Wanted - 348tb lightly used cats | FerrariChat

Wanted 348tb lightly used cats

Discussion in 'Ferrari Parts & Collectibles' started by asgor, Feb 17, 2023.

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  1. asgor

    asgor Formula Junior

    Sep 8, 2016
    Virginia, USA
    Looking to buy two lightly used cats for my 1991 348tb, OEM or (preferably) aftermarket. Must be in great/excellent shape.

    A set of Evoflow cats can be purchased for $1200 new so I am hoping to find two used cats in the $600-$800 range.

    Please reply to this thread if interested to sell.
  2. ChoonHound

    ChoonHound Formula 3
    Silver Subscribed

    May 13, 2022
    Saint Michaels, MD
    Full Name:
    I paid £795 for a pair of Nouvalari cats this summer. Just another datapoint for you.
  3. asgor

    asgor Formula Junior

    Sep 8, 2016
    Virginia, USA
    Very helpful, thank you.
  4. JasonS

    JasonS Karting

    Sep 5, 2019
    Green, OH
    Full Name:
    Jason Stropki
  5. hercfe

    hercfe Karting

    Apr 21, 2015
    Northeast US
    Full Name:
    I have a set of used OEM if you're still looking.
  6. asgor

    asgor Formula Junior

    Sep 8, 2016
    Virginia, USA
    DM sent

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