Carbed 308 question | FerrariChat

Carbed 308 question

Discussion in '308/328' started by fvracing, Mar 3, 2004.

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  1. fvracing

    fvracing Karting

    Nov 4, 2003
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    Has anyone successfully swapped the carbs out of a 308 and replaced them with a modern aftermarked fuel injection system?
  2. mk e

    mk e F1 World Champ

    Oct 31, 2003
    The twilight zone
    Full Name:
    The Butcher
    I don't recall reading that anyone has done that. It isn't any different than converting an FI car though, and that has been done. There are a couple threads running right now in the tech section about it. I did my QV (and added a blower). The cars with the CIS injection are very restricted on cam timing and air flow so there is good hp to be had with an EFI conversion, but that is not true on a carb engine. I guess the drivability would get a little better, but you'll be spending at least $2500 for parts to do it. I think the cheapest way would be to buy a 2vi intake and fit it with the EFI injectors. The anther chioce is weber replacement injector bodies, but I think you're looking at around $4k for those and then you still need the computer ($2k ish). I remember reading that someone fitted injector bodies form a jap sport bike with a custom intake and spent around $1000-$1500 if I recall (not including the computer).
  3. Dave

    Dave F1 Rookie

    Apr 15, 2001
    Little Rock
    Full Name:
    David Jones
    I have not, as I love the old...
    But others have.
    There are a couple of companies that make throttle bodies
    to replace the carbs on your 308,
    but it is a little more involved than just bolting on injectors.
    Do an internet search and you should find a few manufactures.
    Good Luck!
  4. BigTex

    BigTex Seven Time F1 World Champ
    Owner Rossa Subscribed

    Dec 6, 2002
    Houston, Texas
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    Caribou Engineering or something like that????

    I know I've seen a photo of a 3X8 with direct injection with stacks.
    It's been done.
  5. ArtS

    ArtS F1 World Champ
    Owner Silver Subscribed

    Nov 11, 2003
    Central NJ
    Direct Injection?!? Do you mean Multi Point Fuel Injection like on current car models? DI is a new type of fueling technology where the fuel is injected directly into the combustion chamber under high pressure, rather than the manifold. This is mostly done with Diesels but some new engines, especially smokeless 2-strokes, and I believe Formula-1 are starting to use it.

    Art S.
  6. BigTex

    BigTex Seven Time F1 World Champ
    Owner Rossa Subscribed

    Dec 6, 2002
    Houston, Texas
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    The set ups I've seen are more like throttle body injection, like the F1 engines where the nozzle blows right into the intake trumpets.
  7. 1975gt4don

    1975gt4don Formula Junior

    Nov 5, 2003
    Peoples Rep of CA
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    Smog Exempt
    Why on earth would you want to do something like that? Many hear on this chat have heard of the FI systems being replaced by webers, but not vice versa.

  8. bernardo66

    bernardo66 The Crazy Cat Man
    Lifetime Rossa Owner

    Dec 14, 2003
    Montreal Canada
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    My sentiment exactly!! Rather than embark in a futile exercise as such, why not opt for simply (and properly) maintaining your caburated car and keeping it in original condition. It's a lot easier come resale time and after all, aren't our F-cars part of our collective heritage? I always said that these cars should be left in exactly the same state as when they left the factory. Maybe I'm a purist...but I dont't think that it would be too appealing to put an air bag in a 66 Mustang.
    Dane likes this.
  9. Dave

    Dave F1 Rookie

    Apr 15, 2001
    Little Rock
    Full Name:
    David Jones
    "I always said that these cars should be left in exactly the same state as when they left the factory."

    Well then, you would hate my carb 308...
    adjustable racing shocks, poly bushings, tubi, 300lbs lighter than stock,
    and just to piss you off a little bit more, I undercoated the chassis to prevent rust... ;)
  10. Tennlee

    Tennlee Formula Junior

    Feb 10, 2002
    Great Smoky Mountains
    I'm not nostalgic to a fault... I've replaced my ignition in my 308, and it has aftermarket wheels/tires/radio, but I choose it for the carb sound over the other 308s. If I was going to change induction I think I'd get an 80+ car.
  11. fvracing

    fvracing Karting

    Nov 4, 2003
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    Thanks for all the interesting feedback guys. I don't really want to change out the original carbs in our 308 but the subject has come up only after several qualified mechanics have tried to tune the carbs. You don't want to know how much cash we've invested in trying to hold on to the original carbs. They've also been completely rebuilt. I just want to be able to drive around without the engine sputtering all over the place.

    This year I plan on installing an o2 sensor and will try to tune the carbs using this method. I own other carbed cars and the 308 is by far the most troublesome for carb settings. I might also try using the original air cleaner as we have used KN filters to date. I will keep trying.

  12. BigTex

    BigTex Seven Time F1 World Champ
    Owner Rossa Subscribed

    Dec 6, 2002
    Houston, Texas
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    You need to find another guy!

    My carbs have seen heavy work and they are a little worn, but my car SCREAMS!!!!

    Ship it to Pinnacle Motorsports Houston Texas and when it's done I'll drive it home to ya.

    When they are right, they are the best!!!!

    I've also rebuilt my distributors, they can cause your symptoms if not functioning properly. HTH
  13. BigTex

    BigTex Seven Time F1 World Champ
    Owner Rossa Subscribed

    Dec 6, 2002
    Houston, Texas
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    And put the air cleaner back on. It provides some ram air effect, at speed, that the K&Ns do not.

    I like that blue, let me know if you want to sell it! ;)
  14. Sean F.

    Sean F. F1 Rookie

    Feb 4, 2003
    Full Name:
    Sean F

    When something works 1000 times for others, but does not work for you, then you need to step back and see what the real problem is.

    Your carbs were either rebuilt poorly, or the guy who is trying to tune them doesn't really know what he is doing. Several on this site have done their own, and while it was a lot of work (mostly from learning) they've all gotten them to run well. The problem is not that 308 carbs cannot be tuned, it's that something is wrong with YOUR carbs (or the tuner).

    See this thread for a lot of info on 308 carbs.

    An O2 sensor is nice, but what will it really do? You need to hook up the emmisions tubes to an analizer if you really want to see what is going on. Check out the tech articles "Tuning the Boxer - A novice Prespective" on the "other" ferrari site if you want a good explanation on tuning a carb'd car (most if it applies to the 308 series).

    Also, I looked into the FI for a carb'd 308 just for a fun exercise and the cost is close to $2K by the time you buy a system (which someone does in fact make for a 308) a controller (lots of $$) and then get it set up. The FI may hold it's tune better, but getting it set in the first place is just as tough as setting up carbs, if not more so.

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