Correct fasteners for Dino | FerrariChat

Correct fasteners for Dino

Discussion in '206/246' started by synchro, Jun 15, 2006.

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  1. synchro

    synchro F1 Veteran

    Feb 14, 2005
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    I was going to pm DM but thought others might find it interesting as I'm about to venture into this.

    DM, Which Newco fastener assortment(s) did you buy for the Dino?
    Do you have a black interior? (needs black assortment for trim)
    Did you find the quantity sufficient?

    Thank you

  2. dm_n_stuff

    dm_n_stuff Four Time F1 World Champ
    Lifetime Rossa Owner

    Just spotted this.

    I bought the philips assortment. I have a tan and black interior, so I got some of each kind. the door panel screws are stainless, but the vinyl trim screws are black.

    I ended up with 7973BZ and 7983 and some assorted trim washers.

    I have a ton left. the kit's enough to do probably four cars. It is nice to have the assortment around when working on the car.

    Although, I think some careful buying at could replicate most of the 7983 kit for about 30% of what they charge.

  3. abstamaria

    abstamaria F1 Rookie

    Feb 11, 2006
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    I note that NewCo's screw assortment are advertized as being metal screws? I assume they do not include the slot-head screws (not metal screws) that hold the armrests? If not, where does one source these? I am missing one screw.

    Also almosy all of the door panel screws appear to be slotted in my Dino.
  4. Vintage V12

    Vintage V12 Formula 3

    Aug 11, 2004
    Check out They have a web site and nice catalog. I have found it best to send a sample to them to match up. Ferrari is not one of their specialties but have found many items from them.

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