512 BBi tdc sensor | Page 3 | FerrariChat

512 BBi tdc sensor

Discussion in 'Boxers/TR/M' started by pshoejberg, Oct 14, 2020.

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  1. 71Vette

    71Vette Karting

    Oct 24, 2023
    Stuttgart, Germany
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    Did you solder the wider tips on to the narrow Marelli one?
    Interestingly, the Jaguar V12 rotor, which is also a "2-storey" design, has wide tips...!


  2. pshoejberg

    pshoejberg Formula 3
    Silver Subscribed

    Dec 22, 2007
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    Peter H
    Yes, I used solder and fine adjusted with a file.
  3. 71Vette

    71Vette Karting

    Oct 24, 2023
    Stuttgart, Germany
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    Hi Peter,

    I have another couple of questions if I may:

    1. Did you turn the rotor clockwise or counterclockwise (red to blue in the picture) in relation to the reluctor?
    2. I suppose you locked the distributor in the fully advanced position?

    BTW: There is a new MSD box called the Ultra, which allows for 30° retard. Factoring in our 12 cylinders, tat should make for 20° useable, i.e. almost the required 22° the Ferraris need.


  4. pshoejberg

    pshoejberg Formula 3
    Silver Subscribed

    Dec 22, 2007
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    Peter H
    #54 pshoejberg, Oct 14, 2024
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2024
    Hi Esben.
    I've had to look back into my notes to refresh my memory.
    Ref. question #1: The reluctor wheel was turned 1 spline clockwise (+- 5.1 deg, 70 splines on the shaft) equal to your red line going over the blue with the tooth at the sensor.

    Ref. question #2: This is how I locked the distributor: 1) Set flywheel at 32 deg adv. 2) Located distributor base in mid bolt position. 3) Turned advance mechanism until trigger wheel tooth is opposite sensor. 4) Locked distributor.

    Great news that MSD have made a new unit with 30 deg max retard (=20deg with 12 cylinders) but still a bit frustrating that we still miss the last 2 deg. I've bought a RPM activated switch from MSD and was planning to combine it with my 6AL and configure it to drop the 6AL retard with 5 deg at RPM <1200 (engine idling). But I will certainly reconsider buying the new Ultra unit and live with 11 deg advance at idle and 31 deg at full speed. Please let us know if you go in that direction.

    Best, Peter

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  5. 71Vette

    71Vette Karting

    Oct 24, 2023
    Stuttgart, Germany
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    Thanks Peter!

    As for the "missing" 2 degrees at low rpm, I've spoken to a colleague in the engine calibration department at work, an he says that with modern fuels it's a good thing to increas the timing by a few degrees at low rpm.


    pshoejberg likes this.
  6. 71Vette

    71Vette Karting

    Oct 24, 2023
    Stuttgart, Germany
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    Hi Peter,

    I've ordered the new MSD 6523 - 6AL-Ultra Plus Ignition Control Box, Coil and a wide-tipped Jaguar V12 rotor.
    First job is to get it running as a direkt Dinoplex replacement, as a friend with another 400 is having problems with his.
    At a later stage, I'll implement the digital retard function.


  7. pshoejberg

    pshoejberg Formula 3
    Silver Subscribed

    Dec 22, 2007
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    Peter H
    Excellent. Please keep this thread updated with your experiences. I seriously consider to buy a unit as well, pricing is fair and dimensions are small so it should fit in the original Dinoplex case. Please take a picture of the Jaguar rotor, It would be nice to have a readily available spare rotor that’s not soldered together of smaller parts.

    Best, Peters
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  8. 71Vette

    71Vette Karting

    Oct 24, 2023
    Stuttgart, Germany
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    Hi Peter,

    I fitted the Ultra box at the weekend, but haven't done any mods to the distributor yet.
    The car now starts immediately, certainly an improvement over stock, but I haven't yet driven it due to the nasty weather here.

    This is what the Jaguar rotor looks like:


  9. pshoejberg

    pshoejberg Formula 3
    Silver Subscribed

    Dec 22, 2007
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    Peter H
    Thanks for the update, it's looking good and the Jaguar rotor looks like it has plenty of coverage. That new MSD unit is so small that it should quite straight forward to build it into the original ignition casing. Looking forward to see the end result when the system is fully established. Planning to try the unit on my BBi as soon as I have cleared my workshop for other ongoing projects.

    Best, regards

    71Vette likes this.
  10. 71Vette

    71Vette Karting

    Oct 24, 2023
    Stuttgart, Germany
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    Hi Peter,

    I've had a drive, and it works well! The idle is somewhat higher than with the Dinoplex, so I'll need to have a look at why that is.

    I do have another question regarding locking the distributor:

    Do you know if the magnet triggers at the green or the purple arrow?
    In other words, did you lock the advance mechanism with the reluctor tooth pointing at the "straight" (green arrow) or 2'30° fürther (purple arrow)?


  11. pshoejberg

    pshoejberg Formula 3
    Silver Subscribed

    Dec 22, 2007
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    Peter H
    No, I didn't consider that detail so I was most likely going for the straight line. I read somewhere that, if you want the new setup to be perfect, you should drill a hole in the distributor housing so you can monitor the actual location of the rotor versus the the ignition wire contact when the magnet triggers. With respect to the high idle, have you tried to run the ignition with standard setting for the idle situation? Then I guess the idle should drop back to normal.

    Best, Peter
  12. 71Vette

    71Vette Karting

    Oct 24, 2023
    Stuttgart, Germany
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    Hi Peter,

    Drilling a hole would indeed be the way to go, but I'm a bit loathe to drill a hole in a 400€ distributor cap :D

    I'm still running the MSD with the mechanical advance, but I think the high idle was probably just a combination of the better spark from the MSD and cold weather. I measured the advance, which was 8° at idle, and just lowered the idle speed a tad.


  13. pshoejberg

    pshoejberg Formula 3
    Silver Subscribed

    Dec 22, 2007
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    Peter H
    I had the same consideration as you with regards to drilling holes in a perfectly good distributor. On top of that I actually dropped my, as good as new, original distributor on the floor during cleaning and it exploded into pieces - that was a very traumatic day Best, Peter

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