i got both and a n/a v10 sounds great and a n/a v8 sounds great. both quite different but each pretty special
In correct context I was referring to the actual manufacturer, not dealer networks which have different approaches depending upon Geo and individual dealership mentality. Ferrari as a manufacturer doesn't listen to its customers at all and just serves up their soup like a soup nazi. The Ferrari dealership mentalities often mirror the same mentality from Ferrari the manufacturer. It's a much different story with Porsche and Lambo at manufacturer level where they actually listen to the customers concerns and work on ensuring the cars deliver to customer expectation. I'd hazard a guess that the team within Ferrari who developed and signed off on their latest user interfaces have never driven a car in their lives. It would have to be THE most frustrating UI I have ever had the displeasure of using EVER!. It could not be less user friendly even if they tried. Even the seats have had certain adjustment controls removed and placed into the user interface. Bizarre! Try adjusting your seat on the fly without taking your eyes off the road.
Ferrari UI started going sideways after the 430 which was basically all analogue. The next generation of UI was the TFT screens in the 458 which reminded me of early Atari/Nintendo games. It got marginally better (TFT) in the 488/F8 as far as resolution. Only good thing was the central rev counter. I don't care for those dual TFT screens and they are clunky to operate with those dials and touch button. So yes to me they have a history of subpar UI development and a tradition to carry it forward it looks like.
I recall my first experience with 488 and was blown away just how backward it was. I had no idea previously they were so inept in this area. Whatever they were thinking when they put together this latest interface I have no idea, but one thing which is obvious they need to give it up immediately and consult with others who can provide a system which works with the driver and not against. To simplify it all they need do is copy the success of what others are doing. Its as if Ferrari are hell bent in re inventing the wheel into a wheel which represents an oblong, forcing it to go around for pure sake of refusing to accept they are way out of their depth.
I was and still do work around it. What I do like about the older system is the main presentation remains static: rev counter, this does not change. Car status info on the left, you can leave it there. On the right is entertainment, as its own screen, it can also show CarPlay. Many complain about the lack of touch, or "postage size" screen. Neither bother me, but that is just me. I just leave it on waze so I can sneak a peek at road conditions. One of the annoyances of the later of the prior gen cars is the behind the steering wheel track forward or back toggle was replaced with a scroll wheel which would roll around the car play window- I preferred the old fixed toggle for track up / down. With the new system, the entire display changes to make use of CarPlay. I think this is due to some CarPlay rule that says it must be displayed on a large % of the window. Since the old system was 2 speerate windows, that was no problem. But the new system is, to me a step backwards in this regard. Ideally we could get CarPlay on the left or right of the tach- in a window. Anyway, I just set it and forget it and I can run waze in the background and it will verbally let me know about road conditions. At least the new setup has restored the track up/down toggle. It's a Ferrari, it should always be about the engine, but I do agree there is a lot of room for improvement with the UI. It was beginning to frustrate me, then I said- are you really going to let a goofy UI get in the way of enjoying this (otherwise) fine machine? Absolutely NOT is the answer. Enjoy them- any day you are driving a Ferrari is a great day!
Look on the bright side folks. With all the haptics, as bad or slow as they may be, at least no more "sticky button" problems to solve.
I hated the haptic buttons at first and wanted my F8 back. But now I am used to the Haptic system I love it. Smooth and slick. Just takes getting used to. 500 miles and you will be hooked.
They took 25 years to fix one problem (which should never have been there in the first place) only to create one far greater. They are aware there is a problem though, so that's at least a start. I was told the new steering wheel is not retrofittable though due to a range of changes to certain electrical components and to the wiring looms which were necessary to facilitate fixes for other issues which they were aware of in the cars prior. The cars with the new steering wheel are supposed to be more reliable (so Im assured). It sounded like a fair degree of effort went into the new changes, which is comforting to hear. Time will tell, but it doesn't bode well for the value of cars with the old wheel as I can imagine any used buyer will want the model with the new wheel in it.
Having to take time to adjust is not a desirable situation particularly at this level. It's just a car don't forget - not an A380. One needs to be able to get into a car and be able to operate it easily without going through so much difficulty especially when the car in question is not a regular use vehicle. People can adjust to anything over time through repetition but again this is missing the point and only reconfirms the unnecessary difficulty and frustrations present which should never have been there in the first place. There is no excuse for it. You could understand it if the car was a cheap Korean or Chinese car but at this level it's unacceptable.
