convert video to flash (like googe/youtube) | FerrariChat

convert video to flash (like googe/youtube)

Discussion in 'Other Off Topic Forum' started by ashsimmonds, Jun 18, 2006.

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  1. ashsimmonds

    ashsimmonds F1 World Champ

    Feb 14, 2004
    adelaide, australia
    Full Name:
    Humble Narrator
    ok, i've managed to convert a vid to an FLV file using riva, however searching for anything beyond that is hopeless because google is spammed up with so much crap it's impossible to find the solution without spending 4 hours wading through geek-geek-geek or buy this ****!!!

    any ideas? anything simple out there that'll just turn an FLV (or original avi/mpg/wmv) to an SWF with basic play/pause/position controls?
  2. Rev.ATARI

    Rev.ATARI Formula Junior

    Sep 20, 2004
    Guam USA
    Full Name:
    Leland Jones
    Macromedia Flash is what you need
  3. DGS

    DGS Six Time F1 World Champ
    Rossa Subscribed

    May 27, 2003
    Full Name:
    avi2swf in SWFtools: can convert a video to a flash file with the video embedded.

    google uses a proprietary video format. Youtube uses the flash wrapper to hide the video source.

    This is an area where the technology and intellectual rights collide -- a major pile-up on the information superhighway. Everyone wants to create their own video "standard" -- so there aren't any standards at all.

    And everyone is trying to find a video standard that will protect intellectual property rights ... like all that copy protection stuff that went on at the beginning of the PC era.

    MS has gone predictably overboard with their pay-per-view WM9 gimmick (instead of pay to download once and watch many, you pay each time you open the file to watch -- with WM9 automagically registering another credit card payment over the internet). The "free info" hacker world wants free download and view.

    If we're going to find a happy medium (nudge nudge) in between, people are going to have to get off the extreme ends.
  4. ashsimmonds

    ashsimmonds F1 World Champ

    Feb 14, 2004
    adelaide, australia
    Full Name:
    Humble Narrator
  5. MikeZ_NJ

    MikeZ_NJ Formula 3

    Dec 10, 2002
    Southern NJ
    Full Name:
    Mike Z.
  6. ashsimmonds

    ashsimmonds F1 World Champ

    Feb 14, 2004
    adelaide, australia
    Full Name:
    Humble Narrator
    looks something like what i'm after, cheers.

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