812GTS accessing the head unit? | FerrariChat

812GTS accessing the head unit?

Discussion in 'F12/812' started by RBRS1955, Dec 8, 2024.

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  1. RBRS1955

    RBRS1955 Rookie

    Nov 2, 2024
    Full Name:
    Russell Boxall
    Anyone got details of how to access the head unit on a 812GTS, I'm sure its behind the seats but cant find any posts or videos for the GTS, (I found one for the SF but obviously its different as it has a parcel shelf)
    Thanks for any help before I break something.
  2. GF60

    GF60 Rookie

    May 15, 2024
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    Hello, I permit myself asking you if you did find anything interesting about the way to access to the headunit on a 812 GTS ?
    Like you I actually found the easy way to access it on a 812 Superfast but on the GTS with the retractable roof there is no trunk cover like on the Superfast that we just have to remove for the access...
    I am also quite sure that the headunit is placed behind the seats like it's done oone on the Superfast but maybe in a different position and I would like to avoid to remove tons of parts (with the risk to brake plastic clips or hiden clips) just to do a job that could be done an easy (and safe) way (I am not really found of half opening a roof to remove some parts to access some other parts...
    It always finish with error message on dashboard...).
    Looking forward to reading you.
    Kindest regards from France.
  3. RBRS1955

    RBRS1955 Rookie

    Nov 2, 2024
    Full Name:
    Russell Boxall
  4. RBRS1955

    RBRS1955 Rookie

    Nov 2, 2024
    Full Name:
    Russell Boxall
    Why do you need to get to the head unit if I may ask?
  5. GF60

    GF60 Rookie

    May 15, 2024
    Full Name:
    Hello and thank you very much for your kind reply !!!
    I actually finally found the information thanks to a friend working at Ferrari and who confirmed me what I guessed and what you experienced by yourself (need to open the tonneau cover and then to remove the massive plastic cover to access to the NIT).
    I needed this to install an Apple Carplay & Android Auto in a 812 GTS (I already dit it in a 812 Superfast easily for the access to the NIT since in the Superfast it's only necessary to remove the trunk cover to access to the NIT...).
    I am specialist with Aston Martin and used to work on the whole range of Aston Martin (including Volante / Roadster), sometimes for the dealers themselves, without any stress since I am doing it since 14 years and I have the Aston Martin AMDS Diagnose tool in case of problem or need to config.
    But I do not have any diagnose tool for Ferrari and I saw on the workshop manual extract about the NIT access that to lift manually the tonneau cover it was necessary to disconnect the battery...(?!?)
    Which probably means a lot of errors / message when we reconnect the battery...
    How did you lift the tonneau cover ?
    Did you do it electrically with the swicth button in the car and stopping the moving at the middle or the travel ?
    I yes, did you then let the roof this way without any problem (I imagine that an alarm is then happening with the roof if stopped during the travle a too long time ?) and how long ?
    Or did you disconnected the battery and did it manually ?
    If yes, did you have any error message after reconnecting the battery ?
    And were you able to "auto acquit" it without using a diagnose tool or going to a Ferrari dealer ?
    Is there a specific procedure for battery disconnection / reconnection for the GTS (if yes, maybe explained in the user manual, would you have this procedure ? I don't even know where the battery is places in a 812 GTS...).
    Sorry for so many questions but since I still do not have the car at my workshop, no way to test.
    Double pain for me now that I know how to access to the NIT for the connections of my Harness / looms is to know how to route these looms / cables inside of the car...
    Here again it was an easy job in the 812 Superfast but in the GTS there is the "wall" between the backside of the seats and the trunk where is the NIT.
    And I do not have a single idea about the way to remove this massive leather part behind the seats and find the route to go to the NIT...
    Sorry fo so many questions and such a long (and in a poor english) messsage ;-)
    If you want to see what I do you can have a look on my website (GO FAST 60 to serch on Google, and to visit on a PC, not a tablet / phone or MAC if you want to see it properly).
    Looking forward to reading you about my new questions :)
    Kindest regards from France
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  6. RBRS1955

    RBRS1955 Rookie

    Nov 2, 2024
    Full Name:
    Russell Boxall
    I just used the power button to raise the cover and then turned the ignition off, did not disconnect the battery and had no fault codes.

    I also was putting in an Android auto and apple CarPlay unit, the unit came from KKS supercars and was called FRI CarPlay.
    Although the unit worked it was a bit hard to operate, also it stopped my parking sensor beepers from working so I decided to send it back and now use my phone just blue toothed into the system.
    I found a magnetic mount phone mount that does the job well with just a few modifications. Image Unavailable, Please Login
    350MH83 likes this.
  7. GF60

    GF60 Rookie

    May 15, 2024
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    I know the FRI Carplay Modules for Ferrari since that the ones I install (McLaren / Ferrari).
    They are built and sold by My Supercar Expert (My contact is Marco and he is a real great man to know : really kind and helpful !!!).
    KKS seems to be a dealer for their products.
    It's a nice feedback you give about the issue with your rear parking sensors.
    I am surprised since I never heard about this issue with the FRI Carplays (I could understand it on the FRI kits for Portofino / GTC4 Lusso / 458 since the FRI Kits use a protocol box that could actually create some issues in specific conditions - I sometime have this kind of problems with some upgrades that I make on Lamborghini Gallardo whereas I never have any problem with Huracan, but it's not with FRI kits. It's always solved with a different configuration of DIP Switchs).
    Maybe there is something specific with the GTS because I never heard any issue with rear parking distance control on 812 Superfast (I woud find strange that the retractable roof interface would be affected by a modification on the NIT ?!? But Ferrari are so strange sometimes, much stranger again than Aston Martin ^^).
    What you tell me about this issue + the fact that I only make "like factory" integration for my upgrades (including the USB port adding on the factory panels), it sounds too risky without Workshop Manual details on a GTS to route the USB harness from the trunk to the interior on a 1rst car upgrade for me and on a normal time of labour.
    I am gonna wait to have my own 812 GTS in stock to test it before offering to my clients (excepted if I find before the 812 GTS Workshop Manual to study in detail this process of panels removal !).
    Thank you again for your kind reply and the time spent to answer : I appreciate it much.
    Kindest regards.
  8. alfriedesq

    alfriedesq Karting

    Oct 25, 2024
    Full Name:
    Allan Friedman
    amazing spec on your dash. Beautiful
  9. 812DTW

    812DTW Karting

    May 16, 2020
    What phone mount is this???
    I haven’t been able to find out that works or sticks out long enough

  10. RBRS1955

    RBRS1955 Rookie

    Nov 2, 2024
    Full Name:
    Russell Boxall
    Amazon, you have to cut off the ears where it contacts the grill mesh and also remove the ribs on the threaded barrel.
    I did this one with a dremel tool so it's not wonderful looking, I may purchase another one and machine ir better but it works just fine. Image Unavailable, Please Login

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