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Discussion in 'LamborghiniChat.com' started by SFchallenge, Oct 30, 2010.

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  1. qvpower

    qvpower Formula Junior

    Apr 18, 2004
    It would be safe to say that acceleration for the new car would be faster than the sv simply because 7 speed with faster shifts. Adding one more speed allows for gear size to be ideal for acceleration while still allowing for a high overall top speed. Plus, with faster shift speeds, time between acceleration again drops. What I would be concerned about is the styling aspect simply because looking at the latest Lambo products, many of the flowing lines do get interrupted due to all those sharp angles. Perhaps Lambo might be taking this sharp lines= aggressive looks design language a bit too far....
  2. dmii74

    dmii74 Karting

    Jan 1, 2004
    I'm hoping the new V12 looks nothing like the Sesto Elemento concept......
  3. qvpower

    qvpower Formula Junior

    Apr 18, 2004
    i have a feeling there will be alot of styling elements from the sesto to the new replacement....
  4. roytoy2003

    roytoy2003 F1 Veteran

    Jul 30, 2004
    Full Name:
    Roy L. Cats

    A "bit" faster is the key word...when was the last time you got excited because the car you traded in was a 0-to-60 car in 2.8 seconds to now get a 0-60 car in 2.7 seconds..?

    I dont even think regular watches have 1/100 of a time keeper to tell..

    IMO when it comes to 1/100th of seconds..it is time to consider the WHOLE picture of the machine you want to enjoy...after all..there will ALWAYS be a car 1/100th faster in the future..just becomes "printed" braging rights with 1/100th of seconds in play.
  5. anunakki

    anunakki Seven Time F1 World Champ
    Owner Rossa Subscribed

    Oct 8, 2005
    Las Vegas Nevada
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    So glad to hear you say that Roy. Its only the armchair racers who care about another 1/100 of a second. The people who buys these cars are doing so for the bigger picture not some imperceptible performance difference.
  6. Supercar Ace

    Supercar Ace Formula 3

    Aug 23, 2005
    Sunny So Cal - LA
    I hope the prices go up AFTER I get one :D Though that might be a ways away...

    Though an LP700-2 SV would be epic to see (You hear that Lamborghini engineers? Get to it!)
  7. qvpower

    qvpower Formula Junior

    Apr 18, 2004
    lol. I know what you mean. the only way to know for certain is when the car is tested. perhaps in gear acceleration might be different enough. who knows. I only know that at this point, the key is how good the car looks. Because if the design is not as good as a murcie, it wouldnt matter whether its faster or not.
  8. vaholtorf

    vaholtorf Formula 3

    Jul 7, 2006
    Full Name:
    Victor Holtorf
    What will be the name of the new car? Or will it just be a number? Before we had both name and number from Miura P400 all the way to Murcielago LP670-4 SV
  9. smglop

    smglop Formula Junior

    Sep 25, 2005
    #84 smglop, Nov 11, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 7, 2017
  10. TheMayor

    TheMayor Ten Time F1 World Champ
    Rossa Subscribed

    Feb 11, 2008
    Vegas baby
    It doesn't look in any way respective to the Countach to me -- but it is very exciting. I like it.
  11. roytoy2003

    roytoy2003 F1 Veteran

    Jul 30, 2004
    Full Name:
    Roy L. Cats

    The new name of the car starts with an "A"
  12. anunakki

    anunakki Seven Time F1 World Champ
    Owner Rossa Subscribed

    Oct 8, 2005
    Las Vegas Nevada
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    #87 anunakki, Nov 11, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2010
    There are lots of great car designers out there who can do stuff like that.. I mean lots of them

    The problem isnt a lack of good designers. Its the heads of the automakers approving something radical. They tend to play it safe, plus, they dont have much design skill themselves so they dont know great and innovative design when they see it.

    But yeah i know 15 year olds who can design better looking cars than what comes out of most of the automakers these days.

    Design is one of the reasons I love Lambo. I may not even like their designs that much (not a big fan of Gallardo or Reventon) but they do take chances and they blaze their own trails and for me that gets them big respect.

