Any owners of fast food/quick serve restaurants? | FerrariChat

Any owners of fast food/quick serve restaurants?

Discussion in 'Other Off Topic Forum' started by dherman76, Mar 1, 2004.

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  1. dherman76

    dherman76 Formula Junior

    Feb 25, 2004
    Full Name:
    Darren Herman
    Just wondering if there are any owners of any fast food/quick serve restaurants on this board? I'm always fascinated by this business for some reason and want to know how it is, from an insider perspective. I just finished about 5 months consulting with a McDonalds franchise in Albany/Saratoga Springs, NY and it was a great time. Anyone own anything here? Where are your locations? How are they doing?

    Darren Herman
  2. MY355

    MY355 Formula Junior

    Feb 4, 2004
    NYC and AZ
    My friend owns 22 of them between AZ and Chicago.
    I know nothing of it other then he's been at it for many years
    he's in his 50's and owns a nice collection of Ferrari's .Other than that
    you'd NEVER know he's as well off as he is.When I met him he was beond
    dressed down.One hell of a nice guy.
    If you'd like I'll see if he'll respond.
  3. darth550

    darth550 Six Time F1 World Champ
    Lifetime Rossa

    Jul 14, 2003
    In front of you
    Full Name:
    I gave some thought to getting a McDonald's franchise a few years back. The requirements were far too restrictive for me...specifically their bylaw that one must be an everyday, hands-on owner and it would have had to be my primary endeavour. The other thing was that I would have gotten one about 100 miles away from my home. There are alot of hoops one must go through in order to be awarded a franchise where you want it. My McD's mentor owns 23 of them (his brother has 27), was personal friends with Ray Kroc and HE doesn't even get what he wants sometimes. And rest assured, anyone who knows my friend would MUCH rather wrestle with an extaordinarilly angry alligator than say "No" him!

    One interesting thing that stands out in my memory was the cost. The franchise fee was to be $45,000. The cost of the equipment in the store (mandatorily purchased from them) was $800,000.

  4. PeterS

    PeterS Five Time F1 World Champ
    Silver Subscribed

    Jan 24, 2003
    Goodyear, AZ
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    Getting into food service? One word RUN!!!!!
  5. Tyler

    Tyler F1 Rookie

    Dec 19, 2001
    dusty old farm town
    Full Name:
    I owned sandwich shops for a while. Like any cash business it pays to be there everyday and that gets tiresome. I wouldn't do it again.
  6. WJHMH

    WJHMH Two Time F1 World Champ
    Silver Subscribed

    Sep 5, 2001
    Panther City, Texas
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    Intresting. Last week when I was coming back from a rally race in MO, I stopped off at a McDonalds on the Oklahoma/Missouri border. The place clamed to be the worlds largest McDonalds or was that at one time. The place was a basically nothing but a campy truckstop. This has been trashed out slowly over the years, very dirty bathrooms, overhead lights that have burned out, damaged booths, broken chairs, cheesy gift shop, I didn't want to think what the kitchen had in store. EEWW!! etc.. This was americana to me, the place would up like any other truckstop on Americas great highways. It a shame someone put alot of money into a protect like this & later have trashed by travelers & neglected by the staff. Filthy bastards, who pays for all this? Not McDonalds. I guess the current owner doesn't want to spend any cash on it. I don't doubt it not a money maker, but on hell of headache. More than I want to bare.
  7. dherman76

    dherman76 Formula Junior

    Feb 25, 2004
    Full Name:
    Darren Herman
    Peters - no plans on it. I understand how the industry works and yes, you have to be there all the time and if you own many restaurants, your day job is to travel to each one of them and make sure they are operating efficiently. Not something I'd like to spend my time doing. However, I love studying them and seeing how many people own one - or even a dozen because once you own one, most people buy more.
  8. JimSchad

    JimSchad Guest

    One of our ferrari guys in Dallas has about 19 burger kings and he does well. He had some Jack in the Boxes and KFC's but sold them.

    A friend of mine is in charge of a franchising region for Taco Bell and he says ya gotta buy at least 6 of them at once at about $2mil a pop and the new ones usually go to existing franchisees first so you and I would have a hard time getting one. He said for example one group bought 45 of them at once with funding from Scotty Pippen.

    On a side note he and some partners tried to buy Taco Bueno a few years back for $72Mil, but lost out to current mgt who bought it.

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