
I can't believe I didn't go Are these meets regular then? Phil P.S Thanks for the pics & vid, looked like a brilliant day.