575 M Spider, a real possibility | FerrariChat

575 M Spider, a real possibility

Discussion in '456/550/575' started by AEHaas, Mar 1, 2004.

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  1. AEHaas

    AEHaas Formula 3

    May 9, 2003
    Osprey, Florida
    Full Name:
    Ali E. Haas
    There is talk in Maranello about a 575 spider. The frame was actually designed from the start to require no alterations in strength.

    Ferrari may be listening here. How many of you would go for it? Two to three in my neighborhood would like one for sure. It could happen by next year. Put your order in now.

  2. kizdan

    kizdan F1 Veteran

    Dec 31, 2003
    I would love to see one! However, I wonder how 550 Barchetta owners would feel.....
  3. F1racer

    F1racer F1 Rookie

    Oct 5, 2003
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  4. AEHaas

    AEHaas Formula 3

    May 9, 2003
    Osprey, Florida
    Full Name:
    Ali E. Haas
    There will be a new Maserati at the Geneva show, not a Maranello.
  5. robert biscan

    robert biscan F1 Veteran
    Silver Subscribed

    Jan 17, 2003
    Nashville and Palm b
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    robert s biscan
    I don't think the barchetta was a very good idea overall to begin with. The 575 convertible is a much better idea. I'd sell the barchetta now. It reminded me of the first vipers with no top at all or the same deal that you could not use one at interstate speeds.
  6. F1racer

    F1racer F1 Rookie

    Oct 5, 2003
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    Are you talking to me? I think you didn't read the hole thread..

    In one of the links I posted..
    Ferrari saids;
    ''Regarding the front engined , rear wheel drive 575M , they are promising that ''significant news on the development of this car will be announced during the show.''


    As for the new Maserati ...yes there will be a new one.
  7. Mark(study)

    Mark(study) F1 Veteran

    Oct 13, 2001
    Clearwater, FL
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    I wasn't interested in 575 upgrades at all... what are they going to do? Keep making it faster? Its already fast.

    At least with the mid engine cars, you never know what exotic shape is coming in the next design upgrade.

    But a 575 convertible??... that would get the excitment going again! Great Idea, I hope they do it!
  8. Auraraptor

    Auraraptor F1 World Champ
    Lifetime Rossa Owner

    Sep 25, 2002
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    ...retractable hard top....

    that would be awesome.

    WILLIAM H Three Time F1 World Champ

    Nov 1, 2003
    Victory Circle
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    They better do something bcus the SL55 & SL600 might kick a 575's butt & they have retractable tops at 1/2 the $ which is a big deal
  10. Daytonafan

    Daytonafan F1 Rookie

    Oct 18, 2003
    Surrey, England
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    Last weeks Autocar reckoned that Ferrari would announce a version of the 575 with upgraded chassis and engine and possibly a bit lighter with lessons learned from the 575GTC, in other words a 575 Stradale maybe on the way. Yum Yum
  11. F1racer

    F1racer F1 Rookie

    Oct 5, 2003
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  12. Doody

    Doody F1 Veteran

    Nov 16, 2001
    MA USA
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    Mr. Doody
    at this juncture, i think i'd be more interested in a "575M Challenge Stradale" sort of thing than a 575M Spider. but if it had a retractable hard top (as opposed to just a soft top) that'd make it a lot harder decision .

    my gripe is that the pricing is going to get unpleasant with the $/E problems. i think we're looking at two possible cars here that'll price well north of a quarter mil to start. given the historical depreciation curves of Maranellos, you'd have to have quite a stomach to swallow that. not sure i've got such a stomach - especially given the other options on the market.


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