Anyone shop at The New Auto Toy Store? | FerrariChat

Anyone shop at The New Auto Toy Store?

Discussion in 'Ferrari Discussion (not model specific)' started by battman, Dec 1, 2003.

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  1. battman

    battman Karting

    Dec 1, 2003
    Milwaukee, WI
    Full Name:
    Jeff Batt
    Hello all,

    I'm new to the forum and have lots to learn, but a quick question: Does anyone out there have any experience with The New Auto Toy Store in Ft. Lauderdale, FL? They have a black/cream 328GTS there that I'd like to see...

    I'm wondering if anyone has delt with them and if they can do a good PPI?

    If not, anyone know any good persons to contact about PPI's in the Miami/Lauderdale area?

    Thanks! Jeff
  2. BWS550

    BWS550 Wants to be a mod

    Apr 1, 2002
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  3. allanlambo

    allanlambo F1 Rookie

    Jun 9, 2002
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  4. Russ Birch

    Russ Birch Formula Junior

    Oct 31, 2003
    Clearwater, FL
    Full Name:
    Russ Birch

    I know a REALLY sleazy used car leasing guy in Miami. He is a licensed broker and can from time to time help me or a friend get information or find a car or car part. This is the kind of guy I would not let near my dog, let alone my kid, but I have known him a long time and so can take him at face value...

    When I asked him one time about a car I saw at The N.A.T.S., he said "Even I won't deal with THEM!".

    For what its worth.

  5. Brian C. Stradale

    Brian C. Stradale F1 Rookie
    Lifetime Rossa

    Mar 17, 2002
    Dallas, TX, USA
    Do not trust them to do a PPI!

    Do NOT send any dealer in FL money until after you *receive* the car. The laws in FL are such that they can essentially just keep your money. There may be some honest dealers in FL, but there are so many dishonest ones there, hiding under FL laws, that I wouldn't touch any of them.
  6. JOEV

    JOEV F1 Rookie
    Silver Subscribed

    Aug 6, 2003
    Ontario, Canada
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    Go to the old board's archives and do searches on NATS (and variations on the name). You'll be glad you did :)
  7. Ira Schwartz

    Ira Schwartz Formula 3
    Silver Subscribed

    May 20, 2003
    Brooklandville, MD
    Full Name:
    Ira Schwartz
    Contact Tim Stanford in Ft. Lauderdale about a PPI- (954) 764-7824.
  8. racedecknc

    racedecknc Karting

    Nov 24, 2003
    Winston Salem
    Full Name:
    are they any relation to the Toy Store in Tampa/ Clearwater?

  9. Ferrari 1

    Ferrari 1 Karting

    Nov 3, 2003
    Fort Lauderdale
    Full Name:
    Benn Correale
    Shelton Ferrari is the factory store in Ft. Laud. They can do the PPI.
  10. Cavallino Motors

    Cavallino Motors F1 World Champ
    Lifetime Rossa

    May 31, 2001
    Florida or Argentina
    Full Name:
    Martin W.
    Got to know who you deal with!
    If you truely think about buying a the Toy Store have Tim or Shelton do the PPI. I would not trust them ONE BID!
    I would not send money to them and hope you receive what you paid for. I would not have them "hold" the car till your truck picks it up.

    As for FL dealers, well, that would imply that dealers like Shelton are hiding under the FL corporate umbrella. Same as my dealership. Not the correct thought niether a correct assumption.

    Why would a dealer send you the car and then hope to get paid? Please get real! You would not do that either. Dealers in FL are licensed, fingerprinted, trained and bonded. It costs me thousands of $$$ to keep my dealer license active in FL in all kinds of insurances.

    The bottom line is, deal only with those that you have been recommended to and those that have been in business for a while. Avoid those with BAD REPUTATIONS!

  11. Brian C. Stradale

    Brian C. Stradale F1 Rookie
    Lifetime Rossa

    Mar 17, 2002
    Dallas, TX, USA
    Because if you don't pay, then the dealer can call the cops, report the car stolen, and the consumer goes to jail, and you get back your car. Most aren't eager to go to jail.

    In contrast, if you give your money to a FL dealer, they can do nothing and keep your money. If the consumer calls the FL cops to report the crime, he will be told it is NOT a crime... file a lawsuit. If the consumer goes to the FBI in his own state to report the crime, he will be told "I'm all over it", and then a couple days later they'll call back and apologetically inform you that there's nothing they can do about it in FL... file a lawsuit. FL Attorney General will give the same answer... file a lawsuit... its not a crime, but maybe they broke your contract.

    Sooo, you spend the money, find a FL lawyer, and file a lawsuit, win the case... but you still can't get them to pay. And that's not a crime either. Dealer walks, money stashed wherever. Consumer is screwed... twice.

    Bond is only $25K... so, after a few Ferrari payments are stolen, each victim gets next to nothing... won't even pay the legal bills you had to incur to get to the point where you can even file to get the bond. And in reality, the system will take so long to sort it out, that its truly NOTHING.

    Unless you've known the dealer for a long time and trust them like a brother, I would NOT recommend sending a FL dealer any money at all until the car is delivered. Ignore at your own risk.
  12. TimF40

    TimF40 Formula 3

    Nov 3, 2003
    Seattle/Bay Area/NYC
    Full Name:
    Wow. Does anyone have any *good* experiences with the FL Car Toy Store?? They sure seem to have some tempting cars. I read someplace (on another thread?) that the Car Toy store has been in business for around 20 years or so. If true, how could they still be in business if they were that crooked?

    Anyway, point well taken. I've got a bunch of other states to pick cars from...
  13. battman

    battman Karting

    Dec 1, 2003
    Milwaukee, WI
    Full Name:
    Jeff Batt
    Many thanks to all who posted responses...

    I'm new to the forum and hopefully about to be a first time Ferrari owner...and I think - scratch that - I know this forum will make the experience MUCH better.

    Thanks again for this one - and in advance for all the questions that will come!

  14. sduke

    sduke Formula Junior

    Mar 10, 2003
    The Hub City, Texas
    Full Name:
    Steven D
    I hate to intrude on this thread but is NATS the exotic store on Highway 1 in Ft Lauderdale? I saw a dealership a few years ago that had several different showrooms at the same location. Seems like one was full of Ferraris and Lambos and one had Porsches. Is this the same store?

    I will be at the Orange Classic Soccer Showcase for 6 days from Christmas until New Years Eve, and I was hoping to visit as many exotic car dealerships as I can while I am in Ft. Lauderdale.

    Also, any recommendations welcome.
  15. racerdj

    racerdj F1 Veteran

    Jan 19, 2003
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    When I was looking for a 360 they did not give me the time of day. 2 years ago however.

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