Wanted - Cromodora Astro III Side Mirror | FerrariChat

Wanted Cromodora Astro III Side Mirror

Discussion in 'Ferrari Parts & Collectibles' started by dyerhaus, Feb 20, 2022.

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  1. dyerhaus

    dyerhaus Formula Junior
    Owner Silver Subscribed

    Nov 4, 2012
    Santa Rosa, California
    Full Name:
    Christopher Dyer
    I'm looking for a passenger side mirror for my 1975 Dino 308 GT4. Cromodora Astro III, the markings on the mirror back also note "e2" and "334".

    I don't mind buying a pair, but I need at least the passenger side—complete with screws and the rubber seal.

    Photo attached of what I'm looking for. I'm located in San Jose, CA 95129 (for shipping purposes).

    If you have one or a set for sale, please let me know!!

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  2. absostone

    absostone F1 Veteran
    Silver Subscribed

    Jul 28, 2008
    Chris that is a newer maybe fiat mirror IIRC. The original early mirrors only have The markings on the underside. The E2 is a newer marking for country of origin I believe.
  3. dyerhaus

    dyerhaus Formula Junior
    Owner Silver Subscribed

    Nov 4, 2012
    Santa Rosa, California
    Full Name:
    Christopher Dyer
    The one on my car is the same as the one on that car (I just don't have a decent photo of mine). But, here's a few close-up shots of mine that show the markings. I've seen a number of 308 GT4s with these mirrors on them, which is what mine has as well. If they're not accurate, I'd love to see some documentation as to what is accurate. Any idea where I can find that?

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  4. absostone

    absostone F1 Veteran
    Silver Subscribed

    Jul 28, 2008
    iI doubt there is Documentation, they installed what they had available, at the dealer I believe. The early III mirrors had the stampings underneath. Search the threads
  5. dyerhaus

    dyerhaus Formula Junior
    Owner Silver Subscribed

    Nov 4, 2012
    Santa Rosa, California
    Full Name:
    Christopher Dyer
    #5 dyerhaus, Feb 20, 2022
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2022
    Ah, yes, I've seen those with stampings underneath as well. The parts manual for the car, sadly, isn't specific. It lists either Cromodora (40169708) or Vitaloni (60058500), but nothing more specific than that. It looks like this thread is probably what I'm after:


    I'm open to a set of whatever is correct for the car (preferably), or one that will at least match what I have.
  6. absostone

    absostone F1 Veteran
    Silver Subscribed

    Jul 28, 2008
    Very difficult to find. The under stamped ones. They do pop up occasionally. Wish I had 2 on my car but after 20 yrs if ownership I’m used to only having one. Btw always turn your head changing lanes. People love to sit on your wing taking pics or trying to figure out what type of car it is
    dyerhaus likes this.
  7. dyerhaus

    dyerhaus Formula Junior
    Owner Silver Subscribed

    Nov 4, 2012
    Santa Rosa, California
    Full Name:
    Christopher Dyer
    Ha, yes! I've noticed that.

    The big reason I want the passenger side mirror is for safety against myself! When I bought my car, my goal was always to get it painted back to its original green color. I just bought it in October, and everything with it was great other than it was red (nothing wrong with red, just not what I wanted). I planned on enjoying the red car for maybe three or four years and then paint it green.

    Unfortunately, due to the lack of a passenger side mirror, I couldn't see how close I was to my own 4Runner when pulling into my own driveway one night. So, I put a nasty scratch and some minor body damage on my rear passenger side fender.

    So, that instigated getting the car painted sooner rather than later.

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  8. absostone

    absostone F1 Veteran
    Silver Subscribed

    Jul 28, 2008
    Damn at least it’s not rotted under there
    dyerhaus likes this.
  9. dyerhaus

    dyerhaus Formula Junior
    Owner Silver Subscribed

    Nov 4, 2012
    Santa Rosa, California
    Full Name:
    Christopher Dyer
    Yes, and that should be the case for the entire car. It was sold new here in California and has never left the state. It also sat in storage for 25 years, which kept it out of the elements. There shouldn't be a speck of rust anywhere on the car.
    absostone likes this.
  10. dyerhaus

    dyerhaus Formula Junior
    Owner Silver Subscribed

    Nov 4, 2012
    Santa Rosa, California
    Full Name:
    Christopher Dyer

    I found the correct mirror for my car, all is now well with the universe.
  11. Pukluks

    Pukluks Rookie

    Feb 2, 2022
    Full Name:
    Peter iliadis
    Where did you find one from.
    I’m looking for the same mirror.
    Right side
    Any info??
    dyerhaus likes this.
  12. dyerhaus

    dyerhaus Formula Junior
    Owner Silver Subscribed

    Nov 4, 2012
    Santa Rosa, California
    Full Name:
    Christopher Dyer
    No real tips or tricks, I just scoured the internet using every imaginable search term I could think of relating to the mirror. I checked every link Google threw at me and eventually landed on a Polish website that appeared to be something like an eBay or Etsy thing (I forgot the the name, it was three letters and started with an "O"). Anyway, someone had one on there for sale. It was a bit cumbersome making initial contact as I can't read Polish so I had to use Google Translate to make sure I was clicking all the right stuff. Ultimately ended up creating an account on the site and then contacting the seller. He still had it, I bought it, and he sent it. Took about four weeks in total, and the total price with shipping was under $120.

    I've heard it's a lot easier to find these things if you live in Europe, apparently there's plenty of swap meets/flea market type things that always have them. But living in the US, these are pretty impossible to find.
  13. lagunacc

    lagunacc F1 Rookie
    Rossa Subscribed

    Aug 24, 2013
    probably OLX
    dyerhaus likes this.
  14. dyerhaus

    dyerhaus Formula Junior
    Owner Silver Subscribed

    Nov 4, 2012
    Santa Rosa, California
    Full Name:
    Christopher Dyer
    Yes - OLX, that was it. That's where I found the needle in the haystack.
  15. lagunacc

    lagunacc F1 Rookie
    Rossa Subscribed

    Aug 24, 2013
    Yep, it's an online marketplace in numerous countries.
  16. oelboxer

    oelboxer Karting
    Silver Subscribed

    Apr 4, 2018
    Full Name:
    Matt Wright
    That's my original wanted thread. I experienced the same frustrating search for my passenger side mirror. I found that there was a mirror available that I saw in a couple of locations that had the right mirror but the wrong base. I bought one as soon as I saw it, as it was a correct Astro III. About a month later, I found someone who had a base but it was a painted base rather than chrome, so I bought it and sent it out to be plated. Unfortunately, my mirror ended up costing more like $500 than $120, but I was still very happy to finally have it! - Matt
    dyerhaus, ScottS and absostone like this.

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