Carlo Durante | FerrariChat

Carlo Durante

Discussion in 'Northwest' started by ODurante, Nov 21, 2024.

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  1. ODurante

    ODurante Rookie

    Nov 21, 2024
    Hi there, my name is Odessa Durante, I am the late Carlo Durante's granddaughter. My Nono passed away in April of 2020 and was a legend in the Ferrari and Alfa world. When he died, unfortunately his children did not receive anything that was his. I have nothing to remember my nonno by except pictures.

    I was wondering if anyone may have any pictures of him or momentos from his shop that they'd be willing to part with. Even a license plate frame from his shop would be amazing. I'd be happy to pay a reasonable price for it. I'd love to be able to gift something to my dad for Christmas. Thank you so much

    f355spider and tritone like this.
  2. 330gt

    330gt Formula 3

    Nov 12, 2004
    Seattle, WA
    Full Name:
    Kerry Chesbro
    Here are a couple of pictures taken when I gave Carlo a special T-shirt from Patrick Otis's repair shop in the bay area. They were taken at Bruno's birthday party in August 2003. Image Unavailable, Please Login Image Unavailable, Please Login
    Regular Guy 01 likes this.
  3. flaviaman

    flaviaman Formula Junior

    Jul 26, 2005
    Vernonia, OR
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    Hello Odessa:

    I met your father in the early 1970's when he worked for Stephen Bayne and Pete Lovely at Grand Prix Motors, I continued to chat with him and enjoy his company until he retired. A wonderful, warm gentleman with a true passion and gift. Regrettably I have nothing to give you except to share these thoughts. He is missed. Gregg Rennord
    donv likes this.
  4. ODurante

    ODurante Rookie

    Nov 21, 2024
    Hi, thank you so much! I really appreciate this :)
  5. ODurante

    ODurante Rookie

    Nov 21, 2024
    hi! Thank you for the reply. It's always nice to hear from friends of my grandfather
  6. wiley355

    wiley355 Formula Junior
    Silver Subscribed

    Oct 10, 2010
    Vancouver, WA
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    Hi Odessa,
    I spent some quality time with Carlo in 2015 and 2016 at his shop and wrote articles about the experiences for the NWRFCA newsletter, Amici di Maranello. I have photos from those visits and will include a few here. Also, I understand that Mark Glenwood, who is also on FChat, may have bought a lot of what was in Carlo's shop so he may have some mementos that might interest you. Mark owns 7 Lakes Motorsports in Arlington. Carlo was a great guy, and I feel lucky to have known him. Best, Wiley Norwich
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    Ak Jim, f355spider, tritone and 3 others like this.
  7. JoeCab

    JoeCab Formula Junior
    Silver Subscribed

    May 27, 2014
    Full Name:
    Joe C

    I never met your father but talked with your uncle Lino weekly.

    They were quite the pair and beyond legendary!
  8. ODurante

    ODurante Rookie

    Nov 21, 2024
    Thank you for your kind words. My grandfather was quite amazing.
  9. Jdubbya

    Jdubbya The $10 Trillion Man
    Silver Subscribed

    Dec 28, 2003
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    Met and knew your Nonno Carlo back when I had him work on my 308. He was a great guy. He and your great uncle Lino made quite the pair. I'll see if I have some pictures on an old drive when I get a chance.

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