67 Fiat Dino Spider restoration | Page 10 | FerrariChat

67 Fiat Dino Spider restoration

Discussion in 'Other Italian' started by TheMayor, Jan 23, 2024.

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  1. TheMayor

    TheMayor Ten Time F1 World Champ
    Rossa Subscribed

    Feb 11, 2008
    Vegas baby
    #226 TheMayor, Oct 4, 2024
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2024
    Thanks. I'll pass this over to the mechanic. But I think the bigger issue we are trying to fix is not the ignition switch but the wiring. We decided it was best to try to rewire things back to original and we needed a new (original style) switch to do it. The car ran. But there are issues dealing with re-wiring. I believe it can run for years with no issues. Many told me this switch would work and in fact, it was. But we have a different problem we are chasing and want to eliminate things systematically and not make it worse.

    I did find the switch. I had to verify a few things but its on its way.
  2. DWR46

    DWR46 Formula 3

    Jun 19, 2012
    Malcolm is exactly correct on this. One of the first things I did to my 2400 Spider was bypass this pump wiring so the pump runs whenever the ignition is ON. Then you can fill the carbs BEFORE you start the car. No more grinding away on the starter waiting for the carbs to get fuel.
  3. TheMayor

    TheMayor Ten Time F1 World Champ
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    Feb 11, 2008
    Vegas baby
    Yes that is the way it was. Pre-fill.
  4. TheMayor

    TheMayor Ten Time F1 World Champ
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    Feb 11, 2008
    Vegas baby
    Finally my ignition lock showed up on Friday. I'll go over next week and find out the situation.
  5. TheMayor

    TheMayor Ten Time F1 World Champ
    Rossa Subscribed

    Feb 11, 2008
    Vegas baby
    Went to visit the car today now that the Ignition switch is in. So far we haven't seen a problem with the fuel pump. The mechanic did say the fuse box is cooler and he hasn't blown any fuses. The car does start but the battery is flat for sitting around for 2 months.

    Also he fixed the fuel sending unit. Just a stuck float. So all the gauges now work. The plan now is to try to get the car ready to leave the shop next week. Its still got issues but we can deal with those after paint, interior and top. The big stuff should be out of the way.
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    Mang, redfred84 and Face76 like this.
  6. Rory J

    Rory J Formula 3

    May 30, 2006
    Good progress, congratulations.
  7. TheMayor

    TheMayor Ten Time F1 World Champ
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    Feb 11, 2008
    Vegas baby
    I will be so happy the day this is dropped off at the body shop.
  8. TheMayor

    TheMayor Ten Time F1 World Champ
    Rossa Subscribed

    Feb 11, 2008
    Vegas baby
    I drove it today and..... Its ready to go to the body shop. Its not perfect by a long shot but it runs quite well.

    What has surprised me is that it has more power than you would think. If you drive it hard it really gets up and moves. And the gearbox feels excellent. And its got a quite comfortable ride. I've made an appointment to bring it over to the body shop on Monday. I think I'm going to pick it up and take it home for a few days. The mechanic wants me to put some miles on it.

    It starts up quite well without the choke but runs rough until it warms up. Then everything runs smooth.

    The flat spot at 3000 RPM is gone with some more carb adjustment. The mechanic redlined it several times and said there were no issues. The original airhorn compressor works.

    The car does not run hot at all and does not burn or drop any oil, which is pretty amazing.

    But the list of things that still need to be fixed is pretty long. We've decided to take care of those when the body is finished. Then we are going to remove some of the center console before it goes for the new interior. I think the interior, top, and carpets will go in pretty quickly.

    We still have some electrical problems in the center console. Its been rewired and a bit of a mess
    The heater fan does not work. Not sure why.
    I bought a new heater value but its the wrong one. We have no idea the condition of the heater core. It could be rusted out and would need to be rebuilt
    The points I bought did not fit properly so we put in the old set. So I have to figure out how to get the correct set. Or we might put back in the new electronic distributor.
    The clutch is better but still a bit slow to return. We need to figure out why. Maybe some use might help because it all looks fine. The brakes feel pretty good though.
    The high speed of the windshield wiper still blows the fuse. One of the knurled connectors to the wipers is stripped. Might be a Fiat part.
    The air and heater cables in the center console are stuck and missing some parts.
    There is a terrible sound when turning the steering wheel. Not sure what it is. We have to figure it out. Something is rubbing in the steering column. But steering is very good.
    One headlight is out.

    My concern is still what we find when we strip the paint. And I need a new top, probably a new windshield and the rubber gasket.

    Really have to thank the patience and expertise at O'gara Las Vegas. When it first arrived I thought maybe 2 months and it would be out to the body shop. I missed by 5 months. Gearbox came out twice. Carbs cleaned and reassembled twice. A month to get a new starter from the UK. A fuel tank that took 2 months to repair. Two months to get the correct ignition switch. Waited for parts that we never knew we needed when we started. Incorrect parts arriving. Things we found that were fixed incorrectly some time in the past.

