308 GT4 Condensation / Fog in Gauges | FerrariChat

308 GT4 Condensation / Fog in Gauges

Discussion in '308/328' started by dyerhaus, Feb 3, 2024.

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  1. dyerhaus

    dyerhaus Formula Junior
    Owner Silver Subscribed

    Nov 4, 2012
    Santa Rosa, California
    Full Name:
    Christopher Dyer
    I'm noticing that I'm getting some condensation and fogging in a few of my gauges on my 308 GT4. Wondering how many others have experienced this, and what can be done to stop it. Any tips?

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  2. Portofino

    Portofino Formula Junior

    Sep 17, 2011
    Yorkshire UK / Switzerland/ Antibes France
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    Windscreen seal ? Use a “ seak n seal “ product .Found in marine stores .

    Or the AC cabin chiller s waters leaking out damping carpets etc and the moisture is rising settling under the cold glass and condensation forms .
  3. Niklasbraun

    Niklasbraun Karting

    Nov 30, 2023
    Full Name:
    Niklas Braun
    You could try using some anti-fog stuff made for car interiors. Applying a small amount to the inside of the gauge cover can prevent condensation. Just be cautious with the application to avoid any damage to the gauges. One trick that worked for me was throwing a small bag of silica gel in the glove compartment. It soaks up moisture and helps keep things from getting all foggy. Oh, and also, check the ventilation system too – sometimes, it's a matter of airflow.
    Zenobie and dyerhaus like this.
  4. 2dinos

    2dinos F1 Rookie

    Jan 13, 2007
    I've got some of this happening. It comes on mostly when cold; after 15-20 minutes of driving, it goes away. V strange. I was thinking of putting an anti-fog like used for ski goggles on the gauge glass interior. Gotta open up the gages. It's been doing this for a while, and so far, I live with it.
    dyerhaus likes this.
  5. 2dinos

    2dinos F1 Rookie

    Jan 13, 2007
    Just a hunch.....

    Maybe the gages originally have some coating which goes away after years?? Again, I don't know.
    dyerhaus likes this.
  6. dinofre

    dinofre Rookie

    Sep 17, 2023
    I have the same issue. On another forum, I read that this occurs because the inside of the glass gets a little bit dusty so it becomes much more responsive to condensation. The idea is that once you clean the glass, it should stay fog-free. The only problem is how to get the chrome bezels off without destroying them... I think I'll bring my gauges to a specialist.
    dyerhaus likes this.
  7. 85QVEuro

    85QVEuro Formula Junior

    Jan 15, 2021
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    It can be done if you are careful and read the threads that have been published about this - These are veglias from a Pantera:

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    dyerhaus likes this.
  8. 85QVEuro

    85QVEuro Formula Junior

    Jan 15, 2021
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  9. dyerhaus

    dyerhaus Formula Junior
    Owner Silver Subscribed

    Nov 4, 2012
    Santa Rosa, California
    Full Name:
    Christopher Dyer
    Very nice, thanks for posting those pics. I think my biggest problem is finding time to take on such an endeavor!
  10. kiwiokie

    kiwiokie Formula 3
    Silver Subscribed

    Aug 19, 2013
    Tulsa, OK
    Full Name:
    John McDermott
    I took a gauge apart on my 69 Alfa Spider and it was a painfully slow process and found it very difficult to reinstall properly without a press with the correct diameter die.

    Sent from my iPhone using FerrariChat
  11. dinofre

    dinofre Rookie

    Sep 17, 2023
    New rings are available but around $50 each…

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