Certified Ferrari Techs | FerrariChat

Certified Ferrari Techs

Discussion in 'Northwest' started by NATHANJOHNSTON, Feb 15, 2024.

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    Feb 15, 2024
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    Nathan Johnston
    Hello, everyone! My question is for the certified tech's of this chat: I'm reaching out because there is an ever growing market for Ferrari's in the Boise Idaho (and surrounding) area; I have a few friends that have/currently own them, but this brings an issue with the Boise area: We have absolutely zero certified technicians to work on Ferrari. With this, I also know several more people that would love to own a Ferrari, but won't because they don't want to deal with the hassle of sending their cars to either Seattle or Salt Lake.

    I recently connected with someone who use to work on exotics including Ferrari's who claims to know a handful of people in both the Seattle and SOCAL areas.

    My question is, if I could get some investors together, and we get a shop started, would there be any interest for those of you who are certified to move up to Boise Idaho, if you had a job working on Ferrari's and potentially other exotic cars waiting for you? The demand alone for Audi/VW/Lamborghini, Aston Martin and others are enough that the two most reputable shops in our area are backed up 2 months or more for work. I myself wanted to get my Audi in for an airbag light diagnosis and it was 2-months out for them to be able to look at it.

    This is a very young dream, but having certified Ferrari techs in Boise would be a game changer. Interest generated between these threads and other mutual connections will impact whether or not this opportunity is pursued more seriously.
  2. EJW

    EJW Rookie

    Feb 22, 2024
    Eric Jones Motorsport in Eugene, OR has a stellar reputation. Certified and works on only Ferrari or Porsche.
  3. donv

    donv Two Time F1 World Champ
    Owner Rossa Subscribed

    Jan 5, 2002
    Portland, Oregon
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    Isn't there a guy in Spokane, or maybe Coer d'alene?
  4. AirKuhl

    AirKuhl Formula 3
    Silver Subscribed

    Nov 23, 2004
    Who da ho?
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    Yes, near Spokane. He's a certified Ferrari Master Technician and used to work for Ferrari directly as part of their Ferrari Challenge Race Team. People send him cars from as far away as Japan. Also one of the nicest and most honest guys I've met.

    He's not a sponsor here (not really a computer guy) so I don't know if I can post his contact info. PM me if you want it.
  5. donv

    donv Two Time F1 World Champ
    Owner Rossa Subscribed

    Jan 5, 2002
    Portland, Oregon
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    You can certainly post the name of his business. People do that all the time. Then we can google him if we need his contact info.

    Does he do old V-12 cars, or just modern stuff?
  6. AirKuhl

    AirKuhl Formula 3
    Silver Subscribed

    Nov 23, 2004
    Who da ho?
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    I've seen everything from a Dino, 330 GTS and 288 GTO to an SF90 in his shop.

    Geary Motors
    donv likes this.
  7. donv

    donv Two Time F1 World Champ
    Owner Rossa Subscribed

    Jan 5, 2002
    Portland, Oregon
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    Thanks. Yes, I've heard good things about him but have never used him personally.

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