Cannot Find Older 308 Fuel Filter | FerrariChat

Cannot Find Older 308 Fuel Filter

Discussion in 'Technical Q&A' started by donaldh2o, Nov 17, 2003.

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  1. donaldh2o

    donaldh2o Karting

    Nov 10, 2003
    Irvine CA
    Full Name:

    Cannot find a fuel filter for a 1976 308. It's a paper filter that sits inside its removable cannister.

    Can't even find a part number: Searches at Fram, Wix, AC Delco, Teho, etc. bring up the filter (Wix 33279, e.g.) for the newer 308's, 1980 and beyond, but nothing for the older GTB, GTS and GT4.

    Could just convert over to the newer filter, but would need the mounting hardware for it and where would I find that?
  2. fazzaz1

    fazzaz1 Karting

    Nov 4, 2003
    Full Name:
    Sam Scott
    Call Webb at Ferrari South 601-969-5668. Just replaced the one on my 77 308.
  3. Peter

    Peter F1 Veteran

    Dec 21, 2000
    B.C., Canada
    You won't find it from any of them. None of them make a replacement.

    No need to convert to a modern filter, besides, that one you mention would be for the fuel-injected 308's, so yes, you'd need a whole pile of useless parts. Ferrari of UK sells the original one for your car (part# 95180050) for 6.50 UK Pounds (I know this price since its on my list of things-to-get from them!).
  4. Jerry Fisher

    Jerry Fisher Karting

    Nov 1, 2003
    Fispa Purolator LI 1584 Gasolex is the correct part number.
    I just put one in my 77GTB and have one left.
    Let ne know if you need a picture sent..if so e-mail me direct.

    Nov 10, 2003
    GT CAR PARTS in Arizona stocks them .TEL # 623-780-2200 .DAVE AND BILL are great over there and prices are very competitive . That is the only place that Ihave been buying everything for the last 5 years.
  6. miked

    miked Formula Junior

    Feb 7, 2001
    Cincinnati, Ohio
    Look at your filter housing to see which one you have, FISPA or FIAMM. The manufacture's name is cast into the top. Most cars have a FISPA unit using the LI-1584 (Baldwin PF834) element. If your car uses the FIAMM system then a Baldwin PF866 will work. I never found a catalog that mentioned the FIAMM system that my '77 GT4 has and it took a while to track down the correct element. Comparing the two, the FISPA is tall and skinny , the FIAMM is short and fat.
  7. miked

    miked Formula Junior

    Feb 7, 2001
    Cincinnati, Ohio
    My mistake on the diameter, they are both the same @ 65.1 mm.

    From the Baldwin catalog:


    O.D. : 2 9/16 (65.1)
    I.D. : 1/2 (12.7)
    Length : 4 3/16 (106.4)
    F.Gskt : G100, G242
    O.Gskt : G233-B
    Grommets : [2] Attached


    Descriptions : Microlite Suction Side Fuel Element
    Replaces : Alfa Romeo 105500460000

    O.D. : 2 9/16 (65.1)
    I.D. : 17/32 (13.5) & 11/16 (17.5)
    Length : 2 31/32 (75.4)
    A.Gskt : [2] Attached
    F.Gskt : G172
  8. donaldh2o

    donaldh2o Karting

    Nov 10, 2003
    Irvine CA
    Full Name:
    Thanx people.

    My car has the FIAAM filter, I guess to match the FIAAM horn.

    Ordered the cartridge today from GT Carparts in Phoenix for $15 plus shipping.

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