    On the flip side, Ferrari design is so generic these days I cant get excited about them. Certainly good looking cars but they are outdated within a few months. I still have to stare when a Murci goes driving by...its an outrageous car. When a 458 goes by I say 'oh cool a 458' and go back to what i was doing.
  13. smglop

    smglop Formula Junior

    Sep 25, 2005
    I wasn't speaking so much design as I was the sense of outrageousness. I agree with others here about car makers playing it safe. But then again I'm speaking like this without seeing the new car, so I'm jumping the gun.
  14. TheGasman

    TheGasman Karting

    Oct 16, 2007
    Ventura, CA
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  15. LamboAnticipation

    Nov 11, 2010
    Hi all, a new member here. Can't wait to see this beast. Going by your post roytoy. I've come across 3 names of famous bulls which may be the new name.

    Avioncito - which apparently means little aeroplane.

    Avispado – which killed it's Matador in gruesome and memorable fashion.

    Aborrecido - who took two horses and five picadores with him.
  16. Jetfire

    Jetfire Karting

    Oct 23, 2009
    Dallas San Diego
    Or how about all Murci 6 speed manuals go up!!
  17. fabone

    fabone Karting

    Mar 9, 2007
    Paris (F)
    Are you 100 % sure of this information ?
  18. Olivier NAMECHE

    Olivier NAMECHE F1 Veteran

    Aug 18, 2007
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    The new "beast" is gonna to be presented to a selection of customers this evening at factory...any Italian on the board ? I'm leaving Brussels to Sant'Agata sunday and I will see it monday, keep you inform of my "emocion"...
  19. roytoy2003

    roytoy2003 F1 Veteran

    Jul 30, 2004
    Full Name:
    Roy L. Cats

    more riddles here...soon you should all be able to figure it out..

    at branding time an aventador roped the calf. ......

    in association to put on a Spanish Bullfight for the Fourth of July. ...
  20. cmack

    cmack Karting

    Jan 8, 2009
    The car was shown this week to German customers in yellow matte.

    I for my part liked the car and was expecting it exactly as it was presented, it has many design element of the Reventon (front and rear ist 100 % Reventon) but I also saw some "family identification" with the Gallardo.

    Some customers in my group were very disappointed by the design, maybe because the matte yellow is a colour that may do the car no favour or maybe they expected something like the sesto elemento. In the produciton line there was one car half covered in black matte (in this colour You have a 100% Reventon copy) and white matte (seems Lambo is trying to make matte its corporate colour).
    By the reaction of our group these colours seem to be the better choice as they provoked some positive reaction.

    Inside the car is really a big step forward from any Lambo until now although I think a
    458 Italia is more innovative.
    The technical details have all been presented already here. The engine sound is great and impressive but remembered me somewhat more of a Gallardo than the outgoing Murcielago, but this is a personal impression. I for my part liked the sound.

    Conclusion for me:
    The design may provoke and Reventon buyers may think Lambo jokd with them by
    launching a car for less than half the price that is faster, more innovative. For the
    buyers of the LP 700-4 I think they will make a bargain as the only comparable cars are going to be the new Pagani and Enzo successor.
  21. LamboAnticipation

    Nov 11, 2010
    Lamborghini Aventador LP700-4. I like it.
  22. LamboAnticipation

    Nov 11, 2010

    The more and more I think about it, the more it actually sounds pretty crap. Doesn't sound to good to say. 'Invent a door?'
  23. qvpower

    qvpower Formula Junior

    Apr 18, 2004
    if it is going to have that crunched up front fender look of the reventon, Im going to be very disappointed....
  24. rush109

    rush109 F1 Veteran

    May 26, 2005
    Montreal, Quebec
    Full Name:
    Joshua McRae
    YES...it has a exquisite ring to it! :D
  25. tannermash

    tannermash Formula Junior

    Jun 16, 2010
    Full Name:
    Tanner Mashburn
    does anyone have a link to any photos?

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