Brand new F-car for sale! | FerrariChat

Brand new F-car for sale!

Discussion in 'Ferrari Discussion (not model specific)' started by F360@20, Jan 21, 2004.

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  1. F360@20

    F360@20 Karting

    Nov 24, 2003
    San Diego
    Hey, just giving a little heads up.
    Got a phone call yesterday from F.O.S.D (really cool guys will call me up just to see how my weekends were. cracks me up)

    Any how it turns out someone who ordered a new 360 might pass on it. So he was calling me to see if I was intrested in it. I have no need for it.
    So if you think you might be intrested in a new 360 one might be up for sale.

    This is also a great way to get way to get in the door with them.
    (if you are not already)

    If you think you might be intrested PM me and I can call them up and get all the details for you and let them know I have a friend who is intrested in the car. It will not go on the showroom they will sell it long before to a past client.
  2. mike550

    mike550 Formula Junior

    Aug 20, 2003
    California - LA & SF
    Full Name:
    Mike G
    A few more details are in order - obviously if he asked if you were interested in it he must have already told you the details like: - Spider or Modena? Color? F1? He must have also told you the price if he ask if you were interested in it. So how about sharing the Ballpark price and the rest of the details with us? Or if you turned it down without even knowing the price (which would seem to be unwise - on the odd chance it was a spider at list) please call him back get the basics and post them.

    I take it this is San Diego? Also glad to hear that spending a couple hundred grand can get you in the door. :)
  3. amenasce

    amenasce Three Time F1 World Champ

    Oct 17, 2001
    Full Name:
    Joe Mansion
    Allan might be interested :D
  4. F360@20

    F360@20 Karting

    Nov 24, 2003
    San Diego
    I did not get the details because I was not intrested. He left me a message saying he had a car and to call me back if I was intrested and even if I was not. See we will call each other up just to talk about stuff not just about cars. So when I called him back I told him I had no intrest in the car and that was that.

    I would believe it was a coupe - but I will call for you guys.
    Also glad to hear that spending a couple hundred grand can get you in the door.

    I know haha. But you have to look at that as good thing, You as a client get the priority. For someone who is just starting could not walk into any F. dealership and ask for a brand new car. You have to start with the used and work your way up. Where when you have friends they call you about the stuff that will never see the inside of the showroom.
  5. rodsky

    rodsky Formula 3

    Mar 24, 2003
    Los Angeles
    No - his uncle would be interested :)
  6. mike550

    mike550 Formula Junior

    Aug 20, 2003
    California - LA & SF
    Full Name:
    Mike G
    Perhaps his uncle is Mako99? Just a thought. Expecting them both back from the 10 other boards that they troll any second now. Brace yourselves for the standard F-bashing lines - supra 550, 360s are ****, I have a lambo please pay attention, my uncle bought a 360 for $10,000, etc.

    (Rumor has it they are working the boards in shifts so as not to have any down time on the "I love lambo" dribble.)
  7. F360@20

    F360@20 Karting

    Nov 24, 2003
    San Diego
    I do not understand? Troll war? So there are people that all they do is bother us?

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