348 Head Gaskets | FerrariChat

348 Head Gaskets

Discussion in 'Technical Q&A' started by Aris64, Feb 3, 2025 at 1:09 AM.


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  1. Aris64

    Aris64 Karting

    Feb 26, 2024
    Full Name:
    Aris Arvanitakis
    Old but always popular topic I think... I used a set of head gaskets made by Nava in Italy, visually almost identical with Elring and with same thickness, metal reinforcements etc. Torqueing exactly as per manual, no leakage when filled with coolant, however at 0.5 bar pressure test some drops appeared around... A tiny bit more torqueing (5 deg. maybe) and the drops appeared very slowly only to the corners. I don't want to stress more the bolds since I am already around 110 Nm where somewhere in the WSM I found that 120 Nm is the maximum allowed. So I decided to leave it as it is. In the mean time it seems that the gaskets being under head pressure could eventually seal better. In WSM I found also that mentions the following" Slight oozing around the outside of the gasket is permitted" in a pressure test of 0.8-1.0 bar. So, going by the book it seems that everything is normal however I feel uncomfortable with "oozing". I think that over time and use with thermal cycling will improve but is there any relative experience?
  2. JohnMH

    JohnMH Formula 3

    Jan 28, 2004
    Dubai / Bologna
    Getting the engine up to temperature, letting it cool completely and retorquing it might help.

    I used Murray Glegg’s head gaskets on my Testarossa without issue. His instructions suggest starting the car with no coolant (dry) and shutting it off when the heads get to 50c. Then let it cool completely. Then fill it with water (only) and run it to 80c. Let it cool and then refill with the coolant of your choice.

    I actually borrowed a paint booth to generate a heat cycle with the engine out of the car before retorquing the nuts.
    Aris64 likes this.
  3. Aris64

    Aris64 Karting

    Feb 26, 2024
    Full Name:
    Aris Arvanitakis
    I would never operated the engine without coolant to protect the water pump seal. However I agree that thermal cycling is meaningful to have the gaskets settled
  4. Rifledriver

    Rifledriver Three Time F1 World Champ

    Apr 29, 2004
    Cowboy Capitol of the World
    Full Name:
    Brian Crall
    I know Murray Glegg and use his headgaskets with 100% success. I personally would never install an engine without a perfect seal at 100 % rated pressure and normal head torquing being used.
    Ferrari Tech likes this.
  5. Rifledriver

    Rifledriver Three Time F1 World Champ

    Apr 29, 2004
    Cowboy Capitol of the World
    Full Name:
    Brian Crall
    Further, I pressurize them on Friday and do my final inspection Monday. They have to hold without a drop over the weekend.
    Aris64 likes this.

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