24 hours at Daytona race party- Sat 1/31 | FerrariChat

24 hours at Daytona race party- Sat 1/31

Discussion in 'Northwest' started by GaryReed, Jan 28, 2004.

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  1. GaryReed

    GaryReed F1 Rookie

    Feb 9, 2002
    Full Name:
    A reminder that Bison Creek Pizza in Burien,WA will be having a race viewing party this Saturday (1/31). Please see their info below.

    I'll be there around noon to have lunch, make a pledge and watch some of the race. Hope to see you guys there too!


    Greetings from the NW Alfa Romeo Club and Bison Creek Pizza!

    I hope the new year is treating you well.

    It is that time of year again for the most famous sports car endurance race in America! Team Seattle will be competing in the 24 Hours at Daytona January31-February1, 2004 and through this event is raising money for Childrens' Hospital and Regional Medical Center.

    We would love it if you would get involved and donate to this cause. All proceeds go to a "Team Seattle for Children at the Daytona 24" endowment that provides support for cardiac research, education and training.

    For those of you in car clubs - please contact the club and see if you can make a "team/club" donation. Individual donations are welcome as well of course!

    You can donate two ways: Flat amount, or per lap amount. The cars this year intend to do about 700 laps. If you donate a per lap amount of 10 cents and the cars go 700 laps, then your donation is $70. If you donate 50 cents a lap your donation is $350, and so on. Easy stuff to calculate- I hope you get the idea!

    Which ever car does the most laps is the "lap figure" for calculation. The cars may not even finish the race so keep that in mind towards maybe doing a "flat amount donation."

    So if you know anyone involved in motorsports or automobiles in general, please get that dusty wallet out of their pocket and donate every single penny you find in it towards Childrens' Hospital. Do a fund raiser at work - know anyone that has had a very sick child - or worse yet - lost a child due to an unfortunate illness? Contact them and let them know what we are doing. Perhaps they would be willing to donate. Do some of you have children that may need to go to Childrens' Hospital for some unforeseen illness (it sounds bad, but it IS reality)? - get down here and donate! Enough said. Be here Saturday, January 31, 2004 and donate. Forget about the Superbowl - that's on the next day, Sunday - way after the race in Daytona has been completed.

    If you have any questions please call me at 206.244.8825, or you can try my cell at 206.790.3382. Team Seattle info is available at www.teamseattle.com. I have official donation forms here at Bison as well and official event posters!

    We only ask you once a year for money and this is it. Please try to attend Bison for the race. We are hopefully going to have track contact where you will be able to ask questions to the team - last year it was around 2pm PST. We will open at 9.30am - the kitchen at Bison will not open until noon so bring your breakfast! Then at noon you can have pizza for lunch and then dinner.

    We will have the big screen on SPEEDCHANNEL as long as the race is being broadcast.

    If you cannot make it on January 31st, please stop in beforehand and make that donation!

    Don't' be a punk and blow this off - Get in here now and donate! See you soon!

    mike rasmussen
    flat-out, inc.
    dba bison creek pizza
    630 SW 153rd street #F
    burien, wa 98166

  2. Spasso

    Spasso F1 World Champ

    Feb 16, 2003
    The fabulous PNW
    Full Name:
    Han Solo
    please get that dusty wallet out of their pocket and donate every single penny you find in it towards Childrens' Hospital.............

    Don't' be a punk and blow this off - Get in here now and donate! See you soon!

    mike rasmussen
    flat-out, inc.
    dba bison creek pizza
    630 SW 153rd street #F
    burien, wa 98166


    "Dusty Wallet?" "Punk?"

    I think most of us are happy to contribute to the cause, and do so throughout the year on numerous occasions at numerous events that being 'shamed' into donating unnecessary.

    I hope both cars run the full distance so our donations are maxed for this worthy cause.

  3. GaryReed

    GaryReed F1 Rookie

    Feb 9, 2002
    Full Name:

    By no means was Mike trying to shame anyone. He was just trying to be a bit humorous and get people to donate to a good cause.

    Also, that notice he sent out was not just for the Ferrari Club, it was sent to lots of different car clubs and even to their "beer tasting" events email list.

    Mike and Connie are GOOD people, just ask anyone in the club who has attended their F1 race party events.

  4. Spasso

    Spasso F1 World Champ

    Feb 16, 2003
    The fabulous PNW
    Full Name:
    Han Solo
    Understood. My apologies.
    Thanks Gary.

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