360 F1 slipping out of gear!! HELP!!! | FerrariChat

360 F1 slipping out of gear!! HELP!!!

Discussion in 'Technical Q&A' started by CharlieBrown, May 16, 2006.

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  1. CharlieBrown

    CharlieBrown Rookie

    Jan 26, 2005
    My F1 360 is dropping into neutral periodically, mainly when driving in second, third or sixth gear. Particularly when pushing on. I dont think its the clutch. Could it be a sensor or something else?
    Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
  2. 308nut

    308nut Formula 3
    Lifetime Rossa Owner

    Jul 22, 2002
    Full Name:
    I just had the same exact issue with a 99 360 F1 I have, and it is definately the clutch. I went through all the tests with the dealer and it always came back as a clutch. Bring it to an authorized dealer have them reset the PIS and see if it still does it. If it does you will need a clutch. If not you've gotten off lucky.

  3. CharlieBrown

    CharlieBrown Rookie

    Jan 26, 2005
    What is the PIS?
  4. Willis360

    Willis360 F1 Rookie

    Aug 4, 2001
    Redmond, WA
    Full Name:
    Willis H
    Point of initial slippage. I strongly suggest that you take the car to the dealer and have them look at it and find the real problem. Diagnosing this on the internet won't do you any good.
  5. Rifledriver

    Rifledriver Three Time F1 World Champ

    Apr 29, 2004
    Cowboy Capitol of the World
    Full Name:
    Brian Crall

    Point of initial slippage.

    Don't tell the shoe maker how to make shoes. Take it to a shop equipped and knowledgable in 360 and have it diagnosed.

    I don't know about you, but when someone comes into my business and tells me how to do it I don't react well.
  6. CharlieBrown

    CharlieBrown Rookie

    Jan 26, 2005
    I have had previous bad experiences with my local dealer ripping me off. I would rather pay £50 to get the real problem fixed than pay £1500 for a clutch that I dont need!
  7. ferrarilou

    ferrarilou Formula Junior

    Apr 13, 2004
    Full Name:
    Lou Menditto
    What makes you think it isn't the clutch? How many miles do you have on the current clutch?

    The PIS value (appropriately named, in my humble opinion) can be changed to improve things for a while if the clutch is not completely at the end of its life, but in the end I suspect you will likely be getting a new clutch. I had two dealers tell me they just needed to adjust the PIS value, things were better for a week or so, then acted up again. I finally went to a dealer I trusted (but farther away) and they diagnosed it as a bad clutch using the SD2 and a test drive as well. I was in the car with them, and watched over their shoulders as they used the SD2. Life has been mostly good since then, though a small adjustment was needed after the new clutch was used at a few track events.

    So basically, I don't think the problem can be diagnosed without having a experienced dealer using an SD2. At least, that's been my experience with my car.

  8. EfiOz

    EfiOz Formula Junior

    Jul 26, 2005
    Lago di Legana
    Full Name:
    Lucivius Maximus
    I'm intrigued by this as I've had similar reports of F1 360's doing this, mostly on the track.

    What does it do after it selects neutral?

    Will it let you select a gear and continue on or does it pick it's own?

    Can you descirbe the sequence of events to the best of you rmemory?
  9. Biturbo

    Biturbo Rookie

    Jan 1, 2006
    My Modena had the same problems, a new clutch assembly took care of it.
  10. CharlieBrown

    CharlieBrown Rookie

    Jan 26, 2005
    I bought a clutch kit, is there any unforeseen problems when fitting and does anything need reset by the dealer or is it a straight forward mechanical procedure?
  11. Rifledriver

    Rifledriver Three Time F1 World Champ

    Apr 29, 2004
    Cowboy Capitol of the World
    Full Name:
    Brian Crall


    It is easier to bleed the clutch hydraulics with an SD2.

    There are updated parts for your T.O. bearing assy that will make the clutch work better with the F1 system. To install those parts requires special tools.

    After installation is complete several steps are required to be performed by the SD2 in order for the clutch to work correctly and for you to have any hope of getting good mileage out of it.

    All of that presupposes you need a clutch.

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