    It was a bit of a mess but its coming back to life!
  9. redfred84

    redfred84 Formula Junior

    Dec 24, 2010
    SF Bay Area, USA
    Were you aiming for the LV Concours?
  10. TheMayor

    TheMayor Ten Time F1 World Champ
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    Feb 11, 2008
    Vegas baby
    I was originally. But I knew several months ago that was impossible.

    My next goal is to drive it to Monterey next year
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  11. redfred84

    redfred84 Formula Junior

    Dec 24, 2010
    SF Bay Area, USA
    Yes, the LV Concours seems to drastically change each, and every year; and not always for the best. I look forward to seeing you and the Dino in Monterey. Hopefully Concorso Italiano will have it's act together by then also!
    TheMayor likes this.
  12. TheMayor

    TheMayor Ten Time F1 World Champ
    Rossa Subscribed

    Feb 11, 2008
    Vegas baby
    I drove the car to the body shop Monday. We went over the project and agreed to the budget. Rough estimate is a month to finish. I’m in no hurry. I’ll post progress as it moves along.

    got to order a new windshield and rubber gasket along with new plastic grills in the hood.

    just a rough guess but I’m thinking we might be finished in early Spring.
  13. TheMayor

    TheMayor Ten Time F1 World Champ
    Rossa Subscribed

    Feb 11, 2008
    Vegas baby
    #238 TheMayor, Nov 12, 2024
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2024
    Today was one of my biggest spending days since buying the car. I purchased the:

    Leather interior skins for front and rear seats as well as door panels ($6000)
    Windshield (new) ($600)
    Windshield rubber gasket ($500)
    Plastic hood grills ($400!)
    Left and Right interior armrests (new) ($400)
    Various new rubber gaskets for lights, handles, etc. ($200)

    And put down a deposit for a new convertible top to be custom made. When done its about $1800

    But, this ends pretty much the big stuff. Still need a new carpet which runs about $500. I'll deal with the radio later but its another $500.

    Starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel but its just a pinhole.

    If I add up all the parts so far (just the parts, no labor or paint), its about $20K. Am I nuts or what?

    I could have saved $5000 going with a standard black vinyl interior that the car originally came with but I think the leather will really increase the feel, look, and value. And I get it in the exact color I want. So what the heck. Shoot me.
    NYC Fred, tomkatf, Mang and 3 others like this.
  14. Mang

    Mang F1 Veteran

    Jul 11, 2007
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    Mike S.
    I’ve chosen leather whenever it’s been more ‘original’ to go vinyl and never regretted that decision. So much better in every way, I approve your decision, not gonna shoot. Especially on a special car like yours.
    NYC Fred and TheMayor like this.
  15. TheMayor

    TheMayor Ten Time F1 World Champ
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    Feb 11, 2008
    Vegas baby
    #240 TheMayor, Nov 14, 2024
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2024
    NYC Fred and Pawilly like this.
  16. TheMayor

    TheMayor Ten Time F1 World Champ
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    Feb 11, 2008
    Vegas baby
    #241 TheMayor, Nov 14, 2024
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2024
    Pawilly and 19633500GT like this.
  17. TheMayor

    TheMayor Ten Time F1 World Champ
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    Feb 11, 2008
    Vegas baby
    What’s in the box from Superperformance?
  18. TheMayor

    TheMayor Ten Time F1 World Champ
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    Feb 11, 2008
    Vegas baby
    Not much in that big box. 1 of the 6 plastic grills I need, the rear rubber seals for the taillights, the rubber for the trunk hinges, the rubber for the door handle and the 2 big things:

    1) the Left and Right armrests (the blue is a protective cover for the chrome)
    2) a complete arm mechanism for the wipers. This should solve several issues. I have the correct wipers for it which are not standard with today's cars.

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  19. fatbillybob

    fatbillybob Two Time F1 World Champ
    Consultant Owner

    Aug 10, 2002
    I get to vegas about once a year. I hope I can see the dino in person one day. It's going to look great!
    TheMayor likes this.
  20. TheMayor

    TheMayor Ten Time F1 World Champ
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    Feb 11, 2008
    Vegas baby
    When its done drop by and I'll let you drive it. I hope to finish in the Spring, a little more than a year since I got it.

    In that time I've driven it about 10 miles.
  21. TheMayor

    TheMayor Ten Time F1 World Champ
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    Feb 11, 2008
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    Zenobie, redfred84 and Pawilly like this.
  22. TheMayor

    TheMayor Ten Time F1 World Champ
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    Feb 11, 2008
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    redfred84 and Pawilly like this.
  23. peterp

    peterp F1 Veteran

    Aug 31, 2002
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    The "power move" would have been to go with velour :)
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  24. TheMayor

    TheMayor Ten Time F1 World Champ
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    Feb 11, 2008
    Vegas baby
    The new convertible top has been made in Italy. Should be shipped early next week.
    Pawilly, Mang and 19633500GT like this.
  25. Zenobie

    Zenobie Karting

    Feb 22, 2021
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    Just read the entire thread in one go. Congratulations will undoubtedly be a gem in the end. Whaw yes its a long way to tipparary :) I admire your patience and positivism. Keep it up Tipparary is no longer far away. Top
    TheMayor likes this.

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