308 Rear Trunk Restoration | Page 2 | FerrariChat

308 Rear Trunk Restoration

Discussion in '308/328' started by Pizzaman Chris, Apr 7, 2008.

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  1. Newman

    Newman F1 World Champ
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    Dec 26, 2001
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    Its only there on US spec cars with converters or a thermal reactor muffler. The Euro cars only have a shield under the trunk pan above the muffler and thats it. My car has the euro set-up now, much cleaner, less weight and nothing to rot out. Its also easier to do nothing rather than fabricate boxed in sections around the rails.
  2. Pizzaman Chris

    Pizzaman Chris F1 Rookie

    Mar 13, 2005
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    Pizzaman Chris
    #27 Pizzaman Chris, Nov 27, 2008
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  3. miketuason

    miketuason F1 World Champ
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    So that's where the rear shocks bolts are!
  4. Jdubbya

    Jdubbya The $10 Trillion Man
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    That came out looking pretty good. I also sealed all the seams with a high temp silicone. I didn't want whoever owns the car 20 years from now to have to do the same job again.
  5. Du_Man

    Du_Man Formula Junior
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  6. pshoejberg

    pshoejberg Formula 3
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    Dec 22, 2007
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    Peter H
    That's a standard pop rivet....Turn on your drill taking care not to enlarging the hole. Wear a filter mask when you work with the heat insulation.

    Best, Peter
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  7. Du_Man

    Du_Man Formula Junior
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    Thank you! I'm not sure why I have never heard of a large flange/head pop-rivet! It looks to be a 15mm or 5/8" diameter head size. I will measure the length when the fiberglass panel is finally off.
  8. Du_Man

    Du_Man Formula Junior
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    #33 Du_Man, Nov 28, 2024
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    I removed the lower SS panel to reveal a heap of insulation and exposed the rear trunk floor panel "A". I was able to grind off tack welds to remove the B1 panel. An angled mini grinder was barely able to get to the welds.

    Has anyone removed panel A and/or have an image of what the sheet metal looks like? I really want to replace A, B, and C panels.....C2 is in bad shape and I hate to close up this area for another 45 years. Removing panel A will help to expose the rest of the stuffed wool insulation. I could slice it up into pieces for removal but prefer a whole piece to make sheet metal templates.

    I saw that the B panels (with Ferrari part numbers!) are available on Etsy.....a great visual help.

    The A panel may actually be one piece with the C1 and C2 sections. I guess a little surface grinding will reveal the tack welds/rivets and maybe explain how panel A is tied with panel

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  9. Du_Man

    Du_Man Formula Junior
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    #34 Du_Man, Nov 28, 2024
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2024
  10. ChevyDave

    ChevyDave Karting

    Dec 21, 2019
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    Dave W
    That’s always the first place I look for my vintage Ferrari parts needs…..:D
    Srsly, thanks for the tip; I never in a million years would have thought about Etsy as a parts source for our cars.
  11. pshoejberg

    pshoejberg Formula 3
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    Dec 22, 2007
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    Peter H
    Save your money and spend them on other more critical spare parts. Cut and bend those simple panels your self (Or have them made locally). It's very simple panels that Ferrari just added to their chassis to contain the heat isolation material on the US models. All panels can be removed with a drill bit and / or a grinder.

    Best, Peter
  12. Du_Man

    Du_Man Formula Junior
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    Who da thunk, right?
  13. Du_Man

    Du_Man Formula Junior
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    True, I am all about the DIY and would most likely not purchase simple sheet metal forms I can make with $50 of SS sheet metal. This is an older great thread...I did not see any other posts with sheet metal images on the subject. It's time to get out the poster board/scissors and make some templates. The rust needs to go.
    pshoejberg likes this.

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