I said this exact same thing when first driving the 296. It's like you need to take a class to drive the car? I was certainly annoyed. I agree 100% with what you are saying. What test group said this is a great setup, go with it. They needed to see the MC20. Maserati got it perfect. Steering wheel is awesome and tech is super cool, you get right in and go!
Yes. I would be in mine by now had I not insisted on the new wheel with the other new changes which fix a number of other known issues. Now Ive got a longer wait - production now pushed back to mid this year unfortunately. I had asked surely the wheel could be retrofitted but was told its definitely not possible - was also told there had beed discussions about it within Ferrari about somehow incorporating a retrofit but the various changes to the looms and other changed electricals were too many and the retrofit was definitely out unfortunately. Unless something has changed in between time, which I doubt, then the cars with the old wheel are stuck with it. I was told my slot had to be pushed back unless I wanted to agree to take back a slot with a car using the old wheel, but I said no.
While I tend to agree with you, because there was no need for a poor change like this, getting used to changes in cars is just a way of life. if you go back and look at threads from guys first trying the 488 from the 458, there’s a whole lot of emotion coming out from change. Good and bad.
No offence but I think you're trying to water back an obvious issue which by far outweighs any previous inconveniences experienced. The current system is a disaster. Ive never come across anything so frustratingly stupid. There's really no excuse for it at this level although Im sure the apologists will do their best. I mean fancy losing the tach to use CarPlay and then having to do seat adjustments through a steering wheel. Like seriously? You're saying this is OK? Lol.
What else is different about the car? I am happy to keep my steering wheel, that new one is ugly. But some updates and new software would make a big difference too. I love that my Rivian gets WIFI updates which fix problems and add new features. Ferrari needs to fix the 296 with new software. That's the make everyone happy road. Then let people select steering wheels as another option. I have no doubt the older generation of Ferrari owners, hate the controls. I understand. So give them the option of the F8 steering wheel with a few mods.
The looms are now different to accommodate for necessary changes to associated electricals. I guess the old stuff doesn't plug in or something. The changes are quite significant and not something a software update is going to fix which is why all these new changes had to happen. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news. Good news for those with the new wheel though (hopefully). I'll be interested to see just how many changes to the current functionality have occurred. Im told there are a few which really improve things. It's not just the buttons on the wheel. Hopefully the tach comes back!
where can we see? I do really like the current setup now that I learned it. Only issue can be music or navigation.
I believe the only visual change will be the wheel itself and hopefully changes in certain graphics - hopefully the tach can be restored properly when using CarPlay! Nothing confirmed as at this stage but I find anything out I will let you know. The changes supposedly make the system overall better to use. The wiring and other component changes you visually won't be able to see. To retro the new wheel all the looms and other electrical bits need changing out so doubt that will be cost effective for Ferrari given the work and parts involved.
Glad to read this post as when I asked I was told that it would most likely be plug and play replacement. That the cost was too high to require a new loom and Ferrari wanted one(ish) wheel for the current production years so they had to make it work. Ish bc the PS isn’t hybrid like the Roma and the 296 has some additional modes on the wheel. It’s the same info on the wheel so if not plug in play I wonder if adapters will be made. I have a gts on order to replace my gtb but was just told my 12 cylinder is about to allocate and lock so may stick w the gtb and “older” wheel.
My guy from Ferrari is a long term senior person and was over there in the discussions with others where they were all briefed on all the new changes. He was very clear that the retrofit in 296 is not possible and gave the reasons why as previous mentioned. There apparently was no simple way to retro just the wheel or they would 100% be doing it due to the complaints, The main reason behind changing looms and other electrical bits was primarily to address a range of other issues/problems, not just simply to add a wheel with buttons. The wheel is just a small part of the overall fix. All these new changes work together as a package to fix other things, and are all dependent upon one another. The new wheel cannot be swapped as some may hope. It is what it is unfortunately. For me personally it wasn't so much just the better wheel but more about getting a less problematic car.
I have the old steering wheel and it works fine for me. As others have said, it just take some time to get used to it.
FWIW, I hate all haptic controls and touch buttons. My ideal setup in a car is like a 981 GT4: Physical buttons for volume and hvac, analogue center Tach, Speedo on left, digital right dash screen that can be adjusted and then a RESPONSIVE multimedia screen in the middle for nav with CarPlay. it seriously is as good as it gets, not complex at all and for whatever reason can’t be replicated. McLaren is good but has digital HVAC and I don’t love the digital screen My point is just that when things change, people complain.