BCR (Breakfast Club Rally) October Video - 308 GT4 Heavy! | FerrariChat

BCR (Breakfast Club Rally) October Video - 308 GT4 Heavy!

Discussion in '308/328' started by dyerhaus, Nov 1, 2022.

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  1. dyerhaus

    dyerhaus Formula Junior
    Owner Silver Subscribed

    Nov 4, 2012
    Santa Rosa, California
    Full Name:
    Christopher Dyer
    BCR just posted a video of the October Rally, it’s a short two-and-a-half minute video set to the song “Blue” by The Verve. You can watch it here:

    You can spot my car in a number of places, as early as just 35 seconds in, and there's also a silver 308 GT4 you'll see a few times as well.

    But the best part is a driving sequence that shows up at 2:03 and goes through 2:08. Two of us GT4s on the road! It's a fun video with some cool cars and some great GT4 action. :)
    ragtop1, sltillim, oelboxer and 2 others like this.
  2. dinogt4guy

    dinogt4guy F1 Rookie

    Oct 31, 2004
    Hewitt, Tx.
    Full Name:
    Kurtis Fordice

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